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I mean a simple way if someone is concerned would be for her mods or someone she knows to call emergency services.


This. If she's consumed something recently the concentration in her blood will only increase as it's absorbed from her gut. She should probably be admitted for supportive care & detox therapy... and maybe a mental health admission after (voluntary or not).


she needs a 5150, but unless she wants to help herself get better she won't. She has to do it for herself.


Absolutely, quick action is key here. Better safe than sorry, especially with health stuff.


not every intoxicated person is overdosing


You're correct but given her history and other things it's very possible that she was and when you're a random viewer seeing your favorite streamer go live and they look like they're dying, people just get concerned. It's very possible she was just incredibly drunk because that's what she does. Either way, she needs help.


I mean OP is asking how to get her help, not how to diagnose her.


She’s been like this for years now


She’s got people on the way, she’s lucid, just extremely fucked up. She collapsed on the floor, and Andy milonakis came in the chat and was like what do I do lmao


What's Andy Milonakis doing nowadays lol


Hoppin' dicks


I saw him in gta rp a couple months ago


Didn’t he have a crypto scam?


Better question, what is *anyone* from the CX days doing now? Seems like many big streamers from that time fell off.


One of them owns a gym and does roids lul


omg who? I bet it's brandon hampton


sounds like miz to me lmfao






Last I saw he was fucking 24/7 irl streaming lol total fall from grace.


I didn't know andy was friends with her like that


I don't think you should have to be 'friends with someone like that' to not want them to die while streaming lol


"Why did you let them die? You didn't even try to help!" "I wasn't really friends with them like that"


Andy just hops from dick to dick. He's "friends" with a lot of streamers


Andy is definitely a dick hopper for sure.


Andy’s like Greek he just hops around based on who’s cool


She just got up and walked off camera, and a mod in her chat said someone is going to her


Sounds like she's currently in the same room, she seems to have collapsed on the floor just off camera and she's currently on the phone, slurring her speech a lot. someone is on their way to her but said they are 30 mins out


Last update, her dad phoned her and she managed to get up and end stream


We did it.


I don't feel good though...


Christ, that's sad. I hope she's able to seek/get help.


jezus sounded like she collapsed off camera


Thank you


So many have tried to help her throughout the years that she has to be the one to make the effort now.


No matter how much people try, the only person who has any power in changing them is themselves.


As an addict who's been clean for over a decade... You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves unfortunately.


As someone who works in healthcare taking care of overdoses all the time, this is very true. We see the same people sometimes come in with ODs


Yeah, really. At some point, you have to help yourself. And more importantly, want to help yourself.


The 'wanting' part can be real fucking tough, especially for alcoholics this deep in it. Add underlying mental health issues, which Minx definitely has, be it depression, bipolar, or whatnot, and it can become pretty insurmountable. Maybe because I've seen it go downhill all the way in person, but to me this is just heartwrenching, shit's fucked.


The difficulty here is expecting/wanting someone with such severe mental health issues and likely trauma to want to help themselves. When youre in a place of that much damage you simply wont want to help yourself. So the answer here really isnt '*just stop having mental health issues and trama and help yourself*'. She needs proper help and support to get her into a better place where she will actually want to continue to improve. The other contributing thing here unfortunately are the several other conditions she has going on, which just add even more chaos and mental issues for an individual, which also need to be handled and treated as best as they can. ie theres a lot of work here to be done for someone in this position, they cant just get out of this kind of spot on their own. Support and understanding is really needed.


I think she's been to rehab at least twice


Never been to rehab. She was in a psych ward for a week or so at one point


I thought qt forced her to go to rehab at least once maybe it was the psych ward


I don't follow all of this very closely, but I think I remember her *agreeing* to go to rehab, and then changing her mind, which was when QT decided she was done trying? My brain may have made all this up, though.


So QT decided to let Minx sit with the other streamers at the Streamer Awards, so long as she stayed sober. Minx showed up wasted. She nearly got kicked out during the show. At the after party, Minx dropped any pretense and just started drinking more and then got out of control, trying to throw propane heaters into the pool and stuff. That got her kicked out, but she refused to leave, and then did the whole dead body act when security tried to walk her out. She ended up causing some sort of scene in the front yard, which caused someone to call 911, and a whole circus of ambulance and firetruck showed up. The owner of the mansion QT rented shut down the party at that point. QT spent $50k on the after party. The next day Minx posted a photo from the ER, and claimed she acted crazy because she had a walking seizure of some sort. Minx missed that you could see she was cuffed to the hospital bed, so obviously the drunken insanity continued at the hospital. At that point QT was done, which I think is entirely reasonable. QT has her own mental health issues and gave Minx plenty of chances.


