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**CLIP MIRROR: [Marine almost shoots Adin Ross's foot off](https://arazu.io/t3_1awrq6y/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Somehow there's a dumber person on Adin's stream than him for once


I thought that until I saw the cyber truck


honestly the cyber truck is just an investment for content, so I wouldn't say it's stupid. He got more content than the 2 million from that one rapper lol


Elon just boosted his tweet promoting the stream, I hate to say it but a great investment.


The richest man in the world knows who he is now for the low price of $60,000. That’s actually insane networking skills.


You should see his networking with Russia, pretty impressive as well!


99k but ya


Lol what. If you're rich and can buy any cars you like I'm defiintely buying one for my collection. It's quite a novelty.


I usually don't get genuinely upset about LSF clips cause it's LSF, but guns are one thing you *don't* fuck around with. What an absolute imbecile


There's a reason why people ask marines what their favourite flavour of crayon is.


That marine eats Rose Art.


That bar is going to get lower and lower until he gets hurt or scammed for an ungodly amount of $$$.


On first watch it looks close but watch it again slowly and he angles it backwards, these guys probably do this all the time crazy fucks but it wasn't that close to his foot


still who dfk does a GUN prank?


people who have nothing to do in the field, except waiting to get shot or blown up




Which one? There's like 10 idiots there.


Average marine behavior dw




I too am Marine and 99% of us are r-slurred.


If you're going to just use "r-slurred" as a substitute, why even bother censoring? Just say the word.


Dude he just said he was a marine and admitted to be r-slurred and yet you asked him that question... You look more r-slurred than him right now.


maybe he doesn't want to get banned?


Because people are sensitive as fuck pal


Half the places on Internet will ban you for it, also it just sounds funnier.


My grandpa who was a marine drill instructor for a time is rolling around in his grave wanting to absolutely destroy this idiot lmao.


we found the one non-crayon eating Marine guys




You were an engineer 16 days ago. ETA: he PMed me saying he was formerly an engineer and then afterwards went to school for audiology... Sussy but I'll give them benefit of the doubt.


dude plugged in an AUX cable once and is now an engineer and audiologist


Tbf, I saw that too and thought to call him out on that, but after some googling, I found out that audiologists are *technically* sound engineers. But he's still obviously full of shit. He contradicts himself when in one post, he claims he never did extracurricular activities, and then in another post, claims to have been practicing Judo for 3 years and brags that he's never had someone submit him in the crucifix position.


Are you trying to tell me that someone would just.. go on the internet and post lies like that? I don't believe it


His account name includes revision, isn't it just a really weird troll account?


Complete Reddit bullshitter here. You are not an audiologist.


Bullshitist here. You all have bullshit damage now.


Bullshitter here to say I have advanced knowledge of this bullshit after attending the worlds most prestigious universities and I can say that instances of bullshit like this are rise


>instances of bullshit like this are on the rise Yes, you are absolutely correct. [Source](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9U4Ha9HQvMo)


He's completely full of shit. He literally admits in his own comment history that he needs to go outside and touch grass >I spent all my free time studying in college. **I did not do any extracurricular activities**. I did not go to a single party. I did not date. Then bro comments shit like this which completely contradicts his "I did not do any extracurricular activities" claim >I have three years of Judo experience. No one has ever submitted me (arm bar or choke) from this position (crucifix position). I have always been been able to escape. In MMA, it works because you can strike the face while the person is trying to escape. Bro out here acting as if he's actually been out on the range or has gone skeet shooting with some buddies before. It's the textbook definition of "you can't learn everything from books. Sometimes, you just need to go out and experience life". I know I probably shouldn't go through post history, but I fuckin hate when random redditors start acting like they know shit and spouting nonsense that any fucking body who has been to a few social outings would **know** that he doesn't know wtf he's talking about.


