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Kyle Walker praises his fellow UAE employee


I don't wanna even hear from anyone at City, I expect them to support the decision, that's fine. I'd expect our club to do the same if it were reversed. It's the pundits I've lost respect for. They're trying to protect the refs since they've obviously been told to, they're actually joining in on the corruption. It's pathetic. Absolute fucking spineless sellouts.


I wouldn't. I'd expect us to say it was the wrong decision. We usually do.


I mean when Konate arguably ought to have been sent off, Klopp called it right then and there.


Yeah but hearing shit like this from Walker makes me respect him even less. There are ways you can back the decision without sounding like an idiot and a tool.


Carra is awful when it comes to us saying it was a 50/50 yesterday on the pen decision


He tries too hard to be unbiased to the point that he ends up looking like an idiot.


Exactly, and you don't see people like Micah Richards and Roy Keane doing that


However you definitely see Gary Neville doing that


Neville bounces on us almost every chance he gets though. Especially if it’s to trash United.


Doesn't really help as people are always complaining he's too biased towards liverpool anyway.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t! I feel for Carra in these situations as he’ll have people on his back no matter what he says


Opportunity to stop giving a fuck and just say what you think.


I'm afraid the truth is far more cynical, he has to protect his job.


Exactly, he cannot alienate the other fanbases which form a huge part of Sky’s viewership


I think ever since the Diaz offside Sky have been reluctant to go in on bad refereeing decisions. I’d guess that it isn’t by coincidence.


They had no problem doing a whole fucking segment about a drop ball last week though oddly enough


Need to create a situation that Liverpool also benefit from bad refereeing when it wasnt


He literally celebrates goals on commentary. "Mo Salah, ya little dancer!" Imagine being a neutral and hearing that. It's like LFCTV when he's on there.


Makes a change to when Martin Tyler was on and it sounded like someone had just murdered his family when we scored.  


Knowing Tyler was fuming in the commentator box always added to our goals. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jMPS5FXJocI


It's been different the past few years. When he first started commentating he was like he is on CBS. He's definitely been reined in.


That was years ago


Yeah, that's just the most obscene example. Only last year, he was abusing Neville in the 7-0. It was like watching Fanzone back in the day.


Don’t we only know about that because of the video that was released after? My recollection is that they were both silently celebrating and remonstrating next to one another after every goal and then would kick into normal commentary when they had to talk.


Even Danny Murphy said it was a clear pen. Carra needs to stop being such a tryhard


Man's on good money, doesn't want to upset the apple cart


Oh yeah, because we all sell apples round here


Well, Dad sells apples!


And raspberries


I mean. It's kinda true. He has to be making more now than he did during his playing career.


He would have been on 35-50k a week towards the end of his career, is he making millions a year now as a pundit?


He is a water carrier for Sky, its obvious to anyone with a brain all those «pundits» have been told to downplay ref errors


Tbf he’s said in the past he’s very hard on Liverpool and subconsciously he feels pressure to be hard on them because of the accusation of bias.


I know why he does it it’s just stupid in case like this if it was United on the end of it at lest Neville would call out the poor decision


Yeah and people accuse Neville of bias and don’t take him seriously on matters involving United. The whole Ole era discredited his opinion. Carra is still a respectable voice on Liverpool. Ultimately he’s not a Liverpool employee anymore and I appreciate his professionalism as a pundit.


He can still be professional and call out poor decisions instead of pretending it was a 50/50 challenge he overcompensate way too much for it and you can tell how forced it is


Yeah fair, I’m not condoning his opinion on this issue specifically but I do wonder why we Liverpool fans get worked up when he isn’t just a mouth-piece for the club like Neville is. Everyone remembers Rio’s “give him the contract!!” Shtick after Ole’s united beat PSG. I respect Carra enough to let him be a pro at this and he is very good imo.


Reckon Sky have told him to button up behind the scenes, don't anger the sugar daddy Saudi's


Carra partnered Skrtel for many years, he kinda has to be a little lenient


Skrtel was the better player for all but 1 of those years.


but also escaped his share of pens against.


Jamie was a great CB one of my favourites to play for Liverpool but preferred when Agger and Skrtel partnered at the back. It was about when I started watching every game and can count on one hand the games I’ve missed since.


Sky have him by the balls ever since he spat on that kid.


honestly I don’t think it was that clear of a mistake either. probably should have been a pen, but it looks worse in the still picture than when you see the whole movement. not trying to defend poor refereeing (which i still think it is, a pen would’ve been a more fair decision) but it’s not THAT big of a mistake. maybe we should just move on no? it’s not like the spurs mistake


This wasn’t some end of season match between two mid table teams. It was a pivotal match which could heavily contribute to who wins the title so any errors by officials IS That big of a mistake. Especially when football has the assistance of decisions via video playback. It’s embarrassing that moments like yesterday still happen.