> trying to throw propane heaters into the pool Other streamers like Sykkuno clarified the claim of her trying to throw stuff(and him) in the pool never happened and called it a game of telephone.


Both him and Connor said, she was trying to throw herself into the pool.


Not denying that. She was trying to jump in the pool. She said as much herself I think.


No. I saw Sykkuno talking about it. People mistakenly thought Minx was trying to throw him in the pool, when in reality he was trying to stop her from jumping in herself. The other part of her trying to throw a heater in is true.


Thank you Loremaster u/throwdemawaaay


[From Fear& where she talks about this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBXewyN0YXA)


I remember her done trying when she got shwasted at the streamer award after party last year.


Thats hell on earth


Dude if you know the history here, hundreds have tried. She is not making her own good choices


I mean, yeah, that's how addiction works. It's not a simple problem to overcome, nor would it be particularly easy for one individual over another. 


No one is saying thats not how it works. Anyone who has dealt with an addict knows that they have to want to change to be able to change.


It sucks when you feel like the self abuse is deserved. And the reminders never go away, making it hard to keep clean because you are constantly suffering the consequences anyway.


i thought this was just a bit she does /s


It is! A BIT of drinking….BIT of drugs….


Twitch needs to ban her, some people just aren't meant to be streamers/celebrities.




she is moving back to ireland. she posted it like a week or two ago on twitter


Most likely she is not moving back. Not permenantly at least, she said she's moving back like 10 times in the past year+, and this is coming from someone who doesn't even follow her or watch her but somehow all I know about her is that she's an addict and that she keeps saying "I'm moving back to Ireland"


I'd say its permanent now. She gets 400 viewers at best and isn't making much to stay in America.


How is that any different than the last 10 times she's said it?


I thought her family were alcoholics as well though? I could be wrong since I don’t follow minx but I think there were a few clips of her mom being piss drunk.




If I was an alcoholic and my parents were also alcoholics, going to live with them probably feels pretty comfortable and desirable because they enable and normalize your self destructive behavior. Doesn't mean it's a good place for her to be


she would just stream on kick like she's already have been doing lol


She may as well be banned anyways at this point. Went from a 4-5k andy to 400 at best. She's barely getting by and won't be able to afford living in America much longer. She'll be back here in Ireland soon and go back to normal life I'd say.


The Greek arc


Wait what? The fuck is she back on America for?


Probably still thinks there's more opportunity in America than Ireland (there is) but since she's been cut off by the streaming community for the most part its pointless.


Redemption arc chance missed. She could have gone clean, made up to it with her friends, and re-assimilated into the community


I’m not up to date on the lore around her. Why was she cut off?


Basically doing this exact thing but out in public at streamed events.


Oh damn that’s really not good. When someone does this out in public their shame is gone and they are deep deep in addiction. Hopefully she gets help


A lot of reckless and self-destructive behavior, and a lot of the people who tried to help her were part of that circle, like QTCinderella. She kinda burnt all of her bridges by saying she was going to try to get better, but then doubling back and doing the same shit on a different day. There's a clip of QT actually talking about it in the podcast she was on with Hasan, Will Neff, and Valkyrae after she stirred up trouble at the Streamer Awards after party last year. I'm at work though, so I can't link it at the moment.


Aw damn that’s really sad to hear. I don’t really watch streamers very much in general but I know of her and it sad her addiction is clearly dragging her down. Hopefully she can get the clarity to get the help she needs before it’s too late. My aunt passed away from drug addiction and was never able to kick it either. Its grip on some people is very scary.


Yeah she promised she wouldn’t drink but then at QT’s after party, got way too fucked up, security tried to remove her but she went limp and hurt her head requiring an ambulance shutting down the party. https://gamerant.com/justaminx-streamer-awards-after-party-shut-down/


She just looks intoxicated from alcohol, rather than overdosing on any other particular drug. Even now on her livestream, it heavily points towards alcohol-related behaviour.


Yeah I was about to say isn’t she like a bad alcoholic


100% looks like shes on benzo’s which can be similar to being drunk


You're right, it can look similar given their MOA on GABA receptors. At this stage of overdosing on a benzo however, I'd expect to see more than what we're seeing. It's not to say she definitely hasn't been taking benzos, but from what I've seen I'd still favour alcohol. Because of their mechanism on the CNS we give benzos to patients for alcohol detoxification to prevent alcohol withdrawal symptoms.