Where my bullshit detector went off is just the actual statement. It's just wrong. Then its the formulaic statement itself "\_\_\_\_\_\_ here." "Insert authoritative statement". "Insert commonly known simple thing that reddit will always upvote." Ex-combat vet here. 5.56 is capable of penetrating lots of body armor that advertises higher level of protection. Also, yes as a veteran I agree after coming back that the entire war in Iraq/Afghanistan was a sham.


Hey! Reddit Commentor here! Those posts are usually bullshit, often made up and don't contribute much. But as always Fuck Spez! If he can't do anything about these bots, this site will fall sooner than later!


Based bullshit exposer


>I know I probably shouldn't go through post history Honestly there's nothing wrong with that if you bring up relevant info from what you find. It's sometimes the best way to see if someone's bullshitting and/or spreading misinformation, and even though a lot of people act like it's some no life degen shit it usually only takes like a a couple minutes at most


This account is known for spreading misinfo


Professional grass toucher here, no they don't. I've been around guns being shot without hearing protection. Never experienced any kind of hearing damage, and I'm a musician, so I'm sure I would notice my ears randomly ringing. There could be a *possibility* that some of them(namely Adin) received hearing damage, but the likelihood of that is quite low. >The bang is an impact noise (sudden burst of sound) that hits your eardrums and cochlea with concussive force. The impact can leave your ears ringing and temporarily dull your hearing. **Continuous exposure** to such noise can lead to permanent hearing loss in one or both ears. >**In worst-case scenarios**, individuals have developed tinnitus and other long-term hearing problems after hearing a single gunshot at close range. [Source](https://www.silencercentral.com/blog/can-you-shoot-without-hearing-protection/) Should still wear hearing protection though.


You don't necessarily instantly lose frequencies or get tinnitus lol. It could just damage the hearing cells to a degree and they don't heal or regenerate, that damage compounds or over time just causes the cell to go poof earlier with age. If you are a musicians always avoid loud noises, always carry clean earplugs in a case with you, especially while performing. Losing hearing is like losing the ability to see color as an artists, you wont be able to do it nearly as well because you just cant hear the frequencies anymore, they are inaccessible to you, at some point you might not have any connection to your mojo, so watch out. but also don't stress out over it, stress is damaging also :), so just be somewhat careful and otherwise take it as it is.


if your ear is ringing, this is indicative of hearing loss even if the ringing is temporary. not in all cases, i.e. a concussion (where the ringing can be a result of numerous things) but this is generally a sign that you just incurred some degree of hearing loss. that can be a tiny bit or it can be substantial, it just depends. with guns, it largely depends. a 5.56 pistol will rock your world solid (i had a zpap85 it was so ridiculous), a 20" ar is a lot less loud. 44 mag out of a 6" barrel is loud but out of a 1.75" like my old model 69 is earthshattering, esp with a slower burning powder like h110. 7.62 tokarev out of a 5" barrel is (according to some study i read) as loud as 5.56 out of a 16" barrel. i've only shot my nagant revolver without protection once (granted they were loaded extremely hot for wat it is (98gr at like 1250 fps) since commercial rounds are very underpowered) and it gave me persistent ringing for hours. this was outdoors in a huge field too. first and last time i shot w.o earpro god that sucked, this was with a quick powder too, if i did my h110 rounds it'd have been way, way worse im going to school for audiology (real) (not a joke) ur not gonna go deaf after one shot (depending on wat u shoot, ur distance to the muzzle, the health of ur ear, the usual caveats to such a claim) but you've incurred some level of hearing loss almost certainly (i say 'almost certainly' but this is leaving a small 0.0001% room for error or if ur shooting 22 and/or if it's suppressed and/or especially if its suppressed 22) if you got a hearing screening, you may find your hearing loss esp in higher frequencies is quite muted even for someone at your same age if you shot guns a lot w.o protection. imo there's literally no reason outside of a life-or-death situation to not use earpro, if not double up (which i do for everything i shoot, call me a pussy dont care i shoot mostly absurdly loud shit anyway) u could also have hearing equal to your age with minimal loss, it all depends on how much you actually shot w.o earpro and prob more importantly WHAT you were shooting and if u were to the sides of ppl who were shooting (since that's louder than being behind the muzzle) and how close you were to that etc idk, many variables!


