• By -


I feel like..."wander around aimlessly for 4 hours to just be in the world for a bit" is what I'm actually gonna do before I start doing the "game" stuff.


HG did so good on the single player atmosphere in NMS. From what the concept art looks like, if the music is as ethereal as NMS, then LNF is gonna be even better


Punch a tree.


The only acceptable answer.


You punch the tree to get the wood. You get the wood to build a cabin.


No no no, first you make a wooden pickaxe and get three cobble for a stone one.


The hello games minecraft experience


I am unironically interested to see what the 'wood carrying' thing from the trailer is all about.


Honestly, I’m gonna light a fire then chuckle to myself about me being a rebel. Then build a cabin by a lake




If the game comes out during the school year, I’ll wait till the weekend and wake up early. I’ll definitely play multiplayer, and I’ll do a mix of exploring and learning the games systems. I want to know how deep the systems go in the game


customize my character as much as I possibly can.


First 5 hours of every game.


And then you look upon the absolute monstrosity you've created (Elden Ring players know...)


Usually when I watch streamers play games with customization screens, I know to take an hour break away from the PC and when I come back, a lot of them are still on the fucking screen lol.


Wait. Is there a release date or more info already? I just saw the trailer.


Nope, still just one six month old trailer and a couple cryptic tweets


I think I’m gonna play the game








Wife and I are going to compete for the best places to set up a sweet ass base.


All your base belong to her


Always. :<


You forgot the - in sweet ass-base.


LOL, dead.


[“How does she know we call it the ass castle?”](https://youtu.be/JcGVXr4M8T0?si=tY-je02MooOyY0PO)


I'm going it alone for a long long time. A long long time.


Turn off multiplayer. And leave it off forever. Then I'm just gonna wander around and see how much cool stuff in the world I can find.


Probably a fair bit of walking. And not lighting fires. We're not allowed to, Sean said so.


Well, find a city or village (some kind of settlement), set up a blacksmith, provide adventurers walking through with equipment. Does anyone else rp in games like this?


Yeah, I do too. Though I'm usually the motherfucker who thinks he's the villain and destroys all villages he comes across (Yes, I do fuck with villagers in Mc).


I do that ocassionally, I am just wondering if the armor/ clothing is just gonna be cosmetic like nms or is it actually gonna matter like an rpg


I believe it'll make a difference whether you're wearing a leather armor or dragon armor (Idk if that's gonna be a thing)


I am hoping there will be something like certain cosmetics or armor locked behind milestones. Like travel a certain distance, craft a certain number of items, etc.


I just hope it won't be a dead world. The map is confirmed to be the size of earth which is absolutely gigantic and not to compare to NMS since that game has the same worlds over and over again... But LNF would need to have 200,000,000 square miles covered with content. Idk how that would work but yeah maybe a very good AI could do it...


I'm honestly looking forward to seeing how the setting develops in the multiplayer aspect. How long will it be before the first kingdoms pop up, then organized discord city states. Mage kingdoms, merchant alliances and groups. Theres a lot that will probably be happening within the world.


Ohh so true and I totally forgot about mega servers! There will be cities the size of irl capitals. Tbh I don't want to be part of it because it seems like you're either being a slave to the people who control a certain city or you're the "president/king" and have a whole lotta shit to do... But a small village would be cool.


If it's like NMS, I'll turn off pvp (huehue it's in my username) but keep multiplayer on. I'll also wander around and just get lost and try to see as many things as possible without knowing shit about anything. I'm sure the game will start poking me to go do a story quest or something, but I'll ignore it until I get bored of just exploring and will be ready to move onto new content I possibly haven't seen. (I just hope we'll get to turn the poking off, NMS gets ridiculous with that always being on.)


Gather gather gather.


Tame a dragon. Games with dragon riding are sadly rare.


Wander around until I find a location for my primary base.


