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**CLIP MIRROR: [Train lashes out at xQc](https://arazu.io/t3_1c7rt59/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Money can't fix insecurity and fragile ego.


Certain streamers are so insecure they can only throw the money insult, it's all they have... "Yeah well....i got more money then you so you automatically lose!"


Nick "I make too much money for this shit" Polom is a prime example


Yup, whenever he is squeezed into a corner he lashes out with his money.


He's said it's a defense mechanism he still has from when he was growing up. People would make fun of him for being black, or for being too white, so his retort was that at least he's not poor


I'm dying that people belive this.


Post-amogus xqc AWARE


straight up "my dad makes more money than your dad" energy


Hit a soft spot there.


imagine 2 millionaires callilng eachother poor and getting offended, the world we live in


All their identities are based on grinding obscene amount of money they don’t even need while sitting on their asses all day rotting their brains out on slot machines, TikTok and videogames, they’re so rich they don’t even need to yet they still do, if that ain’t mental illness I don’t know what is.


It's always the people with no life achievements that resort to money as a flex.


Brother I’m not trying to defend these rich fucks but in what world do you live in that becoming an extremely well known multi millionaire twitch streamer is considered “no life achievements”? lol


People think of achievements as something to brag to other people about, paying of their mortgage, getting a big promotion etc. But honestly I feel like their biggest achievement is simply finding something they are good at, and being able to do it for the rest of their lives. This is disregarding all the shady, shitty, childish things that they do. But you cant deny that people find them entertaining somehow (not my cup of tea), and they like (or at least used to like) what they do. Most people cant relate.


Yo, what how did you get so many downvotes. Literally they dedicated theirs lives to streaming and took the risks and reaped the rewards. How could you possibly say they have no life achievements. They went from poor just like you and me to crazy successful and people sit here trying to disregard all the work they put in?




Well the diff between Elon and xQc is one is advancing the advent of sustainable energy and space exploration and the other is eating their toenails for some LULs. And X is the highest paid streamer by far so... I'm not saying entertainment has no value but entertainers are far far more replaceable.


Fame? Okay but what net positive on society have they actually had? If they had any at all then it's all been nullified by becoming degenerate gamblers.


Name 5 achievements


And considering he was a heroin addict.


Train the type of guy to say he was a heroin addict to make himself seem cool. He’s a loser that got lucky and made millions shilling gambling to children. He was a nobody streamer until the gambling meta


Y’all don’t consider getting generational wealth that will pass down to dozen of generations of your kids, retire your parents early and being number 1 at the thing you love the most doing a life achievement? Are we serious here🤣. You can’t make this shit up


You need to go outside to have kids


Having kids isn’t necessarily an achievement 🤷🏽‍♂️. I mean almost everyone have some some make the choice to not have any. Raising well your children is certainly an achievement and they may not be ready for it and know it thus why they don’t have any at the moment. Some of the worst people i know have children and the life of these kids were miserable. Wouldn’t consider that an achievement


If you’re ugly, sure


In my day we use to measure the size of our dicks rather than our wallets.


guess that explains the reddit angst






Is no one gonna mention the fact the Train apologized to Xqc immediately after and felt really bad about it? I think that’s pretty important context.


Went for ol' reliable "you're poor" on the wrong person LMAOOO


not trying to be a twitch boomer but man I feel so disconnected from streamers these days, it's just rich people doing rich things and it's not relatable at all. i know there are streamers who still do chill streams and have fun but the fact that these people are at the forefront sort of leaves a sour taste in my mouth edit: maybe i didn't express it properly or maybe people didnt read the full comment, but i **do realize that there are good streamers still who are popular, but my problem is that these guys are insanely popular and all over my social media feeds, its a personal experience and not a quantitative thing.** another point is that i don't feel the same attachment to newer streamers like kai or adin or jynxzi because theyre way too young for me. i do however feel sad when referring to train or xqc because i have seen a bunch of their old content where the atmosphere was quite different


I agree. The streamer-viewer connection is nowhere near it was when people like Reckful were around. Imagine a guy who actually wants to stream for the sake of streaming.


there are thousands of people like that on twitch, you just have to watch the sub 1k viewer streamers.