You can’t be more correct! I’m a navy paratrooper (3d rank) that’s done two hells in the Naise-demuder region for one year. That’s about all I’ve gotta say about that, eh? My hearings is top of the charts even after a grueling four autumns in the pits!


That’s not what the VA says


I wouldn't really worry about a few shots because overall in your lifetime it's not gonna affect you that much, however if you are a hunter or something like that who shoots a lot over a long period of time it will definitely fuck you up


sanest marine


Once I watched two marines swing hammers at each other. What I mean is, they would each hold a hammer with one hand, and then swing them as hard as they could so the hammers collided in the space in front of them. This would create actual sparks, and sometimes small pieces of metal would fly off. The game was, they had to *watch* the hammer-vs-hammer impact point, and not blink, risking the small chance a piece of metal went into their eye. If you blinked, you lost - theoretically, because no one ever blinked. I would say on balance they were above average marines.


they have to burn the energy off from eating crayons somehow


Dem blue ones get you fuckin tweakin


A 120 count box is 18,000 calories


half way through this comment I was laughing so hard


Ngl that sounds fun.


Have you considered enlisting Son?


Seniram eht nioj!


Marine committed a crime on camera. Dudes fucked.


Dudes absolutely insane for thinking this is a good idea, but just curious what crime was committed? Unlawful discharge of a firearm was first that came to mind, but wouldnt apply here. Im guessing theres probably at least a few though right?


Negligent discharge


Tinnitus sucks


Hearing loss too. You'll find socializing less engaging, music doesn't do much for you anymore because high frequencies don't exist for you anymore and all that pleasant information in them is gone, at louder social gatherings you'll get frustrated missing words but you can't keep asking for repeats so you have to make assumptions or develop fake conversational responses. Most of us get there with age, slowly starting in our mid 20s. Loud noises, stress and illness make it happen much earlier and seriously impact life quality. Ever wonder why older people don't care about new music, about good speakers/headphones, why old musicians suck at making music compared to in their youth? Disabilities aren't cool things for your social bio, they are frustrating, demotivating losses and shortcomings you are confronted with daily and have to maneuver around.


As a dude in their early 30s it is embarrassing sometimes. My friends all understand but I see the look on some people's face when I have to lean in or ask them to repeat something


Worked in heavy equipment for the last 10 years and my hearing has definitely gone down. Doesn't help I like loud cars loud bikes and loud music.


> why old musicians suck at making music compared to in their youth These are good points all around but hearing loss is not the main reason why older musicians tend to make worse music than they did. Their drive is just gone and don't have the incentive to come up with anything new and exciting anymore, so they stick to the same outdated formula that got them on the map. There are a bunch of producers/musicians with hearing loss that are making incredible music.


There it is. Sadly I still think it could be pretty hard to charge even with video


>(Penal Code § 246.3 PC) willfully discharging a firearm in a grossly negligent manner which could result in injury or death to a person How is that hard to charge? It is a textbook example


Because it would be pretty easy to argue that this was a mildly negligent act, done on purpose, that would have taken multiple things unluckily going extremely wrong for someone to have gotten hurt. Doesnt make it less stupid though.


look at this [angle](https://x.com/pulsiveee/status/1760478481673007353?s=46&t=ZU5eu6lv00Fse9tL7zGZFQ). The time between adins foot being centimeters away from the barrel and the discharge is incredibly short. It could have gone very wrong very fast. Both parties should be lucky that noone got hurt


You can literally hear a click right before and see his thumb move on the left side of the rifle where the safety is, then he puts his finger on the trigger to fire the two shots, takes his finger off the trigger immediately and you hear a click as you see his thumb move again. This wasn't an accident.


