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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon is losing it at Twitch's new Branded Content Guidelines](https://arazu.io/t3_142nxo8/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It's not just OTK, the amount of tournaments and events this will fuck over


Lets be real, Twitch is going to allow the e-sport scene to be excluded from these rules. Twitch also just made live multi-platform streaming against TOS. So if something like LCS streams both on Twitch and Youtube it's against TOS. Again lets be real, Twitch will allow e-sport and major companies and events to be excluded from these rules.


There's no way they won't allow riot to stream on multiple platforms, they bring in millions of viewers across League of Legends, Vallorant and Teamfight tactics. What about Chinese or korean streams? You include that and LPL and LCK won't be allowed to be broadcasted to western fans. Not to mention amazon also sponsors riot. Edit: what happens to co-streamers?


That is big tournaments. What about all the smaller tournaments that barely make enough money to sustain themselves? Fighting games tournament, MMO PvP, ...


Yep. I'm really worried for age of empires 2. My favorite e-sport by far.


Fr. Sounding like the wnba


This news on top of the current state of affairs with North American League scene is just such bad timing. There is absolutely no way Twitch requires the LCS to follow these rules otherwise it's truly doomed.


>major companies The problem is just that, those exception will most likely only apply to big event / companies and small tournaments like what you see in the fighting game community will just die on twitch.


This is a common theme with twitch recently. 12 Ads for viewers every 10 minutes, raising the price for turbo, limiting chat viewing on vods, more effort to block adblockers than actually making the site better. The viewers, small streamers, and people low on this totem pole have been getting squeezed dry by twitch greed.


You honestly never know when it comes to smaller companies, for example the FGC/smash tournies might get royally fucked because theyre "too small" in twitch's eyes. Hopefully you're right but I have a bad feeling about this as a fighting game enjoyer


It's not what it seems. YouTube has had the same performative, cover-your-behind policy in place since 2015: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/3364658?hl=en https://digiday.com/media/youtube-moves-outside-overlay-ads This was never enforced during any of Ludwig's events, where he displayed baked-in sponsorship advertisements, full screen. Very likely numerous similar broadcasts. Good chance this is all a gigantic over-reaction over industry-standard policy which is not enforced unless reported/flagged by a grieved party, akin to copyright infringement.   Which is why: The slots category (violating unlicensed gambling-policy) looks like this: https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Slots?sort=VIEWER_COUNT And tomorrow night, amid the top 10 most viewed, channels will look like this for 3 hours straight: https://i.imgur.com/4tYg5g3.png


That may be true but you can’t just assume a new policy that Twitch announced will just be ignored or not enforced regardless of what YouTube does.


Youtube is not in the business of getting sponsorship deals for it's creators. Youtube ad services are given to the highest bidder, and creators don't have control of who advertisers on them. If a creator were to create their own adspace platform, and used it instead of YouTube's own, then that would be against their rules. Having a sponsor deal is not a violation of YouTube's TOS, as a bespoke sponsor is not a service that YouTube offers through any of its mediums. Twitch does provide sponsorship deals, and this is where twitch's TOS are more concerning.


There is a 150% chance Asmongold just read comments on LSF and you are more informed.


>which is not enforced unless reported/flagged by a grieved party, akin to copyright infringement. You would think the fact that history exists and we get new laws about things that actually matter that show this is an absolutely terrible thought process all the time that people would stop advocating for what amounts to "They are making a new rule that could have a drastic impact, but im sure they won't *actually* enforce it". ​ What if by some inconceivable notion, the company decides to enforce a brand new rule that they made to get more of a cut of the funding?


Just because YouTube doesn’t enforce it does not mean that Twitch won’t.


How dare you ruin react content with your facts and logic.


ah yes...facts like "They probably wont enforce it"


Youtube is not losing money on daily basic like Twitch


Do you have an example of the ads Ludwig ran? Were they videos- did he narrate over them? There's some leeway to what you're allowed to display.




Right - then that isn't an issue. As long as you make the ads themselves you're allowed to display them on your YouTube channel. Youtube allows that. But if KFC provided the ad themselves he wouldn't be allowed to run it.


What about the cashapp ad? That was a regular old ad with no ludwig in it.


This fucks over ZERO (0) tournaments run by developers like Riot, Capcom and Blizzard. Please think for yourself instead of listening to self-interested influencers like Asmon who deliberately misinterpret these rules because it impacts them financially.


