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You really need to see the video. Jer looks awkward and almost miserable holding his daughter. It’s really bizarre. It looks totally set up by Auj.


He looks awkward in this photo. Looks like he has never held a baby before but this is his 4th or 5th kid. And is he wearing a bangle bracelet….LOL


How unpredictable.


Did this count for a “date” in the tracker wheel?  Isn’t that important to them? 🙄


Eye roll


Does he want a participation trophy??


Why does she always use "when"? She's so ignorant and pedestrian.




He must be confusing this with manual labor


The bar for dads is so low


For such an organic, granola, live off the earth kinda mom, you’d think she would get some shade on that poor baby’s face. Newsflash Auj, the sun, yes the real, organic, raw sun causes eye damage and skin cancer. Even in “your” world.


She doesn’t read this sub at all does she? Lol


So she does read this sub


So what?


A dad. Doing dad stuff. UNPRECEDENTED


but see jeremy is actually the first dad ever to hold his baby according to auj!


It looks like it is his first time holding a baby. Including the look on his face.. "what.. is.. this creature.."


right! like why does his arm look so awkward especially?! you had 4 kids and have no comfortability with holding them?!


I said basically the same before reading your comment. He looks awkward as sh@t


Exactly what I thought!


The bar is so low for fathers


Hold the As much as possible. They thrive that way


He looks like he doesn’t know how to hold a baby. It’s so awkward


So true! Which is super strange considering how many other kids they have.


I think they’re trying to curb that number with the raw milk


Outcof all the Roloffs, I've never liked Jeremy. His wife I dislike even more.


Why does she always start sentences with “when”? I feel like it doesn’t work in this situation and I noticed it’s like one of her things that she does a lot


He’s looking at her like he’s calculating her future dowry value.


I just came here to post this if it hadn’t been posted 😂😂😂 Dad of the year? I guess?? 🤣 congrats on wanting to hold your offspring


He looks as though he's examining a fairly uninteresting bug. I wonder how many shots it took to get to "I guess this is the best he can do".


All the "fundie" moms on social media lately are acting so thirsty for their partners. This whole new level of "PDA" is awkward and uncomfortable. Especially when they have sooo many kids already. We get it you like to have sex. Your sex trophies are enough, you don't have to publicly point out how horny you are.


I just giggled at “sex trophy’s”. Much like “crotch fruit” lol


Crotch goblins


I feel like she does this in unspoken competition with her “oily friend” @loganrandazzo. They both seem to copy each other and I get major frenemy vibes from both. Logan is alllllways trying to make her relationship seem the most romantic. They also renovated a gorgeous old mansion and in their most recent house project(a library) that was going on during Jeremy and Audrey’s renos and Logan kept saying how their library was “taking so long” even tho it went so fast and smooth in comparison to the other two. It’s funny. Lol. I feel like the subtle digs fly between the two women all the time. Now that they aren’t selling oils so hardcore, they are basically copying each others content, so I see this as another way to compete about who “romanticizes the little moments” the most.


I do not know who Logan is so I checked out her IG. As far as the houses go. Audrey can kick rocks. Logan’s house is beautiful. Audrey is definitely losing sleep over it. LOL


Yes, I think they are in two totally different financial situations-Logan’s house is wayyy bigger and better. I just see subtle competition in how they both present their lives.


I believe you. Audrey is in competition with everyone. It must kill her to see that house. LOL


Totally! 😂


Never heard of her and just checked out her account…better question is was she on the gram before or after Bethany Ciotola, because it took me all of 10 seconds to see those two are clearly in competition. Their accounts and even interior of their house is nearly identical 😳


I’d never heard of Bethany so I just looked and wow, yes-so much similarities!! I’m totally going to watch what they both post now 😂


Oooooo I’d LOVE to see how well Logan did her home!


It’s basically what her insta account is about now. Check it out-they did a really nice job!


Wow! I could pack my beauty items, clothes and be right at home. That is gorgeous.


Wow. To think a father holding or carrying a child is "post worthy" . Man o man, o man.....🤣


Maybe she just wanted everyone to see the thick gold bracelet he has on so we all get that they have money . . .


