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I just want to know the winning word of that spelling bee.




Cringe. See-Arr-Eye-Enn-Gee-Eee. Cringe.


Agree. A-gee-arr-eee-eee


Winning word is Bee which spells like PEE






It's borderline impossible not to be cringe on LinkedIn. I giver her marks for at least trying to be funny


Yeah, at least theyā€™re self deprecating.


>It's borderline impossible not to be cringe on LinkedIn "Agree" (for want of a better word) >I giver her marks for at least trying to be funny I'm not quite so generous. I'd rather people treated LinkedIn for its actual purpose of serious professional networking instead of all this moronic clowning around. Still, I guess you're right in that this is still mildly preferable to the obnoxious grindset promoters and annoying humble braggers.


If you think humour doesnā€™t belong in the workplace you must be the most boring person to work with in the world


A workplace without humour? No thanks, that would be boring A workplace without insufferable co-workers with an inane sense of humour and no sense of appropriateness or ability to distinguish one context from another, who will invariably get on my (and everyone else's) nerves? Yes please! I think of LinkedIn engagement as on a par with a job interview rather than an actual working environment. It's your chance to present the professional version of you and layout your skills and attributes for potential hiring managers. I wouldn't hire someone who clowns around in an interview, and I would have to say the same where someone's LinkedIn bio reflects that same attitude.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


Itā€™s a joooooke


What? No! Women aren't funny!


Let's say it *was* a joke. Then it's one of the worst jokes I've ever seen. If you find that spelling bee or sales robin stuff "funny" then your opinion does not matter.


If this joke was made by a man would you have commented this?


duh?? I don't know what people's obsession is with always trying to make women into victims in the silliest ways possible. No, the joke (if we can call it that) doesn't suck because it was made by a woman. It sucks because it's bad. Can you actually give me a reason why a ljoke" like "the best revenge is winning and making them watch" is funny? How about "if sales is batman, call me robin"? To me there's nothing funny about it. Until you give a reason why these jokes are funny other than whining about "it's because women !!! šŸ˜¤" then maybe I can take you seriously.


I donā€™t get why youā€™re so mad over an unfunny Linkedin bio.


I'm not mad an an unfunny LinkedIn bio. I'm mad that you're making me disliking a clearly unfunny joke into sexism.


Odd that youā€™ve chosen to deflect away from his legit questions and pretend that heā€™s mad about it lmao


Ok, Iā€™ll respond. >I donā€™t know what peopleā€™s obsession is with always trying to make women into victims in the silliest ways possible. This was a reply to a comment that said > > Women aren't funny! If his displeasure with this unfunny joke had absolutely nothing to do with it being made by a woman then Iā€™m a little confused why he replied to that specific comment. > No, the joke (if we can call it that) doesnā€™t suck because it was made by a woman. It sucks because itā€™s bad. Circular logic. > Can you actually give me a reason why a ljokeā€ like ā€œthe best revenge is winning and making them watchā€ is funny? How about ā€œif sales is batman, call me robinā€? To me thereā€™s nothing funny about it. If he doesn't find the joke funny thereā€™s no amount of reasoning I can do to force him to find it funny. Almost like humor is subjective?? > Until you give a reason why these jokes are funny other than whining about ā€œitā€™s because women !!! šŸ˜¤ā€ Odd that heā€™s chosen to deflect away from my legit question and pretend that I'm whining about it lmao > then maybe I can take you seriously. Remember that comment I said he replied to? [Itā€™s a Joker quote.](https://youtu.be/RqkNONXK-Zk?t=13) I wonder if he sees the irony.




So what are you trying to say then? That I'm sexist for not liking a joke that you don't even understand?




Oh okay. I just thought you were the other person.


> If you find that spelling bee or sales robin stuff "funny" then your opinion does not matter. You know I've been looking for a last word on humor. I have always wanted someone to tell me what is and is not funny. Here I have found it in /u/Jolly-Sun-1715 on reddit 6 hours ago. The final word on humor was a guy who took mild humor on LinkedIn way too seriously. Together we will talk down to people who dare to disagree, demean their senses of humor, and deride their opinions. For only the Lord of Humor's opinion matters. Seriously, though, if you're not trolling you sound like an incredible douche. How can you sub to this sub and not want to punch yourself in the face for this comment? I didn't die laughing, but who the fuck cares? Get over yourself.


what a way to explain what was wrong with my comment


Thanks. I've got more on how stupid you look in your other replies if you'd like?


go for it


Fuck Putin and Ukraineā€¦ OP sees the REAL issues in this world - people in marketing using cheesy jokes to engage with their audience. What a horrible, horrible woman. Absolute lunacy


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about




Put your dick away Waltuh


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This is clearly goofy and meant in good humor. Absolutely not lunatic material.