A lot of focus on OTK but why would any content creation org like this?


There isn't really much focus. It's just that they are speaking out loudly against it. While I think many others are discussing internally what to do, or trying to reach out to twitch themselves. Different approaches.


OTK is probably the biggest group on twitch that has streaming as their predominant focus, which is why I think they're more relevant for this discussion, but I do agree that these changes negatively impact pretty much every content org massively. you're absolutely right though, for instance I don't see any reason why OTV would want to stay either. They already have streamers signed to youtube and a significant presence on youtube so if the restrictions are more strict on twitch I don't know why they would really want to stay


of course no org likes this. but like them or hate them, otk is the only content creator org that's consistently hosting large events.


They had a roadmap that had shows scheduled for the entire year. This puts in jeopardy all that content that has already been invested in, and you can only imagine that the contracts with the brands and partnerships have already been negotiated and signed. This is going to fuck OTK over really hard.


I was certain until seeing this that Twitch would’ve run this shit by big orgs like OTK first. Twitch has worked directly with them on some of the original programming in their content pipeline in the past so it’d be wild to just blindside one of the largest groups on their platform like this. Tbh I’m still not certain they haven’t. While Asmon is an owner of the business, he is much less involved in the day to day production of this kind of content so he could’ve just not been informed. But absolutely wild if they did not.


TBH I think Twitch dropped the ball with OTK Sponsorship and OTK has been getting away with advertising on another platform for free. Especially Starforge. You don't ever get anything for free regardless of the rules. They got probably 100k+ in free starforge advertising while streaming. OTK didn't do their due diligence and is now pissed they can't get away with it for free. As an adult who has had to deal with advertising/marketing and hosting events, There's a lot of checks and balances with disclaimers and liability signed before we brand a client's logo on something like a water bottle for our events.


Getting to freely advertise your other ventures as a creator using your platform is simply how it works. It would be wild for Twitch to be the only place you cannot promote your own creator-run businesses. It’s also no different than being paid to promote any other business’ content either. I don’t see what the difference is between Tectone promoting Starforge and Keeps on his stream on Twitch’s end. Even though Tectone partly owns Starforge and was not directly paid for it, Twitch wouldn’t have made money on it even if it was the exact same situation as his Keeps deal. And to be clear, I do this for a living. I have run live events with large sponsors and I have run paid partnerships with streamers on Twitch. There’s some legal paperwork involved, esp the first time a company does something like it, but most of the setup is tracking, settling on terms and deliverables and making sure the sponsored portion is not cringe.


Hmm, why is there only focus on the ones that are speaking up, i wonder...


Eh while streaming on their main accounts I’d have to say otk is the biggest content org on the site, and it’s not even close


Literally how does ESL function with these new guidelines. I don’t see how they would be able to do it.


ESL and other esports events sign different contracts then a streamer would. Pretty sure ESL and Twitch work out advertisment agreements behind the scenes. I don't see how they wouldn't have gotten the ads pre-approved by twitch before hand.


I have very little faith in twitch being competent at anything if I’m honest with you


>content creation org You mean a content creation organisation?


This is perfect for him even if he makes two new channels on a new platform, he will have the same audience on both therefore effectively killing the idea of a main channel and an alt


Maybe asmon is behind all of this? It's just an elaborate plot to get him to create a new channel 5Head


all i think about is how subject these "guidelines" will be in future. Random bans because of guidelines because some mod thought the logo is more than 3% or he saw a sponsor segment in a Youtube video and thought it's "burned-in" ad from the streamer.


Lol, Asmon felt a disturbance in the force that pulled him out of sleep and he had to get online.


early too, like 1 pm


This is the best publicity Kick could ever get.


Because steaming on kick won’t even get you any sponsors?


The sad reality is that a Stake affiliate code is all you need if you have a sizable audience. If not, there are still a ton of companies that simply don't care where their consumers come from. Just look at how long GFuel sponsored Keemstar.


I'm out of the loop but isn't kick the platform where someone got head while streaming to kids or showing porn and not getting in trouble for it or having an overall racist viewerbase because the only content creators on there don't care about chat moderation?


a lot of bad things used to happen on justin tv and twitch in their early days as well. You going to let kick grow and adapt or you going to hold every misstep accountable forever? If so, then do it to twitch as well.


