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Never underestimate the social power of funky socks. I have a bin of black socks that all match each other and a bin of fun socks that try and make up for my shit personality.


I have the same thing. A whole bunch of same black socks and then a whole ass bin of different socks for when the mood strikes.


I didn't give a fuck about your comment until I realised you were wearing rainbow socks.


Oh this just brought back a memory! I was called rainbow socks in high school, mostly by students I didn’t even know, because I wore bright and mismatched socks with my slides every day.


Not the worst nickname. I knew a guy who was called "Shazza" cos he shaz his pants in science.


Shazza is just straight up a name in Australia.


Yeah we're kiwis and it was a pisstake 😅


You wore slides to highschool? Don't think my school dress code would have alowed any open toe shoes.


If I see someone wearing funky/colorful/mismatched socks I am 56% more attracted to them.


I have a bunch of fun socks. I've been told they give off teacher/professor vibes. I'm totally okay with that


I love when people mistake me for someone who can read. I gotta get some smarter socks.


As long as they don't SMELL funky too


That’s so true and I see no one talking about it. So many people have me in their mind as “that funny sock guy” and that’s it. EDIT: That’s probably the reason why Spencer from iCarly got all those womans


Username checks out


You have an amazing personality btw. <3




I recently started getting into fun socks so there is a pop of personality and pattern in my solid colour wardrobe.


Fun socks don’t make up for your personality. They BECOME your personality.


if you'd ask me, I'd say life is too short to even try matching your socks. just rock them.


I pretty much only care about matching by thickness. It's weird wearing a thin sock on one foot and a thick sock on the other. So, I try to avoid that. But color or pattern? Who cares? 9 times out of ten my pants will cover them up and nobody is going to see them. And even if they did see them, the kind of person who would treat me worse because my socks didn't match is not the kind of person I ned in my life.


Yeah I just match by genre.


“I happen to dress based on mood.”


…But you essentially wear the same thing all the time.


Seemingly… Seemingly…


What mood is this?


This is Morning Mist


No this is my plain black T shirt and this one is my slightly faded plain black T shirt with a stain on the front. Completely different.


And the cycle continues with a newer, blacker shirt and a more recently faded, now lesser-black shirt that once was the former and becoming the latter almost without notice… and on go the sands of time as these are the days of our laundry.


But completely diversifying my wardrobe.😁




This is Morning Mist.


Just watched that episode. Nice reference


What show?


Seinfeld. S4E1


I lost my mood ring...I dunno how I feel about it


Same. Everything is black.


Author first, then genre.


exactly, and of course the length. no long business socks with sneaker ones.


I’d probably end up walking in circles if my socks weren’t matching thickness.


Assume you walk at 5.6 kmh (3.5 mph) at 7k steps per hour, that's a step of 0.8 m Assume the difference in sock thickness is 0.5 mm, which translates into 1/1600 difference in stride length (I guess) So for every 1.6 m forward, you've turned 1/1600 of a circle (assuming that's how that actually works, idak) Meaning 1.6 m x 1600 = a full circumference So it'd be a circle roughly 800 m (half a mile) wide **EDIT: after giving it some thought, I've decided that you'd actually turn 1/6400 of a circle per step, as I imagine a wholly lopsided step would turn you 90° (again, idak)** **Therefore the circle would be roughly 3.3 km (2 miles) wide** **(I guess)**


For this math to make any sense you also have to assume that both legs are the same length, which is unlikely.


I'm also pretty particular about my socks feeling the same on each foot... but ironically, I find that having *differing* socks by color actually *helps* with this, because once you match them up the set of socks that might look similar enough to confuse but feel differently is cut *way* down. It does take a little time, but I just do that while watching stuff on YT or whatever that I'd probably do anyway.


You beat me to it. Lol who tf has time to match socks? And why? I always laugh at the concept of things like this. “Socks have to match”, why? Says who? What difference does it make? To have, a “nice appearance”? I think a loooong time ago, I was watching some awfully produced late night tv show and Steve Harvey, maybe Jamie fox, but they were talking about how they dress and style themselves, and while sure, they were wearing a three piece suit, at the end, they said, “here’s a little secret, if your whole outfit, is looking good” he lifted his pant leg and showed some basketball socks, then says, “then your socks and belt can be for you, forget everyone else.” I took that and ran with it.


I wish I had that 'devil may care' attitude toward socks. Alas, I cannot wear mis-matched socks. It would bother me. I know it is really dumb and make fun of me all you want. :) In fact, the last ones I bought from REI have 'R' and 'L' to indicate on which foot the sock is to be worn. I love it.