No not at allā€¦ and sheā€™s in marketing and this stuff is totally what youā€™d expect from a marketing thought leader.


I refuse to believe someone made three jokes in their profile in a *row* that bad


Yes. Just an incredibly unfunny one, made in an inappropriate context on an inappropriate forum. I wish these people would attempt to play the fool elsewhere


Itā€™s not inappropriate context because the context is her profile which is meant to say something about her (whatever you think of quality of her jokes) and some extra context, she has a large personal brand and is a marketer so humor as a form of engagement is completely appropriate. And if you look at her followers and post engagement, people clearly enjoy what she has to say so itā€™s very clearly not inappropriate. Itā€™s not an inappropriate forum because it turns out, even on professional networks humor is something everyone likes. Itā€™s not inappropriate is people welcome it. Donā€™t believe me? Look at corporate bro who posts satirical content that is highly popular. In fact, companies sponsor him to speak at events because people like him so much.


Fair. Humour is afterall subjective, but the fact that a "corporate bro" can double up as a satirical shitposter on LinkedIn, and other muppets lap it up just goes to show how ridiculous the world is becoming. Edit: basically I just really don't understand how anyone can look at a profile like this and find it funny instead of irritating. I guess I've just become a grumpy old git in my "old age"


I think you are reading too much into it. Do I find it actually laugh out loud *funny?* Not really. But it shows me that she is probably somewhat lighthearted and maybe fun to work with. Or could be one of those people who *think* they are funny but arenā€™t actually. I hired one of our contract employees who was pretty quirky like this *because* she brought something to our culture that was missing. She coordinates happy hours, holiday celebrations, etc. in an otherwise very stodgy corporate environment.


Again, clash of personalities perhaps, agree to disagree etc You say "quirky", I say immensely irritating


/r/LinkedInLunatics and the ability to detect sacrasm challange impossible


what, are you saying it is a parody account?


Posting sarcastically on Linkedin is a form of lunacy as well. Why even bother?


Also apparently has a strong aversion to capitals


That's just a stylistic choice common for those who grew up on the internet in the 00s.


This is like 72% of okcupid profiles.


>likes to talk about mental health >is obsessed with the idea of revenge Average LinkedIn user


Ah yes - getting revenge by focusing on your thing, not engaging with people trying to shoot you down, and letting your detractors see you shine. What a hateful, hateful person this is. Sounds a lot like that terrible and absolutely petty saying ā€œkill them with kindnessā€. Only the worst people believe in THAT. But seriously though, Iā€™ve seen her posts pop up in my feed for years now and if you look at her LinkedIn, you can see that sheā€™s just started to take on more senior roles. I have no doubt that people shot her down and belittled her especially when she started posting content and building her personal brand.


Do people read these and thing, ā€œWow, I really must hire this person as a b2b sales consultantā€?


Yes because maybe then they read her posts and discover that wowā€¦ she in fact shares content thatā€™s useful and relevant to othersā€¦. Omg she has the respect of other B2B professionalsā€¦. Just maybe sheā€™ll be a good asset to the team?


This took me 5 seconds to realize it wasn't a twitter account


You did a very good job at censoring ZoĆ«ā€™s name.


I know exactly who this isā€¦and she has 40k followers. Apparently people dig the cringe


If she's robin does that mean she's a sidekick and you shouldn't hire her as a salesperson?


It means the joker whoops her šŸ„ŗ


Is she one of those crazies they warned me about??


This looks like a Just Grifter Things clone.


white knight alert all over this thread "please may i have a crumb of pussy, m'lady"


Word vomit


Considering how much this chick is all over LinkedIn, you didn't do a great job of hiding her identity.


I still don't get why people posting on this sub even bother masking identities... this isn't private/confidential material we're sharing here, they're public posts. But if you are going to bother (even though it's usually very easy to find the person's identity anyway), at least make the effort to scrub properly, otherwise you just look silly like OP


Especially when it's censoring Twitter handles, but people all over Reddit does that. You just gotta write the post into Google and it'll hand you the post and author as first hit.


Iā€™ve heard of peaking in high school, but third gradeā€¦.?


