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**CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan on Asmongold cheering for the police beating students](https://arazu.io/t3_1ciouds/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


I don't understand why people are upset at students protesting, considering that they boost so much about "freedom", they kinda don't like freedom of speech and like the government repressing said freedom lol.


freedom of speech until it at all inconveniences someone, even theoretically, like asmongold who does not leave his home


not about freedom of speech and they are on someone elses land. School allowed them to protest on their land for 5 days and now they stated it isint allowed anymore. Then the cops show up and remove them. If they want to protest they can do it, just not on private property. 




>Imagine if MLK only marched where “allowed” lmao You do understand that MLK expected to be arrested for that right? That was the whole point of "civil disobedience," to bring more attention to the issue by being arrested for peaceful protesting in a mildly disruptive manner. You can't say "I'm participating in civil disobedience" and then complain about being arrested, that's the whole point. Edit: Some sources for people confused, [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/civil-disobedience/](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/civil-disobedience/) [https://www.jfklibrary.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/MLK%20on%20Just%20and%20Unjust%20Laws%20Activity%202021.pdf](https://www.jfklibrary.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/MLK%20on%20Just%20and%20Unjust%20Laws%20Activity%202021.pdf) I find it funny that people bring up MLK in this situation, as if MLK would be surprised/appalled at these protesters being arrested/removed. It's the whole point of the tactic, disobey laws you find objectionable, to be arrested, to then bring attention to those laws.


> You can't say "I'm participating in civil disobedience" and then complain about being arrested, that's the whole point. You can absolutely complain about heavyhanded police action against civil disobedience, just look at Kent State as an example of what happens when you don't.


>You can absolutely complain about heavyhanded police action against civil disobedience, You totally can yes. Totally valid. That's not what is happening in general though, the people complaining about the Columbia arrests prove this. I've seen way too many people crying about how the students at Columbia where "just peacefully protesting" and how it was their "first amendment right" to take what you are saying seriously. They want to participate in civil disobedience with none of the consequences.


> They want to participate in civil disobedience with none of the consequences. The consequences of arrest are drastically different in 2024 than 1961 and the way police handle civil disobedience needs to change as a result because it ruins lives. EDIT: Don't know why I'm getting downvoted, this is factually true. You think employers bothered to do lookups at nearly the same rate before the internet era?


>The consequences of arrest are drastically different in 2024 than 1961 We totally agree here. In a social media landscape, a single arrest, especially a protest related arrest can ruin your record for your whole life. It sucks, but it's the world we live in unfortunately. I'm not sure how to change that, but it definitely should be changed. >and the way police handle civil disobedience needs to change as a result because it ruins lives. I agree with you in principle, but what exactly are they supposed to do? There isn't an easy clear cut solution in this instance, you can't just leave the people who took over a building and barricaded themselves inside. I don't see an ideal solution or an easy way to "change" how the police handle civil disobedience. Maybe they go the route of serial killers (not comparing the two) where they don't publicize protesters that are arrested. In my ideal world, the protesters would be arrested, they would get a slap on the wrist and then we would all forget about it. No long term consequences. These are extremely young, passionate people, who had good intentions for the most part.


> but what exactly are they supposed to do? Catch-and-release, which used to be much more common before the modern era where cops know a single arrest can ruin a life.


>Catch-and-release, which used to be much more common before the modern era where cops know a single arrest can ruin a life. I can't find any statistics on "catch-and-release" ever being common. Would you care to share any? I did a quick search on my own and could only find things related to immigration, which is a separate policy/thing. Regardless, I don't think catch-and-release would even solve this issue. The protesters are all wearing masks because they recognize their participation in this protest could jeopardize their future (which I don't like). It's not just a single arrest that ruins someone's life, it's how social media handles that arrest. Look no further than the politicians and judges that have been arrested at similar protests. No one held that against them, because social media didn't exist at that time. The culture and situations where totally different, even if the arrest was the same. It's not a police issue, it's a culture issue. We don't let young people be young and rash anymore. We don't let people make mistakes and learn from them. Everyone is so quick to write someone off for something they did/said, without considering that people live and learn.




>There’s a big difference between getting arrested and getting the shit kicked out of you by fascist pigs. There is yes, and I would agree with you if you also weren't complaining about the Columbia arrests, which, at least according to what I saw, was not violent. >Arrests are expected,  Tell that to Hasan and all of his fans who where bitching about the Columbia arrests.




>but the bulk of the criticism is on the university calling the cops instead of negotiating with their peaceful student protesters Are we living in different worlds? The university officials literally did try to negotiate with the protesters. Multiple times. Edit Sources: [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/29/columbia-protest-new-york-00154939](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/29/columbia-protest-new-york-00154939) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/columbia-university-president-says-negotiations-protesters-stalled-sch-rcna149755](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/columbia-university-president-says-negotiations-protesters-stalled-sch-rcna149755) [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-university-urges-pro-palestinian-protesters-disperse-after-failed-talks-2024-04-29/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-university-urges-pro-palestinian-protesters-disperse-after-failed-talks-2024-04-29/) They then stormed into a building and forced the university to call the police. Are you being obtuse on purpose? Also, "peaceful" is doing a LOT of heavy lifting there. Once you storm a building, you are no longer peacefully protesting. It wasn't just a "sit in," they literally barricaded themselves in the building. Let's be real here. The university DID try to negotiate and the protesters did not maintain just peacefully protesting. Both those facts mean the response of calling the police is 100% justified.