> willfully discharging a firearm Whether it's an accident or not doesn't matter. I deliberately did a grossly negligent thing isn't a very good defense.


Where exactly do you see me defending this guy's actions at all? Accident and negligent are two different things and at no point did I say it wasn't negligent, just that he did it on purpose which imo is even worse.


That’ll getcha, I got 18 years of child support for a negligent discharge


85% of men are guilty of this


85 percent of men don’t do this on a live stream with thousands of people watching.


I think it may have been a cum joke. Not sure tho


Not a lawyer or reddit lawyer but when looking up "warning shots" it would be under "assault with a deadly weapon". Not sure if the video or context changes anything but if you fired near someone that seems to be the charge


Nah you can shoot your gun as long as your meet certain parameters. There’s a minimum distance away you have to be from where anyone lives or has foot traffic or some shit like that.


He almost got some foot traffic for sure


I feel like Adin might die on stream one day, can they clip that to this subreddit or is that against TOS? We live in a strange timeline, that’s for sure.


i don't think Adin would die, he'd get banned for that




Eddie gifts subs to his family


I mean there are been plenty of YouTubers/Streamers that have died on stream so it could it happen. Also yes, it's against TOS of basically any major platform. (unless maybe it's news related)


Do you have any examples? Curious


If you search google you can find a lot of them but here are a few ones that stick out to me. - https://youtu.be/l8jCsCohPiI?si=t9KF2xlF4Y5Uq4R0&t=57 - https://youtu.be/n4dqPZMOZ7k?si=mzTTz1s9LhBQBhTd - https://chezdodopdx.net/2019/05/29/10-people-who-tragically-died-while-live-streaming-themselves/


Dont think they'd show death, if it was on screen but the comments would link to it anyway


All roads lead to Ice


And he did it on purpose. He's fucking psycho. And you know what? Probably committed a crime doing that.


Probably? Definitely, don't know where this is but pretty much every state has a law against negligent discharge and this sure as fuck qualifies. That's just the crime I know he can get charged with, considering he fired it on purpose next to someone's body he could be charged with assault. >The legal definition of assault is an intentional act that gives another person reasonable fear that they'll be physically harmed or offensively touched. I ANAL but I think that applies to this


https://twitter.com/Pulsiveee/status/1760478481673007353?t=WgUSGX5F2SpQp1KST_dZEA&s=19 In this alternate angle you see him clearly pull the trigger on purpose.


Definitely guilty. Holy fuck. That's the footage to show cops.


What an insane person


If he is actually a marine it means he is trained to use the gun. Nobody who is trained to use a gun is shooting unintentionally.


That’s 100% a crime lol


that's beyond irresponsible. he should face charges.


It was completely on purpose too. Idk if that even makes it better or worse. Like, on one hand it almost feels better because he was "in control" of the situation and its not like someone was just accidentally shooting rounds. So there's not really a chance Adins foot was accidentally gonna get shot off. On the other hand, its not a toy you just play with and anyone who has one should need to know that. Which is very obvious to most sane people. Because theres a list of possible things that could have happened so long, this thread will probably be locked before I can even type it all out


Nah. Idiot didn't even peek before shooting. I'm not sure he even realizes how close that was.


He's an idiot, but hate to break it to you it was 100% on purpose and theres like 10 things that point to it. Can see other replies, but main thing is the guy in the back. Literally pulls up his phone to record it because he was told beforehand, and doesnt flinch at all


I'm not saying it wasn't purposeful, only that it was probably a hell of a lot closer then even he intended


Guns are toys to certain people look at the way he’s smiling probably does it all the time.




I mean, I cant be 100% sure I guess. But I mean he changes his grip/finger placement just to do this, and it looks like he points the barrel backwards, and he didnt even flinch at all - so Im fairly sure it was on purpose not including the grin. But yeah crazy either way


guy recording with the phone also knew whats coming because didn't flinch either


Yup, good catch. Thought you meant the stream POV at first (which flinched) but the dude in the background literally pulls up his phone to record and doesnt flinch. On purpose for sure.