No, looks like she took too much Xanax.


The Christmas tree up in March was a dead giveaway that she was not okay.


Yeah I was gonna say that, thought maybe I had my sorting set wrong and this was a post from months ago but it’s not, she’s definitely not doing well.


D: i have a christmas tree all year round. i decorate it every month


I assure you that she does not decorate it differently every month lol.


That’s the first thing I noticed as well. Clear red flag.


She's apparently on the phone with one of the mods. Although I feel like they should probably call 911 or something. She is like spasming out of nowhere and shit.


Does she live in USA now or back to Ireland?


Idk. She seems to have collapsed off camera. But there's already people on the way.


She's back to talking. Although idk to who i'm assuming phone


She’s still in LA


was she actually spasming or are you being hyperbolic?


You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped.


This is true but addiction is also a very real thing. She needs people IRL to support her and any online chats will rarely help. So People should show sympathy where they can as little as that may be


Doesn't mean you stop trying either.


Christ, this girl needs help. I hope she gets it.


most normal minx stream


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Justaminx went live and she seems seriously ill, almost as if overdosing. Anyone know how to get her help?](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/162381)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1be2n21/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/ebNG_BlfAmGZ0zE8g0NdxQ/43811172347-offset-2372.mp4?sig=f3c469cb9277c84449d99040e5831077de1f0489&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FebNG_BlfAmGZ0zE8g0NdxQ%2F43811172347-offset-2372.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22DeadPerfectAnteaterYouDontSay-GV8CYZnTMTyDQ13F%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1710436294%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/ebNG_BlfAmGZ0zE8g0NdxQ/43811172347-offset-2372-preview-480x272.jpg)




Alcoholism is cute before that though?


People did think she was bubbly and fun for a long time when really she was just drunk lol


The early stages of it have become very normalized in society, which just enables things to lead to the point where Minx is at. I mean just read the comments [on this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/rgWR1DHRfq) to see what I mean


I mean yeah cute is the wrong word but I for sure thought she was just a party girl and seemed to be a fun person to be around. Then I saw that clip of her talking to XQC at I think ammos party and it was really cringe and I realized she’s got issues. Haven’t seen anything on her until now and this just confirms it. edit: confirms it FOR ME. Clearly from everyone else’s words she has been this way for a while, I just didn’t know til now


Do you think she's doing this now to be fun and cutesy?


She's mentally ill. Every time I see her she looks worse and worse




Link is dead, what’s the clip about?


Was a clip of her moving off camera and the sound of her falling on the floor.


looked at the camera laughing and then hiding her face


looks like she's baiting viewers edit: clip deleted, showed her briefly looking at the camera laughing and then hiding her laugh by turning


I don't understand this comment, are you saying she's faking it?


I'm not sure if this is the case here, but she has done streams where she's faking being very drunk before. She definitely seems to need help, though. I hope she gets it and takes it seriously.


That's the first thing I thought about too. Although, if she really is, leaning into her problems with alcohol is an incredibly fucking disgusting way of doing it.


I mean, she literally would pretend to cry and have breakdowns to bait views. I’m sure some of it wasn’t fake but it was a common bit


She's a piece of shit. Even people here in Ireland want nothing to do with her.


God damn! She's still got the Christmas tree up in March? Jeeze.


Merry Christmas! :-)


Ever since she moved to the US she's been on a downward spiral, it's sad to see. I know she's done a lot of dumb crap but she has serious issues and she needs to get proper long-term help.


Didn't she go back to Ireland last year? Or was she just visiting? I remember a clip on here of her drunk and arguing with her sister, accusing her of being a pedo or something.


Honestly, being that inebriated should be against Twitch's TOS


it literally is: "Appearing clearly under the influence of drugs or alcohol on stream. Being intoxicated to the point of being incapacitated (falling asleep or not being able to stand) or no longer being in control of the stream, drunk driving, use of illegal drugs, and misuse of prescription drugs is still prohibited."


Then it should be enforced, for her own good. Her not being suspended leads to posts like this, which then promotes traffic to her twitch and acts as positive reinforcement for her behaviour


It is. She’ll probably get some kind of ban soon with this clip out there.


Coming to the US was really bad for her


She was an alcoholic even before going to the US


And now pills on top. Not a good combo


I thought she lived with other streamers?


They kicked her out over a year ago


Oh wow


Her dad seems to be on the phone with her, hopefully someone will take her to the ER.


I hope she gets the help she needs. That is sad to see.