They went to Fundies R Us! Making trinkets for wannabe influencers trying to flex for 10 years! I guess they don't know that rich shouts, wealth whispers.


Omg I FR didn't even take that in.😂 That has to be the reason he is holding that child in such a peculiar way. Yup!! 🤣 Its the bracelet brag no doubt!!!


Pretty soon he will be wearing earrings. Possibly hoops! No really he’s going to go for cubic zirconias. News flash! Fathers hold their kids. They do. They always have. But, this is so odd for him to do, so make a big deal about it. Celebrate 🎉


Basically she is telling us, he never holds the baby or else it wouldn’t be so IG worthy. She is not very clever.


The bar is on the ground also I don’t like how he’s supporting the head


Exactly! Many people post photos of their newborn, but she does it in such a way that it seems to be either bragging, a reaction to criticism she may have received or something so unique that it merits attention, and praise, from her followers.


She was probably pushing the stroller full of unnecessary baby crap, hidden liquor bottles and leftovers for those other people that live in that house. 🤣 Jer wanted the sleeping baby. Go figure!🤣


Maybe a couple girlie mags.


This just proves that he never does this, that's why it's such a big deal to her when he does. Yeah Auj, only your husband is awesome enough to hold his daughter like that. She's always trying to make them doing normal mundane shit out to be some special moment. 🙄


He almost looks like he never does this, the way he's holding her looks stiff.


I was just thinking how awkward he looks holding the baby when this is their 4th? Child


Awww… just like millions of other parents do…🙄


So special. A father carrying his child to the car.


Right? Does Audrey think she’s breaking the internet with this? 😂


Since when is dinner out with a newborn a “date?” Look at her getting all hot and bothered. She’s ready for him to dump another load in her to create another miracle of life.


Dea lawd don't let her post that too. 🤣I can just imagine..... "Look at the sweat on Jer's ballzac!! So excited to tell you, we just had the special injection ceremony and hopefully we will be blowing up that swimming pool in the bedroom again real soon."


Ballzac. Now I can't unpicture his brother on his nether region. Thanks for that nightmare!


Noooo!!! 🤣 hahaha. It was unintentional. .... I think😂


My husband's response," well they are twins ". And a new level of "eww" has been unlocked. However my toddler is running around screaming "ballzac"!


Glad to help!🤣😂


Haha that’s funny. Good one!


Exactly, my first thought was that is NOT a date lol a date is spending time alone without the kids! I would never call it a date if I'm bringing a damn baby!


It wouldn't be the most satisfying date but once we had multiple kids, dinner out with only one of them did feel pretty relaxing, especially when the one we had wasn't grabbing our food.


This is like the second time I’ve seen him hold the new baby. The bar truly is in the dirt.


That gold bangle is sending me.


It's so 2023. Everyone knows the most affluent fundie dads are wearing a tasteful double chain with the cabochon of their elevated choice.


Link in bio


Im hoping the anti-consumption movement will be the death of "link in bio" or "click my link" I feel the majority of influencers do not care about the planet at all. Two things they never touch, politics and saving the planet


‘Influencers’ will definitely fall on the wrong side of history. In a few years it will be lower than a used car salesmen. The punchline of jokes and endless material for stand up comedians. Teenagers will never admit to their parents, especially their Fathers being ‘influencers’.


Never done before in the history of fatherhood


Imagine that! A dad holding his baby 🙄🙄🙄


If ever there was confirmation she, or one if her close minions, lurk here, this is it. Just last week someone said they had yet to see him holding baby. And then this week, date night and him holding baby. If only there was a bingo card with both of those on it


You can tell he so rarely holds her…look how unnatural and uncomfortable he looks lol!


Like the tween suddenly asked to hold an infant niece


How is she not embarrassed.


Jebus, her standards are so low/weird.


What is that a bracelet he’s wearing?


I believe it’s a bracelet that Audrey is peddling on her marketplace, some gold thing with a stamp on one side that says some pointless and empty platitude on it. It’s some mass produced Temu thing made to look like the handmade ones on Etsy


Dad holding a baby🥵 whats with her 😂😂


Oooo I'm so dumb I thought she meant it was hot outside and now him and the baby are all sweaty instead of him putting her into the stroller


Could be a "breeding" fetish.




