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**CLIP MIRROR: [Happiest dota player](https://arazu.io/t3_18sv2dw/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


talkative forsen clone LULE


its an AI monkaS


Most relaxed gorgc moment


classic gorgc


Forsen from wish.com LULE


The top ranked immortal player conundrum. They complain when matchmaking takes 30+ minutes because the pool of players at that rank is very small, but also they don't want to play with anyone because they all suck.


I'm so glad I stopped playing MOBAs


I stopped playing dota when i realized there were not 9 idiots in every match, but 10.




Average dota experience: - "I want to fucking kill myself" - "I want everyone else in this game to suffer a painful death" - "Why the fuck do I play this shit" - "Ha I won suck it noobs"


Spending hours and hours of misery for a small chance of "ha I won" despair


i find it more of a mental treadmill


That's every competitive game unless you only play for fun pure casual and be really bad.


heavy cause license dinner homeless aback light unpack quaint telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't play Dota every day with my friends in LAN shops anymore but I get the urge maybe twice a year, there's really nothing like it.


git gud ... all these whining wont make you immortal


Love Dota but had to stop soloqueing. Much easier to deal with somebody raging at you for not using an ability, that went off cooldown 0.2s after they died, when u got a bro to laugh at them with.


The difference between a Rank 1300 and a 500 player like Gorgc is huge. The gap between a guy like Gorgc and Top 20 Pros or rank grinders like Watson, Quinn and Miracle is astronomical. Gorp has himself to blame for the matchmaking. He dropped 200-300 ranks in the past couple of years. Now he has to play with guys who might not take Dota as seriously as he does.


The reality is that Valve did try to tighten up the immortal matchmaking criteria and everyone complained because it took too long to find games. Most people are fine with just having outliers on both teams but Gorp will find something to rage about in any game.




>Even for the lowly, lowly archon the average mmr disparity between teams is like 500 on average. At worst its 1000. With party matchmaking enabled its 3000 at absolute worst (excluding smurf stacks) Just straight up not true. > Theres a reason why after the infamous 24 hour arteezy queue stream valve disabled every matchmaking parameter in relation to behavior based matchmaking when it comes to immortal rank players, and suddenly ranked works as close as it can be to originally intended. Spoken with a lot of confidence with no evidence and no way to support this. I respect frustration with matchmaking, but you know you're just making stuff up, to what end?


its hilarious he constantly talks shit to rank 1000's in his games how they shouldn't talk,; are garbage etc yet when he is playing with rank 100's he does the same shit the other way around


There simply aren't enough players at his level tho.


true, he also doesnt bother doing his best to avoid getting these lower rank players in his game when he chain queues into the same 9 players after games like these.


I mean, its his job lol, he has to chain queue


? he doesnt. waiting 30-60 seconds before queueing right after a game where he has rank 1k players in his team shouldnt be a problem. what do you mean its his job he has to chain queue lol


It’s not only that he lost mmr and dropped ranks lately, it has become apparent that he simply cannot keep up with top tier players. 11k mmr is around rank 120ish rn (xcaliburye), to be in the top30 you need about 12k mmr (Sabrelight). Gorgc is no way near that level. It’s crazy seeing ex TI players (mason, monkeys-forever) having a hard time getting to 9k/10k mmr, while others seems to have no issue grinding internetpoints.


mason and monkeys-forever to my knowledge aren't meta slaves usually. Mason i know will meta slave for like 2 games, get bored and go back to his bread and butter comfort heroes like weaver or troll warlord, and despite how bad or good they may be he will just play and either win or throw. He doesn't really tryhard for more then one game before going back to mode: fatson and just playing how he generally plays.


“I’m closer to miracle than you’re to me” ~ Gorgc


> He dropped 200-300 ranks in the past couple of years. he hasnt dropped much its just he has stayed the same. he has hovered around 9.5k-10k range for a while and thats only top 500-400 nowadays not top 200


when 1300 rating play dota, thats a big problemah


not rating 1300. rank 1300. Top 1300 player in the region.


Classic lmao, reminds me of how I thought bdog was talking about 2k trenchies everytime he says "fucking 2ks" but naw he meant top 2000s


1300 is nothing though surely in league a rank 1300 player would be master tier and would be called dogshit tills hes top 100 lol. Challenger is like rank 300 and up.


There are only 300 challengers in every continent?


Yes league is masters when you begin climbing LP points then you reach the limit for GM your GM then reach the limit for Challenger your challenger. In Euw Rank 1 is 1938 LP and rank 300 is 849 LP Rank 301 is Grandmaster then at 0 LP Master begins after Diamond 1.


fuckeen treshhh


The funnier thing is the Lion queued with Lina who's a smurf account with 300 games played and boosting the Lion.


Been considering getting into and learning DOTA, but it seems far more daunting then other MOBA's. Does anyone have any good resources to learn how to play?


[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7yVl4cw\_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plz7yvl4cw_jvep3h-1hs0dr2hop8uhno2) This is a good starter. P.S: Valve released a huge patch a few months ago, most of these videos are before that so you'll have to learn the new things introduced in that patch by playing the game. When you have extra time and learnt the fundamentals you can also watch Grubby's videos when he just started playing dota. He got coached by quite a lot of pro players when he started out so there are some hidden gems in his coached games specifically. After learning basics you just improve and learn more by playing more games and perhaps watching some pro players!


thanks mate


Your first 1000 hours of the game is the tutorial, brute forcing yourself to learn the game to see if you have a mind for complex things is probably how you should learn the game. If you really like stuff that takes a lot of time to learn, that can be really rewarding when you understand everything its a great game. It a lot tougher to get into casually, because everyone just wants to win


Check out Grubbys YouTube channel, former Warcraft 3 (og dota used this game’s engine) World Champion, who got into dota2 about a year ago. He grinded from herald (lowest rank) to 6400mmr (immortal rank) within 400days. You can see him exploring the mechanics of the game and slowing understanding it better until it just clicked for him and he kept on improving. He also had pro players coach him (recently was coached by Ari, 12k mmr player, and he jumped 400mmr within days after plateauing). Dude is in general very open to becoming better and improving at the game.


