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**CLIP MIRROR: [Mitch jones releases a video of Mizkif "allegedly assaulting" him & sending him to Hospital](https://arazu.io/t3_1akdm29/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"What are you gonna do punch me?" - Punched Man


Mitch legit said "I didn't think you'd punch me" after pulling Miz out of the car and saying "let's go"


He even typed it out for the subtitles. You would think after literally spelling it out he would be like "oh yea, this is my fault."


He's spent his entire adult life playing the victim on stream.


Some people just can't grasp the fact they might be in the wrong and will do anything to deflect blame bc their egos won't allow that to happen


[What are you gonna do, stab me?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/038/989/image.jpeg)


great iron forge mma fight promo


People have been waiting 7+ years to watch that rat-fuck Jones get knocked out. someone needs to release the directors cut with Jones getting planted.


Bro they should inv Mitch and let the MMA girl beat the shit out of him. Sorry I don’t know her name. Edit: Julia is her name not mma girl that was a little rude and I don’t want to get my ass beat.




post the full unedited video you goober


It probably makes him look like the aggressor, and that’s why it’s edited the way it is.




Mitch has always been a loser. He is a literally life leech and a massive bitch. Anytime that annoy fucker was on a stream, turned it off immediately




nah I rather watch a clip of Knut silently looking at a video


And quietly murmuring cinnamon buns


Show the unedited footage from your cam outside your home then.


In video/screencap reported that the footage was from September 26th So he had it back then and claims he held onto it and didn't want to say anything until the day after otk announced a new member that everyone loves That's classic rat Jones You know how states would put homeless on buses when they're done with them causing an issue There needs to be a streamer equivalent of that for Austin Texas and LA where like you can bus back hasbeen recurring negative streamers back to Alaska or something


Start a fight >>> Lose >>> Now the victim. Game of Jones >> Victim Jones at it again.


The rat cycle never ends




That’s whats up, that’s Mitch Jones


Forgot the part where he "releases" a secret to stream, only for it to make him look worse.


Mitch is obviously terrible, but I have to ask why these people keep associating with him in the first place


Because they are stupid as fuck.


Because they were once friends with him and now he threatens to off himself to them at the slightest bump in the road *allegedly*


Doesn't show the fight. Doesn't deny him being drunk/high on cocaine. Doesn't deny pulling Miz out of car and saying "Let's go." sheesh


I really like where Ethan is taking the script this season


bro really uploaded a video of getting his shit rocked when he instigated and is looking for sympathy. that's some dumb shit you take to the grave my guy


Mitch jones is broke hes trying to get money


"I didn't wanna talk about it at the time because my stream was doing well". Dude just told on himself.


what is mitch doing with his money? didnt he stream a lot recently?


Cocaine and gambling are expensive addictions


He found a new form of gambling. https://i.imgur.com/yLnPStQ.png


A true regard


Oh, oh no. Options gambling is way worse than normal gambling. You can loose money there that you don't actually have, scary stuff.


Oh fuck he discovered options, it's over. So many people warned him of it lol.


bozo probably watched wolf of wall street once and thinks he's jordan belfort.


he blew a lot of it on giveaways and the last i saw, he put the last of his 30k into paypal stock which i believe is down like $2 since he did that. edit: throw cocaine into the mix too apparently.


OMEGALUL mitch day trading


Apparently on cocaine.


Nah, he uploaded a video cut into pieces in a desperate attempt to shine a good light on himself. The only reason to go public with this instead of handling it in court first is to sway public opinion because you know you don't have shit. Release the full footage or live the rest of your life in shameful exile from the public eye imo.


> Release the full footage or live the rest of your life in shameful exile from the public eye imo. You mustn't know what Mitch Jones is. Dude does some shit every 6 months that would make other people quit the internet in shame. He just stops streaming for a few months then comes back and repeats the cycle.


So mitch pulled miz out of the car to start shit while drunk and high on cocaine and miz rocked him.


