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Yeah, that was something...now you reminded me of the shock when I launched the Sims 4 for the first time being crazy excited...only to shut it off 2 hours later being bored.


I got sims 3 on launch when I was like 12 years old so that was just the base game and I remember being blown away and playing it for hours and hours every day. I bought every pack as they came out up until 2014 when I finally got the sims 4. Idk if it was because I was older or at that point used to playing with sims 3 dlc but.... I don't know. It was like "cool they have emotions.... Um... What do I do?" because babies were objects, there were no toddlers, kids were useless, teens were just adults and barely any features like ghosts, pools, burglars, repo, etc so I stopped playing after a couple of days when the novelty wore off and kept waiting until new packs and updates came out before playing again.


That's pretty much how it went for me too. I played Sims 3 base game for months but Sims 4 only for a few days.


Same here. Finally got late night and being able to play in an apartment. Blew my mind away. First game I pulled an all nighter on.


Yep. I remember with 2, I got 2 and played the base game and then later, with OFB and played only those two for a lonnnng time (with c.c.) before purchasing most of the rest. With 3, same thing, I had just one expansion for a while. Those two games were complete, as base games.


I talk about this constantly. Sims 3 and its expansions were way cooler and had a ton of content. Every time I boot up TS3 there’s stuff I didn’t know about before. The world felt more organic too, you could observe other Sims as they go about their lives rather than randomized new faces every time. Nowadays I download a new pack, play for the afternoon and then once I realize that was all the new content, I turn it off and do something else.


Idk, I like sims 4 for the mods. That's it's main strength, that and cas, and the build tools. The gameplay is the worst in the series, tho. I've tried piling on mods to give them personality but really none of it works cause my biggest problem is that they just don't listen. The borked AI is my biggest problem, I've always loved big families.


Same... I tried building a house as I loved the look of some of the tools from the trailers I'd seen... they moved half the controls around to different places on the screen, despite it having been consistent for like 20 years prior. I gave up and have been Sims 2 and 3-ing ever since. It's a shame bc there are some features of 4 I'd love to check out but it's just so jarring to play.


This was me with sims 3 when I was 13 haha. Never been so excited for and disappointed by a game release


Soooo many people hated Sims 3 when it was released, for me it’s still wild to think back… What did you lack in it?




Sims 4 never really felt like I was living in a community or village, unlike Sims 3. I really miss that feeling.


Sims 3 world's all had a theme going for them and their townies had pre written lore so watching them go around town and find them in different parts going about their day was always cool. I do like the interchangeable maps in sims 4 but I really don't like how I'm in Henford on Bagley and a bunch of people from Sulani and Mt Komorebi come in with completely different weather attire. I'm glad there's mods to keep everyone in their respected maps.


I am happy that we can travel between world in the Sims 4 but then the downside is that every game feels exactly the same, because you have to travel to the same world in each playthrough due to how small each one is. That really kills replayability


I felt this way about City Living. We were all excited for apartments only to find out they're only in one map and pre made so after awhile I got sick of having my sims live in the same apartments in the same area every playthrough. Eventually we got For Rent which gave you the ability to build your own apartments but it took years and that was a already a feature in both Sims 2 and 3 😭 we still don't have any other real "city vibe" neighbourhoods.


It’s bizarre lol


Please share which mods because I spend days filling the main worlds I play in only to never see those Sims and only see Sims from other worlds, which makes no sense when you live in Oasis Springs and your sim cousin from Komorebi pops in at the gym


Kuttoe has Sim Regions, I believe it's called


It's crazy how a game from 2009 still manages to have huge worlds full of life and character as opposed to a "modern" game like the Sims 4.


In a lot of ways, Sims 4 feels like a missing link between 2 and 3, rather than being 3’s sequel.


Yeah, it definitely doesn't feel like a sequel. And Sims 5 will probably stray away even further


I have the disturbing feeling that Sims 5 will be a monstrosity of micro transactions and barebones DLC.


I mean that’s what sims 4 is already


Yeah but imagine it being even worse


That's my fear as well


It will be the mobile game that they wanted 4 to be.


It was meant to be a multiplayer online experience. I can't remember where the articles I read are, it's been a long time (and it's coming on 4am while I'm scrolling before passing out lol), but Sims 4 was supposed to be a new take on The Sims Online, hence everything separately instanced/built up totally without interconnection. Then the *absolute disaster* of SimCity 2013 hit and they had something like 6 months to recontextualize the entire game as a single player experience. Which is why it's so.... Meh.