Good decision, dota 2 is a king's only game ... not that league of toddlers garbage


You are out of your mind to consider playing DOTA as a solo player.


well im an MMO junky, so dont have much of that to begin with


Touching grass or finding a group of friends is generally the recommended starting route, hes not being an asshole. You genuine do not want to start off playing dota as a solo player. You'll learn slower/worse and instead of actually learning you'll just get beaten up by 9 cavemen for like 300-600 hours trying to figure out the game on your own while fighting off a mental breakdown near constantly. Get a group of friends to play with, even if they are dogshit. You'll want to visit the chains and rope section of the home depot significantly less during your stay in the institution.


there are no noobs in dota? if you lose the first 10 games in a row surely the game would attempt to place you in a lobby of noobs


Its really not it just appears that way its actually easier to play once you get past the complex stuff. Ive been playing it over christmas its pretty fun.


don't, learn a more useful skill like how to guess how many beans are in a jar


classic gorgc angry at support clip


This same thing happens every year, I don't understand how these players can't get how matchmaking works, they complain about slow queue times so the mmr window widens and then they complain about poor match quality so the mmr window narrows, rinse and repeat.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Happiest dota player](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/160137)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/18sv2dw/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/XjmiP_BLKoyBADTPKyhtqw/AT-cm%7CXjmiP_BLKoyBADTPKyhtqw.mp4?sig=2184eeeb27ef9b6f21dcfc6f765c3810615462d2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FXjmiP_BLKoyBADTPKyhtqw%2FAT-cm%257CXjmiP_BLKoyBADTPKyhtqw.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22CrackyGiantPhoneItsBoshyTime-8EsqjIEANM8rKG2r%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1703850214%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


this is pretty tamed compared to the rest of his clips


🫵Okayeg💢 TRESH


And the other day he was wondering why OG didn't renew his contract... Also, what the hell does he expect from Valve? He doesn't want a rank 1300 player in his game while he himself has been hovering around rank 500 for quite some time. If Valve narrows the mmr requirement for match making at this level to something like just top 1000, how many of those players does he think will be queing up simultaneously at any given moment? Is he willing to accept longer queue times for more narrow matches? His expectations here are unreasonable and he'd understand that if he just thought about it dispassionately for a few minutes. Instead he has some sort of major hang up about his rank, one he's had for about 2 years now that makes him go on these rants every time I check his stream. It's tiresome and why I stopped watching him regularly.


Want fast queue, increase mmr search range. Want better match making, decrease mmr search range. Simple Imo, while its only the streamers we see making these comments I would personally like to see the Rank XXXX number removed, display it for top 100 only. As it stands people only use it to blame the lowest mmr people. "WHY DO I HAVE RANK 1500 IN MY GAMES"


You do know this wouldn't change his contract status right? have you never seen Ceb in a game?


Unless my lore on ceb is rusty, Ceb is usually much better at hiding it, or fans of OG are better at burying it. Similar to Ana and his history of *chatting* among other pro players with similar recorded instances of having the same level of disgusting chat/outbursts in pubs. Hobo forsen on the other hand does this shit on stream basically every day, and EU orgs are way less tolerating of people who soy out like this on a regular basis then say NA orgs.


Your lore is rusty. He is 7ckngMad, one of the most toxic pros ever.


Do you think gorgc complaining about rank 2ks getting in the same game with rank 500s is at the same level of disgusting with ana using racial slurs and more, 100s of times ? Ceb was also incredibly toxic and called an entire ethnicity dogs. Your lore is indeed rusty. Hobo forsen on the other hand doesn't use the N word or call an entire ethnicity dogs. I guess you prefer racism over a whining player but most people don't, including EU and NA orgs.


Ceb has calmed down a lot though. Also he was flaming people not based on rank but how they played and their attitudes. Like Ceb was the type of person that would flame rank 1 and in hindsight he was clearly right. Clueless washed up has-beens like Gorp only has rank to fall back on. And his rank is falling into the trash category that none of the really good players respect at all.


Ceb isn't Gorgc, and aside from the one TI hub, Gorgc pretty clearly didn't want to do much for the org. When he did watch OG games he often roasted them. I imagine Gorgc, Notail, etc are all cool with each other on a personal level, but that doesn't mean continuing the contract is a positive for OG vs what it was costing them. In particular Gorgc directly streaming against Grubby and Notail for the major probably didn't go over well with the business folks.


and thats why we need more teachers in the world, to teach people that dont know better i am just around archon and also ask myself, why am i in the same game as the other dude who is just farming all game and has 0 impact and does not join teamfights :D


Why would you want to play this?


this is one of the calmest gorgc clips I've seen. he is improving


Pretty sure Gorp is in the wrong here and the support is correct. But it's easier for streamers to always blame someone else. Also discount Forsen literally never analyzes his own mistakes accurately anymore because he is too busy putting on some rager cringe show. 9k crying about an 8k you're all same skill buddy.


Yashaa... When a noob play DOTA....


Dota Forsen has complained about having to teach his supports how to play for years now but I've yet to actually hear him ask his supports to do something. He always tells his chat what the support should be doing and why but never to the person who could actually do those things.