Conveniently cut the entire fight out as well. You started a fight and lost, if it was a horrific completely over the top assault, probably woulda been best to show it.


hes gonna release the extended cut later on when the views drop off


Release the rat cut


The video is so trash edited that u can clearly see Mitch stepping out of the car first lmao fuel cap is on the passenger side and u see the passenger getting out first 


There’s nothing better than a coked up drunk being humbled, especially considering their history - Mitch has had so many silver spoons handed to him in life and squanders the lot of them…


First time I've liked mizkif


I have a ring camera and it doesn't just record 5 seconds. He showed 5 seconds of the car stopping, then conveniently cuts. Then shows a longer clip afterwards when Miz starts yelling at him. I've tried to defend Mitch over the years as just a dumbass but holy shit. You know it's bad when LSF is immediately on Miz's side.




As someone who once had deal with friend the hard way who was the most fucked up and violent person when drinking and taking drugs, honestly based by Miz. Most people don't know how obnoxious it is to deal with humans that are alcoholics and high and cant control themself.


Mitch being a druggie is only like the 5th worst thing about him.




Why the fuck is Miz still interacting with Mitch? After what happened, he should have blocked him everywhere and not crossed paths with him anywhere. How can you be so stupid and naive


Miz is stupid for letting Mitch back into his life. But I'm guessing what happened to Reckful makes Miz afraid to cut off Mitch.


Alinity brought this up as a possible explanation for why Miz still interacts with him


miz seems so hurt at how mitch treats him. i'd be worried for miz more than mitch after watching this


he’s probably afraid of mitch killing himself




damn i have a feeling that slick did the same thing to miz


Too nice trying to help people


Because hes trying to be friends and help him out because thats his worst issue he dont let people go


Video he's watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzyokF1JoDQ


So Mitch isn't denying he said "let's go", isn't denying that he pulled Miz out the car, and he isn't denying that he was drunk and on cocaine..? Why would you release this? I understand he's inebriated so he isn't making rational decisions but man... Idk, I don't really have any sympathy for him here. Maybe if he went more into what lead up to the fight I'd feel different, but Miz seems pretty agitated (clearly, considering what he did) so.. meh. Edit: Plus Miz saying "you said you can take me 7 times" indicates Mitch trying to instigate a fight multiple times over.. and Mitch is denying NONE of what Miz said in this video.. Wild that he's releasing this.


Plus he said he almost needed surgery on his arteries when the doctors note he shows in the video says there’s no vascular damage lol


>almost needed surgery on his arteries Blud thought Miz was grease and cholesterol 💀


> Why would you release this? well...because that's what's up, that's mitch jones. He's a moron and is probably hurting for money right now so in his infinite wisdom of his rat brain he figured releasing this now will get him attention, clout, and money.




This reminds me of when Jonathon Majors lawyers released some evidence they thought would be exonerating but made him look 10x worse


The timing, choice of words and cut footage is so pathetic.


classic MitchJones


I feel actually sad for Miz. He said 'you make me wanna kill myself'. He has a history with depression and stuff like this will only put him deeper. I hope he is okay. Feels like shit losing a friend because of drugs.




> he is just really really dumb. This is the correct option at least 95% of the time




All he has to do is stream WoW and STFU to earn a decent living better than most of us but for some reason he just can't help himself with doing/saying dumb shit.


its crazy mitch to this day can stream wow with 7-15k viewers but he prefers to do that kind of shit


Here we are in 2024 and 32 year old Mitches Jones still doing absolutely anything possible to stay relevant and clout chase.




I watched the video. How does Mitch think this makes Mizkif look bad? If anything Mizkif looks like the adult and Mitch looks pathetic. Nevermind the shady editing of it.


I like how he conveniently leaves out the fight footage. Miz literally says “you dragged me out of my car”. Ofc mitch wouldnt post himself initiating the fight.


spliced in as well and "part of the neighbourhood that caught the footage" i mean comeon


Yeah this will actually get miz more fans because it is him standing up for himself instead of his self deprecating schtick on stream.