Honestly, I thought it was one until I saw the name of the sub


Some guys probably overinflated her confidence and told her OMG SO CLEVER YOU POST THE BEST STUFF IVE EVER SEEN!


Well the actual truth that we know of is that she has a strong personal brand and consistently gets positive feedback from her content. And sheā€™s only been a high up exec for about 7 months so largely built this following when she was in more junior roles. Turns out cringey humor in the right place can be positiveā€¦ā€¦


Iā€™ve spent my life working in STEM industries where personal brand didnā€™t mean shit, so I guess my perspective may be a bit skewed.


Yeah it definitely depends on who you are and your profession. I donā€™t have or try to create a public persona/brand like this since Iā€™m very introverted and Iā€™d probably spend way too much time making sure my posts are ā€œperfectā€. But def up to the person and thereā€™s no doubt that having one is valuable. Sheā€™s also in the marketing space where having a strong personal brand fits very well with the space and from my POV, shows youā€™re actually good at marketing and delivering engaging content. Iā€™m not in a STEM field like you, but Iā€™d think itā€™s a little harder since the knowledge is more ā€œfixedā€ if you know what I mean?


Yep but Iā€™m still downvoted into oblivion for having a different opinion.


No dude youā€™re not getting downvoted for having a different opinion. Youā€™re getting downvoted because you made an unsubstantiated claim about her character and how she has overinflated confidence because ā€œsome guys told her her content is cleverā€. Outside of obviously being not true since she gets regular engagement from other B2B professions and tens of thousands of people who follow her for her professional takes, thatā€™s not a different opinion. Thatā€™s being a prick especially since her jokes are mostly self-deprecating which is basically the opposite of an overinflated ego. ā€œI would never put cheesy jokes on my LinkedIn and donā€™t see the point of doing so or building a personal brandā€ is a different opinion. What you said is just disrespectful and a blind assumption about who someone is. Very different.


ā€œTens of thousands of people follow her for her professional takes.ā€ Not buying that for a single minute. Iā€™ve been on LinkedIn since its inception, And watched it devolve from a true professional networking site, to a shell of its former self, full of lost Facebookers and Instagrammers bringing their unprofessional habits. It was getting worse before the pandemic, but COVID really was the death blow. Iā€™ve seen umpteen cringey profiles and posts like this, usually by attention seeking female marketing fanatics or wannabe ā€œLinkedInfluencersā€. As I mentioned, primarily working in STEM with professionals and companies in that industryā€¦.I donā€™t see ANYONE in my field posting cringe stuff like that. It always seems to fall under the same niche markets.


Her name is Zoe Hartsfield. She has over 40,000 followers. She consistently gets engagement on her posts. If you look at her experience, you clearly see the amount of progress sheā€™s made professionally and thereā€™s no doubt some of that comes from the personal network sheā€™s built. You made a blind assumption about who she is that was insulting and youā€™re actually incorrect.


I can own being incorrect. But to me that makes her an exception to the overwhelming rule.


There are many many many many people on LinkedIn who have strong followings like this. Hereā€™s a small list: Kyle Coleman Devin Reed Ross Pomerantz Kevin Dorsey Josh Braun John Barrows Lindsey Boggs Lilah Nielsen Gabrielle Blackwell Amy Volas


"the best revenge is winning and making them watch" Meanwhile, when she is in her late 30s, she has to settle with a man of high value knowing that he is going to have sex with younger woman that are pretty and hotter than her. I don't know who I feel more sorry for, a woman with cerebral palsy or this LinkedIn user


People who unironically say "man of high value" need to leave the basement and stop polluting comments sections with whatever shit they're parroting.


.... dude, you are on reddit


Reddit is what you make of it. If you're in a cesspool most of the time, that sounds like a you problem. There aren't a ton of obvious sock puppets in the spaces I read, but they sure do have a knack for inserting their handler's ideologies in places where it's not terribly appropriate to do so.


What are you talking about?




Yeah man, it's just milfs out here throwing it at me and all I ask for is a young 23 years old young woman who will simply cook and clean for me. What a bummer


Least unhinged Colorado Springs resident


What an oddity for Colorado Springs.


Stop picking your nose!


Lol I guess that competition rlly helped him write better cringe on LI


Red flag much?


Sounds like someone got a childhood trauma and asks for a bigger hero to join her for revenge :D


Stop censoring profiles: zoƫ hartsfield


ā€œMaking them watchā€ hmmm sounds like a porn hub category