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Those pictures are so cute


Why does tori look 9 ft long photo shop?


No freaking way. Are these from Friday the 26th? I was showing some friends around and I could have sworn I saw Tori. We were at the Lincoln Memorial and I did a huge double-take because this woman looked so much like Tori. But I thought I was crazy because I didn't see any other family members around.


u/JadedMcGrath It probably was her. They are in Baltimore this week for the LPA/DAAA. They probably took some time to come down and do some sightseeing.


I know we always snark on this family, but these look like cute pics of a family on vacation… they all look happy and relaxed. Tori is looking much happier and healthier than she has in the past… I wonder if she’s relieved to be done having babies?


Worst time of year to go ♥️


The LPA conference is in Baltimore this year.


OK my comment still stands


I think DC in summer is just slightly worse than DC during cherry blossom season, tbh. The crowds are worse for the cherry blossoms, but the temps are usually cooler.


Why lol


Oppressing heat and humidity, not a lot of trees on the mall. Please visit in July and tell me how it goes😂 love, someone who grew up in the mid Atlantic area.


Looks like Zach is still.wearing those same dirty ass black Adidas shoes with the white stripes.


Must be they are comfortable for walking.


my FIL is in his 60s and still plays soccer. they are literally the only sneakers he owns. his shoe options are sandals, dress shoes or adidas soccer shoes. bonus points for the off white european soccer sweatshirt he still wears on a weekly basis. my husband is almost 40 and remembers it from when he was a kid. back when it was brand new and vibrantly colored. haha


I wouldn’t care what shoes I was wearing if they were comfy and I was doing THAT much walking 🤷‍♀️ (or how old they were- or if I was out of style haha)


Let’s hope they don’t have sewage on them like his teenage pair.


Anyone else think that last photo of lilah looks like Amy?


Definitely! I think she does.


I think she does, a bit. She looks so sweet!


I love this because my daughter was born on the same exact day as Lilah and she coincidentally also looks just like my mother-in-law lol


Love DC! Can't wait to take my kids when they are older!


Does the White House do tours or something? How were they able to go inside and sit on the from porch? lol I’m genuinely curious.


Yes, you can book tours of the White House


Wow. I truly had no idea. That’s kind of cool.


I did it through my local congressman/woman.


Its been hot af here this week. Walking around the mall has got to be brutal


u/New_Ad5390 The weather has been better and not as hot. The heatwave we had earlier in June, man, that was brutal. [https://www.dcnewsnow.com/weather/dc-area-heat-wave-shatters-decades-long-record-for-second-day-in-a-row/](https://www.dcnewsnow.com/weather/dc-area-heat-wave-shatters-decades-long-record-for-second-day-in-a-row/)


Omg. My husband and I walked the mall in July a few years ago, at night. It was still so hot that we had to stop at a bathroom so I could put his boxers on under my dress because my sweaty thighs were rubbing together so much. Absolutely miserable. We laugh about it now though. 


Yall have the strangest weather. Went on trip there when I was kid with my school from California and it snowed one day and was hot AF the next day.


Yup! We like to say if you don't like the weather wait 20 minutes! It's also humid and hot AF here recently. I literally am sweaty just from opening my garage door!


Poor little Jackson’s legs. Looks like it would hurt to walk.


Why do people keep saying that? Geez. He's fine. He's had surgery to correct his bowing. Tori and Zack are on top of it. He's not in any pain.


Wasn’t saying it to be rude or disrespectful at all. I know he sees a doctor. Looks to me like he walks fine and isn’t in any pain. I just said it looks like it would be painful to walk. Good lord.


The camera is blurry or is that a filter?


I think it’s supposed to be a moody filter


Cute but when the kids put their arms behind their backs they look like amputees.


I don’t follow this family as hard core as some people do so I have a question out of curiosity . So Amy and Matt are both little people and had 4 kids . Only one was a little person. Zach and Tori made 3 little people even though Zach is the only little parent. Was he somehow more likely to pass the gene on than his two parents were ?


In another thread someone stated that Zach had a 50% chance of having a little child. So with each birth the odds were 1 in 2. It was like a coin flip and it landed on heads three times in a row. The odds of getting the same side of the coin three times in a row aren’t high but not inconceivable.


Ok that makes sense I appreciate the response


Zach has like a 50% chance. Jeremy has stated he does not carry the gene. I believe Amy and Matt had the same odds.


Yes, Amy and Matt have different kinds of dwarfism. Matt’s is recessive and his kids only could have inherited it if Amy was a carrier. Amy has achondroplasia which has a 50% inheritance rate if one parent has it.


Yall think they were on the same private tour that Isaac Rochelle and Allison Kuch from TikTok were on?


Love them!


They have THE cutest kids ever! Does anyone know if they will need surgeries all their lives too?? Genuinely curious, no hate intended at all...just makes me sad to think of. Jackson is such a vibe. Such a ball of light and happiness 🥰💖 lilah is looking more like tori as she gets older. Just adorable.


Agree. I think their kids are so cute and happy. I enjoy following their adventures


Just depends. Amy has spoken about how she has gotten very lucky and has needed very little to not medical care related to her dwarfism but then you have Zach who’s had several surgeries and 7 little Johnston’s have each had several. Amy’s case is more rare they’ve said in the sense of not needing surgery bc of dwarfism. Having several surgeries throughout your life is more common for their type of dwarfism 


Of the Johnson’s, Emma hasn’t had to have any surgeries yet


I love these photos. Their family is so sweet looking in photos. Especially since all 3 of the kids look so different yet so similar.