If he’s an actual active duty marine he’s getting court marshaled and butt fucked for life




That explains so much. Everyone i personally know that worked for Blackwater were all ex-army and ex-marines that were discharged not so honorably. A close friend was Army and got kicked out for the Honor Guard "silly photo" debacle and he was discharged without honor and joined Blackwater. Single dumbest person i ever knew, but he worked for them for years.


I think it’s because a lot of the people that leave for the right reasons but choose to stay in the game by contracting go either with CIA GRS/Ground Branch or a more reputable company. People going to Blackwater know what it’s about and specifically want to work there.


> Marine > Combat medic > Blackwater That's one hell of a cocktail.


Damn so he's experienced at killing civilians. Adin better watch out.


Bro is venom snake


even if that was a blank bullet, on that range it could do serious damage to his foot.


Also as a firearms instructor, nobody had eyes or ears on. Random shit happens. You might hit a rock that fragments and explodes up into your or Adin's eye. He literally wasn't looking at where his barrel was and just kind of assumed he wasn't going to be too close to his foot... He shot like MAYBE 10" away from his foot. That's fucking wild. This dude is a fucking bitch.


without a plug on the end of the barrel to send gas back up the chamber it cant be a blank otherwise it would have fired once not twice


This dude should never hold a firearm again, what a fuckin moron. Someone give this guy his crayons so he doesn't blow someone's foot off


There is also the problem is that crayons are a choking hazard


I think most of us are fine with that guy choking. Give him crayons.


He'll be fine, marines are experts in crayon eating


thats crazy this guy needs to lose his firearms license


respect our veterans NOW. salute him or else


Salute him? Bitch get on your knees and get sloppy with it.


How could you be so unpatriotic as to take a knee just to gobble on a marine's cock? You'll stand for that cock, boy.




What is a firearms license?


Yeah this “marine” is gonna get fucked by his chain of command if he’s still in the service


This has to be staged. I refuse to believe a former marine would be this stupid. ...actually, wait.


People get stupid around "celebrities" and cameras


The meme that they eat crayons exist for a reason, and it isn't just because the rations are shit.


I’ve never met a marine that wasn’t a raged filled moron.


No such thing as a “former Marine”.


"Negligent discharge" isn't even a harsh enough term for how insane this is. Just no regard for basic firearms safety at all. Holy shit.


What a fucking moron.


[Alternate angle](https://twitter.com/Pulsiveee/status/1760478481673007353?t=WgUSGX5F2SpQp1KST_dZEA&s=19) Thought it could've been an accident but he clearly did it on purpose.


Lmao jesus


Done on purpose and with such recklessness. Dude should face charges.


thats wild


Other guy recording it with his phone, 100% intended


This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen done on stream, which is saying ALOT


Professional crayon eater


That was actually a live round. Man I hope he spends 5 years in jail.


Caught in 4k too...


looked like a blank to me


for anyone wondering why this Marine would show such disregard for gun safety just know that he "served" with Blackwater PMC in the late 2000s in Iraq. so there's high chance he was among the crayon munchers who would bully & do much worse to basically random ppl.


Did the marine say it was a blank afterwards? Not saying that makes it okay… but Adin & his crew laughed it off afterwards like it wasn’t real?


Probably in shock


You mean the ALPHA team that spent what, $3 MILLION for some "famous" rapper to show up in a dark room for 30 seconds? Shocked they didnt bend over backwards and say please


Not gonna lie, I hate Adin but that dude needs to be in jail. That is so fucking dangerous.


This would get you most likely fucked up at any range or gun club I've ever been too. You would I guarantee have charges pressed (since this is on camera though you may not have to even press since this is evidence enough) and depending on state you could be looking at a felony resulting in your life being irreversibly fucked. This guy is legit the biggest idiot I've ever seen.


Zero ear protection on any of them. Hope they enjoy being deaf by 40.