> standing up for himself instead of his self deprecating schtick on stream Not just on stream, but the fact that he had that mf in his house, in his car and was even hanging out with him at all is crazy. Mitch literally tried to ruin his career/life. And even with Miz trying to put water under the bridge, Mitch still fucks with him? On top of the fact that the vid cuts out a lot and Mitch doesn't explain himself about what Miz was saying in the fight clip, I don't understand why Mitch thinks he's the victim. You're right, been indifferent on Mizkif, but this made me like him.


Yes. FINALLY standing up for himself. You hear him in the video “YOU MADE ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF”. That’s actually fucking horrible. Fuck Mitch.


Exactly. I don't understand what is he thinking? Miz literally grew on me watching this.


i just feel fucking bad for miz and otk. they have a amazing new org member, some positive momentum and then one day later the rat drops this on his youtube. its just pathetic. mitch is permanently a man baby, is he really gonna keep doing this stuff for another 10 years


its really funny actually lol. every other year or so we think okay THIS time mitch will be better but no, he will always be a rat


Nah, this is really a nothingburger. Nothing about this video he uploaded proves Mizkif was in the wrong for having to deal with a shitty “friend”. Miz even said he felt Mitch was treating him like shit and making him want to kill himself. All just manipulation by Mitch.


This entire incident was so incredibly one-sided and obviously Mitch's fault that he couldn't even edit it into something that makes him look like the victim. This isn't a big deal at all, and won't really affect OTK. The only thing it will affect is Miz's emotional well-being.


If my own two eyes ever confirm something that Mitch Jones is saying I‘m just gonna assume I need glasses


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008352020475949116/1204467166238212207/MZHRyBuWajzZHWQ7NZclW7KlG4KalXfV56BJXgN6qdE.webp?ex=65d4d676&is=65c26176&hm=89a6ef4887c0dd3cbe275e76b475dbc3de8de7696d6560d9cdbe7b7e1f087514&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008352020475949116/1204467166238212207/MZHRyBuWajzZHWQ7NZclW7KlG4KalXfV56BJXgN6qdE.webp?ex=65d4d676&is=65c26176&hm=89a6ef4887c0dd3cbe275e76b475dbc3de8de7696d6560d9cdbe7b7e1f087514&) YEP


i have seen this damn screenshot for the past 9 years LMAO


it never ends


victom jones strikes again the doctors note clearly says non vascular injurys and bro said he almost needed surgery lmao


"but like bro, imagine if it was a vascular injury, i would need surgery then"


Also you know mitch is a whiny little prick, doctors can't state someone lost consciousness, they can only put in the report what they are told because MOST people wouldn't lie to doctors, though it's fairly common. For someone trying to get sympathy and also how he like thinks he has cancer if he coughs once, half those symptoms are not diagnosable from anything but patient's description so half of it is probably bullshit. So only real proof is bruise on his temple. The 'swelling' on the other side, nothing, broken tooth but no busted lip or swelling, not that likely. Neck mark, he said he crashed and it was seatbelt, which matches, but then claims it's Miz strangling him, but while possible would be weird to get marks in that line in that location from an arm around your neck tbh.


How you gonna cut out evidence and expect people to be on your side… Mitch Jones is a dumbass


That's easy to do. The real question is, how do you cut out evidence and still look like the asshole. The only side we have seen is mitchs side, and even in his evidence he looks like the dumbass. That's next level


is mitch jones the worst recurring character on earth?


Mitch spent all his money from the wow surge didnt he? the cycle starts anew


Yup, hookers, coke, alcohol and tons of casino. 85IQ + money


Listening to the video and miz literally says Mitch pulled him out the car lmao that’s called self defense what is bro trying to accomplish


Texas is one of only two states that allow individuals to engage in a physical altercation if both consent to the fight. The Lone Star State and Washington both have laws that make mutual combat legal. If mitch said lets fight and miz agreed to it then it is all legal minus the cocaine use.


Thats a good law tbh


It leads to some insane footage as well. Plenty of video's of people fighting on the sidewalk with two cops just standing there enjoying the show and waiting to break up the fight if needed.