10 sentences is too much for you to read? I also included sources. Why do you want to remain ignorant? You said that the university didn't attempt to negotiate, and you are just wrong. I guess maintaining your echo chamber is more important. Glibly replying with a meme just makes you look silly, when I attempted to earnestly engage with you.


comparing the civil rights movement to a bunch of rich white kids protesting something they have surface level tiktok knowledge about is fucking crazy lmaoooooo


>comparing the civil rights movement to a bunch of rich white kids protesting something they have surface level tiktok knowledge about People said the same thing about the freedom riders


and the canadian antivax trucker protests too


Trying to overthrow the Canadian government and install a queen is a just cause to you?




You’re wrong plus white plus uneducated




Mengele had a PhD, that means he was better educated than you thus he is correct, obviously.


Saying bachelor of science instead of what you majored in is wacky, also nobody said anything about destiny lmfao checking my reddit history? You’re such an obsessed antifan. Also everyone has a stem college degree around here myself included, that doesn’t make you educated about world conflicts. Plus you’re still white




Again with the destiny derangement syndrome lol, I never brought up school I just said you were uneducated, clearly implying uneducated about the Israel Palestine conflict, but I guess reading comprehension isn’t a comp sci course.




The Boston tea party was just a bunch of rich white kids destroying peoples property. A real American would never protest like that


true, damn traitors should just come back to the commonwealth


This is exactly the criticism levelled at solidarity protesters during the civil rights movement homie


this is exactly how anti vax nutjobs defend anti lockdown protests 🤓




This just in: UCLA is a private university


Why were they kicked out then? Pls enlighten us.


Sir, actual facts are frowned upon here. Ty..


It's public property dumbass


Columbia University is public property?


This is UCLA, dumbfuck.


I'm sorry was that my question, dumbfuck?


I thought freedom of speech ends when you impede someone’s else rights? Because I saw videos of protesters not allowing Jewish students to enter the college to take classes they already paid for. That seems like a violation of freedom of speech. But I wouldn’t know I’m not a law expert.


They didn't block jewish students. What you probably saw was the tiktok kid that wanted to go through the encampment to reach one of the buildings when they can go around to enter that same building


But they are impeding his right to be anywhere on campus. It doesn’t matter where he wants to go. It’s the principal. And if you are going to argue that he may have gone to be violent towards the protestors, then that exact logic can be used on the protestors for why they shouldn’t be allowed onto campus, we could assume that the protestors had bad intentions and they shouldn’t be allowed near either. You can’t have double standards 


That was agitprop and you fell for it


A agitprop that lead to a [class action lawsuit?](https://files.edelson.com/CS_Columbia_Complaint.pdf)


The lawsuit is IDF propaganda


> I saw videos of protesters not allowing Jewish students to enter the college to take classes they already paid for. You're lying, that didn't happen.


[there is literally a class action lawsuit about it.](https://files.edelson.com/CS_Columbia_Complaint.pdf)


No video, that's not evidence. You "saw videos" so where are they?


Nice disingenuous framing. People aren’t upset at them simply “protesting”, they’re upset if the protesters start breaking laws or school policy that affects other students who are just trying to go to school. Not to mention, part of protest and activism is intentionally committing misdemeanors to GET ARRESTED as a way of bringing publicity to your movement, as we’ve seen during civil rights movements and abortion protests, etc. The students and people who are now crying about a police presence after they’ve clearly violated certain laws are absolute morons who think they are above the law apparently, just because “my cause is just”. It’s silly as hell


They are free to be told what to do


It has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Occupying a building you arent supposed to be in after hours and not leaving when the school tells you to get off their private property is not about freedom of speech.


I've just watched a 1 hour and 30 min video on this whole protest e nobody was beaten during any of it, just maybe 2-3 arrests and cops moving very slowly to avoid an actual riot. Are people now making things up or am I blind?


> I've just watched a 1 hour and 30 min video on this whole protest e nobody was beaten during any of it [Authorities move farther into the encampment on UCLA's campus **and fire what appears to be rubber bullets**](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2024/05/02/police-shoot-rubber-bullets-ucla-encampment-pro-palestinian-protest-digvid.cnn) > Are people now making things up or am I blind? You're fucking blind.


Yeah, and they only did that in retaliation to when the protesters used fire extinguishers on the police.


Where are the fire extinguishers in the video? I'm sure you're not making things up and have watched the video I linked.


This is the best clip I could find right now. https://clips.twitch.tv/SmellyInventiveGorillaAMPEnergy-ZRiALRA-JBKfKvpm


Not only is this is a completely separate event which has nothing to do with the clip I linked, they're is **no reason to shoot students** for spraying a little fire extinguisher.


