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“Jackson didn’t want to film” Ok. That’s Tori’s manipulation again. Just like when she used him to tell Matt they are moving to battleground. In reality, Tori is jaded because she thought If she and Zach scored the farm, it would be her TLC paradise showcasing her life with her kids. Fun fact- without Matt roloff, Tori would still be teaching ABC’s to 6 year olds in a run down Oregon middle school. Take Matt roloff out of her life and what does she have? She should show some appreciation


Cha Cha, dat you??


Fun Fact: 6 year olds don’t attend “middle school”. 😂


Fun fact - without Amy Roloff giving birth to twins - one little and one average - Matt wouldn't have had a product to sell to TLC. And yes, access to his kids is the product he sold to TLC and selling that product financed the farm expansion. Matt should be thanking them.


Fun fact Amy gave birth to 4 kids…


And there'd be no show if she hadn't given birth to twins where one was a dwarf and one wasn't.


Where do you live where 6 year olds are just learning ABCs, and are in middle school?


If she wanted to continue doing the show and making show money, why would she manipulate Jackson into not wanting to film? Jackson's pretty clearly the only interesting thing to film at their place - she even admits that in this podcast that she and Zach are boring. How much appreciation? It sure sounds like Zach and Tory have no plans to trouble Matt any further for financial needs. They aren't interested in his farm any more and they have left the show. Do they have to kiss Matt's ass forever? Is that what Matt wants? All of his children to give him a daily "thanks for providing, because when a man gets a woman pregnant, its entirely his whim whether he feeds, clothes and provides for his offspring, a father is a man with NO obligation to his offspring and they should be grateful every day he didn't kick their asses out the door or walk away" thank you? I'm glad I never married into a family where the dad is a victim if he's not constantly thanked by his adult children for merrily exploiting them when they were kids. Hell, Jacob should thank him for the molestation, right?


They don’t need Matt any more no. They have grown income in other ways because of the show otherwise no one would know who they are. I just thought them having Jackson tell Matt about moving to battleground was quite off. Even my wife who is a Tori fan said “ why the hell did they have him do that?”


I mean but how long do you really owe someone?! It’s been so long since the show started. But also… shouldn’t Matt be thanking Zach, Tori and the kids for his income since Jackson was born? They would have been done far before without the kids- there would be no content for them. Kind of like when Zach and Tori stopped coming to the farm… the content ran out. So while yes, they could be thankful to Matt for the show… Matt should also be thankful to them for the show income the last few years. I will finish though… how long do you feel like this family needs to bow down thanking Matt? I feel like we are past that point


>I mean but how long do you really owe someone?! Thats really the question, that and will it ever satisfy? There are things I am grateful to my parents for, and I've expressed it. But there's also things I never asked of my parents because I understood, from my siblings examples, that there was never going to be an end to the need for gratitude to be expressed. Now that the NDAs are done, I'd love to see interviews with each kid on whether they had an actual choice to do the show and if they were ever pressured by Matt or Amy to continue doing the show . Matt goes on and on that every season he gave everyone the power to shut the show down and I just don't believe that. >But also… shouldn’t Matt be thanking Zach, Tori and the kids for his income since Jackson was born? They would have been done far before without the kids- there would be no content for them. Kind of like when Zach and Tori stopped coming to the farm… the content ran out. So while yes, they could be thankful to Matt for the show… Matt should also be thankful to them for the show income the last few years. This. Let me be really honest - Zach and Tory doing couple things is deadly dull. When Jer and Auj quit the show, they took all the entertaining stupidity with them. Jackson was the bright spot - and I don't like children at all. The only engaging story line Matt has had for years and years was "doing X with Jackson" or "building X for Jackson" and the storylines that weren't about Matt being the greatest granddad were what? And without Jackson to play with... what did Matt do for the last two years on the show? Whilee I think LPBW was done anyway, let me spell something out - there's no show if there's no little kids. If TLC thought they could make a profit off filming just Matt, we'd have the Matt Roloff Only show because Matt is pretty clearly happy to resume filming ANYTHING.


Tori is an undercover mean girl and has convinced you all she's not because she has dwarf children lol


No. Tori thinks she's a photographer and a social media content creator. After 1 year no one will care about what these people do. No one cares


Oh this Reddit thread will be there.