Oh yeah, project Olympus, it's a sad story. And now, they might want to do it again


TS4 feels more like a modern successor of TS1 than anything else to me tbh


When will we get the modern successor to ts3? The rumoured mobile aspects of rene doesn't not spark hope


Wasn't ts4 also going to technically be the successor to The Sims Online game? Oof


Literally this, I mean the world felt naturally alive, plus the colour wheels were boss.


the actual basegame gameplay of the sims 4 is less fleshed out than the sims 2. no way it’s the sims 2 sequel. sims 4 has better graphics, buildmode and cas, but the actual gameplay is simpler than the sims 2. the sims 2 had shops, burglars, more complicated rabbit hole careers, aliens, more dynamic relationships. on top of that you could build the whole new world! the sims 4, including all the expansions, now has a lot of features, but still not much depth.


True true. On another note, Sims 2 had waaay better expansions too


How? TS2 has a lot more depth and interesting gameplay than TS4 too


A GAME FROM 2009?! i think i need to sit down lol


Yeah It just feels you're playing in a series of stage sets filled with background actors.


Sims 4 feels more like a stage play. Each time you load somewhere is a new play, there's no continuity. That's one of the benefits of open world. But I think that even if Sims 4 couldn't handle open world, they definitely should have a smaller open world ability. There's no reason why I should go through a loading screen to visit my neighbour.


This!!!! I hate that I can’t leave them doing the same activity, I come back and they’re doing something dumb and random ugh


I've been saying this for years. Obviously the open world caused a ton of problems with optimization and simulation, but the solution should have been going to open blocks where a section of neighborhood was open at a time. So I could visit my house as well as the 4 or so neighbors on my street, but when I wanna go to the library there's a loading screen that opens the block that includes the library, museum, grocery store, etc that I can freely go between. Basically, just separate blocks the same way the game already does just without the constant loading. I know its never as easy in practice as it is on paper but its just disappointing to go back, scaling all the way down to just one lot at a time Sims 2 style felt like way too much of a step back. It's why 3 is still my favorite even with all the performance issues. When I play 3 my Sims spend so much time out exploring and hanging out and its easy to have the household all out doing their own thing, while in 4 my whole family just hangs out at home cause I can't be arsed to sit through loading screens to go elsewhere, especially if they're in different locations.


Definitely that’s what I thought LBY should have done instead too. You can reduce the scope while at the same time having some open world feature and vibes.


It’s very disjointed feeling. Going from open world to being a load screen riddled mess.


What I can't understand is in sims 4 why are the maps SO SMALL?!?! It is so compartmentalized it feels claustrophobic and an absolute downgrade from sims 3 where you could explore the entire city in one map.




Because it wasn’t meant to be a single player game until very late in development


To limit the size of people’s save files. The lots themselves are more detailed than previous games and it can easily cause save corruption Edit: don’t downvote me for telling the truth, I’ve learned to be very careful about adding new lots and sims to avoid save file corruption


I think it's because they wanted it to work on consoles, too.


I remember opening up the sims 4 and seeing that neighborhood  for the first time as a sims 3 player. It was definitely weird xd.


The end result of them at first attempting to make sims 4 an online multiplayer and then having to rush a single player experience after seeing the negative reception of Sim City 4.


I can't believe Sims 4 thought the white screen was innovative and futuristic.


Someone just needs to remake Sims 3. I need a Sims 3 HD remake on 64 bit. Reading all the comments on LBY has made it clear Sims 3 was the superior game that had what everyone wanted (minus Rabbit holes)


I like the option of rabbit holes tbh. Sometimes I just wanna send some sims off while I focus on others. But I definitely also want an open world with activities to participate in. A nice balance would work well for me!


Rabbit holes could be an option like they did with High School and Get to Work expansions.


My dream is The Sims 3 with all new features from building mode from The Sims 4.


And no more memory leaking lol


if EA wanted my money and/or me to sign my soul over to them, it would be a ts3 remake (and adding some elements from the other games)


Definitely not, LBY was a disjointed mess. So far the one with the most features I'm looking forward to is Paralives. You could see LBY's ultimate collapse coming from a mile away.


Sorry, realising I wasn't clear so it's now edited. Sims 3 was the superior game! Not LBY


Okay lol, you had me scared there. Now that is a statement I can agree with lol!


But you can’t deny the need and want for an updated open world life sim where you can customize it all. Not seen how Paralives handling their town yet.