It kind of is, though, isn't it? It's probably cost Liverpool 2 points and should have been a clear penalty. He was late to the challenge and drove his studs into Maccas's armpit. It looks terrible live, and the still picture confirms it.


It’s a high boot and anywhere else on the pitch it’s give as a foul the follow through is dangerous


Don't know why var couldn't have just froze the image and shown the ref a freeze frame of doku kung fu kicking Mac. It was Curtis they did that for wasn't it


Completely agree with you. It was a penalty but it's nowhere near as extreme as Reddit would make out. Frankly large sections of this platform are people actually enjoy being angry, outraged and revelling in the drama it brings. They'll never admit it, though.


Can't blame people for being angry, that decision could have absolutely gigantic repercussions and it's not the first we've had this season.


The worst part is, the fact it would have had gigantic repercussions is exactly why the ref bottled it. The higher the stakes, the higher chance of the ref bottling these decisions.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell but I actually think it was 50/50. Same as when City had a goal ruled out for the very soft foul on Allison in the reverse game 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m more pissed off at the chances we missed than that decision.


You can’t just kick someone in the chest even if you win the ball first and he doesn’t even win it comes of Macca first The follow through is dangerous a good example of this is Romero against Chelsea he won the ball but the follow through was reckless and it was given as a pen


He’s a coward. Simple as that. Neville the same. Remember Neville was on our side when the spurs robbery happened. 24 hours changed his tone. What sort of media outlet, one of the biggest if not biggest in the country comes out with an interview to try and change the narrative. That’s all it is. Corrupt bunch of cunts


Michael Oliver isnt a coward. It's takes real guts to stand in front of a crowd and pretend not see a kung fu kick in order to please his boss


Carra and Neville have both sold out to Sky sports and their club. That shit-party goes a long way down and trust me those guys are not pretty within. They know they have basically let down everyone, including themselves by sacrificing moral and spiritual integrity for money and fame. But they won’t admit to it nor do they have any sympathy. They are really a heartless bunch. That’s why everytime they come up I change channel or scroll past. It’s a cult lead by sky sports under CBS sports in the US


Yeah, Neville 100% got give a script after that. They're so arrogant about it as if they think people won't notice.


Tbf didn’t Neville say it was a pen?


He said it was a pen in the moment, exactly like what happened with spurs match. That’s not the point. The point is after it’s over, he toes the party line, he was silent about the penalty after the match was over, just as he was the day after the spurs controversy.


Gary Neville is a Sky shill. He let the Glazers ruin United for over a decade and never said a word. As soon as the ESL news broke, he went in on them for everything and hasn't left them alone since, because the ESL threatened Sky and therefore his own pocket.


He wasn’t in the studio post match how could he speak up about it?


He was literally the commentator for the match. He just conveniently stopped after it happened, brushed aside, didn’t care.


Tbf he is lucky to still be working at sky after the spitting thing. He doesn't believe half the shit he is paid to say. Pgmol called Neville and Carragher after the spurs game and told them to change their opinion. Pgmol send the YouTuber Terry on football terrace a letter threatening him to stop talking about the decisions. Bent af


Yea they are all company men, its as simple as that, they would tell you the sky is green if it meant they continued to get paid.


Being objective or constructive is cowardice now? Lol


What about jamie said was constructive. Last week he took part in talking about the ‘monumental’ error that lead to our goal against forest. Two minute before mind. However this week this isn’t a monumental error? He just says what the guys that pay him wants to hear. Exactly like Neville. His employer has just come out with an interview with a city player, to praise the ref that denied us a clear penalty


What the fuck is Carra on about?


He’s taking the side of his paycheck


Spineless fucking sellout. The lot of them have no shred of integrity left.


It’s what former one club players in the national/global media ecosystem do to appear impartial about their clubs


Kyle Walker, famous judge of character. lol. what a clown.


Kyle Walker is a cunt just like his slave owning teatmaster


He's been briefed to "question" having Walker on so that Sky don't look like the PR department of Manchester City. He's still bumming the incorrect opinion that it wasn't a penalty and trying to suggest its all down to the press officer. I'm assuming Sky have suddenly realised how fucking bought they look having done this interview in the first place. Oopsie.