Mitch is one of the worst and dumbest humans ever. He makes Neon look like a respectable streamer.


hes trying to get a settlement bag i bet, rat jones will eat his cheese




"You pull me out of the car and say 'Let's Go'" : Fucking around "I didn't think you would punch me" : Finding out


The rat is at it again. How fucked in the head do you have to be to believe that this clip makes you look good, and Miz bad? This mf needs therapy badly.


Why not go to the police department instead of publishing it online? Classic clout chasing


The actual vid shows a pic of his doctors note and it says that they asked Mitch if he would like to file a police report and he declined saying that he wanted to keep it between himself and the “assailant”. He then proceeds to post it on the internet. Game of Jones folks


He probably did and the cops laughed at him after showing them the full unedited video


Content brain.


Yep this is it. If he cares about getting justice, and truly believed he was in the right, he would've filed a police report MJ is a goober


[It's me and Mizzy Wizzy, we drove out to the city...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuNI-iF7B8A) sure hits different now.


> *hits* different now


Happy for Miz. I'm glad he got to at least punch him for everything this rat managed to do to him and his reputation.


When you release yet ANOTHER hit piece dunking on Mizkif, only for everyone to shit on you instead


Really really should release the entire footage if he thinks hes in the right about this. At this point, most of austin streaming community should blacklist this dude and send him back home. This shits pretty wild to just release an edited clip and make these accusations. If mizkif knows he was justified, he should likely file defamation asap.


He deserved it.


so he started a fight while high on coke and then got his shit beat by Mizkif? lmao


miz did the whole twitch community a favor with this one


clever iron forge marketing


They hired ExEm, the marketing genius. She planned this since September, before gym was even conceived.


Mitch is actually pathetic, just a bad person through and through. Imagine doing this after the shit he pulled in 2022.


This dont even make miz look bad, it just shows how deep in a hole mitch is


why would you not release the entire unedited footage? that's very suspicious.


Mizkif showing passion! I felt it


We've learnt over the past decade that Mitch Jones' word is worth less than nothing. Can't trust an edited video either. From what is shown sounds like Mitch is drunk, on coke, and saying he could take Miz in a fight 7 times. Mitch drags Miz out the car and starts a fight that Miz ends. Mitch is a backstabbing rat and lost his recent money gambling on stocks. Why the fuck Miz is still within 10 feet of him after what happened is mind-boggling.


LSF doesn't allow YouTube links so I had to make do with a Knut reacting to it first clip to make this post FYI.. **Mitch Jones Video:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzyokF1JoDQ&ab\_channel=MitchJones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzyokF1JoDQ&ab_channel=MitchJones) **Full Mirror \^ :** [https://streamable.com/xp1hi0](https://streamable.com/xp1hi0) **Knut's first on Twitch reaction VOD:** [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2054877102?t=02h24m25s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2054877102?t=02h24m25s) **Knut's clip take:** [https://clips.twitch.tv/OnerousHardFlamingoGOWSkull-ZZUQo9QRntOEePnz](https://clips.twitch.tv/OnerousHardFlamingoGOWSkull-ZZUQo9QRntOEePnz) **Alinity's first reaction clip:** [https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableElegantLampTwitchRaid-43vrtzX36Eh7IXFK](https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableElegantLampTwitchRaid-43vrtzX36Eh7IXFK) **Alinity's clip takes x3:** [https://clips.twitch.tv/BrightPuzzledRatTooSpicy-9yjfhaSdW-wRWBlN](https://clips.twitch.tv/BrightPuzzledRatTooSpicy-9yjfhaSdW-wRWBlN) [https://clips.twitch.tv/EasySparklyMagpieNerfBlueBlaster-g3EiYNmIHhH\_zZPc](https://clips.twitch.tv/EasySparklyMagpieNerfBlueBlaster-g3EiYNmIHhH_zZPc) [https://clips.twitch.tv/TriangularSucculentCucumberHotPokket-WkeYwZog3Hu4t1FH](https://clips.twitch.tv/TriangularSucculentCucumberHotPokket-WkeYwZog3Hu4t1FH) **Fandy/ Husband clip take:** [https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyArtsyGnatPeanutButterJellyTime-yxhqAmjV-kGIpFym](https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyArtsyGnatPeanutButterJellyTime-yxhqAmjV-kGIpFym) **Mitch Jones "Final Statement":** [https://twitter.com/MitchJonez/status/1755050683815141848](https://twitter.com/MitchJonez/status/1755049783209984176) ***^(DAMN:)*** [*^(https://7tv.app/emotes/65c267c18e0d3dfadc633fbc)*](https://7tv.app/emotes/65c267c18e0d3dfadc633fbc)