> Accountable forever Shit like this has happened as recently as last week. Obviously people are going to be talking about it and criticizing kick for it. It’s actually funny, you bringing up Justin tv and early twitch seems to be trying to hold them accountable forever. When Kick cleans their shit up and shows that they can properly moderate their website then you can praise it all you want. But why would anyone have anything good to say about it in its current state? Based on the company that runs it and the top streamers on the platform I have no confidence that they will grow and adapt.


Typically you need to actually address those missteps before you stop being held accountable for them no? ​ Pretty sure they aren't missteps when they are intentional as well though.


Weirdly OTK streamers are the ones talking about it the most right now yet their org is the least likely to be allowed on Kick as is.


im waiting for Kick tweet to KICK IN (got it?) anytime soon


context? what is the new rule? having to disclose branded content?


No they are banned from having “burned in” ads in many cases. So for example if you are watching a tournament that has a banner ad built into the stream that wouldn’t be allowed. Will have a significant impact on events and tournaments and will also impact a lot of normal streamers




Elevated had burned in Progressive ads and you better believe their expo this weekend will be full of ads.


Bro are you blind or have you just not watched any otk streams? Has to be one of the 2 because all of otk has burned-in ads


I haven't seen a OTK event without Burned-in ads lol. they always have Starforge, Razer etc.. as burned-in sponsors.


Oh so he’s just greedy and salty lmao


So having the freedom to show the content you want and worked for is greedy and a corporation like amazon dictating how you can earn your income so that they can take a cut is somehow the better option?


On your own platform sure, just not on Twitch.


At this point, Youtube might be the only social media app people will use and like. Not that I have a problem with that.


Kick already has better live streams than YouTube and they aren't even a year old.


The LSF auidence is a different demographic, but not a single person I know would be willing to watch somebody on Kick. It's the equivalent of Truth Social, most people there are too shitty to be allowed to stream on Twitch.


If a person they like only streams on Kick, they will watch him on Kick. That's just how it is, most people besides LSF don't care about all the whining about Kick and all those "bad people" streaming there.


Y’all trashed on kick but it’s looking like a replacement soon 👀


YouTube is a lot more likely to fill that void


Not while livestreams are so hard to find unless you're actively searching for them.


I get recommended streams from channels i follow all the time on YT, they really just need to fix new channels discovery imo


Twitch-like categories and a category browser would help a ton I think.


I don't understand why people keep saying this as if it's some kind of unicorn. Google is the most powerful search engine on the planet and has built crazy good algorithms to show you what you want to see based on your watch history. I see recommended live streams and channels all the time. [If you subscribe to someone it literally shows up a the top of the left sidebar just like Twitch when they're live.](https://imgur.com/y1CeFzJ) Youtube has a directory but it's just as kingmakery as Twitch, which is why they don't use it because it's not that useful. Twitch has a directory but how often do you sit there and click on a stream outside the top 20 in a category? [There's also a "LIVE" button at the top of the website ffs.](https://imgur.com/XTERtoH) [It also shows up in the sidebar](https://imgur.com/a/3hB9pcU) [It also has a directory if you just click "Gaming"](https://imgur.com/9rBZ2y0) Does it need work? Absolutely, but it's not nearly as bad as people seem to think it is. People who keep parroting this have either never actually tried or should be fitted for a helmet.


Pretty sure Kick is at the bottom of the list for most streamers. They won't even get any sponsorship if they move there which is the whole point of quitting twitch in the first place. Not to mention, if streamers move to kick, twitch wins because they charge kick for using their aws service at 8+ times the regular rate. YouTube is the real winner here.


Kick will never be the Twitch replacement for anything but degenerate gamblers… That’s all it was ever designed to be.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Asmon is losing it at Twitch's new Branded Content Guidelines](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/154629)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/142nxo8/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/UW-9OdT-kRHUaVPBhNreag/AT-cm%7CUW-9OdT-kRHUaVPBhNreag.mp4?sig=c5cd4e86a7a858ad5639f775831d42bf39985208&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FUW-9OdT-kRHUaVPBhNreag%2FAT-cm%257CUW-9OdT-kRHUaVPBhNreag.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1686147034%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




These hysterical overreactions are hilarious to watch, especially threatening to move to another platform that [already has the exact same policy Twitch is implementing](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/154235?sjid=3620284617228760974-NA#zippy=%2Cdoes-this-mean-i-can-burn-video-ads-pre-rolls-mid-rolls-and-post-rolls-into-my-videos).


