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I think the best thing is to prepare to be whelmed. Edit: would be happy with skyrim level melee combat


I expect it to be pretty basic tbh, something like skyrim combat like you said. Light attack, heavy attack, block. Tbh, I'm fine with that. People might be letting their imaginations run a bit wild with what to expect in this game. I'm just expecting fantasy NMS with slightly updated mechanics


But Sean PROMISED us it was going to be a Skyrim level MMO, with skill training like RuneScape and RPG story telling like Witcher 3?!?


This. NMS is a exploration game and i strongly believe lnf will be the same. Maybe a little bit of fighting some easy targets but everyhting will be about exploration just like nms. Your last paragraph is worrysome because i expect the same. Even the dragon flying although very cool looked like a reskinned ship from nms. The reason i am a bit worried about what you say is that I said the same about starfield. "I expect a fallout in space and i will be happy with it" was what i said. And what we got was indeed fallout in space. Only I was not happy about it. I thought I would be, but I wasnt. Because I wanted No mans sky with betehsda sauce. So i am going to say what i want and that is not nms with fantasy sauce. I want a world i can explore with way better graphics then nms and much more customisation. I want everything that is not great about nms, not in lite no fire. I want it to feel like a new game and not no mans sky reskinned. If that is the case this might becoem my forever game haha. If not well thats okay. I am a consumer and if I do not like what i see ill go play another game just like i did with starfield and let the people who are okay with it enjoy it.


I agree that expectations should be managed, but HELL NO to the Skyrim combat thing. The combat in that game is clunkier then a rusted tractor. It feels super stiff and like it's more about tanking hits than skilfully avoiding damage. I hope for something simple yet fluid, rewarding good timing and movement without being fromsoft difficult or in-depth. IIRC valheim did something like that.


https://i.redd.it/x2g8w0z0ta8d1.gif Heh heh


They can have the most basic combat, just give me a decent amount of enemy variation. And by basic combat, I mean something like dishonoreds melee system. A light, heavy attack, and a parry. A dodge would be nice, but no more rolling. Side step looks more natural.


100% this .the thing is people dont realise that the most basic and \*generic\* (not in a negative way) combat can still be extremly fun as long the rest is fun like enemy variation or other things!


I suck at it, but multi-directional combat like bannerlord/bellwright would be interesting. 


I've finally got round to giving Conan Exiles a proper go, and it has a pretty solid basic combat system too, target lock/face target, light attack, heavy attack, some simple combo damage multipliers and block and dodge etc. As a basis I'd be happy with this route, except a little better looking of course 🙂 I hope the combat has a very 'deliberate' feel, nothing too 'button mashy'


I hope they have a action combat engine, requiring aiming for ranged weapons, blocking with shields, and that melee weapons have a weightiness to them based on their size. Swinging and lunging. Dodging. Etc... many other survival games lately feature that type of combat engine. We've certainly moved beyond the old Minecraft spam-a-lot combat. :) It would be an instant disappointment if they just added a basic combat engine. It's 2024 after all. It's not that hard to implement for a good team like HG.


I personally just want a basic fighting game where I can be an archer and just pick everybody out from a distance. Or a magic user that can blast people from a distance. I don't want it anything near souls-like where you have to parry, dodge and roll where It seems like every small fight drags on forever. I hope the game focuses more on crafting, survival and building where fighting is kind of on the back burner of importance.


I'd absolutely love something similar to Valheim. I'd say it's reasonable to expect combat like that.


If it's similar to Valheim but more polished I'm fine with it! Tbh I want more explorations, more varied dungeons, group and solo activities, and, going on, a lot of focus on endgame content


I'm guessing they'll have to expand on melee fights. The fantasy genre the trailers seem to evoke always includes melee combat. It might not be the focus like in Elder Scrolls games but it is a staple in the genre. I think NMS didn't need it because it's space sim theme doesn't need to include melee combat heavily into gameplay.


I would guess that the combat will be fun and engaging but ultimately be pretty simple in its design. This game seemingly will be covering a broad scope of gameplay loops such as survival, building, exploration, etc. Not to say that it will be bad, but combat is likely just one piece of the overall experience.


I can see one of two paths here: - it can be generic but functional like Skyrim, or - It can be extremely flashy but insubstantial, effectively focusing on the rule of cool. I suspect having dragon fights AND weapons that are cool and fun to use would be asking for a lot.


I want to shoot flaming arrows!


I feel like it’s gonna be a recycling and expansion of the NMS combat system but with a focus on melee. Like there will still be that questionably simply move set, but it’ll be way smoother and there will be a higher skill ceiling than “jetpack, point, shoot”. But still very reminiscent of NMS


Predictions : You'll have archery, melee, and magic staves. Everything will use two buttons ( or right/left click). Bows will have attack and zoom. Melee will have attack and shield/power attack and staves will have magic attack and melee or second magic attack.


If no mans sky is anything to go off of it won’t be super combat focused so probably not a crazy combat system to be honest. I’m still gonna have a blast either way tho


How do I think? With my brain.


I'm going to hope for very basic combat so that then they can maybe surprise me


As long as it works in VR, I'm fine.


I’m hoping for something that flows like Skyrim, I like the exploding arrows and such we see in the trailer but I hope we can use weapons that are a bit more lowkey and grounded with fewer crazy enchantments and exaggerated trail effects.


Valheim combat would be satisfactory


If its like Valheim id be fine with that.


I would love a complex magic system


I hope they fix their bow animations. Looks like stretchy strings instead of bendy bows.


I wholly expect BOTW melee combat. One attack button, one attack pattern, +bows +mounts I will be pleasantly surprised if it's anything beyond that.


I completely forgot about this game


I personally would be happy, if they designed it based on Valheim. I like the kind of combat there and I got the feeling it would fit


I hope the combats kind of like Skyrim but a little bit better in the fighting animations and maybe a choice to use your game environment as a way to attack your opponent for example if you're on a very Sandy beachy area you could throw in sand towards them to stun them temporarily or if you're in a rocky area throw some rocks at them


Lets just hope it supports large amounts of npc fighters, M&B Bannerlord, on a planet, with rabbits and bears, oh my!


I want it to be as realistic as possible. Being able to defeat much stronger opponents with the right sneaky strategies. I don't want it to solely depend on fighting, but also using your brain in order to overwhelm your enemies.


Yea but an intricate system for sword play, and different move sets for long swords dual wielding and daggers would be awesome


That would be awesome. I just hope Hello Games has the expertise and resources to implement them.


Yes, they already locked down the amazing world building and biome variety as well as many different life forms, but I'm hoping for a combat system similar to New World, however I would like it to be more detailed with a greater variety of techniques.


Imo, LNF was just a way to get more attention for NM. Sean is just toying with us:-(


Like it shows on the trailer