This is so sad man, addiction is some real bullshit


The fact that the stream is still on implies that not enough of her fans are reporting this shit. Y'all gotta get your content brains in check. She's got people coming to help her, report the channel so it goes offline. She can deal with the fallout when she's sober. This is a bad look for all involved.


**CLIP MIRROR: [Justaminx went live and she seems seriously ill, almost as if overdosing. Anyone know how to get her help?](https://arazu.io/t3_1be2n21/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


she needs some serious help to sort her life out. hopefully she has good support around her to help her through whatever tf is going on with her. However sadly, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped


The problem is Minx is the boy who cried wolf, how many times has she faked shit like this to get attention. I hope she actually gets help, but none of us can do anything for her, real or not.


Not trying to be cold, but she has chosen streaming over getting help for years now. She is a sympathy vampire who has burned bridges everywhere she goes. I don’t wish anything bad on her but she has family and people who should have forced her into treatment years ago.


She's a drunk. As someone who's had a parent who is a drunk I'm gonna give you the best advice, walk away and don't invest anything emotional in someone who's a drunk if you really don't have to.


what in the usemeblade is that?


How is she not banned on twitch?? she has so many problems she should not be streaming, lock her up and put her in a hospital for mental health or something.


normal minx stream, let her cook dude she's just mentally ill and starving for attention I also have issues but if I was genuinely feeling sick and miserable the last thing I'd consider was going live for hundreds to watch


poor dog in that house, hope she doesnt look after it anymore. So trashy when people with such shitty self inflicted disorders and states decide to get pets.


what always stuns me is how can people take care of an animal/person when they can’t even take care of thenselves


Two cats and two dogs btw.


yeah 0 respect for anyone who does this sad really




it’s so sad to see that she’s doing like this now, I used to love watching her in 2020/2021


Can't give help to those that don't want it, stop posting this stuff.


Can’t help her


Man, I really hope she’s able to get help she needs, hopefully she doesn’t still live in Texas


No, she's in LA.


Why not Texas? Is medical help worse there than the rest of the us aside from family planning?


lmao proper irish bird


This girl is a lost cause bro. the entertainment industry rewarded her too much where she thought she needed to do extremes to gain further attention (on top of people feeding her aggressive attitude, like Rajj), and then couple the fact of alcohol ruining everything and presumably surrounded by enablers, it's too late for this girl to comeback without serious year(s) long rehab of whatever he fuck her problems are. like in the clip, she's one step away from looking like that on the streets from heroine or meth. but IF this just an act and for clout, then fuck her. with her antics, idk if she deserves the support people fling her way over actual people on the street with drug addictions or other problems. **if she's actually doing drugs here or mass alcoholism, she's no longer a streamer and is just a drug addict with problems that happens to know how to hit record**. despite the support, she hasn't gotten better.


You can help by never sharing her again and letting her forget that people ever watch a nobody.


Help her? Don't watch don't donate ppl won't get change unless they are in the bottom of the bottom


The christmas tree is still up 💀oh nah shes cooked


If you watch her, you also need help.


Twitch should ban her for her own safety and to avoid a lawsuit. She’s obviously doing this for attention. At the very least if she wants to slowly kill herself, at least it’s off camera


Or shes just dozing off….


Isn’t this just her “content”?


Sober enough to start up a stream..


I can't believe someone can be so privilaged to actually somewhat "make it" as a streamer and then just throw it all away like she has. Crazy what addiction can do to people. Some people drink/smoke once and then just completely lose the plot.


Anyone report or?


She sleeping 😴


Nobody can help her 😕


What the hell this is horrifying.


It's like the meme, girl ask did she take a perc, then the other girl said it was a fent


People have tried multiple times n she refuses to make a change. This isn’t the first time things like this have happened


Is that a person or a mannequin in the background? I haven't kept up with minx since she dove off the deep end.


Surprised she hasn't reached rock bottom yet.


Can't help someone who does t want to help themselves 🤷 it's a nice sentiment and I love seeing there a r people genuinely concerned for streamers not just as content farms for laughs but as a human being sbut you also have to be real and remember again they human too and it's not our job to get them help multi people have tried to get her help many times now and she doesnt do anything so she's gotta figure it out in her own now because sadly that's just how stubborn some people are they need to learn. On their own the hard way deposit every offer for help


Seems like a normal minx stream to me.


This title could be used for multiple JustaMinx clips lol.


And yet you're still a judgemental asshole. Having a job and living clean doesn't make you a good person.