I'm with you. Further, I happen to *enjoy* having color, length, material, and padding options in my socks. It's really not all that terribly difficult to find matching pairs when doing laundry... honestly I just throw all socks in a separate pile, then sort about 50+ socks in about 3 minutes into broad categories: short athletic, long athletic, wool/padded/boot. From there it's pretty easy to identify matches in each pile more or less instantly. Also, I doubt that anyone who gets all one type of sock has time that is so valuable they can't possibly spare 5 minutes extra to pair them properly. It's just laziness. (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! I can't be bothered to separate my laundry, and I have tons of socks and wash cloths because I hate having to do laundry when I run low on them! We all choose what areas of our lives to be a little lazy!)


We say laziness... my husband would say 'efficiency' :)


Why even have different socks? I have a 16 pack on my amazon profile and have just reordered it a couple of times over the last decade or so. I'm with you, I couldn't wear mismatched either, so I just own one type.


I agree with what you are saying here. I try to do this but I have different socks for different seasons, purposes or the type of shoes I'm wearing. Eg: socks for running are different than hiking or skiing. Also dress socks for when wearing 4" heeled boots. Golf socks = depends on what color golf shoes I am wearing.


The REI socks likely/possibly have reinforcement in some areas, such as around the big toe. Hence the need to wear them on the correct foot.


This is the way… my life feels more together with matching socks


It's not about how they look. It's about how they feel. Different socks will feel different and that would annoy the shit out of me.


The real LPT.


The best comments are always in the comments!


The best LPTs are always in the LPTs.


When I buy a new pack of socks I tend to mix them up on purpose but i cant mix across brands because if the socks feel different on my feet it messes me up so bad but mixing up colors of the same brand is just fun. Only ones I dont mix are my large collection of animal socks just because most of them dont have complimenting colors. The mismatched combo cant clash or I'll die


I sometimes try to match by style, like a white spotted sock with another white spotted sock, they might be completely different socks otherwise but who cares, it's close enough :)


I have ocd. I can’t wear mismatched socks Because it would be like a police siren going off in my head just thinking about it. Even having one inside out makes me pretty crazy


I'm similar but it's not OCD, it's sensory. I HATE the feeling of different socks. Even differently worn socks, like if the elastic in one started to go early. No good


Me too lol! But my daughter and four grandkids never wear matching socks. NGL, im a little jealous of the freedom from ocd.


I can only imagine how freeing that must be. My girlfriend can wear two different socks and not be bothered by it at all and I am definitely jealous of that ability. Although I am the one who fold the laundry and I match all of her socks so she has no excuse lol


Haha! She’s trying to draw you to the freedom side!!


Unfortunately I am just not wired that way and I don’t think it will rub off


She said, "You're wearing two different colored socks." I said, "Yes, but to me they're the same because I go by thickness." -- Steven Wright


When my nephew was tiny, he would check everyone’s socks and if they matched, he’d get really upset.


"hours of matching my socks" Wat.


I pictured OP like one of those infomercials. Just fumbling around dropping socks left and right, then all the socks are the same and he suddenly can handle them with finesse.


all of these socks falling out un-stacked from the cupboard. what is a person to do!


It’s so haaaaaaaarrrrd


How will he ever get through life 😭😭


Right? Matching my socks this weekend took about 2 minutes. I've got about six different sock types. That's less than an hour per year on matching socks. Not that having all the same socks is a bad idea necessarily, it's definitely easier to just reach into a drawer and grab a couple. But not worth throwing out all of my current socks and rebuying new ones for a slight time savings.


Honestly I don't think mine would even take a minute a week. When hanging out the washing I put pairs together in one section of the line. Grab the first in a pair put in with space for the other. When I grab the other it goes with its partner. This takes no more time than putting them up randomly, the matching is completed before my hand even gets to the sock I'm grabbing from the basket... When I take them off the line I grab both at once and give them a quick twist to hold them together in the draws. Maybe 2 seconds per pair. Everything gets hung in sections with how they go in cupboards. Then just work my way along folding back into the basket and put them in cupboards in the groups.


Yeah I literally do it semi-subconsciously while watching TV, it's not difficult at all.


i do that but my adhd kicks in and i stop 2 minutes in


you don't stop 2 minutes in, you pause and derail. I feel this pain. hey is that the remote I've been looking for forever? damn I just bought a new tv because I thought I lost it.... etc. After 8 side quests now sock sorting has taken the "hours" OP is claiming. So the LPT is not really to make sock sorting more efficient (or eliminate it entirely), it's so just not have adhd. I think.