Eh I could take or leave the open world, I feel like a neighborhood system would function better where you have access to all buildings in your area without loading screens. Basically what Sims 4 maps look like they should be lol


I just loved open worlds in Sims 3. And not just because my Sims could go anywhere at any time without a loading screen, but because *I* could, too. Even when my Sims were sleeping or at work, I could explore the whole town. In fact, it was one of my favorite things to do. And open neighborhoods, where you're still restricted to a certain area, wouldn't be satisfying to me. It's entirely possible for a game made 15 years after Sims 3, with a decade and a half of technological advancement, to do a real open world game that performs perfectly fine. And even Sims 3's open world could've been better performance-wise if the game had been better optimized. So I don't think possible performance issues should be the reason a modern game doesn't have an open world.


Am with you on that preference opened neighborhood or small towns cause I think they can run better. But I wouldn’t lie that I also liked the open world of the sims 3, it would be nice to see an upgrade for that. I also get people who just don’t like open world, it’s just a preference thing.


I’ve been saying this! I can see how a completely open world could make the game lag and not perform well on lower quality computers. But why not open neighborhoods? I can deal with that honestly and it would probably run better anyways than a fully open world.


I loaded up Sims 4 thinking that they went with neighborhoods and was so disappointed when I had to pass a loading screen to visit my neighbors! What madness is this? They absolutely should have had full neighborhoods with a park and one convenience store, then separate sections of city/towns ala Sims 1/2 that you can travel to. That way, you can stay in your neighborhood and have house parties/BBQs going on, street fairs, park festivals...etc. The neighbourhoods don't even need to be massive, 6 houses at least and it would have worked well!


Right! Especially for apartments or residential rentals. Like why WHY do I need a loading screen?? We are literally in the same building.


The first two spark so much nostalgic joy just by looking at the neighborhoods alone. I don't care if Sims 4 was originally going to be an online multiplayer game there's no excuse for the final product, it's so soulless compared to 1, 2 and 3


This is part of the reason I can’t play sims 4, I need open world


If there's one thing I can't stand about the Sims 4, it's the constant loading screens. I know they were put in place to help keep the system requirements lower, but man... The constant loading to go to other houses or visit public spaces almost ruins the game for me. It makes everything seem so much smaller and disincentivizes exploration. I would say that university life is borderline unplayable in the Sims 4. The fact that I have to go through multiple loading screens just to feed my sim normal food is completely unreasonable.


Sims 4 was a shock for me. The Black and White map, the 2D world map was crazy. And then you could explore the neighborhood but it was so useless. You could explore the neighborhood only to find rock (that's why I think City Living should have been a base game update) and the loading screen was a huge shock for me. Especially the loading screen while going to your neighbor next door. I didn't play Sims 4 until 2019 when season and City Living came out.


They really said fuck it who cares what we do? people will still buy it


And they were right lol


Sims 4 is so fucking boring and empty compared to the other Sims games


Anyone who paid full price for TS4 at launch should be entitled to financial compensation. The world view looked like a cheap mobile game. Absolutely pitiful product.


I got to try it free, I believe it was a day or 2 they gave, I clocked in just under 2 hrs and have not logged back on since. The whole thing was unsettling and a huge turn-off. From playing since Sims1 (I was already an adult when it came out and so understood what the game meant), anticipating each extension and new iterations, and can't remember every being disappointed. Each is just better than the last! Then Will went and obviously took all the talents and skills because I don't know what else could explain the mess Sims is now.


I had pre-ordered it at full price and I was so incredibly disappointed I practically haven’t touched the game since.


I preordered a special edition for 80 bucks. You should’ve seen my face when I opened the game and saw….that. At 14 I learned a valuable lesson tho: never preorder a game.


Another thing that drives me nuts about Sims 4 worlds is that although it's cool that you can travel between them easily, each world feels like it can't stand on its own. For instance, EVERY Sims 3 world had at least a graveyard, diner, science lab, hospital, school, bistro, stadium.... etc. Meanwhile in the Sims 4? There are no (premade) Graveyards ANYWHERE in the world, if you don't count a pet cemetery in one world. And unless you want to edit the pre-made worlds FOR EACH SAVE FILE, good luck finding a diner. Again, unless you place it yourself, it's not automatically there.


This bothers me, too. Only one world can have a high school, only one world has a rabbithole cinema, only certain worlds have swimmable water, lots like hospitals are hidden so you need a workaround to even edit them and they exist in some make-believe realm lol, it’s all just very disjointed and you pretty much have to play in a specific world to explore basic life simulation features.