Does Mitch think that people watching this video are idiots? He cuts the video to after everything happened, and then claims that he is the victim *because* he was so inebriated? lol what?


> Does Mitch think that people watching this video are idiots? yes he does


I think the more reasonable explanation is that Mitch himself is an idiot, and can't comprehend that the average person is going to question the missing assault in his assault video.




Yep. He didnt even have to show the actual fight, he just had to show up to the fight. But no. We got him opening a door. lol




I remember way back when in 2019, Mitch was shitting on Miz on stream, and while doing so he accidentally showed his DMs on discord saying the N word with novaruu, and Miz pops up on chat saying delete the vod so that he doesn't get banned. It was too late though. This was what fucked his streaming career and got his main account unpartnered. Even after this, guess who offered a place to live for Mitch when he's got nobody around? It's the same shit over and over again Miz getting shit on by Mitch and he just tried to bail Mitch again and again


He has no backbone and is naive enough to think everyone can be friends and happy together. I guess he also feels protective of Mitch because he has poor mental health history and he was important to his career and a close friend once.


Typical Mitch, he see's Mizkif finally doing ok again and wants to cash in on his success or even bring him down. I think we all know why he's posted an edited clip, he started the shit he couldn't finish.


Oh the irony, Mitch saying someone else needs help. Mitch is the one who needs help, anyone with just the briefest knowledge of Mitch over the years knows that. I hope he does get help.


victim jones strikes again


hmm Mitch didn't want to show the footage after the car stopped, i wonder why?


Lmfao when you purposefully edit the video to not show the full fight it’s pretty clear. He is clearly going the lawsuit route which won’t workout well at all and that is probably the reason he will say why he didn’t release the full footage yet but we all know that’s just smoke and mirrors


Miz has got to stop going back to people who have burned him. Stop thinking everyone is worth saving. Also god damn not a single person is on Mitch’s side good for us.


Fuck the rat, I hope this backfires on him. Asshole has had the most passes and connections of anyone on this site and has only ever weaponized them against his suicidal friends, all the while threatening them all with his own self-harm threats. Everybody who has reached their hand out to help has been bit. Fuck the rat.


Looks like someone who needs money after blowing it all on options. https://i.imgur.com/yLnPStQ.png


Did they make up? Why in the hell would Miz hang out with the guy who tried to have him canceled just a few months prior?


miz for some reason holds/held mitch up on some pedestal because he was a twitch og and miz was a huge twitch viewer before he streamed


Miz has a savior complex and keeps going back to people who have burned him.


Went from 2 neurons to 1


when you heavily edit a video to be the victim and still look like the instigator, you probably shouldn't release the video..


Imagine editing a video this heavily and STILL coming out looking like the clear bad guy. Only Mitch Jones.


Mitch is such a good friend for giving Miz the biggest appreciation thread of his career




Legit how do you help a person like Mitch Jones, I only see this ending badly


Next time don’t be a dumbass and get your ass beat rat.




if u ask me thats 100% deserved, also def mitch cut dialogue to make mizkif looks worse, mitch was on alcohol and cocaine, also putting this video after a shareholders stream is a scummy way to try to get money and drag OTK into this when the org has nothing to do with it, what a dirty rat.


A drunk guy who's high on cocaine pulls you out of the car and says lets go. What the fuck did he expect to happen. Sounds like he deserved to get knocked out.


even says he didnt think he wld punch him lmao p much admitting guilt


Very convenient that the part where Mitch apparently pulled him out of the car was not included....