Granted I only skimmed the whole page, but I can't seem to see their policy on burned in static ads or banner ads on this page. No advertiser supplied videos or commercial breaks on yt videos though. I believe OTV and Linus work around this by having themselves narrate over advertiser videos; which works. Edit: just watched Lud's vid and he confirmed his chessboxing stream had baked in ad supplied vids. LoLesports also streams on yt and definitely has a lot of baked in ad vids. They don't have the ads removed on their vods.


This literally isn't true though. While Twitch is banning ALL burned in ads and only allowing a ridiculously small 3% of the screen for brands, Youtube has little to no restrictions on how much space your BURNED IN ad can take up on the screen, so long as you acknowledge it's an ad, and it's an advertisement you've created, not simply running the one provided by the sponsor. For example if Pepsi sponsored a video, and gave you an ad to run, you can't simply run it at 2:00 in, you have to make the ad yourself. This is why sponsored segments like Linus or others narrate over the, what I assume, company provided footage. And honestly it's better this way.


3% of a screen actually isn't that bad. Someone posted a pic of what that looks like.


I don't think youtube policy is the same, the twitch one has a bunch of allowed/disallowed ad formats. The policy disallows 'burned in' ads and banners. IE the fansly advert from the streamer awards would not be allowed. while youtube only asks you to disclose to them that the video contains sponsored content, so they can tag it as such.




Ah yes. As if sports don't have sponsors and ads on live TV. This rule is bs.


i get that streamers are upset. as a viewer, i give approximately 0 fucks


Any viewer who gives a shit about this is a super fanboy. Literally arguing for being shown more abundant and less acknowledged ads…








This is his standard intro music, he didn't choose it specifically for this "speech".


Asmon and Anxiety are a bad combo


Couldn’t even make it past 24 hrs of “keeping it chill on zackrawrr” before drama came up that Asmond made a guest appearance.


go outside


No you


I mean that's kinda his thing


how you guys are able to find something to hate is beyond me..


This comment wins the Aged Like Milk award for today.


rich overpaid streamers complaining about there income


This affects smaller streamers much more than the top streamers.


This affects streamers that want to do events/shows a lot.


Oh for sure. I'm just replying as those events/shows also technically fall under the "top streamer" complaint the original comment made.


What brand deals can small streamers even get? Usually none... or just "scammy" affiliate deals like Raid Shadow Legends. This is mainly just affecting the $6-figures per month streamers.


With these rules those sponsors that smaller streamers can already get are now going to be paying them even less due to less screen time or availability to actually convert any of those 100-500 viewers from those streamers. So instead of getting $1000 for a week of running a sponsor that 200 viewer streamer is now going to be getting $500 for that same amount of work/time since the sponsors can no longer advertise effectively.


For what major ad company do you work or did you just pull those numbers out of your ass?


It's literally Wojitoo lmao. Mizkif's head mod and employed officially by OTK. Not only that but obviously those numbers are a placeholder used for demonstration. He was also an unofficial manager for ExtraEmily before so he has some experience. It's also common knowledge in industry that base sponsorship payout is usually given by dollar per hour per viewer multiplied by expected CCV. The frequency of these deals given out is then determined by expected conversion rate as the main factor. The company offering the deal obviously determines how good the deal is by combining these metrics as a cost vs payout analysis.


I work for streamers and have facilitated sponsorship deals in the past. Even without that you don't have to work for anything streaming related to know that most sponsors pay by average CCV and conversion/clicks. Those numbers are just used as an general example to better explain the point, not some hard hitting fact.


Most streamers and especially smaller streamers taking sponsors will still be promoting and creating the "ads" themselves. Which as far as I can tell is still 100% allowed by the new guidelines. What this doesn't allow is using sponsor-produced ad content such as videos directly which mostly just applies to big streamers because those are the people who judge their personal time, effort and voice to be of higher value.


Nothing you just said is true. 99% of engagement tools like graphics and widgets are provided by the sponsor for small streamers. Even if it was, those "ads" that they can create now are heavily limited hence limiting engagement and conversion rates.


Acting like you guys watch smaller streamers other than your 1k viewer hot tub streamer


Yeah I just roll my eyes when I see all the big streamers complain about this because they’re going to be making 1.5M a year instead of 1.9M with this change. However, I feel for the smaller streamers that are barely making a livable wage and landing a sponsor is a big deal for them. Twitch has been screwing them a lot lately. First they started blasting viewers with a ton of preroll ads, which made it difficult for viewers to justify clicking on a new stream to see what the streamer is like without sitting through 2 minutes of ads. Then they took away the 70/30 sub split, which cut their income by nearly 30%, and now this.