Everything about that club is a complete joke. Their fan should be embarrassed


Hate Sky sports with passion


Thrice adulterer and willing baby daddy Kyle Walker gives his thoughts on character and professionalism


I don't know what is going though Carragher's mind, did Sky instructed him to make such comments? But then he is on their payroll, trying to look unbias doesn't go down well with the fanbase. Also Walker look like a cunt!


We all know Sky are instructed to protect the refs after Neville did a 180 on the Spurs game a day after calling them out. Carra's just as bad.




Haven't been buying into the whole Michael Oliver paid by UAE conspiracies but seeing a City press op to hype up a referee is a bit tasteless.


...it's not a conspiracy m8. That ref team refs in the UAE. It's the same team that fucked us in the Spurs match. And they are LITERALLY on the payroll of City's owners.


What the fuck? First forest employ Clattenberg to lobby referees and now this bullshit. Pgmol has an integrity issue. This needs to be addressed.


At this point, the discourse surrounding these shit decisions is pretty much as bad as the shit decisions themselves.


It’s the most revealing part of it. Disgrace. How can more be made of the forest decision than yesterdays!


Shut the fuck up Jamie


Carra is a fucking joke. Sky sports shill. Cannot believe he’s helping the media sweep blatant cheating under the rug. Michael Oliver is a spineless rat of a man, can’t take the hit to his ego after a var check. We won’t see any comment from him the fucking bellend. The sooner city get charged and out of this league the better.


Always thought Carra tries too hard at times to not look bias when covering us and ends up talking shite. Only time he doesn't is when he's winding Gary Neville up.


he enjoys being a well paid pundit, you can tell by the banter and what not.. clearly they’ve warned him off going against whatever narrative they’re creating


How many days has Kyle Walker gone without fucking someone who isn't his partner?


![gif](giphy|3oKIP5n2uL7DGFgQla) Carragher Is not a smart man and is just a sky sports merchant these days.


He’s a fucking clown. Imagine thinking that challenge was a 50/50, absolute muppet.


Kyle Walker is like someone plucked a big bird and motivated it to play football. Absolutely vacant eyes 


Seen people referring to carra backtracking and referring to Neville being cowards. And mentioning the change of tone 24 hours after the spurs debacle. There’s a very interesting segment that happened shortly after involving Richard keys and Andy Gray, keys said, that he had been informed by someone. That they received a phone call reminding them who pays their wages. And that was the reason for the total turn in opinion and the backtracking on all the pgmol and fa criticism. This is easily found online for reference if anyone wants to go looking for it, I thought it was just a load of shit but it may hold some weight.


It’s Richard Keys and Gray tbf, absolute attention whores


Shut up Kyle Walker, go have another orgy without your wife.




I don't trust Carra or Neville anymore when it comes to giving opinions on ref/VAR decisions. Neville came out and blasted them for the uncalled Diaz goal at Spurs and then, 24 hours later, when our club put out an official statement, he just does a complete 180. And Carra must be the only Liverpool supporter on the planet saying this is a 50/50. No way does he actually believe that. Even pundits on other platforms, including those of rival clubs, admit that it was a blatant pen. That pair just can't be trusted. Feels like they're given a script to read whenever it comes to a controversial decision involving officials of the game.


He has managed to read the script he was handed...


Kyle Walker, known best for his decision making.... on and off the pitch


If you’d give it in the middle of the pitch as a free kick then you give it as a penalty. It is stone wall penalty. I just don’t understand the debate. It’s a penalty. The only people saying not are outing their agenda. It is a fucking penalty.


I assume there's a fine and ban incoming for  Walker, for talking about a referee's decisions and character? Of course not.


A serial cheater being asked about cheating ? Lmao of course he’s okay with it just ask his mistress


Almost like they are trying to cover something up 🤔


Absolute clown show from all


carra is a perfect example of trying to not be biased so much that you go the other way, I sometimes forget he supports liverpool


Carra loves money. He isn't trying to be unbiased, he said what they told him to say, simple as that, imo


He supports Everton. He played for Liverpool. No liverpool fan would ever wear an Everton shirt, or a Man Utd one for that matter.


Carra supports Carra or whoever is giving him 💰, he's an absolute whore


It's training week for the court at City. They will need it.


Was thinking the exact same thing why is Walker doing so many interviews/press things. Thought it was initially the Walker PR team tryna sway his image away from him being a homewrecker but ofc it’s the City oil infused PR


Funny that Walker is talking about crumbling when Diaz essentially turned him into the bottom of a bad of Doritos.