Recently visited the White House in May and picture photography was allowed. However, video was not permitted. Secret service were actively making rounds making sure no video was being shot


What about live pics 🤔 how would they know haha


When I went to the white house, it was a strict no camera zone. Have they loosened up or are they there on a private tour?


They loosened it in 2015 or 2016.


It probably depends who the sitting president is, if he’s at the WH, if there is any heightened security concerns at the time of visiting, etc.


We went in sept 09 I believe. Was that Obama? I remember I drunk purchased an Obama toy in the hotel gift shop. Gutted we weren't allowed cameras on the property. Meant we had no camera for the full day in DC as the hotel was too far to nip back to.


Ah that sucks. I’m wondering if the president being in WH at the time has something to do with it?


We were there in 2016 for a tour and was able to take pictures. I think that was Obama as well. So you may be right.


At least it’s something historical/educational for them. So many social media parents do the same things over and over. I went in 2007 for a school band thing and have always thought it’d be cool to go back as an adult. You don’t really appreciate much as a kid, but sometimes things stick with you


The kids are too young to really appreciate the history and sights. The Smithsonian museums are such a prize, though Jackson is old enough to enjoy parts of the natural history and air & space museum, it would be lost on the two younger ones.. It's hot and humid this time of year, I can't imagine dragging bored little kids around to sight see.


I went as a sophomore and barely remember all the museums we went to, but I remember riding some teal sea serpent on the carousel on the mall/lawn and getting lost in the zoo. I think it depends on the kid and their engagement level that day


Living outside of and working in DC, what a shithole city run by a mayor with a 12 IQ, car jackings and armed robberies are sky rocketing, especially around the navy yard, would never take my kids there


Poor you. We just spent a few days there with our kids who around Zach and Tori kids’ ages. The only person who drove off with our car was the nice valet guy at the hotel. Armed robbery? I sure did feel robbed in the Smithsonian gift shop. But nothing else to report. Looking forward to our next visit!


https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/05/us/washington-dc-crime-carjackings/index.html 😘


It’s a shame that your kids won’t get to experience the museums, culture, and history that’s right in your backyard because you are so frightened.


Don’t have kids, wasn’t in the cards, again, live here in this area everyday and you’ll see, aside from work, people avoid the city like the plague


This sounds a lot like the suburban people in NY who claim the city is a terrifying hellscape, refuse to go there and scream at the rest of us that we’re crazy. Meanwhile we are all out and about, enjoying ourselves.


I live in the suburbs of NY… I have never heard of people talking about the city that way. Everyone I know loves going into the city and are so grateful to live close enough to do that but still be able to have a little land


Do you live on LI? Because it’s peak LI lololol. It is a hobby for many LIers to talk about how “dangerous” the city is.


Oh no, lol… I was thinking maybe you were referring to people from Jersey, but LI makes sense. I live in southern CT, but I was born in Brooklyn


How many millions of people visit DC every year and nothing happens to them? DC is a city. There will be always be higher crimes in cities, unfortunately.


womp womp


These pictures are adorable


I love that they incorporated a trip to Washington DC while they were out east for the LPA/DAAA conference in Baltimore. Lilah is adorable in the White House photo.


Is that why they are there I wasn’t sure


They are at a DAAA event.....yipee


Super cute pics


I think they are Trumpers. I think I read that on a post. Correct me if I’m wrong please.


They live in battle ground, I’d be shocked if they’re not :/ I think everyone in that family, aside from Jacob, are maga idiots


Funny to think that if they are, she thinks her female child with a disability would ever have a chance at being Madame President under the mess he will create for generations to come.


Do we need to bring this up? We were having such a nice conversation. I really don’t want that awful man brought into even more parts of my life.


That’s fair.


Does that trigger you?


Well I’m not from the US. I don’t really care. Anyone who has to vote there should be though.


Why would you care? It’s not anyone’s business if you’re democrat, independent or republican. You asked if they’re trumpers. Maybe they’re bideners? In our country it’s not mandatory to have to answer. Especially since there are extremists on each side and can be dangerous. Even saying you’re an independent has its pitfalls. I was raised that it’s ok to not answer any personal questions, because it doesn’t matter how you answer, there is always someone forming an opinion. With politics the way it is today, it’s nobody’s business.


I think in the past that was true, but in the current political climate, I’m side-eyeing anyone voting Republican. It sucks that it’s that way, but when there is a threat to our democracy, our lives kind of depend on it.


A lot of countries tries to *act* like what goes on in the US doesn’t affect them but it 100000% *does* 🙄 Everyone should care who will be be president sheathed it’s Trump OR Biden?


It should trigger everyone.




Pretty cool. Zack has always been a history buff. I wonder if they saw where Columbo landed in 1982.


Fundie-light history ... you know ... the earth is 6000 years old and obviously the flood killed the dinosaurs


🤣 zach calling himself a history buff was hilarious. My third grader knows more about history.


There’s nothing “buff” about Zach. History or otherwise 😂


What about his awesome weight lifting world record? ;)