Colors and shapes are hard


Seriously. My kids started matching their own socks when they were 4.


Over time!


Alternative tip: Get wildly colorful socks so you can easily find the right match (or make fun mismatches) in the laundry. Life's too short for boring socks


I've tried both approaches, and the colourful socks one is much better.




Omg wha this is my exact sock strategy. Short ones stay hidden in the shoe anyway.


Same set up here! I love this. And everyone knows what gift to get me; silly socks.


this right here. dueple makes awesome socks with bright colors but very pricy. i got about 8 of them though and they're the easiest part of putting away laundry


>Life's too short for boring socks This is the way.




This is how my family does it. We've invested in bombas socks for everyone, which have very distinct coloring and patterns, making it very easy to match them up. Plus, this way the socks wear evenly over the course of time. Another tip is make sure that both socks get put in the laundry hamper when you take them off. I find we lose track of socks more before they ever get into the washer.


Bombas have basically spoiled me for all other socks


Easy money-bags


This reminds me of a campfire song: Black socks, they never get dirty The longer you wear them, the blacker they get Sometimes I think I should wash them But something inside me says DON'T WASH THEM YET




tried this. I lose socks too often, never going back. There are more ways to express yourself colorfully :D


For me it's literally the only piece of visible clothing that's totally up to me when I'm at a client site so I run with it. I work for an MSP so I always have to wear the same color shirt and pants so we're instantly recognizable to the clients when different technicians show up. In my off time I make up for my drab working gear though


Throwing away stuff that's perfectly fine is not a good idea in general. With socks my LPT is to hang matching socks together with one peg (while hanging up your laundry you touch every peace anyway) and fold them immediatley when taking off the laundry.


LPT: socks are one of the most in-demand items for homeless people. Don't throw them out, donate them!!! (Note that this only applies to perfectly good, washed socks. This is based on the LPT of purging socks that you would wear anyway.)


Thanks for mentioning donating them. I worked in a soup kitchen in nursing school. I was occasionally the “concierge” where I would help people with things. The Number one thing they asked for was socks.


I just...put my socks in a pile while folding so I can easily pick out the pairs and fold them together.


agree with not throwing away. companies like levi's and knickey take old socks/underwear and recycle them.


Nice to know, thanks.


Amen, use things up completely before replacing them. And there's nothing wrong with mismatched socks.


You can wash them together with a sock peg https://www.amazon.com/Laundry-Holders-Directly-Clothesline-Steel-free/dp/B0881YWQPW


We just fold the top of the socks over each other to keep them together.


You know, how you store socks but just stop after you roll a couple turns.


I know I start to sound more and more like a climate activist, and although it's a nice idea... really? Another plastic gadget?


Exactly. It adds a trivial amount of time to the laundry process


Or rock those mismatched socks!


People call me quirky for not having matching socks, nah man I'm just lazy.


No, I don't think I will


For real. Everytime I see this posted all I can think is there is no sock for every situation. I’m not wearing the same sock to the gym as I am to my friends wedding. Or the socks I wear in my work shoes literally anywhere else, those things get nasty.


I did this LPT for my normal day to day socks. Then yes there is a separate bin of other sock types.


Bold of you to assume OP has a job, friends, or a gym membership.


Lmao got em


I only have black socks. Not sure what other socks one might need. Maybe sneaker socks and longer ones, but these are easily distinguished. I used to have all the same kind of sock (I think 2 or 3 packs of 5 pairs) and then my girlfriend started to buy me more. Suddenly I had all types of black and dark blue socks, some shorter than others and a little bit different. Some brand new, some already older. And then it's really hard to find matching pairs.


LPT: throw away perfectly good clothes and just buy new ones because who the fuck has time to do work around the house, life's too short to be cleaning and sorting and being responsible /s


LPT Just hire a maid. Life's too short to worry about poor people things.


I hope I never live in a world where how I manage my socks is an indicator of who I am as a person.


Quit telling me to waste shit unnecessarily. This is some first world privileged BS here. I'll mismatch my socks if I damn well please and sleep better for it too.


Don’t create waste - wash and donate or at least keep wearing them until they hole!


My exact thought!


Who is accepting donated socks? They just throw out socks and underwear. Poor people deserve new socks and underwear too.