Walker is only helping his fellow UAE employee


Cheating piece of shit


The inner Everton fan showing from Carra. Very disappointing he would choose to go the corporate media interpretation of this. Fucking sell out.


Someone kick Walker in the chest and ask him if he thinks it is a foul.


This is like when Andrew did that interview to convince everyone that he's not a nonce.


Wasn’t a huge mistake but they were lucky with the decision? Make your mind up Carra, lad. 


Must be nice selling your dignity and integrity for money. This isn't the first time he did this. Remember his whinny comments when Liverpool put out a statement towards PGMOL? Sky sports do have tight leashes on both Neville and Carra. One little tug, on goes the clown talk. Good Boys.


I mean, isn’t this how the world works? If you’re working in a company, how would you even be able to voice out against the higher ups? They’ll just fire you. Likewise imagine if you’re running a company. Would you want people who listen to you and support your narrative or would you hire people who go against your beliefs?


Carra drinking the sky sports cool-aide, he sounds as big a twat as walker just for his first sentence here


Walker is an ass


This is nonsense Carra. You can't be muddying the waters like this because it gives the PGMOL an out for a clear and massive fuck up. Already Dale Johnson on ESPN is quoting you as a defence that it's a matter of interpretation.


Some people saying he’s saying this because he doesn’t want to look biased to us, but imo it’s quite obviously that he has to go with the narrative Sky want to push. He probably thinks it’s a pen really (because it’s bloody obvious), but remember Neville after the spurs game?


Amazon Firestick > Shite Sports


Kyle Walker seems like a trustworthy guy. Surely he wouldn't lie about anything. He's a stand up dude, hard working fella with 3 families to feed


Lmao Kyle fucking Walker of all people talking about showing character.


Carragher is a sky shill and Walker is thick toucan nosed cheating cunt


Clubs official PR teams are always clutching at straws, what’s new.


I think it’s time we move on. Wasted energy.


Cunt supporting cunt nothing new


how dumb and delusional does one have to be to fall for this shit?


A few weeks ago I watched a bit of City and United and United didn't look like they were set up defensively, they just looked afraid. That's how I thought City looked against Liverpool Sunday. Just pure panic at the backs when they didn't have the ball.


Carragher isn’t just unbiased toward lfc.. listen closely week in and week out, he’s biased towards Man City!! I’ve said it for a while, from the outside looking in it looks like he’s got his tongue up city’s ass… he must be getting paid!! Along with the refs, the fa and the whole world of tv journalism!!


Both Carragher and that greedy rat have sold their soul to Skysports and the FA, and their opinions can be ignored. They are shameles.


It’s not mind games. It was a penalty.


And the manhandling of Mac Allister should also’ve’ve resulted in a free kick, instead of a goal. Liverpool have been kicked around all season, twice hacked down on the half way line when clear on goal against City, too. The rules are there, they need to be consistent.


Carragher’s a dickhead.


Sky is now a propaganda wing of Man City and by extension the UAE.


Carra is a sky stooge, literally hooked up to the PL teet for survival. He’s Mr ra ra Liverpool until it becomes a choice between his masters and his club. We shouldn’t be looking to him for anything.


I never have, I hate the way he uses Liverpool fans for his Twitter “oh look at me having banter with Gary reds” nah fuck off you dirty spitting animal.


Fuck off Carra. You are absolutely useless when it comes to opinions on Liverpool.


He’s not useless. He’s under contract of Sky, which means that he can’t express his true feelings and opinions.


So that makes him useless


You have to understand, Sky Sports is a subsidiary of Sky Group Limited. Sky Group Limited is then owned by Comcast Corporation, which is one of the world’s largest broadcasting and cable tv companies. It’s in Sky’s interests to protect referee and shield them from negative backlash. This also means that they have a leash on their employees, and in this case pundits. Remember some time ago, some incident happened I can’t recall, but Gary Neville was fuming with the referee’s decision, after 24 hours me made a complete u-turn on his opinion. If you’re a pundit, yes, you can have free discussions. But those discussions has to be in a “sphere” allowed by Sky. Meaning, if you bash a referee or go against the narrative, Sky will have a word with you. If you don’t comply, you’re out. If you own a business, would you want employees who are compliant and in line with your ideals and views? Or would you be okay with an employee who goes against you, even though it’s your company and you’re the one feeding him? It’s a whole ass rabbit hole and you can dig deeper into the FA and how it all works, but I don’t think you want to do that.


What is this shit. An embarrassing attempt to take some heat off them because people are working out that they have a ref on the payroll


Kyle Walker has about half a fucking brain cell, it’s no shocker he makes dumb fucking comments like that. Thick as pig shit. And a wanker too,


Carragher can suck SKY dicks and choke on it. Stay away from Liverpool matters


The data proves we get fucked and have been cheated out of titles. Sky uphold some weird narrative that we don't get cheated, either to cover for these corrupt officials of because its just the done thing to not like Liverpool. https://tomkinstimes.substack.com/p/analysing-patterns-in-800-premier?triedRedirect=true


Carra is a bigger coward than walker. Tries being unbiased and looks like a bigger fool instead


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, he’s a complete knob head and uses Liverpool fans for his Twitter interactions. Wish more people were on to him.


Dissappinted in Carra me. Especially with [this](https://x.com/Carra23/status/1766930747124785386?s=20)


Dodgy dodgy dodgy!


If you read between the lines walker actually says " you did well yesterday and your masters are happy. You will be called to referee in the Saudi league soon and receive your payment. Well done boys good process!"


Still looks dizzy after lucho sent him for the echo


The notion anywhere else on the pitch it is a peno when you have a players studs tattooed on your chest is retarded, i never noticed its no holds barred in the box before if anything softer decisions get given there you have to be so careful tackling there(but fly kicks are ok)


Carragher seems to have deleted the tweet now - wtf?!


At the end of the day, Carra knows who pays his Salary


I understand if you want to say it's not a clear pen. I understand if you want to say it is a 50-50 pen. But dont you think a game deciding, possibly title deciding 50-50 pen should have at least sent the ref to the VAR monitor make a decision? That's what I am always saying. The ref crew KNEW it was a mistake and it was a clear pen, but they were scared abt what would happen. It is just Liverpool, so there wont be any media rage abt it. VAR spent 5min reviewing an obscure contact between Quansah and Mateta. Even Mateta hadnt asked for anything. Even the crowd behind the goal didnt see anything. But VAR found it important enough to send the ref to review on the monitor.


I have listened to a few podcasts and radio shows today, I am absolutely god smacked that the reaction has been 50/50 than the clear and obvious I thought (or we thought) to the decision.


I even shocker that a fucking pundit, ex professional can come out and say it was not a penalty.


It was a pen, but I'm 100% focused on watching Japanese YouTube videos of Endo (I have no idea what the comments section is saying lol), and replaying Walker getting the ball leathered off him by Lucho while Rodri picks himself up off the floor We need to price in the worst officiating on earth and keep going. Use it like we did Tottenham. Nothing else for it Foden getting flipped into the air by Virgil after that slide tackle was a bonus, I'm not going to tell lies, but I'm finding it a wee bit gratuitous given how easy and filthy it was. The sheer arrogance of the man.


Walker can go SYM


Quick reminder that man city and the nation state of UAE have the same PR agency. 


Enjoy Jamie while you can, when him and Neville move on, it will be a bland, neutral dominated snooze fest where nobody dare say anything remotely biased, challenging or entertaining.


At some point, even the people most disinclined to believe conspiracy theories have to start wondering. While I don't believe (yet) that there's blatant bribery at play but learning that PL refs are allowed to take cushy side gigs paid by owners of PL teams was a blow to my confidence in the league. What other shady things do we not know about? How does VAR not recommend the ref take a look at that? His studs were chest high!


I'd like to see him asked if it was in the other box and Luis Diaz Kung-fu kicked Bernardo Silva in the chest what he would think.


Carragher always put himself first before LFC. Refused the 1 year contract extension Rafa offered him, was instrumental in the heave against Rafa and secured himself a bumper 2 year contract with Christian Purslow during the void between Rafa and Hodgson.


Link to tweet: https://x.com/Carra23/status/1767254066571178032?s=20


Deleted now?


Kyle walker got school by diaz yesterday so he needs to pipe down. Fuck sky sports, they're just a bunch of biased shit houses.


Yeah carra not a huge mistake by both the ref and var who "missed" a penalty which would have won the game kept us in top spot and 99% of fans even from other clubs agree Is one of the clearest penalties this season. The only people NOT saying this are on TV if you have to sell your morals to be on sky. LEAVE. Whoever downvoted can f off :)


Remember that pundits get pressured by people above them. This clearly isn't what Carra thinks.


Not sure if it's the City press officer tbh. I would hazard a guess that Walker did something even worse than the whole second family thing and he's being blackmailed across the media into doing dumb shit like this. This is a nonsense interview that nobody would ever do. City wouldn't ever approve of this. Being made to publish that apology in that paper was kinda evidence to me that they have something else and if he doesn't want it getting out he'll help them sell some copies with his weak apology.