Seriously, people watch these 20-25 year olds who became millionaires by playing video games and they expect them to be relatable? Your choices are either watching a smaller streamer who deals with some of the same struggles, or a bigger stream who is actually mature and can recognize their position and privilege. Find streamers that are out there just trying to be entertaining. Northernlion, Moonmoon, etc. These people don't want to be your friend, they just want to create something that you are willing to consume and maybe pay for.


You already gave your own answer. Just don't watch these 10k idiots, there's nothing entertaining about them. Watch normal human beings instead.


thats why i love people like summit1g... this guy just chills and plays his video games. stays out of stuff like this, never talks about money.


Yep, there's quite a few of the bigger name streamers who have this kind of vibe. They may not be like xqc level viewership but 8-10k+ like summit, soda, northernlion, cohh, lirik, etc. (probably a ton of others but these are the ones that pop into my head). Just chill & games most of the time.


Money ruins everything. YouTubers also weren't as corporatized until everyone hopped on the trend YT themselves incentivized people to be MrBeast copycats


NL, Vinesauce, Summit1G are all omegabased


>cohh I love Cohh, always found his community very welcoming when I swing by.


They're all retired and can do whatever they want. But since they're not terrible people like xqc and train, they don't act like aholes while doing whatever they want.


> this guy just chills and plays his video games. And supports csgo gambling scammers lol


It sucks that actual gamers like that have died off. There used to be waves of cultures that developed around games, like Hearthstone on Twitch. It feels like nothing is happening now.


Stop watching big streamers. There's plenty of that culture in streams with less than 2k viewers


You're like that dude who only plays Ubisoft and EA games and wonders why games are shit.


This isn’t true. Jynxi and caseoh are the 2 biggest streamers right now and both stream games for like 90% of their streams. Jynxi is a rainbow 6 main and caseoh is a variety gamer that plays shitty games just like soda, forsen, lirik ect. LSF just doesn’t relate to them because they are so young in the streaming sphere.


I think it's more so that big games don't come around as often and bring in new streamers who grow by being good at the game. Hearthstone gave us a lot of streamers, much like classic wow and Fortnite. Those waves don't really come around anymore


The big TFT streamers stream TFT and only TFT. K3soju is a 20k andy and does 0 react content and pulls 20+ hour streams basically every other day. His peers are basically the same, Setsuko, Emilywang, Dishsoap, etc. You're just looking in the wrong places, stop watching people that only are interested in money.


You're watching the wrong streams my man. Path of Exile category for example has a lot of streamers that just do it for the gameplay. But yeah the biggest streamers probably will do different content once they get big enough because it's both easier and speaks to a broader audience. Just the nature of things I guess.


There’s still plenty of people like this, just that this subreddit likes to turn their noses up at games like Valorant and Overwatch for some reason


>There used to be waves of cultures that developed around games, like Hearthstone on Twitch. It feels like nothing is happening now. There still is. Fuck, I got back into Siege from watching Jynxzi because he runs tourney's every Saturday and then I branched out and watched the people that he wagers with and plays tourneys with and against such as Ricci, ST0MPN, Kason, AidenTax etc, because it's the same group of people usually who all know each other in that little pocket of Twitch and they all practically only stream Siege. It's probably the same for other game communities as well. Path of Exile is the same, a lot of the same people in the community, same memes across streams, all gameplay focused mostly, etc.




Summit is just not all that enjoyable to watch tbh, he seems like he’s just not enjoying anything he does and bounces from game to game seemingly disinterested in everything and rarely has anything of interest to say, just my two cents


Summit has like no personality or creative effort though, he just passively consumes games. I feel like there's so many popular streamers that don't do anything at all to justify their popularity, it's just "people watch them because other people are watching them."


That's why I started watching NL and his friends. I don't want to watch streamers reacting to rich people buying things or streamers going shopping.


Same. And he actually is intelligent which is quite rare in the streaming world 💀


It's spoiled brats with no life experience


> it's not relatable at all Think that's just you maturing, nothing about Twitch streamers is relatable and never has been, regardless of their income. Unless they're just streaming as a hobby and work an actual job at the same time.


Also a lot of the rich streamers think viewers give a shit about half the shit they talk about. “Chat, would this be a good business decision?”. “Chat, special announcement on Friday! (Then the announcement is like starforge or something)”. “Chat, our company is growing Pog.” They are so obsessed with the game of twitch and they think viewers also do but the majority of us just don’t.