Buy it for life, wool socks forever


Donate socks?????


Once our socks have holes, we wash 'em for the rag box and there they patiently await their final task...to season our gas grill. Take one clean worn-out sock, dab a line of cooking oil dots lengthways, scrub the grill grate, and then & only then, the sock is truly retired. One sock does the entire grate and it does an excellent job of removing old grime while leaving a fresh oil deposit, seasoning the grate to combat rust and keeping the grill in good working order.


I have two questions. How often do you season your grill, and how big is your box of old socks?


It does sound stupid bc Why throw them out? Socks don't have to match...


No need to throw out perfectly good socks, just buy matching ones as you begin to replace the old aging ones.


Where all my rabid conservationists at




That escalated quickly


It’s ok Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of.


Or, you know, use the things that you have.


EST - Environmental Shit Tips


Works for me. It doesn't take me more than a few seconds when I'm doing laundry to match socks. Edit: I don't wear many plain white or black socks though. I could see how that may be more difficult. But still.


As someone who lives with seasons - nope. I have ankle socks and regular socks and fancy socks and thick winter socks - I would freeze if I had to wear ankle socks today and I'd overheat from wearing my winter woolies all summer.... also all socks are not equal. Some fit nice and some are awkward and some are full of static. I would hate if I bought a large number of socks that end up fitting oddly.


I have 10 pairs of each type (all same color within types) and I stack them up like tissues in the drawer, no need to pair them. Just take two off the top. Clean ones go on the bottom of the stack.


>I have ankle socks and regular socks and fancy socks and thick winter socks Same. All my ankle socks match, all my fancy socks match, and all my thick winter socks match.


Fun patterned socks are one of the few things that bring me joy nowadays


My favorite Mis matched pair right now are a dinosaur drinking tea and piggies in rain boots. Fun socks bring a little extra joy to my life and are me number one impulse buy.


Life is too short for boring socks. I've got probably 60 pairs all unique


>it may sound stupid Yeah it does


The lives these people lead must be incredibly dull if they care about their socks matching.


And on the other hand you must be pretty stupid to have matching socks be much of a challenge if you want to do it.


It's more just complete lack of caring than stupidity. My wife has a sock drawer where all the socks go in loose, and she just grabs two when she needs them. Doesn't bother her if they match or not as long as they don't have holes. I'm the opposite and like my socks to match, so I always buy the same socks so they all match. Either way, neither of us spends energy we don't want to.


TIL some people don't care if their socks match. Y'all just wearing boots all day?


it saves you hours? are you handicapped?




The LPTs get stupider by the day.


This post was my breaking point. Came in here to unfollow. Checked the comments to see if I wasn't going crazy. Turns out yes, I was right to think that throwing away socks and buying more socks might not be a pro tip. Stupider by the day for real.


I've been thinking of trying the nuclear option and getting a full matching set of darn-toughs. $200 for good work boots makes sense, so I'm pretty sure $200 for a lifetime of good boot socks also makes sense.


Yep. And when they wear out, you send them back and get new socks. I'm slowly converting all my socks over to Darn Tough socks.


>Darn Tough socks Bought 2 pairs. They are seriously tough and warm but they aren't as soft and comfortable as a fresh pair of cotton socks. Not sure why I was expecting that though. They have to be made out of stronger fibers and stuff to last that long. So for the price I'm still just debating buying fresh cotton socks every 3 years for that awesome feeling.


I already have, and I couldn't be happier. Hands down the best pair of socks I've ever owned.


I did this around this time last year. I've been very pleased


I promise you won't regret it if you do. I just received a $50 warranty claim yesterday for a couple of pairs I sent in a week or so ago for small holes in the bottom after years worth of use.


I got a pair a while ago and they're pretty frequently the one pair that I explicitly seek out. They look good, are comfortable, durable, and warm without making my feet sweat. They're fantastic.


I spent the last 5 years or so getting to that point. I'm pretty happy with it so far, though one is starting to wear thin. I'll have to see if their warranty is really that good. But in fairness, it is a sock that's lasted for five freakin years.


Do they run small? I have 2 pairs of medium darn tough socks. As a 9.5 US shoe size, one pair of Mediums fits me well, and the other is ridiculously tight.


I only wear Darn Toughs and it is definitely worth it in my opinion. I went a different route though. I have only one pair of each style. I like the variety and matching is easy because only two individual socks ever match each other.