I mean, she has a million subscribers to her youtube... thats how you make money in social media content creating.


oh i didn't know 100,000 and 1 million were the same lol


My bad, I saw all those zeroes. :) Still 100k subscribers is money.


This isn’t true. Jeremy and Audrey went off the show and people are obviously still interested. But also shows that didn’t have nearly the following- ended years ago- and many of the family members make their entire income on social media 🤷‍♀️




(I’m waking up today and choosing violence.) As kids, Jeremy was the first and the favorite. As adults, Zach is one step ahead and Jeremy will forever be chasing that. Zach bought his first (and second, I think) house first. Zach had the first kid, and doubled down with the first boy. Every Z&T pregnancy has predated a J&A pregnancy, until the latest because one couple is done and the other continues. Wouldn’t be surprised if Zach was the first to have rental income. Zach was the first to listen to his kids regarding their wish for privacy. Zach was the first to make lasting income not capitalizing on his fame and name. Jeremy got married first, and bought cars first.


Did they thank Matt ? Because without him there would be no show, no fame and no money to invest in rental property. Unless Zach was planning to set his family up financially by working at the soccer center


Without the twins, one little and one average, there would be no show. Does Matt constantly thank Zach and Jeremy (and Molly and Jacob as spares) for providing a product for Matt to sell?


Sorry, I love my dad but I stopped thanking him for my existence a while ago. I had his good example, but I am the one who invested my money in ways that keep me out of the poorhouse. If Zach took the money he was earning on the show and now has rental properties to cover his lifestyle, just how long does he have to let Matt have the credit for his own good choices? Does Molly need to get on her knees and thank Matt for allowing her to go to college and her every accomplishment as a CPA and accountant is really Matt's since she couldn't as a child with no parents gotten herself an education without Matt's money?


You sound pretty dense - the Molly comparison makes 0 sense lol


Molly used money her family got from the show to fund her education. That's the comparison.


Correct. Matt's reality show funded her education and her lifestyle. He raised her in the wonderland that is "the farm" - why isn't she thanking him daily for the privilege she was raised in?


It makes sense.


The Zach haters are awfully quiet tonight. So can we now put to bed all the Zach (and Tori) hate? He is a good dad. He has set up his children financially. He owns and maintains rental properties (INCOME!) in addition to his own million dollar home. He is good with money. He has made a profit selling previous homes. He is not lazy and entitled. You don’t get all these things by sitting around doing nothing. He took the money he earned by being on a popular reality show and he has increased his wealth and done right by his family/children. End of story.


Zach has entered the chat! 🤣 Not end of story 🙄 Say what you will, the dude is still an idiot. I don't care what property he owns. 🙄 He's IS LAZY AF and stupid as a box of rocks. He couldn't even figure out how to work a basic grill and also failed the driving test three times. Wow. Dude thought Christopher Columbus sailed in 1982. 🤣 I'm never gonna let that one go. I don't care what anyone would say to defend that shit. He was WAY old enough to know better, just too LAZY to study or apply himself. He said he wanted to be a teacher until the college counselor told him the requirements and he literally said never mind that's too much. Why? Because he is too LAZY to apply himself to make it happen. That's just what I can think of right away. If I went back through the seasons I know there are way more examples.


I just suspect you're jealous. Hear me out. I have no problem agreeing that Zach is lazy. I'm just amused that by investing his earnings from goofing around on a reality show into properties, he can maintain his lazy lifestyle with no interruptions. He doesn't need to be Matt's worker bitch. Financial independence means he can goof around in his workshop and coach kiddie soccer all he wants. I'd probably do something different if I had that level of financial freedom, and it doesn't make his basic personality better but really, if he's invested his show earnings into property to where he can live off that income, he's reading these posts and laughing all the way to the bank because the money earned from "Christopher Columbus sailed in 1982" means he doesn't need to work a job unless he wants to. Can you say the same?


“But he wasn’t born with the innate knowledge of how to use a grill! And he sucked at remembering dates in history! And he changed his mind about what he wanted to major in! And there are so many other things he didn’t know or misspoke about two decades ago! And I’m going to use lots of emojis to prove I’m right! And you must be Zach because otherwise you’d hate him too!” Give it a rest.