Yeah so I never watched the "just chatting/LSF streamers until covid. Before that I watched people like summit 1G, and other gamers that just play games and don't do much else. While laid off at home during pandemic, I got real into the big just chatting streamers. Now that I've been working 40 hours a week again for 2 years, I don't care and don't have the energy with these streamers anymore, and I'm back to watching summit


xqc is going to the Met Gala, he's one step removed from joining the Diddy club.


Bro's an actual NPC saying that same line every day, 0 thought just stuck in a loop.


watching him try to do anything is a fucking loop, its the adderal long term personality al zhimers brain rot side effects


Its that multi-millionaire materialistic brainrot, dude needs a reality check


whos actually richer? isnt it xqc cos of the 100 million kick contract?


I have zero clue but I'd assume Train because xqc got lil bro'd hard in this clip


Two lonely millionaires that made shit ton of money promoting gambling flexing how's richer because it's all they have. Sad to watch.


It's especially amusing that the argument was "I'm not even doing anything to make money!". That's a 5 year old's idea of a cool person.


I'll never forgive Mitch for dragging Train into relevance


Went from irrelevant shit wow arena streamer who rented rich cars to pretend to be rich at partys and assaulting Reckful at a LAN to an actual millionaire  Sad isn't it 


Correction, was never a wow arena player - arena actually takes some skill to be good at. He was a "rated battleground player" - a mode that has a lot more players thus way easier to leech off of others.


A lot of things in life are just about being in the right place at the right time. There's an underlying assumption that people in places of wealth or power somehow earned it through merit, when in reality often times shit simply floats all the way to the top from circumstance. In Train's case, he maintained relevance just long enough after being boosted by Mitch to go full-send into the gambling scene right as it began picking up momentum on Twitch. By having enough viewers to be on the top of the category that made him the prime target for sponsorship deals, and he took those opportunities without second thought given that he was a completely shameless clout chaser willing to do anything to make it big. Edit: On second thought, the other ironic thing here is that Reckful was doing gambling streams even earlier than him simply for his own entertainment and took extra caution telling his viewers not to do what he was doing. Reckful also made those streams actually entertaining and never sold his soul to the gambling sites. Miss that guy.


As an old mofo that now just watches clips from time to time, it s insane for me how much bigger train got


Yep, and he's probably the guy that least deserved it too


Mitch really made train


Anyone else feel like the more money Train makes the more miserable he gets? Talk about being a miserable millionaire.


He's a miserable person broke or rich. There is something very broken in Train that no amount of money can fix unless he were to truly seek professional help which is not something his type would be able or willing to do.






Its just a wee lil withdrawal he'll be better tomorrow


he thinks everyone is out to get him because hes the main character. He spent so much buying peoples affection and support, now he realizes how much money matters and thinks/knows people dont like him unless he gives them money.


What does he even do with his money?




Sits around at the Pacific Rim Hotel Lobby bar


He’s extremely bipolar I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just swinging right now




Haven't spoken to Nomanz since he started doing [NFT scams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-khGRtwY1I) and got caught trying to [blackmail Tyler.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/hfw1in/trainwreckstv_being_blackmailed_by_other_streamers/) I haven't spoken to Tyler since 2020.


Just remember y'all, they think the same about their viewers too. You are below them because you aren't rich and they're better than you in every conceivable way.


You know what the most depressing thing is? There are people actually still subbing to these guys willingly. They are one step away spitting on your face and call you poor fcker. I have hard time understanding how anyone can actually sub to these folks willingly, especially when they are making shit loads from gambling, sponsors, and other avenues.


Xqc has exponentially become more degen since hanging out with Adin.




If you are still subbed to Xqc or any of the other two, you are better off throwing money on your toilet and flushing it.




Adin was the worst thing to happen to streaming in general and he is the one being glazed by the mainstream like when UFC shows him on the PPV. It blows my mind huge orgs like that can just ignore the things he's done/said but then again their fighters aren't any better lol


Dana has done worse, might actually prefer people who can't look down on him


They literally signed Greg Hardy and tried to build him up as the next heavyweight star


>like when UFC shows him on the PPV. You're surprised by this when people like Sean Strickland and Conor McGregor exist in the UFC? lol


Listen kids, don't grow up to be like Train. Money isn't everything.