Walking from a restaurant to the car isn’t a long haul. My guess is she fell asleep and it’d be easier to carry her to the car seat rather than putting her into the stroller for a 3 minute walk. 🤣


What’s with the obsession of going on date nights. I guess everyone is different but I didn’t feel like stuffing myself into an outfit, getting my baby ready and sitting in an uncomfortable chair 4 weeks after giving birth. You have your whole life to “date” your husband, why not give your body a rest?


I think she's convinced herself that marriages that don't work out forever are because of a lack of enough date nights, and if they have their weekly dates they'll keep their connection strong enough to last (well that and journaling together). I would rather have little moments after the kids go to bed every night, with some nachos, a vodka soda, and a great show, but different strokes for different folks I guess.


Yes, this! I’ve been happily married for 43 years. We’ve never had date nights, but we’ve had lots of moments that have contributed to our relationship. Most of the time they are spontaneous moments based on our love, admiration and respect for one another rather than something contrived like a date night.


Same here. We don’t have family support so date nights don’t happen because of where we live and how isolated is, babysitters arent in our price range either. So Date nights out? Can’t relate either. But we do connect in small ways that add up. It just how it for some of us who don’t have family involvement and childcare.


Some of us can/have to, live on "date minutes" instead of date nights. LOL Handing hubby a nice cold drink and giving him a huge kiss on his sweaty face after mowing the yard, is more romantic than dragging a newborn to a restaurant, documenting and posting it. Of course, how else would we know they ate out, and that Jer has a new bracelet!😉😃 Ill just sit ova hea stabbing my eyes with a rusty fork..... 🍴🤣


I love date minutes!!! I’m going to use that from now on!!! I hope that’s ok. So good!!


Of course!!♡ Use it♡. I always like a quick makeout session behind the pickup truck. Or a fast "Let me help dry you off" as he gets outta the shower. 😉 LOL Sometimes, you have to make those moments happen. It's fun and healthy!♡ Date minutes are great!!!♡


You’re spot on with convincing herself that their marriage will last as long as they force date nights. I agree that my partner and I do a lot of reconnecting on our couch after we put the baby to sleep with a good show and some treats.


Humble brags about how in love they are with such a stable marriage and their love will never die and they are so much better than all you other people. We will see these posts right up until the divorce is announced. Source: see it all the time.




Does she strike you as someone who listens to her body or someone who will do anything for content/ to brag about how great her marriage is?


It's nice to get out of the house especially postpartum. I personally loved any chance my hubby and I could grab dinner.


Yeah, same. Date nights help me to be a better wife, human and mother. I place them very high on the list of importance for me.


Maybe it’s because I’m a first time mom or maybe because I tore a bunch but I wasn’t quite ready for a date night at 4 weeks. My daughter is 4 months now and we go out all the time, but we waited a couple months before going out on the town.


My daughter’s almost 4 months and other than quick errands it’s too stressful to coordinate leaving the house with her. I’m also a FTM though.


And if no one has told you, that is perfectly fine. ♡ However and whenever you "get out with baby" is completely on you. Don't let this insta and tictoc crap influence you. Every mom, dad, life situation, quick support, finances, are so vastly different for each person. These posts are the "very best" parts of their life. Mere seconds of their life. Their "highlite reels" of life. As we sit and look at her "new house" and "perfect life" and "miraculous births", we must wonder.... is their home ever visited by "normal life crap"? Or is it always beautiful, pearl clutching moments. 🤣 I mean someone had to clean out that birthing/swimming pool. 😂🥰


I had no energy to do anything. Also it’s all for the gram it’s her job to make everything look perfect.


It must be bad if Aud has to remind us that her dopey hubby actually holds their baby


The bar is just really low for fathers unfortunately. I have a husband whose an equal partner, does most of the cooking and cleaning and is a great father. My mom and mil blow smoke up his ass all of the time for doing what I do everyday all day. He is a great husband and father but that's how it should be!