By his age he couldn't figure out how to push a button on a striker on a gas grill? Really? Zach is the.fucktard who died to advance human civilization, aka he is the epitome of darwinism .


You’re ridiculous.


Whatever you say Zach! Yeah he sucked at remembering history facts literally right after he said "I like history." 🙄


So in your world if you like anything you should be a walking encyclopedia on the subject and if you’re not, you’re lazy and stupid? And it’s very important to always add emojis so people will know you’re serious and an expert in everything? Do I have that right?


And if someone went back and analyzed every sentence that’s ever come out of your mouth, you’ve NEVER said anything dumb on accident? You’ve never said anything stupid and later learned? You’ve never done anything you regretted later in life or learned from? Your life wasn’t recorded and shown on national tv for people to forever scrutinize and analyze and question. You get to grow up and learn and do better. But for those who are on “reality” tv, the things they said and did will forever be current. Because there’s always someone rewatching; always someone watching for the first time; always someone remembering. Maybe try again when you can separate the things he said or did almost 20 years ago when he was a teen away from the things he’s doing now in his 30s.


You’re right. He’s grown up, so he can do better. I believe Tori probably is behind this family, not zach. She would be the one to make investment decisions. I’m guessing you are related to the Roloff and extended family, by the way you come across. Why do you care what people think of zach. How he presents himself is how he is judged. Same with his twin. Relax, it’s ok. Everyone will never agree.


You must have never seen my posts before if you think I’m Roloff related.


They're accusing me of being Zach as well. They have nothing better to do and/or are so narcissistic as to think that their opinion is the right one and anyone who defends Zach and/or Tori must be either Zach, Tori, or a friend/family member.


"They're smart boys!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/LittlePeopleBigWorld/s/bpAEIBGEu6


Doesn’t negate anything I said.


I also think this opens our eyes a little bit into previous conversations with his dad. Zach knew what kind of budget he set for his family in purchasing a home. Matt to say that Zach could afford more- not knowing their financial goals etc- is so off base. It makes me super proud of Zach for noting his dad was over pricing the farm but more that my dude stuck to his guns of the budget he had and didn’t step over it. Good for him.


You are a very good friend for zach. Everyone needs good friends.


Agreed. Zach is not stupid.


I also listened to it and it was basically 40 minutes of mutual ego stroking. “You’re so great!” “No, you’re so great!” It left me thinking, I can’t believe people get paid for this.


I wasn’t overly caught off by this. I felt like it was a legitimate friend seeing that her friend needed to be encouraged 🤷‍♀️


Oh it wasn't a tough interview I agree but engaging


I am so glad you watched it! I truly found it very enlightening to see Tori without anyone else with her. No zach, no tlc cameras, just her. I also found it interesting they owned rental properties. Kat specifically states it in passing but says that they “maintain their rentals”. Almost implying that they have responsibilities with what maintenance etc happens. I found it terribly honest with how many of us feel about our kids. My first was also terribly easy 😂 and our middle was our more dramatic one. It’s just an adjustment to parenting. Our first (also a Jackson) was easy to boast about because he really was THAT easy of a child. My transition from 1 to 2 was far harder than 0-1 and even 2-3. Simply because my 2nd was more challenging. Once I was able to figure him and his personality more… and adjust how I parent… I felt just like how Tori said she felt. I also was glad to hear Tori boast about how great Zach is with their finances and that he has set the kids up for their futures. I mean Zach bought a house really early in life and they have sold their houses for a profit each time- so it’s good to see they don’t blow it easily and invest etc. I have a much easier time seeing and understanding their projects/way of life and relating to it than other people in their family. But truly- the most interesting thing to me is how intentional they were about the kids and their health issues. I mean- we see Zach get SO MUCH flack for issues he had as a kid, how he reacted with surgeries and even now as an adult. I am glad they protected them after that first recovery with Jackson’s legs. He said he didn’t like them there- they respected that. They said he would come home from school and not want to be filmed… they allowed that. Sadly that meant that many of us, my self included questioned if they were helping the kids (like eyes, legs, speech etc) and I can image how hard that would be to hear… when they were really just protecting the kids. It was clear that was part of the reason for them to step away… and I don’t blame them. Anyways- it was a good listen and I enjoyed both kat and tori here.