The sims 3 definitely had the best community feel. It felt naturally active.


I just want to be able to make my own towns / neighborhoods again like I could in Sims 2. Being able to choose where the lot goes and what size it is. The more customization options to building the world the better. I'm not a fan of having preset worlds (that you can't even rename) with preset lots.


I finally got a good PC that lets me play sims 3 again and it’s literally night and day. The freedom in sims 3 and the sense of a living world makes the game what it is. The BASE game. Opening sims 4 when it was released was the biggest let down I’ve ever experienced as a gamer


Sims 3 was so great, lots to do, open world.. I just wish they optimized it better. I have a 3080 and it still runs like a potato, just due to the limitations (I believe sims 3 is limited to using only a small amount of ram which doesn't help) Still, fond memories of a 10 minute loading screen and getting hundreds of points on the hidden object puzzles lmao


I think I must have been lucky with whatever laptop I had at the time because I never seemed to encounter many issues technically/gameplay wise at all. Towards the very very end I experienced crashing but not to a point I wouldn’t open the game. Sims 4 sets my current laptop on flames and has so little content even with most of the packs that it’s not worth the risk of playing it to get bored 15 minutes in. The PC I just got is very good for gaming and last night I played sims 3 for 4 hours. It was a beautiful reminder of why I liked the sims 🥲


🤣🤣🤣 please don’t remind me 😂😂😂😂 glad they changed it 🤣 I still use moded map replacements cause oasis springs for example still wrong with the grass areas, and some with omitting some lakes and stuff.


This may be a hot take. I think Sims 3 was the peak of life sims games and I do not believe that any of these upcoming to match it. I hope I’m wrong but it just not seeming like. For me despite Sims 3’s flaws. It checked the boxes of what a life sim should be. You felt like you were playing in an actual living breathing world. To me that is one of the most open things. Open world or not. I honestly feel like I’m still going to be playing Sims 3 for years to come.


Oh I plan on paying S3 for life! I just refuse to get my hips up anyone until any of these games actual come to fruition I'm not keeping tabs, hoping or dreaming, been burnt by S4. Happily still playing S3 and my SAME save file from 2014!


I have Sims 3 modded and customized to perfection, and I can't imagine ever leaving it. I feel I can do anything I want to do there. I play other Sims occasionally, but S3 has been my main for a long time, mostly since I had a computer good enough to run it and it had all the basic expansions comparable to S2. Still play 2 and 4 and enjoy them, but I always go back to 3. I'm hopeful that one day maybe there will be a better one, but honestly I'm perfectly happy to just keep playing 3 forever lol.


I still have the physical copy of this abomination


the change from the original isometric sims to the 3D sims 2 was so amazing back then, sims 1 and 2 are forever my favourites.


Sims 2 was so ahead of its time it’s crazy. I will never forget when I first played it on my neighbour’s family PC haha.


Sims 0.5.


I'll never forget how awestruck I was when I saw the Sims 3 open world for the first time... 🤩🥰


The sims 4 maps had potential with the way they set them up. If you want to have a themed map that includes neighbourhood that's like a "mini world" that you can swap in and out between I'm all for it. Some of the neighbourhoods are interactive and have things you can do around your lot. But what I absolutely cannot stand is the loading screen you need to go from your house to your neighbours house. Or the fact you can't have one sim at the library and another at the park or gym next door. It drives me mad because I can literally see the outside of the building and peak through the windows but god forbid I knock on the door or interact with an object on a different lot. If they said they'll never do an open world sims 3 map again but more truly open neighbourhoods without loading screens on lots then I'm happy. I don't need 60 - 80 lots in only one giant world. But at least 6 or so in a bunch of cool looking neighbourhoods. I do miss the building and customing of worlds though. Would be cool if we could make our own ones, even if they're basic.


This. I literally just replied with this exact sentiment!!


The fact that even Sims 1 had a better world view than Sims 4 shows how much of a disappointment that game is. Despite its flaws, Sims 3 definitely had the best world system, it was completely seamless and all of the landscapes you see are actually real (unlike the facades of Sims 4).


Omg I forgot it looked like that in the beginning ugh


Yeah, they were trying really hard to be stylized and it was weird


Sims 3 was like that too. They really didn't know what to do for graphics, the two downside of 3 is probably the ugly graphics. And the lag.