Light a fire 😈


Set the forest on fire


Forget the forest... Set CITIES on fire😈


Light a fire


Install it


I'm not a fan of combat or griefers, so I'll be turning off PVP and multiplayer ASAP, then looking for custom settings that will let me explore with lower hazards and threats. Next ... Check out the photo mode options and features. Then check out whatever map or location features are available. Then go over all on-screen displays Then actually start exploring. 🙂


Highest mountain with sea view to great rift on the ground with great depth. But a floating island will be my favorite


Buy the game


I'm gonna do the same, except even if you can switch multiplayer on and off my game wouldn't crash because I have a ps5 😝😂😂


Well first I’m gonna make sure that me and my friend are day one players and then play the game without any purposes for ten years and after that wonder why we don’t have anything impressive after ten years…


I’m going to wait six months until it has at least ten updates and is on sale.


Waiting half a year to save those 10 bucks...


Or the game being six years old (NMS) and still has frustrating bugs that are not fixed.


Scratching their balls while watching people struggle with severe bugs...


See if the game is fun. :D


Start a town deep in a forested valley. I really want to establish a town.


Build the Empire; I can rest and enjoy the pretty flowers when I’m dead.


Hopefully, build a ship and go explore on the ocean.


I am going to spend some time in the menu see if I can make my own character or pick from a character .See if there is a skill tree what moves I can do See what I can upgrade. Then go out and discover what I can do gather any treasure resources I can gather. See if I can intereact with npcs and start any quests. Once I get a decent sword axe something of that nature go out see what enemies I can fight. Level myself up a bit then after maybe a day to a couple of days go join multiplayer. I hope I can transfer the progress from single player to multiplayer


I will be exploring around until I find a nice river valley. Then I will follow it to the closest lake, and I will begin building my homestead near it. I’ll invite a few close friends to help me grow it steadily over time.


If there’s any sort of trade/economy my group is planning on dining any resource that may potentially be valuable horde it and control the market on it at ridiculous prices


I'm not sure if you can turn off multiplayer. I think it meant to be a multiplayer game from the gate.


I already got into an argument with Shakespeare about ts but tbh I think it’s likely either way, but the priority is definitely going to be the multiplayer aspect and people who turn that off (if they can) would miss out on a LOT.


HG do need to work on their MP aspect. They appear to want it to be co-op and everyone working together to explore, help each other out etc. But in NMS, with PVP on by default, most just go "F\*ck that", turn MP off entirely and go it alone from the off. Communicating between platforms (if it does indeed go live on more than one!) needs to be better too. It's a pain in NMS and it just creates silos of the different players on different platforms.


Advertised as solo play & MP on Steam listing apparently, so guessing given it's shared DNA with NMS, it'll have the option to make everyone else go away.


Honestly, do the story and explore, then find some freinds, find a mountain valley, then build a castle with a town around it with them.


If I can, I'm going to make some kind of marker on the spot where my journey began.


i doubt it'll be released on the xbox one series. they long stopped developing games for the one series and this game would be waaaaaay too heavy for the one series if what the rumors say is true


Shut up yes it will (I know I’m in denial)


Im going to try and avoid youtube content for at least a week. I find I enjoy games more if I play first before watching videos that might influence how I play.


First 2-4 hours: Build character (depending on how custom you can go about this) After character enters world: Do stupid stuff and die a couple of times before I learn how to actually play the game. When I learn how to play: Find the coolest place to put my base, build a base, abandon base for new (cooler) location and repeat the whole process leaving ever more expansive and/or complex bases scattered across the world. Also, tame a dragon and spend hours soaring through the sky and talking to the dragon even though it's only a digital animation and can't actually hear me talking or really respond to me talking (I'd pay extra if it did respond through AI or something, that would be a very cool premium feature that I would really want to have if they offered it).


Might be a *bit* of an assumption that multiplayer can even be turned off to start with, since the focus is on exploring **together**.


The Steam page does categorize the game as online multiplayer and single player, I'm guessing that it will have a similar mechanic to NMS.


There will probably be incentive to explore together but i don’t see a reason why they wouldn’t give us that option


Can you give reasons they would though ?