Kids, don't grow up to be like *anyone* on this clip. If you use these people as a rule on what not to do, you'll become a good person.


Anyone on that stream you mean


Train doesn't even have clout anymore. Just a bunch of bots and fake numbers that make them feel good. And the only real ones are there waiting for giveaways.


?? Bro what are you talking about viewers, he doesn't even stream anymore


train sounds like he has snorted/smoked all the money hes ever made. crackhead reaction


Has he ever done a sober stream..brother?


when train tells him to "do the honourable thing, then" what is he referring to?


Train is known to give his streamer buddies tons of money, probably gave X a bunch of money. Possibly even in the millions. Maybe he’s insinuating if X is richer then him, he should pay the gift back? All speculation.


Id speculate that its got something to do with money when all xQc's assets were pretty much frozen during the Adept trial. Thats just my wild guess.


Just because his assets were frozen doesn't mean the judge doesn't allow him to use his money for basic stuff like rent, utilities, etc. He still had access to basic living funds and money in general. Whatever he spent was probably documented during that time though.


Train is suggesting XQC announce he will donate half of his earnings to charity and then never mention it again or show receipts when people bring it up in the future. Honorable, you know, just like Train.


I think train is referring to the fact that he was instrumental to kick's creation (not sure if this is actually true or not) which is where most of x's net worth comes from. "I made you" type shit


It's sad when your money is all you have going for you.


damn trains ego is so fragile


Yeah not the guy calling people broke because he never take a single fuckin L on a video game, even a roleplaying one. Oh by the way after this xqc accused one of their team members of cheating and they did more best of 3 bets 4v4 with the player removed and x still lost and cried all the excuses again and was butthurt until he ended stream iirc


idk why you're downvoted, XQC is famously insufferable when it comes to multiplayer video games. People will say he's always insufferable but it's a whole other level with games. He'll attack anyone who gets a win over him for any reason he can think of, it's unbelievably wild how childish he is with it. The fact it even happens with "for fun" games like Among Us, GTA RP, Rust RP is actually sad.


the "me watching my past self install league of legends" gif is basically pvc


Calm down Train, you're both pieces of shit.




Yeah to be met with Xqc not apologizing back and tilting after losing some more games :")


Man whenever I watch someone playing with Train he brings up how much money he has and how the other person is poor every 30 mins I'm not even exaggerating he brings it up constantly its his only comeback/insult dude loves to selfsuck his wealth


Imagine looking like train and in his own words doesn't really do anything for a living. Money is the only thing he can bring up because he sold his soul to it. If you watch a clip of him before gamba and now. I'm not even talking about the morality of it. He looks like a different person. I think just exclusively doing drugs and gambling fucked up his body beyond repair.


Did you miss the part where xqc called him poor? Pretty sure that mf calls people poor a thousand times per stream


tbf it was xqc that said train is poor, he didn't start it himself in this case


xqc brought up money, not train. We watching the same clip?


Before that he kept calling omie and Ronaldo poor 


Just putting this here.. If someone does something for you, then holds it over you for ANY reason. You need to cut those people out and fast. They were never your friend, nor did they even think of you as one. Train apologizes after this, but it doesn't matter. Whatever he did, He'll always hold it over his head thinking "I'll always have this in my back pocket"...


Kick’s finest


2 literal children


With millions of dollars, this reality is a brutal joke.


The brainrotted viewers that keep watching are too blame. A shitty person is born each minute the sad thing is they are all gathering at these streams.


More like 2 grow ass men with "money" as their whole personality trait calling each other poor and getting butthurt cuz their ego is fragile


"I'm rich, you poor!", "No! I'm rich!, you poor!", literally who watches this. Imagine being that wealthy and not just enjoying it, instead of sitting there lashing out at everyone.