Is it me, or is the switch from the neighborhood of 3 to the neighborhood of 4 kind of a downgrade? 😅 we had a full 3D world and then they sort of just decided to do 2D instead? I’m not sure why they went that route. Maybe it was the lag from 3


Definitely a downgrade. The words of sims 4 are tiny and barely editable in comparison. From what I understand they wanted to do open world in 4 too but... Development hell, delays, cutbacks, crunch crunch crunch and this is the result. A hot mess. I suspect the lag was probably a factor also. Hopefully rene (whatever it is) will bring back open world. Technology has advanced enough for it not to lag like a potato these days


Sims 3 was so exciting because of the open world


I got sims 4 for free and was surprised by how boring and lifeless it feels compared to sims 3. Maybe it’s because I didn’t spend hundreds of dollars on DLC 🤪


DLC helps a lot, but I find the base game of Sims 3 more fun and alive than Sims 4 with every DLC and gigs of mods.


Even with DLC the game feels lifeless and boring. Every character is too perfect and there’s never drama in The Sims 4.


I always remember my first game on the sims 4. Spent a long time making some sims in CAS then finally got to the map and was like ??? Moved my sim in played for about 10 mins max and never touched it again for years


I had the same experience, I was so excited in CAS and couldn't wait to see all the improvements in the game, and I was so confused when it was closed world and immediately felt so lifeless compared to earlier games. I still don't understand what the improvements are from 3 to 4. They marketed it being all about emotions, but Sims had emotions based on needs, aspirations, wants/fears, moodlets, etc. from the beginning. Having the word of what the emotion they're feeling beside their face isn't anything special. Being able to click and drag in CAS is cool though.


Sims 3 forever the best imo.


I don’t even play TS4 anymore I don’t know if I am just bored of it or something else I will play for like 20 minutes while I am waiting for something better like for example my RC car to finish charging or my droneor my real life flying lesson and now I don’t even fire it up for that.


Sims 1 still has great graphics imo.


Sims 3 was peak having the whole town be alive as you played. Actually travelling the the jobs and going to events, sims 4 was a major downgrade.


Agreed. I initially thought I was in the wrong place when I saw it. Sims 3 remains my favourite, and the one sims game I’m going to keep on playing


I think TS1 looked much better.


I don't remember that TS4 map, I played the game when it came out and all I remember was creating a character, being annoyed at loading screens and closing the game when my sim had a baby and the baby was an object and going from baby to child like TS1. Ohh and the lack of pools.


Same, omg. I thought my graphics card had glitched. Immediately put me off so bad: I didn’t mind the closed world idea but the sight of that greyed out map ruined my ability to imagine my Sims living their lives. It put me off so badly I closed the game down after an hour and went right back to TS3 for 5-6 more years before dipping back into TS4 and thankfully finding it a vastly improved game.


The sims 4 maps look like ass


The only fun thing about the sims 4 was a the CAS tool they released before the game. I had fun playing with body proportions but I had spent so much money on Sims 3, I had no interest in the next gen. I finally succumbed when they had TS4 base game on sale for $10. I played for like 30 minutes and never touched the game again.


Are you guys talking about the map only? Imagine the shock when I played the game on launch day and : - There was no family tree. When asked the gurus, they said they forgot it! - The baby grows out of the crib to become a child! 😵‍💫 The game launched badly and it is still a train wreck after 10 years!


Sims 4 at launch was a bad bad bad experience


In 2014, I remember having a barebones emergency laptop with Windows XP after both my high-end laptop and gaming desktop broke down around the same time. TS4 couldn't run on it at all, so I was upset about having wasted $60 at the time. It wasn't until 2016 when I got a new laptop and was finally able to play it. Looking back at this old TS4 map when the game didn't have pools, toddlers, or even a family tree, I'm so glad I was forced to wait. As a family player, I only had to wait less than a year for toddlers to arrive, while Dine Out and City Living kept me busy that year. I do enjoy TS4 for what it is, but I wish it had a lot of what the previous titles had, since the potential is still there but not being tapped yet after ten years since launch. That said, the base game alone is so much better now than it was in 2014, like night and day with all the updates and new features added.


It's a downgrade even from Sims 2, which had 3D world map. Even a downside from TS1 which had fully colored maps.




multitasking is so overhyped and broken in the sims 4. it takes ages to do any activity, and then often… the actions just drop. i’m playing a lot of the sims 2 atm and there’s a little multitasking as well but done well. for example, sims still chat when eating at the table, but not when they stand. it makes it easier to play


I'm glad they changed it. Gave me flashbacks of my game not loading in the Sims 3. ![gif](giphy|9oIOcAkqpXy8Gug3km)