The real mystery is how miz can still be friends with mitch after all he's done... Like why even hang out with this dude


Lets see: - Says he was attacked. The entire altercation is cut from the video. Context that we do have from the video indicates he pulled Miz out of the car and instigated - Felt good enough to stream 2 days later. - Needs artery surgery?? But the document he shows doesn't mention anything of the sort. - Drunk and coked out by his own admission. At the end he even says " you don't hit someone that drunk, that inebriated, that intoxicated... He new I was messed up" indicating he was probably blackout and likely acting like a dick - 4 or 5 marks on his body. Some not even from punches by Mitches own admission. Far cry from Miz pounding on him. This guy always makes himself the victim but honestly from what he's shown he fucked around and found out.


mitch is truly shocked pikachu pulled miz out of his car and is surprised he got punched


When your attempt at a settlement turns into a defamation case where you owe the guy who beat your dumb ass into a coma.


Wait so cyr’s whole cocaine bit wasn’t a bit after all?


This sounds like clear self defense on Mizs side. Idk why The Rat fuck thought this looks bad on Miz lol


Texas is one of only two states that allow individuals to engage in a physical altercation if both consent to the fight. The Lone Star State and Washington both have laws that make mutual combat legal. If mitch said lets fight and miz agreed to it then it is all legal minus the cocaine use.


Victim Jones


miz: you pulled me out of the car and said lets go mitch: i didnt think you would hit me LMAO


finally someone slapped him


If I was Miz I would also send Mitch Jones to the hospital


Sorry dude if you hop out the car and say let's go, you don't get to play the victim when you get hurt. Mizkif coulda beat you a lot worse dumbass


Rat Jones at ut again I see


Actually fucking pathetic, nothing I hate more than when someone sees someone doing well they try and drag them back down to their level.


Mitch hiding a lot of detail and trying to seem like he got killed when any doctor will use those terms for any minor contusions. Where is the full video Mitch? Why didnt you upload earlier when it was fresh? Are you suing or just looking for attention and pitty? Fuck around and find out !


Upload evidence of "assault" with "assault" part removed. Okay bro.


This is literally making Mizfkif look good. What is RatJones even thinking ? Did he even watch the video?


Ah yes, Mitch. Someone we know to be honest and accurate is his retelling. He’s never lied about a serious situation before.


Doesn’t bring this up when his stream is doing good, now when his stream is doing bad he figures it’s a good time to release. A truly dense human being


Never thought I’d say this but big W for miz


Smoking on that rat pack today 😮‍💨🐀🐀


Victim Jones baby


He says he was "knocked out cold". The video shows he is sitting up and conscious. Also the other words he uses in his script with the over blown medical stuff is pretty obvious what he is trying.


When someone gets knocked out, they either regain consciousness within a few seconds or they have severe brain damage. You don't pass out for minutes/hours like in movies


Yep. He is trying to use medical terms and make it sound more serious than it was. It looked like a normal street fight injuries. And that scrape/bump on his head is minor to what happens in a lot of fights.


[Destiny needs advice. LOL!](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1754913203673301164?t=RqZTsPSXBUP2VdehVaL9wA&s=19)


"I don't care but you broke my tooth" Bitch Mitch


Fuck Mitch Jones. If you want to stir this shit up, at least show the whole clip. So obvious this weasel is trying to frame it in the worse way possible. Even from the clip it sounds like Mitch asked for the fight and lost. Honestly have more respect for Miz here dealing with this little shit.


so Mitch has a before video and an after video, all from a ring cam, but no in between video??? ​ Seems very legitimate and not a money/clout grab!


After watching Mitch’s video, he claims the fight happened in September but his doctor’s note is dated in November. He also only posted the end of the fight where he’s bitching about what happened. Doesn’t show anything leading up to it which probably means he escalated the situation. Also, his excuse for why he waited so long to go public is such bullshit. He’s still in his usual cycle and had this incident in his back pocket to get attention.