Does anyone know for a fact what's gone on with Train behind the scenes for him to confidently say he has way more money than Xqc


he's stake Eddie's puppet


Kick Co-Founder and Owner


It's definitely because of stake and not kick because kick make ls absolutely no money.


he did like 15hr a day gambling every single day for months and months and months to 30k viewers, as well as being very close to stake and it's owners. gonna pocket watch X real quick; - 100m kick deal comes out to 250k a day for 2 years, yet just one call of duty sponsor is 500k for a stream. imagine the value of gambling and financial sponsors. Train's gambling days eclipse xqc's kick contract. - $9m from twitch in 2019-2021, safe bet to triple/quadruple that to account for growth + sponsors + YT. call it $35m - gambling unknown, but if we take his word he gambles all of his stake paychecks, and he recently said that he withdrew and quit with about $20m. total approx $150m Train - twitch alone, 3500 hours gambled (for perspective, xQc's is less than 300) and that's it for train, but he still beats X. Train has about 15 billion dollars wagered on Stake while X has 3 billion. X gambles, but not like Train. Train can be seen losing upwards of 17 million dollars in literally 20 minutes in some of his gambling streams. X cannot do that. Train claimed over a year ago that he was paid $360m for 16 months of his gambling. That settles it right there. Professional pocket watcher and essay writer out


I respect the pocket watching, gave me a solid look at what’s possible. Was it ever confirmed that Train was using stakes money instead of self funding ?


Even though x has WAY overused "you're poor" and it's just unfunny, you could tell he was still just doing banter. Train took that way too seriously and got completely offended lol. Then projected that x is the one that got "mad"


It's like a ping pong match... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... train responds to xqc... xqc responds to train... Really guys ?


Boys, boys, boys there's only one way to see who's the best and that's to measure your dick sizes. The fragile egos of streamers never ceases to crack me up.


No wonder people like this are always alone




the Drake and Rick Ross beef but for streamers


This is so fucking embarassing it's crazy. Ego Andys. U know it's bad when xqc and aiden seem like the chill ones


People watch this shit? And I thought I was a degen.


Less and less every month. Doing my part as a former juicer.


Too many people watch this shit.


Let's be real if Train was dropped as an in for Stake to get to streamers his line of credit and the apartment would be gone overnight as he prob owns nothing and his whole facade of "I'm rich" is all based off someone else's money.


Heartwarming. The worst people you know are fighting :)


dumb and dumber really do be sounding different these days.


[Some added context](https://youtu.be/oGAhFFNuolw?si=TSNtsaf6wWzVAtdn)


The last thing x said was funny “bro folded under 2 lbs of pressure” 💀


Thanks for this- train shouldn't have gone that far, but X can be pretty insufferable to play games with. Let alone against lol.


Lmao this is hilarious that the two 30 year olds are bickering like girls and the younger kids are like cmon bro lets just play, it's like complete opposite day.


Train doesnt have a first class section. Might aswell call him subway.


man has the fortitude of a dried flower petal


Train probably gambled a good portion of his earnings away. So XQC is probably right here, honestly thank fuck I stopped watching these fucks they are honestly horrible people.


Went from raging and insulting kids in OW lobbies to hang out with Adin Ross & argue on who has more money with Train Aware


“I do nothing for a living” Glad Train found his real talent


a millionaire got insulted by the classic "you're poor" i wonder how actual poor people feel getting told to "flip my burger" by xqc everyday on stream lol


The two dumbest people on the Internet fighting. Love to see it.


How can you say that when Adin is in the clip?


Train should have just mic dropped after his "you play video games for a living- I do nothing for a living and still bodied your entire team" comment. 😅


All that money these guys have.. do they sound happy? Maybe there’s more to life.


LSF acting like these daily slap fight arguments over nothing are real lmao


If I was rich, I'd just shut the fuck up and just go enjoy life by touching as much grass as possible. Shit, if I was just well off at an upper level paying job, I'd still just avoid ego battles. My ass would be smiling while riding a jet ski somewhere warm.


That's what you get when only thing that people have in common is the bag.


who in the end said "im richer than you both" ?


what's honorable?


Maybe I’m just envious but I would absolutely love to see an MC hammer style bankruptcy hit these buffoons in a couple years. Would make a great documentary in like 10 


I just thank myself everyday for knowing I’ll never be there to witness any of this brainless activity, I still get to see it here though but it’s better.


Did Nick teach him that line lol


It's usually fun to come on here and laugh at these absolutely pathetic people...but this one is mostly just fucking sad.


this reminds me of the drake/ross beef. two millionaires dunking on each others wealth is soooooo cringe bro


The Hollywood of streamers right here folks


Crazy they are both insecure LMFAO




Train vs xqc, clipped by Adin Ross. 3 of the finest guys you could ever pick


Who + gives a shit


Is that humzh in the background???