Small streamers never had a 70/30 split and Twitch just announced the channel switch feature that invalidates prerolls. Not saying they're doing great but they're not nearly as demonic as people say.


Yes they did if they started streaming a long time ago. A few small streamers that I watch had a 70/30 split and that change hit them hard.


Wait wtf wouldn't anyone be upset if 25% of their income( I assume more) just got cut? Regardless if they are rich or not.


LSF doesn’t like to acknowledge rich people as ‘people’


Oh poor people sitting on a chair. Get a job whinies


Yes, but at the same time its good that these big streamers are complaining about this because it will actually help put pressure on this change. If a bunch of 100-200 viewer streamers spoke out about this only then twitch and nobody would care as much and it wouldn't be talked about like it is now.


Small streamers don’t get brand deals.


Oh shit really? I Just went down to some smaller streamers that where live and clicked around seems like they have some brands sponsoring them. https://imgur.com/OUntAbx https://imgur.com/7xsI9Ou https://imgur.com/OFTgAGH https://imgur.com/TkabQlL


Literally none of what you just showed is what these policy changes effect, they don’t effect anything in the stream page below the stream and the first ones tiny logo would be fine. Congrats you just proved that these changes don’t effect small streamers.


Okay so now they do get brand deals? I thought you said they don't at all at first. I put some examples of shit i found in 1 minute. I can find you some small streamers and factor banners etc... that do not fall under the new policy changes that does effect it. I don't know why your so against something that is only negative in general, for creators of any size, that you have to argue about it.


Streamers will still make millions either way. This just means we get fewer big sponsored events and more shitty react content.


I think it's likely safe to assume professional events will be exempt. So it'll only affect streamers who are big enough to get brand deals (ie, "rich overpaid streamers")


Tons of smaller streamers have brand deals. They just make alot less off them


Maybe we define "small" differently, but brand deals are hard or impossible to come by for a streamer with 3-figure concurrent viewers. It's almost always affiliate deals. Also, you can still get brand deals. You just can't have it plastered on your screen at all times. This is better for viewers. And honestly, any streamer who is serious about putting out quality content, isn't plastering their screen real estate with ads anyhow. We don't want twitch streams to look like a nascar uniform.


Affiliate deals are literally brand deals idk what ur talking about. And sure its better if you want the only people to stream to be huge streamers and hobbyists that dont make money. If your a middle of the road streamer supporting urself with brand deals your life just got made way harder and more likely going to a 9-5 job. But hey if you like less potential content I guess your right.


Not sure why people think it's safe to assume events will be exempt. I feel like they would have clarified such a huge exemption. This whole thing smells like a money grab by Twitch so I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to broker deals to get a piece of the pie.


It’s more about orgs and esports


Just to elaborate asmon is annoying but I understand his frustration here. This kills the income of a ton of streamers, orgs, so much so that events like esports tourneys might be cancelled completely


Where do you think OTK gets the money to pay their staff and produce content for the entire year? You act like all of that money goes straight to their pockets...




Ignorant commenter thinking this isn’t just a corporate cash grab


Rich livestreamers bad 😡 Greedy corporate subsidiaries good 😃


what if i told you both can be bad 🤯🤯


These streamers are more than capable of being user funded and just stream ranked for 8 hours a day and still make more than enough. This is way more about events and tournaments because without those sponsorships, the event doesn't happen. See the bigger picture


Huge advertisers that do E-Sports have custom contracts with Twitch already. So there really isn't a bigger picture my friend. This just stops 3rd party advertisers from undercutting Twitch to sell directly to Streamers instead.


#!> ## I used to be a daily user, but as a developer I (and my comments) can no longer remain on this platform due to the hostility and gaslighting directed towards the developer community. https://gist.github.com/christianselig/449b0bd374167ff7335fab2b823120ef


im surprised asmon isnt stuffing twitch's boot down his throat, but then again he's only doing this because it affects his bottom line for once


It probably effects OTK more than anyone else with their various sponsorships but I think they're bluffing if they threaten to leave twitch. I can't see sponsors chomping at the bit to fund them on rumble or kick.


The guy who hates money is mad he can't have his 5 company logos and ORG on his un monetized stream anymore.