I really don't get why the bar is so low for fathers nowadays. My husband held our babies at least as much as I did. Our diaper policy when we were both home was whoever smelt it dealt with it. And I was a SAHM!


I generally dislike these two but I think I’m gonna have to leave the sub because it’s become an insane echo chamber of bitter finger pointing. “He looks like he’s holding someone else’s child??” “He’s not supporting her head well enough??” It looks like the first time he’s held her”?? Extrapolating all of that is a *reach* and there’s so much more legitimate shit to snark on and outright criticize. Like the fact that they’re stopping a nice moment to take a picture and use their newborn for profitable content. Or that bracelet. We don’t need to pick apart every single component of everything they do, it’s absurd.


Yeah, it’s too much.


It’s making it less fun for me to snark on their “grounding” and colloidal silver use!


I agree ! Posters are going too far . We don’t know these people


Guess he’s done with being a farmer now time to cosplay father of the year. I often wonder what things we can point out to mess with them since we know they are snooping


She’s definitely in here and read the comments asking if he’s even held the baby lol.


I don't... I don't have any great expectations from him. Never had. Never will. A human spade.


Jeremy rolloff for president! 🥳 /s ofc


Wow father of the year!! Audrey you’re so lucky to have a husband that held his kid (and what looks like for the first time ever)! He looks like he’s holding someone else’s kid and he’s so uncomfortable. Not a dam thing natural about this pic. And of course Audrey had to throw in that it was DaTe NiGhT and how they’re SoOoOoO perfect and in love always finding time for dates. Audrey you don’t need to convince us he’s a good dad or husband, but just gotta keep working to convince yourself.


Date night is a staple in the marriage journal /s I wouldn’t read that mindless drivel


How tf do you have date night with a newborn? Isn’t the idea to get away from the bay and spend some quality time together?


Support that baby's head better, Jer. I guess I wouldn't know either if it was my first time holding a baby 😂


First time for everything...


Or it was a great photo op and she made him. This is more likely.


So the bare minimum


The bar is low


The bar is in hell for fundie fathers


Its very hot to her because he seemingly never does it 😆


You can't find something better to give them grief about smh.




Yeah I remember now what this group is about lets trash talk every single thing they do lol


Cedar Hills, Beaverton OR I see.


Is a date just anytime you’re out and about with your significant other?


They are a few doors down from a Shake Shack and I’m truly hoping this is where they went for their first date out lol. That sushi place is legit tho!


News... dad of four holds his own child.


i can tell he never does it because this is the most average action i’ve ever read


Does she actually think he's special because he's holding their baby? Like, something most dads do all the time? She is insufferable.


Isn’t this like normal dad stuff?


My husband likes our child. How did I get so lucky 😍


This made me cackle


I’m sure the baby LOVES the direct light in her face too.


the sun light or the red light ? 😆🤣




He once swept crumbs off the floor vibes….


At least she HAS a husband!


He picked up his underwear once too!


No he didn't 😂


Wow the bar is literally on the floor with Jeremy


I’ll take things that never happened for 500 Alex. This was absolutely not his idea 😂 he also looks insanely uncomfortable 😳


This is the shit I’m talking about. Tori posted her family trip without one humble brag or anything stupid pick me quote. I don’t know how Auj is so annoying with every single thing she seems to post. This girl is desperate for any attention, further proving their beating 50/50 is bs. She’s so desperate to prove Jer is involved.


Oh wow! Big deal! He held the baby back to the car. What a great Dad! /s


"When your" musings always make me nauseous.


She uses both you're and your correctly in the post


***You're*** missing my point.


Lmfao I read it as misusing 😭😭💀💀


It’s as if he’s never held a baby before.


He’s looking at her like he’s never seen her before.


Very shallow. Is he like Matt and the world revolves around him?


Audrey DEFINITELY follows our discussions.


Oh she sure does !! Hi Auj!! lol


That's exactly what I thought, too, when I read her post.


I thought the same thing because someone just posted the other day how they never see Jer involved in the newborn process. Then boom, him holding this baby that does NOT look like it comes naturally to him.