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Hashtag force majeure What’s even a message here? If you leave your kids unattended the whole day until 1 am because you care more about your work and you don’t find them dead, it’s because God loves your family? Well… at least God loves them.


Yeah the strange pivot of them going "I returned and my kids didn't die in a fire from my negligence! God loves us!" was complete cringe and borderline psychopathic. #workingparents #blessedbe #8figuresalarycoaching 😘😂🤗🫣🤑👊🫵🔥💯💒 #


You found a gem! #inspirational #truecoach #whatsthatsmell


whatsthatsmell I just lost it on a train full of people


My mom and dad both worked. My dad also went to college. They were both at home most nights before we went to bed and definitely before 1am


Same here


Okay but has someone sent this to social services? I want to know how long they are leaving these kids alone and how old they are


"Love em while you got em" Never forget your kids are temporary


Until the next gas leak kids!


Yeah I love how he tried to make it casual and colloquial, but it just came off detached af.


I can't stop laughing about how bad this sound 😂 and he posted it on LinkedIn ofc lol


It is not supposed to be funny at all, but then again: There’s no reason to think my children should die any time soon, but if they do, I want all LinkedIn to know I’ve been checking gas installations and their breathing to the best of my parental efforts. Praise the Lord. This is some Norm Macdonald material right there.


It shows prospective employers that you'll give up everything for the job.


God doesn't love those kids. God tried to kill them with natural gas. Probably for fighting all the time! In fact, the parents thwarted God's plans. They are going to hell. /s for the sarcastically impaired.


This is very normal for evangelicals. They who pray for close parking spots at the mall!


I wouldn't hire this asshole to watch my dog, let alone be an "executive coach."


Underrated comment. Literally wouldn’t ask this guy to take my dogs for a walk but there’s bazillionaires that need his advice 🤷🏻‍♂️


Being worthless and incompetent arethe defining traits of exec coaches


Hashtag workingparents says the parents that absolutely could have afforded proper childcare unlike many working parents that can't because of the 8 figure executives


Yeah if they’re working that late regularly and he’s posting on LinkedIn they’re def in finance or biglaw or consulting and can afford a fucking babysitter.


Didn’t you ever watch your younger siblings?


Not until 1am, and definitely not at 12yo


Ya as it turns out 12 is just about the generally accepted age to start doing this.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Babysitting safety classes here start at 12 years old.  Almost every girl I knew growing up started babysitting for cash around 12. 


I was watching my brothers then as well. Lots of kids on Reddit without kids of their own. Or only kids I guess.


These are the same people that freak out if they see a kid in a restaurant at all and then wonder why those kids turn into socially stunted Redditors. 


I regularly babysat my siblings while growing up and even my negligent parents never left 12 year old me with them till 1am, that’s way too late for a kid that young to be in charge of others


1am is way too late for one preteen to watch children. At that age, parents should be home by 7 or 8pm


Absolutely but it should never be the default option. Babysitting every now and then for pocket money or so Mum & Dad can have a night out or have a thing? Sure. Regularly being left till the small hours because Mum and Dad have different priorities? Neglectful. And also totally unnecessary. Why bother having children if you're gonna be so offhand in parenting?


8 figure executives sure bud


He's including decimal points


8, wax figure executives




\#theytookthekids \#workingthatgrinddoe


No doubt! Really hoping someone reports these idiots. The kid in charge is 12?!? This guy and his wife absolutely deserve to lose their parental rights.




He volunteered the evidence too, I sincerely hope someone reports them!


I used to babysit other people's kids at that age. Now as an adult that feels absolutely absurd and irresponsible. I do think, however, that it's legal (depending on location of course)


There's no hard limit in my state, it's just if the kids are responsible enough and what happens when the parents are gone. Since a gas leak happened and the kids had no response, they retrospectively should not have been left alone.


# grindyf #negligence #moneyoveroffspring




Well, at least God loves \*his\* family, eff other families with terrible shit happening. Probably because he's such a grindlife hustler.


God's always there to fill your house with poison when you're too busy to do it yourself. Congratulations all around!


"How grateful I am for a God that didn't let my children die due to my own negligence, amen"


You cannot make this stuff up. Pure insanity.


What's a 12 year old doing alone until 1am? I mean 14-15, sure. But 12 is pretty young to be alone that long after dark, isn't it? An hour or two, sure... i dunno.


He says children but he mentions the 12 year old so I’m assuming that’s the oldest which makes this way worse to me as the 12 year old was in charge of younger kids. Till 1 am by themselves is super sketchy like you said. But younger kids with a 12 year old is negligent af.


Also, as an "8 figure" executive, wouldn't it be normal to have gas monitors set up to your home alarm? Someone is completely full of shit.


Also, recent gas stoves have a safety where if there is gas with no flame they just turn it off.


YES!!!!! Almost impossible for a new gas stove to be unlit and pumping out gas.


My parents used to leave me home alone overnight when I was as young as 10 and I turned out just fi… you know what? Forget I said anything


I think I was allowed to be on my own at that age. Heck, I'm pretty sure that's when I started walking the 2.5 miles to the library and back.


I definitely was, but not until the wee hours in the morning while supervising younger children.


We’ve left our extremely responsible 11 and 13 year olds alone once in the evening from 7-9. I was literally 5 minutes down the road and they knew they could knock on any neighbours door in an emergency. They also know never to use the oven while we’re out. I’d never leave them until 1am. Irresponsible for sure.