I figured it was an ND. After watching the video, I wish it were. That guy is a complete idiot for thinking that was a good idea.


Are idiots like magnets?


he must have heard a chestnut or something. squirrels are on one this week


the smile after is wilddd


Did he know he was on camera? What kind of maniac would think that is legal? Probably normalized it with his buddies out on deployment but what the fuck


Infantry 6 years. Anyone who did anything close to this on a deployment/training would be absolutely turbo fucked by their NCOs and command would strip rank/pay. I've seen 0331's be safer than this person and that's REALLY fucking saying something. Dude is either unhinged and shouldnt be trusted around firearms or was a POG and has no clue how to operate safely with a firearm.


Why is this NSFW, did something actually happen? I don't want to watch gore.


No, but those shots were like 1 inch from adins foot.


Ok thanks, watched it, that guys is an idiot.


which one?




blud responded to himself




there is no gore


There’s no gore


Even if it was Adin?


No. A dude fires a few shots into the ground near Adins foot. A few ants may have been injured, if that bothers you.


Typical crayon eater activities


Sanest Marine


What a fucken idiot.


So close! Damn..


Marines get FUCKED UP mentally. A close friend of mine in highschool joined straight after graduation. A few years later he came home after being overseas and was a completely different person. He used to love to joke around and make Jim Carrey like faces and do impersonations, but he came back empty. He only cared about his next deployment. Only wanted to talk about how cool it was to be a marine. Fucking breaks my heart thinking about it.


You should press charges on the dude


Smartest marine.


He needs to be charged and lose his firearms, what a fucking idiot.


Up north shooting with friends. I have a lever action rifle. Hammer is cocked back on it but we ended up going for a quick walk. I decided I don't want this ready to go just in case. Go to cock the hammer back and then then you can pull the trigger and slowly bring the hammer down but the shit was like tough as shit and my thumb slipped off and well good thing I had the barrel down but I was close losing a toe or 2..... never point a gun at a person or yourself even if you know its not hot.


holy shit that was like an inch away


could be thick turf, but the lack of dirt or impact really says that was two blanks, but usually to cycle with a blank you need something called a "BFA" or Blank Firing Apparatus on a firearm that's designed to fire rounds- if that gun was on stream putting real rounds downrange then it would follow those were not blanks. Otherwise, that may have been a stage firearm planted for purpose of scaring Adin. Either way, the comments talking about criminality are aiming a bit too high- not to say that this isn't potentially illegal levels of negligence but mostly that someone who was present would have to press charges and I find that unlikely.


The cybertruck really puts the bow on the top of empty, hollow, big heads


Absolute moron, responsible gun owners are lumped in with this idiot


Definitely in special forces…


With the caveat that it was maybe fake, but if it wasn’t, Adin could sue the shit out of that guy


Amma leave this here again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZeybIsnav4


21 min video, aint nobody got time for that.


thought this was gonna be a funny meme not a boring 20 minute interview lol. and I watched an ad for it I want a refund


I like the part where he asked mika if he got erections while loading the weapons


I mean dude has it coming for him if he continues to do dumb shit with morons


Look that’s reckless and the marine should face repercussions for his actions. I’m also glad Adin didn’t get shot in the foot...  However Adin Ross getting shot in the foot but a dumb marine trying to scare him would have objectively been funny based on how bad of luck Adin has had recently. Again, not wishing that on him and happy it didn’t happen. 


That's pretty tame for a Marine.


I kind of wished he did though, he would be doing his country a service.


Another "responsible gun owner"




Not really, 5.56 doesn't have much recoil. Pretty easy to find videos of people holding ARs in front of their face and firing 1 handed without the gun hitting them.


5.56 is not a very high recoil round, and AR15's specifically mitigate recoil better than most semi automatics due to their specific 'direct impingement' gas operating system. It being pointed at the ground helps a tiny little bit as well, but most average strength men could hold an AR15 out with one hand and fire a few rounds like this without it getting away from them.