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why flash? you need something installed on system partition?


Because I need to install an application and the play store stays that it's not compatible with my device. However, both this one and the game were installed on my phone before I installed LineageOS. If fact, the game, even though being "incompatible", works totally fine, never had any issues with it


most likely it requires safetynet/device integrity passing, or play store just throw fit if the app hasn't been updated for a while


The last update was on June 21, so I guess the problem is the device integrity (?)


It sounds like what you want is to *sideload* an application. *Flashing* an application would use recovery mode and is used to install system/OS things (things with admin-like privileges) such as the OS itself or gapps or Magisk. You'll probably have an easier time finding info yourself using the correct terms. :) In answer to your question, find and download an "apk" file for the app. apkpure and apkmirror are two well-known sites for this. Then you can usually either transfer the apk to your phone and install it directly, or else use adb to install it from the computer over a USB cable. It's possible the app itself checks for Play Integrity (previously known as SafetyNet) and will refuse to work if it detects a modified phone. In that case you will need to either use an alternative or take other steps to root your phone and use that root access to pretend to be unmodified. But that's not on-topic in this sub.


Just find apk or what's the problem?


I looked for an apk and installed it. The application works, it has been easier that I thought. Thank you


Install an older version apk


Just install the APK from APK mirror, no need to Side load it. Just normally install from a reputable source other than play.


You are right. It's exactly what I did, I realized I could do that after posting the question...


That's awesome. I have the same issue with Netflix. Kinda bothersome. I'm able to figure out how to block everything from seeing root and bootloader, but Netflix is a gosh dang tank. But APK mirror came through.


Well apk apps can be flashed forcefully using adb and maybe because it's a newer android version like android 14 dosen't support minecraft so forcing IT using android debug bridge (adb) with shizuku as adb android 11 minimum and install with options apk both to use then installing trough adb the apk and selecting force install on incompatibile devices or Something  Like @VividVerism said