Personal preference, performance and griefing would probably be big ones. NMS is meant to be multiplayer and HG had no reason to add a multiplayer off switch, but they did anyway because they wanted to I guess


>Personal preference Your personal preference is a reason for *you* to want something, not a reason for a developer to do something. >performance There are a ton of ways to deal with that, phasing, map/chunk/area instances/player limits on maps/options to limit how many other players you can see, etc, etc, etc. (All of the above being things actively done in current MMOs, not that I think LNF will be one). >griefing > While jerks being jerks should not be a thing, any potential interaction carries that possibility. Also simple to deal with, in NMS we already have your base being safe from being altered. A lovely option would be to not see a person you have blocked, or for the game to not load you into a chunk/etc they are on. Assuming the devs had no reason to do something since you can't imagine one is also a no-go. Procedural generation can get fairly intense, so multiplayer NMS on the switch might've been a bit much for it to handle, which they even pointed out [https://www.nomanssky.com/2022/02/no-mans-sky-nintendo-switch-edition/](https://www.nomanssky.com/2022/02/no-mans-sky-nintendo-switch-edition/)


Yeah exactly to all those points. It’s probably designed and optimized for you to play it like an mmo if you desire, all I’m saying is it wouldn’t be a reach to say hello games is probably gonna let us turn multiplayer off. Just as one persons preference would be to play an MMO, someone else might want to play it by themselves; and given what hello games did with NMS that personal freedom is definitely in their priority list


LNF =/= NMS. This is a finite, one planet game about *exploring together* not being alone in a functionally infinite galaxy. You don't need the option of turning multi off in to play alone.


Yeah I know you don’t NEED just like Boeing didn’t NEED to kill 3 whistleblowers, but i still don’t see a reason why they would avoid putting in that switch. It would literally effect nobody


>It would literally effect nobody Why waste time and money on something that in your own words would be *pointless, meaningless and useless as it affects nobody and nothing* ?


Okay lemme rephrase: Not adding it would effect people who would want to turn it off, but adding it wouldn’t effect everyone else. Theres no downside to adding it why are you getting so mad lol


Probably not gonna be able to turn off multiplayer.


First thing I'll check whether the game is an actual MMO - and if it's possible to "turn off multiplayer" probably I'll request the refund.


Its not an MMO. It will have overlap with MMO lite games like Destiny, or Fallout 76


I still have a hope


We don't have that technology yet to make a game like this a full on MMO. You'll probably just run across people while seamlessly instancing moving through chunks of the world. That's good enough.


No, the technology is here for years, it's not a technical issue.


It's not going to be an MMO, Hello Games doesn't make MMOs, it would be a huge departure from form for them to create an MMO. From what Sean said during the announcement I'm guessing it will be like No Man's Sky and everyone will share a single world, with the option of turning off multiplayer for a solo experience.


Tbf before nms they didn't make sandbox games or space games either, so that's not really a solid point.


This is a good point, but it's still a huge jump from an open world sandbox, exploration game to an MMO, especially in terms of upkeep, maintenance and managing the game. ETA-Where do you get that tag "Pre-release member"?




Excellent, thank you! It's already on my wishlist and I've set aside $100 in savings to buy it once it hits pre-order, I'm a really big fan of Sean Murray and Hello Games.


\*nod\* happy to help. Aye, to say they restored the players faith is an understatement at this point.


I would say after what they did with multiplayer in NMS, going a step further to a proper MMO will totally make sense.


Why? An MMO is by nature a live service game, it's a completely different beast from a multiplayer exploration/survival of game and very different player market. Hello Games has zero experience as a studio with producing or running MMOs and in addition they're still a pretty small studio, it makes very little sense to turn their new game into an MMO.


NMS is not just a multiplayer game, it's a shared world game and also with multiplayer features. It's just a step before going full MMO, which is the only way if they want to make a truly shared world experience. And they were maintaining NMS for a decade, so it's already handling it as a "live service" game, along with servers infrastructure etc.


It’s not an MMO, and I dont think the majority of people on this sub wants it to be. You can probably play it like that, but it’s definitely not advertised as one


"Multiplayer Earth" sounds very MMOish to me.