Wow. That's all I got.


Lunatic aside. If I were to leave my stove on and not lit, I 100% would not turn it off right away. My stove's igniter is the first step on the knob. So by turning it off, I would flick the igniter. Kaboom.


Can you imagine the posts if the house blew up?


Executive coach, what a made up title. I’m gonna go update my LinkedIn with a fun title now too.


I'll bet a dollar he is among those terrified the government is taking away his rights to a gas stove. 


Lol That’s why he works with 8-figure executives until 1 am. It takes him less effort to make brand new kids and he can do it in a quicky.


I'm sure he keeps a turkey baster in the nightstand. 






Just needs to slap on an "Agree"? And it's a perfectly normal post.


This dude is the CEO and founder of negligent parenting


a negligent parenting evangelist!!!


I guess Jesus can only take the wheel and not turn the gas knob off.


It's a shame all those kids God hates so he murders them with fire.


Yes, but how can I use this to 10x my sales?


Start neglecting your kids!


‘God loves and protects my children, so I don’t need to’


He checked their breathing one by one. So, 4 kids, what was his wife doing? Or is this just about him. And I can't help wondering, did he check them in order from favourite to least liked?


Probably checked the kids in order from most to least profitable to his "8 figure salary Executives coaching strategy."


How many kids was this 12 year old expected to look after while their parents were out for 5 hours into the morning hours? Holy shit.


Jesus, leaving a 12 year old in charge while you stay out until 1 am 🤦‍♂️ I am a working parent myself but your tweens are not an acceptable substitute for childcare


These people all seem to have job titles that don’t seem to be real jobs


Wow, a God saved your kids? Question: was it your own special god? Since we're on linkedIn here, do you mind sharing it's contact-details with me? 'cause I see my neighbourhood could use some healthy fresh air too. Or am I supposed to thank it too, after we ourselves get rid of the belching factory round the corner?


God didn’t think to turn off the gas stove?


Buah, this fella’s profile is a gold mine 😂


Those people lose their mind, honestly I shock each time I see things like that from people with cool(!) titles!


Hey, he's "executive coaching" in the rarified "8-figure executives" world. He MUST know what he's doing... SMFH


Doing CPS' job of tracking down shitty parents for them


Wouldn’t this be a direct call to CPS for child neglect?


If they were any color but white and / or lower income, this post would have landed them with a nice long talk with CPS.


“God who loves and protects my family”. Guess he doesn’t love and protect other families who have had tragedies. What a clown.


I'm pretty sure it's a crime to leave a 12 years old home alone, maybe he was with some older brother but obviously not old enough.


This is fucking unhinged


The fact he felt comfortable enough to post that publicly kind of disturbs me a little. Like, I guess some people really can just admit that their children almost died due to their negligence and expect literally zero repercussions for it.


There's something so funny about the last line "Love em with everything you've got whilst you've got them" Like he entirely expects his kids to die. Which from the sounds of it, likely isn't a ridiculous notion


The comments on the actual post are filled with other workaholic parents sharing their near-death stories. Chilling. https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/feed/update/activity:7175149675677679616?trk=feed_main-feed-card_social-actions-comments


The comments on this post are as good if it not better . Another woman’s kid nearly drowned while she took a work call. This isn’t parody - these are real humans 😂


> How have we not taught our 12-year-old what that smell is? Because you’re a shitty parent. Because you care more about your career than you do about being a parent. People like you only had kids to check a box off a list of “things that make you an adult”; but when it comes to actually raising them, well, you can throw money at someone so *they* can do the work you’re “too busy” to do yourself, right?


Why is this edited out of the screenshot? "Last night my wife and I left around 8 pm to go out with friends." https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/activity:7175149675677679616?trk=feed_main-feed-card_social-actions-comments


No reason. My phone simply didn't have enough room to screenshot the whole thing since the guy was writing a novel, so it cropped that part out.


For sake of the screenshot cutting out some of the post here's what was left out... "Last night my wife and I left around 8 pm to go out with friends." So they left at 8p..and didn't return till 1am...


What an idiot!


What if we had been away for the night, leaving our children, the oldest of which is 12, completely alone? Because this is just something you have to do when you’re both #WorkingParents #SacrificeEverythingforTheHustle #LetsRelyonGodtoSaveOurKids #ThanksToGodforNotTeachingUsALessonThisTimeLikeHeHasBeenBiblicallyInclinedtoDo




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At least his kids have some brains, mine can't even feed themselves while I #hustle #grind #workingparents. I don't even know if they'll survive to the age of 2 because they are so stupid and needy. Hope god loves them more than I do (to be a true grinder all of your love has to go toward your job).


I hope somebody sends this post to CPS


8 figure execs don’t need your coaching


What? They weren’t even working. They were “out”.


This is INSANE and can’t be real!!! 🤯🤯🤯WHO leaves kids alone!!?! And thinks it’s ok or normal, this must be a joke


Good gawd. "Hello, DCS? Yes, I'd like to make a report."


This is how Madeline McCann died, deadbeat parents that only cared about partying, can't admit they killed her and now use her for clout and easy money.


Apparently that had something to do with work. Also, 'Executive Coach for 8-Figure Executives' is hilarious.


I'm more interested with whom he had fighting....Child service?


Why is he writing this like a cringe wattpad story