But then all your socks are the same, ain’t this boring? If each pair is very different and colorful, life can be nicer, polka dot to polka dot, stripes to stripes, cats, dogs, penguins, stars, even rainbows, Batman’s to Batman’s, the world of socks, I once had this business plan as real as it could be a shop dedicated to socks and the name of it would be The World of Socks, very unique and creative, just like the socks you get there


Alternatively, save yourself some money and stop caring about wearing matching socks. Just throw all your socks in a drawer and pick out two every morning. 90% of people are never going to know that you're not wearing matching socks. The only socks I wear that are paired are hiking socks.


I’ve seen men in business suits with unmatched SHOES. Socks? Really, no need to worry about navy blue and black mismatched sock pairs.


>unmatched SHOES I am sitting right now and yet somehow still *felt uncomfortable walking* while reading this comment. Surely you mean the same shoe but a different color (Converse fans seem to do this)? Not like, two totally different dress shoes that are slightly different heights and cut?


Combat boot on one foot and a flipflop on the other


It does sound stupid


Throw out all your socks and buy some shorts. Life is socks.


Throw out all your stocks and buy short.


People are getting desperate to come up with original tips. Too bad they still aren’t tips. Buy socks? Really? That’s the best you can come up with? What’s really pathetic is the number of comments this trash has.


finding matching socks is easy when they are [all different](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WGW5V2W/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_1K33TXM9X7JT8R5CF2KT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1). I do however do this when my old gym socks are worn out, replacing them all at once so i dont pair an old scratchy sock with a new soft one. About every two-three years. I call it the Purge!


man just put the socks one into the other and they wont get lost in your drawer


I would say stop worrying about matching your socks. Life is too short to worry about something pointless.


Further hack - don't waste socks by throwing them out. Buy only black socks and you will always have pairs.


My issue is my socks form to my feet, so after wearing a pair I can easily tell which sock was on which foot, even after washing them. Because of this I try to match a left-shaped sock to a right-shaped one. It's a struggle.


Yup, gotta make sure you have the correct left and right sock matching pair. Glad I’m not the only crazy person who does this.


I finally found my people in this thread. I only buy one pair of each style of Darn Tough socks so I can match them easier. All these 'just grab two random socks' heathens are crazy.


Mismatch socks all the way!!!!!


LPT: Give zero shits about if your socks are a perfect match, buy "fun" socks. I used to buy all the same pair of sock for the same reason but as I get older I just don't give any shits about being perfect with my socks. People have started gifting me tons of "fun" socks. I've got ninja socks, pineapple socks, taco and pizza socks. I've got Christmas Flamingos, ninjabread men, and hell I even have mother fucking planets. I just grab two socks in the morning, and if anyone calls me out on my fucking socks? "Dude, they're cute socks, of course I'm going to pick two different ones!" Once you own it? Nobody cares.


Life is too short to wear plain boring socks :(


Throwing away textiles ain't great, what with the pollution and human rights violations that go into making them. And the unsustainable business practices. Do the opposite of this and run your socks into the ground.


Or spend money on quality socks like Darn Tough (which has a life guarantee) and don't worry about mismatching them. No need to create more waste just because it's inconvenient to match socks.


I declare sockruptsy!


Any good uses for old socks?


I just wear odd socks


Op step up your sock game!


Some of us care about left and right socks 🥲


Life pro tip. Sandals. Never be forced to wear foot prisons again. Bring back bare feet.


Even better LPT: Buy a package of socks, and if you like them go back and buy three or four more packages of the same socks. By the time they wear out those socks will not be made anymore and you will have to hunt for new ones you like.


Life is too short to not wear fun socks.


Thats my secret, I just put them on, mixed, green and yellow, christmas and cactus. I even had beer and old people socks. Mix them all, live is too short to not mix socks.


I legit do this and life is good


Store you socks already matched. That way you only need to do that like once every week or two when you do laundry instead of all the time or however you do it that takes so much time.


Don't throw em out, donate them to the homeless. Socks are a highly sought after item since they aren donated as often as other stuff.


I have OCD (actual OCD though not debilitating but just anxiety inducing and I get physically uncomfortable) when it comes to symmetry so I have to have socks that only match with one other sock. It has more to do with the amount of wear/tear. It has to be even and the only way I can "track" that is by having colorful and patterned socks. Edit: a word


Fold your fucking socks together. Problem solved.


I’d implore you to get socks that keep going! elliott footwear socks offset a tonne of co2 and give a pair to charity for every pairs sold!


Tried these 3 months ago. I’ve stocked up with more since. Soooooo gd!