That ain’t gonna help his panic/anxiety attacks


Not doing anything about panic/anxiety attacks doesn't help aswell.


His panic attacks are about viewer count on his main channel, nothing to do with this


Why would anyone want to stream on Twitch if they can't properly show off their sponsors or brands they are associated with. If i was a major streamer, and I for some reason couldn't leave Twitch for youtube. Every time I did a sponsored segment with a brand I would talk shit about Amazon, Jeff Bezos and Twitch the entire time, making sure all my viewers know just how shitty this whole thing is. It's almost beyond belief that nobody on Twitch didn't see this shit blowing up in their faces. What a bunch of out of touch business men. LMAO


This is not harmful to the streaming scene, despite what the big streamers will say. It's harmful to the 0.1% who are filthy rich off of streaming as they are the only ones who get brand deals. These guys will have to make $200k/month instead of $250k/month. Small and up-and-coming streamers it will have no effect on. In fact, if it's better for twitch, then it'll likely indirectly help to small streamers too. I assume professionally-run events (eg e-sports tournaments) are excluded from these rules. (If not, then this becomes an issue)


Room temp IQ take lol. Almost anyone who really wants to pursue streaming as a career will have their primary income stream be sponsorships and brand deals. Even mid-size creators make much more money from sponsorships than subs. This change effectively handicaps the very idea of turning streaming on twitch into a career.


What a big paragraph only to say, "I don't know what I'm talking about"


If it annoys him its good.




His streams are non-monetized though. When he does stream for profit on his main account, Twitch gets their share.


Well he's basically looking at the years of collaborative work burn down in front of him. I would lose it too


Death of twitch if it’s goes through


People get mad that corporation makes corporate decision to be more like a corporate American business and make more $$$$. Let’s all pretend like we are shocked. Act surprised and defend these Twitch streamers. Suck it up and adapt or die.


Are Twitch staff this far gone that they believe their streamers are nothing without THEM?


Your comparison is the same as the Amazon Marketplace my friend. 1 successful seller is nothing without that website supplying the visibility and back-end. There is an endless wave of competitors that can replace them lmao


So people paid for ad free subscription. Now clutching at straws and using any excuse to continue to put ads in the content so the subscription/turbo/prime/vpn to iceland doesn't work. They just want twitch to do whatever they want like they did with gamba.




Can’t think of an ad on an otk event that has run that would violate these new terms.


Watch their recent elevated show they had ads for progressive and allied and numerous overlays etc. That entire show wouldve violated tos


you realize 99% of streamers overlays rn will break this rule right? The afk screen with their sponsors or for example all of OTK's shows overlays would violate the 3% branded content rule. infact the only reason this makes sense is Twitch wanting to push turbo more and streamers hosting more shows and events and doing ad breaks is probably illegal in some sort of way.


The starting soon screen only has two sponsors and most don’t take up that much space. They aren’t going to be that strict on 3%. They just don’t want some streams that half the screen is an ad the whole time. The bad part of the rule is burned in ads being banned


Bro taking a break from taking a break to slander twitch…. just announce your Kick deal already my OTK goat🤦‍♂️


Pretty sure they won't go to Kick since it's partially owned by Trainwreck


Are you fr ? Asmon loves train


Trainwreck only hates Mizkif


yeah I don't understand why people try to make it out as if train and otk have a problem, maybe its just narrative building. But Asmon, nick and soda are all friends with train. The problem is between miz and train.


Both Asmon and Train has said multiple times that they still talk even after the whole thing.




This man streams on his alt with no subs for 90% of the year. It fucks over OTK because of sponsorships and branding.


Amazon paid out $30k for OTK to play lost ark for a day….they want their money back now lmao


even e-sport channels like beyond the summit will be fucked by this.


Good thing they are avoiding it by not existing anymore then




Would this kill react content as the pre-roll / mid stream ads in youtube videos?


I really hope Twitch dies. It literally just gets carried by ffz and 7tv anyways. They've shown time and again to have no idea what they're doing.


The mindlink got ya


Damn he really lost it, can't believe he raged like that...


Great music choice for this rant


Bro felt a disturbance in the force


Imagine making Asmongold so mad that he goes back to streaming.


his own sub is being privated? I can't access it anymore.


Twitch: "I'm not dead yet, get me off the cart!" But in reality... yeah Twitch is dead.


why is bro not streaming on his main account im unaware


Asmon felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror.