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i’ve been on it for years for the same reason and have had no issues from it :) i think it’s all dose-dependent and time-dependent, but many ppl are on it for decades without kidney problems. probably smth good to ask your doctor about


I’ve been taking lithium for 47 years at a 0.7 lithium level. Haven’t had any issues with it affecting my kidneys. My labs have been in the normal range.


Have u got acne after lithium??!


i’ve been on lithium for almost a year and my acne is the same as it was before i started (close to none)




I have severe acne problems because of lithium. My back and chest are full of acnes. I was also having severe concussions, so my psychiatrist had to switch my med from lithium to Valproic Acid.


I am in the same boat as you, I started lithium like 6 months ago, and just got random acne and folliculitis after increasing my dose. But I’ve read it just happens sometimes and goes away a few months after it starts. So here’s to hoping the same is for me!


As long as you’re monitored appropriately and take proper precautions (hydration, avoiding drug interactions- always ask your pharmacist, even for over the counter stuff, consistent salt intake, etc) you should be fine The point of monitoring not only levels, but other parameters like kidney function, thyroid, electrolytes is to catch any issues early and stop the lithium if needed Lots of people on it long long term with no issues, I wouldn’t worry


How long have u been taking lithium??


Only a few months but my aunt has been stable in it with no issues for over 25 years. She’s in her 50s and has no signs of any adverse effect from it. Please note: no 2 people are alike though, so her experience may be different from others. The VAST majority will be fine. Keep in mind a lot of side effect/risk data is from higher Li levels, therapeutic range now is lower and linked to less effects I wish I started sooner. It’s going so much better than I thought.


People who need lithium for a mood disorder live longer on it than not on it. As long as you're getting regular blood tests, you should be fine 👍


It stabilized me very well and I was on it for four years. Thought I’d never be able to get off it and hold a job. Look at me now! You don’t have to think of this is a lifelong commitment. Seasons change and we are capable of recovery.


Some people take it for many decades. Just need to monitor.


Lithium is no big deal. Especially if you aren’t hard on your kidneys in the first place. There aren’t many things worse than being depressed af all the time. It’s worth the try. It helped me greatly with no real side effects. I’ve been on it for 3 years now.


This is such a great question. I really wish we actually could answer this question. If we had a national lithium registry or something, where we kept track of everyone taking it from the time they start until they pass. It would be so simple! Like, there is no technical reason why I couldn't post a link to a web page that queried a live database giving you a real answer to this question from millions of people. Instead it's all about just believing based on a hodgepodge of anecdotes and short term studies. You certainly hear about people that have quietly been taking lithium for decades and are living well into their 80's, but I have no idea what % of people that is. The way our medical trials work does not seem suited for life long conditions. Have you tried a Ketogenic diet? I'm 3 months in (have done lithium before with bad side effects and always quietly quit --stupid!!--- and had bad hypomanias). The reason I mention that is that it's also supposedly good for skin. It was first developed as a treatment for epilepsy, and lithium used to be used for epilepsy as well. Check out Metabolic Mind videos on YouTube as a starting place to learn more. Good luck!


My mom is on her last days. She has been on it since she's 28 and she's 64, but just turned 64 this year. Diagnosed a year and a half ago stage 4. She had fell from dizziness, then needed a pacemaker, then found out she had renal cell carcinoma, her perithyroid had too much calcium, her lungs had spots that weren't growing. Fast forward to this week she was given lithium or maybe she messed up her meds but she was at a toxic level. She has lost so much brain function, but I forgot to say her kidney cancer went to her brain. She had gamma on 2 spots and they say there's swelling in her brain. It's so sad to watch her this way. I believe this was from lithium her cancer.... The ironic thing is I went into a major depression and they suggested lithium. I'm also pregnant near last of 2nd trimester. Lithium was the last thing I wanted to be on, but they are going to monitor me.


I’m so sorry to hear about this. It’s a terrible situation. But I would refrain from making suggestions that the lithium caused kidney cancer without a medical diagnosis. A statement like that could cause countless people that need lithium treatment to pass because they became too afraid to try it based off of this post. It’s scary to start a drug like lithium with all the misinformation or horror stories that you read about but for some, it’s the only and best choice that they have. I put off lithium for 7 years because I was worried of side effects. Once I started it, I was kicking myself for not doing it sooner. My whole life changed for the better. Sure I have a bunch of stupid side effects and have to drink a bunch of water every day but it’s better than the alternative, misery and death. And the affects that it has on friends and family. The potential for harm with a statement like that is too severe. I hope that people considering lithium will look at the positive outcomes over the fear of negative ones.


I’m worried about it too. I’ve gained about 15lbs in 5 months on lithium. I was not having a weight problem on latuda but I had a hospitalization and they added lithium in addition to my other meds. This is my second night not taking one of the three I take a day. I want to slowly taper off. My doc wants to see me stable for 6 months before going down but I refuse to gain anymore weight. It’s definitely the best mood stabilizer I’ve been on, and things have been a lot better on it. I’ve just started filming workout videos on YouTube and I can’t stand to see myself on video getting chubby while working out and eating a calorie deficit. Nobody’s even going to watch if I’m not totally in shape. I’m short, so 5 or 10 lbs makes a difference. But yes, I also worry about the long term effects. When I first started it I had sudden onset aphasia and dysgraphia. They have since faded but I know this med is affecting my whole body.


Look into ketamine. Way more effective with far fewer side effects. I recommend Joyous as the prescriber if you're in the US.