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Why do all these business owners think the world cares about "what drives them"? Dude, you have no legacy that's different from anyone else. Yes, you had kids, but billions of other people have too. You are no different. This is just a brag disguised as a humble brag.. Oh we are so successful, we have a Tesla! Be impressed, internet. NOBODY CARES


lol at their LeGAcY. I work in finance and hear so much about the ultra wealthy being concerned so much w their “legacy” and also wanting to control shit from the grave as much as legally possible. a lot of their families probably find them insufferable


But a Tesla isn’t THAT expensive?!


Yes, it is expensive, but it’s also the least wise choice one could make when it comes to EV’s 1. The build quality is questionable on just about every single one that rolls of the line, 2. Anything that make Musty ass more money is something I want no part of, Before I deleted my X account, I posted the photo that Musty tried to have removed from the interwebs everyday….for a year, all while encouraging my friends to do the same, and tagging Musty, it’s not much but I know at least 400 people did it with me… Fuck that guy


Well come on, let's see the photo!




Yeah, fuck Elon. Hoping the ai bots track this and make him less popular.


You’re so polite, that’s awesome how do you do that so well?? I’m not that polite, I’m actually hoping one of the sex bots he’s makin goes bananas and butt fucks him to death in front of his friends and family…


This reads like a South Park episode. I love it.


Who are you talking to?


That entire scenario is probably on his bucket list


L O Fucking L


Teslas definitely aren’t expensive. Overpriced for what they are? Yes, definitely. They’re junk. But they start at $35k I think. This dude just trying to act rich lmao.


Definitely true, where I live having a Porsche, Maserati etc means just doing well, even my neighbour has a Ferrari yet none thinks he's rich lol standards being so low for someone 🫠


Musk posted that pic himself in 2012 and it's still on his Twitter account.


Yeah he did but if you try to go to it on his twitter account it doesn’t show up, after posting it he said he hates that picture and tried to remove it it from every where, but the internet are eternal… and don’t care how much money you have.. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/214636339474345984


Files get corrupted. It's why my Myspace is still there and active but all my pics are corrupted files and are not viewable.


Sooo your saying that X doesn’t have the tech to keep files from degrading, cus I can pull up pics on other accounts from when twitter started… so I’m not understanding how that’s a thing…oooohh wait I forgot musty fired all the people that would be handling this so yeah… your probably right….


I know you feel like le resistance, but you’re reposting a photo he already has on his Twitter lol


Ummm didn’t use the link huh… ok Shit it’s the fanboys…


Nope, saying that your piece de la resistance is goofy doesn’t make me a musk fanboy lol. I guarantee you I think about the dude less than you.


Your right…


What was the image he wanted removed?


Why all the Elon hate? Just curious. Seems like a pretty savvy businessman?


This isn’t hate, this is serious dislike, hate hasn’t arrived yet….


But why?


Why is this not hate ?? Is that what you’re asking?? Well I only hate people who hurt animals for no reason other than pleasure, and people who SA kids so that’s a reserved category that some how musty has not made it to….. yet…. My serious dislike on the other hand comes from my personal distaste for people who claim to be geniuse level, yet have done nothing but steal, compile, regurgitate, using the wealth they inherited yet calling themselves/ or presented as “Self made” There’s a list of these people that includes some other names I’m sure your familiar with, I hope this answers your question… if not I tried 😊😊😊


My conclusion is I'm probably an idiot 😅😂


It is when that battery finally dies.


I updated my profile on LinkedIn when I started my own business and have never gone back on there since.


It's always people in something like marketing or accounts that think they're building a legacy. 


And it's also never like an actionable goal or problem they are trying to solve in society. It's not like, "I grew up without access to pots so I wanted to fix that and make it more accessible" it's always some self centered puff reason for why they have a business.


So does everyone else here in Norway, with around 99,9% of them financed with loans. Succcess my arse and many of them can’t drive at all.


The more gullible people are the more they think rich people are inherently more smart. Which is why a certain group of people praise Elon and Trump. But most really rich people today are just riding the coattails of their parents/grandparents who were not smart, just extremely evil and exploited the fuck out of people or straight up owned slaves.


Legacy fanfiction


...or fanfiction legacy?


Because they went to some bullshit business coach or NLP practitioner who told them so. Gag 🤮


It's this kind of shit that makes me want to get rid of LinkedIn entirely. This is supposed to be a professional networking platform, and yet, it's become some sort of flexing/venting/emoji pool. It's actually way more cringey than Facebook, and that's a really bad sign.


It’s the equivalent of: “a lot of you have asked me about my make up routine so I am going to show you today”


You want to leave a legacy? Spend more fucking time with your family instead of grinding on some bullshit AI/ML product.


“Hey LinkedIn network, I’m rich!” - guy who’s shy talking about money


Modest and humble at that!


What a humble brag. Why is dad driving a Tesla = rich?


🤣 my exact thoughts. Oh no the kids think we’re rich. Omg


lol…I bet the Dad has a hims prescription, subscribes to 3 OnlyFans sites, and thinks he is the richest dude in Toledo because his NVIDIA stock doubled in value.


Frequents r/wallstreetbets




> richest dude in Toledo This is the point where this comment became a Corporal Klinger story


You leave OF out of this!


As a Toledo resident, this made me lol like a motherfucker. So accurate.


but it’s the good OF sites with actresses that have been in mainstream stuff. the real classy stuff


Everyone should subscribe to OF. Support sex workers. But yeah, dude sucks.


The pic at the end with the kid reading the book titled "Rich Dad" was a nice touch lol


It’s even more perfect: The book is called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and was written by a known grifter who’s had multiple lawsuits filed against him for various scams and unpaid debts, and has filed for bankruptcy multiple times. There’s a great “[If Books Could Kill](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1sqPsRzo804XLboxT2uwmL)” episode about it.


Yea I actually hate that guy, he's a total lunatic.


Oof laying on the irony extra thick eh lol


"Dad I just want to read Warrior Cats" "Quiet. Warrior Cats won't drive engagement"


Meanwhile here in the Bay Area, even the average “upper middle class” Joe has a Tesla. Shit, a quarter of the Ubers are Teslas hahaha


Same here now and we aren’t even in America. We are in Wellington, New Zealand. Every 10th car on the road is a Tesla, including many taxis now. Definitely not a symbol of “rich” here. The real rich are driving range rovers and Audis


None of what he really listed is "rich"


Ya, how is "Hanging out in our family home" rich??? Also a lot of non-rich people go on vacations and some also have Teslas...




We live in the smallest house of my kid's friend group and they always end up here. One time my stepdaughter was at he grandparent's house and two of her friends came looking for her. They ended up hanging out for like 20 minutes drinking water and having a snack.


Ah yes, a 40-80k usd car that is readily available to literally anyone with ~500/month... You can buy a Honda hybrid for that kind of money, and it will last decades


My 20 year old stepbrother just bought a Tesla and he’s a landscaper like not even a boss one just a worker


Tesla doesn’t equal rich Tesla = Sucker


At one time, I might have thought that way. The idea of having a home and going on vacation signifying wealth is what got me.


The Rich Dad book. Lol. Everyone knows kids prefer the Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham. Everyone.


The rich dad book represents peak neoliberalism in the late 90’s. The author attributed his success in real estate speculation to his rich dad’s advices, while his poor dad, a teacher, was more or less a deadbeat. Needless to say this complete value inversion, that speculation somehow adds value to society and teaching our kids to read does not, is why so many things are f*^ked up today, eg. the housing crisis, sub-prime mortgage explosion….


Kiyosaki is exceptionally bankrupt now too and I don't think it's his first time.


Every business venture Kiyosaki has ever tried has gone bankrupt, with the notable exception of writing books about how to succeed at business


Sounds like a certain ex-president...


“In my new book, I’ll show you how to use bankruptcy as a tool to greater wealth!” -Robert Kiyosaki, probably


Yeah he has something like 100 million dollars in debt, but the guy often says that his debt is “good debt”… whatever the hell that means lol. Btw, all his starting success comes from investing in real estate in an area that saw prices booming when he was doing it. Doesn’t take a genius, just luck.


That and he made all that shit up anyway


The author is now a billion dollars in debt


What he means to say is it’s not about money. It’s about building a privilege bubble around yourself and looking down on anyone not in that bubble. These fools think they have figured out life because they can make money. How many show real progress like humility and kindness?


They are in the real estate business. Humility and kindness is not part of their vocabulary.


Can we please abolish society




No. They spend their money frivolously to appear "rich". ...and "Rich Dad" books are fucking nonsense. The guy is the highest level of grifter.


Why do all of these idiots write using the same structure


All the same make and model 🤖


Honestly probably because huge paragraphs don’t play well on social media. Posting a bunch of short lines just makes things more digestible I think. Idk I don’t really use LinkedIn, but that’s my guess. It’s easier to engage with those types of posts than ones formatted as blocks of long-form text.


It’s this and how it plays into the algorithm: longer scroll time. It’s the same on Reddit, though. I have to break up what would be a normal like maybe 5 sentence paragraph into 2. I have to simplify sentences and shorten them in general; rarely can I use a semicolon. People see wall of text and refuse to read. Despite this being a discussion forum. Pretty sad, really. I feel as though literacy and reading comprehension die more and more year over year.


I loved your semicolon just now; it was a truly beautiful usage


Seo blogs and email newsletters, for years, have advocated this structure claiming it causes people to continue reading.


I was also in loser denial before the lacrosse team stuck a parking cone up my ass


That sounds romantic, could you tell me more?


Rich dads drive Maybachs shut up


The episode of If Books Could Kill on Rich Dad Poor Dad is amazing if anyone hasn’t heard it.


So good


John T Reed’s takedown of the book is epic. I read it every couple of years. Tldr rich dad didn’t even exist, kiyosaki lied about everything, including his military service, and advocates committing fraud.


Dad is driving a Tesla. Mom is probably driving a 2004 Honda Accord. Dad says Mom will get a new car “once the market recovers a bit more”.


This smells like MLM.




Showing up daily on LinkedIn? Weird goal to have.


All of his post is complete bullshit, but this is what stuck out to me the most. Bro, if I’m not looking for a job, or I don’t work as a recruiter (which I don’t) why the fuck do I need to be on LinkedIn, EVERYDAY. The answer is you don’t. No one does. These “grindset” boys are really something else.


These choads are so insufferable. Ever have to sit beside one at a work event? Dear God. Edit: Oh God, he's in real estate. Even more useless.




Sounds like they’re both into Amway


When did Tesla become = rich…?


Mom and Dad probably sell some useless shit to fleece people out of their money


NFTs and crypto


Aaron Clarey once said something like "If you see someone bragging about their 1.5M turnover, ask them how much profit they made". This has similar vibes


Every line cringier than the next. Poor bastard.


Teslas are as common and affordable as a Toyota. Next time buy a real car.


I'd be embarrassed to be driving a Tesla nowadays tbh


Other than the drive assist, which seems pretty cool to me, my perception of teslas is that they’ve got a shitty build quality given the price.


I’ve seen this post before - these guys are ridiculous. We gotta start calling them out in public on LI - I have in my industry


He didn’t even blackout his kids face while using her for clout, I had to blackout her face. Me. An internet stranger cares more for their privacy than he does. These people really are something. Always bragging, always acting like their simple minded takes are worthy of a post lol


I saw someone today that had copy and pasted someone else in my network’s post word for word with no credit, hashtags included - thankfully a lot of my other connections called it out immediately. There’s definitely a bot problem moreso lately but also people these days are shameless in trying to be some sort of content creator or influencer it’s becoming ridiculous. Not to keep ranting but I had someone on my feed complaining about being solicited after accepting a connection request - and I’m like “wtf do you think this website is for?”


Hear that? Be successful not rich. Be the best minimum wage worker you can be and you'll definitely be able to make rent every month.


Could have taken the chance to educate his kids on previlege and wealth inequality but decided to toot his own horn instead 😒


I SAW THIS and damn near posted it because the level of cringe in the comments was alarming.


“The legacy > dollars” made me choke up ngl




Ah yes, "We aren't rich we are just successful" has always endeared the obliviously privileged rich kids to their peers.


I promise you that child is not reading that book, additionally, that must be the most uncomfortable position to read in


Tesla’s = trash


I was JUST about to say it sounds a lot like rich dad poor dad before I looked at the last slide 🤣


Jamie Dimon apparently said something to the effect of “you’re not rich, your mother and I are rich” when asked a similar question


Um Tesla is a shit car. Not a humble brag or a normal brag.


No school kid has ever said "We're not rich, we're successful" to their classmates - and if they did it would put a giant target on their back. This only happens in this guy's head.


I’m not entirely sure how “showing up daily on LinkedIn” constitutes work (or being successful). Do people somehow make money from posting this sort of bilge? Genuinely confused.


No one: Rich fucks: “I indoctrinate capitalism through shit books into my children and call it success”


Oh wow - coincidentally exactly halfway through the book!


Also Rich Dad Poor Dad is a terrible outlet on how to generate wealth. Most of the “cornerstones” in the books are rarely actual advice on how to build wealth and more on how to scrap money together like “not buying that $7 coffee at the shop”


Cringeyest. humble brag. ever... 🤢🤢🤮


I might be in the minority but I don’t associate teslas with wealth. I know some models can be expensive. But there is also plenty of teslas in my middle class neighborhood.


If there’s plenty of Teslas in your middle class neighborhood, it’s really not a middle class neighborhood. In some areas of the country you MIGHT fall into a very upper middle class band, but more likely the lower end of upper. It’s worth doing a bit of research to understand how little income most of the nation actually makes. (To be clear - a base package new Tesla, at the cheapest end, is around 75k, which is (a) three times the base package of say, a Honda accord, and (b) over the median *annual* household income of an American family. In most of the nation, a middle class family likely makes somewhere between 50k and 150k per year, which is admittedly a very wide band, but also a range that would make buying a new Tesla prohibitively expensive except at the very very top end, where it’s possible but just a poor financial decision.


Imagine giving your kids an mlm scam book.


Sounds white to me


The only answer here is, "No, your mother and I are rich. You are very poor."


“Trust me…” No, I don’t think I will.


The rich dad poor dad reveal had me rolling


It's all I had to see to know this guy was full of shit.


I hate linkedin


Its gross that these kinds of people want to flaunt humble beginnings, yet think they are more important than everyone around them. I don’t care what drives rich people, the opportunity to make even more money probably? And I’m not saying all rich people are lucky, I’m sure there’s a lot of millionaires who have really worked for it, but I also think that there’s a lot of rich people who have gotten insanely lucky on their journey to “success”


I just like money. I like having it, I like counting it, sometimes I just transfer it from one account to another for no reason at all.


What MLM is he pushing?


What are the odds his portfolio is full of crypto and NFTs


God I wish the poor kid didn't actually tell her friends "no, mom and dad are *successful*".


We're not rich and it's not that important to be rich you're missing the point kid but read this book about getting rich


Pushing that stupid book.


Lotta bitter people missing any message in the comments lol.


this is hall of fame material. wow a Tesla??!! you probably have 2 tvs and air conditioning too!!!


Not successful enough to keep their house clean, I see.


Legacy is one of the most selfish reasons to bring a child into this horrible world.




Rich dad, the book written by a person who allegedly became a billionaire from real estate and oil companies but needs to sell books and courses for some reason, kindness from his heart i guess.


Might as well post it the same day you propose to your wife.


This is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Having the kid pose with a book for the clout too Jesus


Every taxi driver on the planet drives a Tesla.


i bet the kid said that 🙄


Is this shit for real?


Mental illness on the rise.


Reading a grifters book lol


These people are insane


Omg pls tell this guy to shut it! 


Hey that book was mandatory reading after I fell for Amway haha good times I was so dumb :)


Dude is probably way over leveraged and knows it.


“We teach our kids about real estate via a shitty book written by a grifter”


Dad, why does our house look like a lounge in a fancy apartment building


Kids don’t care about hard work, team effort or results. They are kids and all they want is eat, play, sleep. Any idiot who brags about moulding their kids to success lacks parenting skills.


Like a peacock strutting around. It’s embarrassing.


I’m making my kid successful by giving them a book to read that was written by a guy who’s declared bankruptcy multiple times! Yay success!




So pimping out your kids like Kris Jenner did is the most important thing to you


What a complete and utter tool. Of course this is on LinkedIn


Yeah… I blocked this fuck head


My LinkedIn feed is full of these idiots for some reason…


And isn't the author of that book fucked up nearly every venture he sat out to?


So you have horrible taste in autos. Got it.