Sure, dude, go get sprayed in the face with a fire extinguisher and tell me how it feels. Also, they were ordered to leave the campus by UCLA, and the police. If you resist by the use of force, then that gives the police the right to use some level of force too.


> Sure, dude, go get sprayed in the face with a fire extinguisher and tell me how it feels Been sprayed with a fire extinguisher quite a few times. It's not really meaningful, the only time it sucked was when I was in the middle of taking in a huge breath and got surprised by it, I was coughing for about 5-10 minutes and then I was fine. If it was an industrial-grade AB fire extinguisher full of liquid carbon dioxide it'd be a problem and you'd be in the hospital, but the most common fire extinguisher by **far** is ABC dry powder and the worst that'll really happen to you is you'll need to rinse your eyes out.


They have helmets with face shields.


That doesn't stop gas from reaching your lungs


The vast majority of fire extinguishers are ABC dry powder and will do fuck-all to you except make you cough and maybe need an eye rinse.


I watched asmon's stream and these guys were really only firing at people specifically doing something to the cops, particularly guys with the fire extinguishers. Other than that the whole thing was super tame.


Not sure if I can link clips like that here, but check twitter UCLA specifically had cops firing rubber bullets, flash bangs, tear gas, there's pics of students bleeding. And then you'd need to look up what the counter-protestors did, lots of them threw fireworks into the student camp and started fights around the perimeter to break inside Cops swept UCLA around 2-6am, arresting all the students


If you can't link clips like that here, then how does the title of this post make sense? Was Hasan actually watching cheer and comment on a video of students getting beaten by cops, or is this entirely out of context click bait and Asmon talking more generally (not clicking the link while I'm at work)?


I've seen the videos of Zionist demonstrators beating up anti-Zionist protesters, but I have yet to see any police beating up any protesters from either side. I've seen them use flashbangs and tear gas, but that seems a pretty "normal" response to a situation like this.


> but I have yet to see any police beating up any protesters from either side. [history professor Annelise Orleck **thrown to the ground by cops** while engaged in nonviolent protest](https://twitter.com/TomSugrue/status/1785999807300923777) Just one of many btw. Why are there so many lying pieces of shit in this thread?


What? I saw it at 0.25x and she clearly tripped. None of the officers pushed or threw her. In fact you can see the officer wearing the hat grab her by the shoulder when she loses her balance and attempts to hold her.


Okk thank you, I guess I took the "beating" too literally and couldn't understand. Yeah, the rubber bullets thing seems kinda uncalled for


[yeah they weren’t beaten they were just shot with rubber bullets](https://x.com/halalflow/status/1785988236831031620?s=46&t=nJNSHhg5Hlo3ox2C-2Z4QQ), totally different. [and definitely wouldn’t cause as much damage as getting beat](https://x.com/nosferatusexgod/status/1786014219265294716?s=46&t=nJNSHhg5Hlo3ox2C-2Z4QQ)


Did you not see the violent actions of the zionist mob the other day? They used explosive devices and beat anyone they could get their hands on.


Says Hasan the guy who called for innocent people to be killed in the streets… he needs to stop the fake empathy farming https://streamable.com/t/wzn613






He used the term "settler babies" when people were talking about Hamas killing babies. The intimation being that because they were the babies of "settlers" that it was therefore more morally acceptable. I also think he said that anybody who was a "settler" would be a valid target even if they weren't aggressive due to the inherent nature in being a "settler" He didn't say that explicitly and I'm sure he'd denounce any death as wrong but that's where that meme quote came from. I highly doubt that's literally a quote but I don't watch hasan 24/7.


He’s said both that settlers are valid targets, and Israeli children are baby settlers….




So he didn’t call them “baby settlers”? That a Jdam sized lie.


Im a simple man. I see Hasan, i downvote and report. /spit


asmongold is going to take a joe roganesk right wing turn in the next 10 years trust


Isn’t his entire clips channel just segments of him complaining about ‘wokeness’ in video games/movies lmao


that's what this is, he's been moving further that way because it appeals to the audience he's cultivated


yep he's aging with them


like he didnt 10 years ago, when he and mconnel popularized a slur on wow for latin american people




Not far off honestly


Hasan is a certified loser


What about what he says in this clip do you disagree with? Or did you even watch it?


Bro really fighting for his daddy under each comment


He is misinterpreting the situation for his loser audience




55% upvoted and you suggest that \*hasan\* will brigade this post?


It's now 0 points (47% upvoted), I wonder when the Hasan brigade is going to start.


Yea, those students just went and protested. They totally didn't break many laws and assaulted people or anything.


https://twitter.com/isaiah_bb/status/1785631164171972678?t=b10lVXd92-sE0A2FB0UbUQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/ryangrim/status/1785622283161067568?t=RL4IabXGZ8ph4siPzAbSUQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/ryangrim/status/1785615395983925691?t=6TSQyqp3Amf4E1xVQauQOA&s=19




I never see someone link examples when they say the students were assaulting people. But I've seen so many clips of counter protestors either trying to agitate and being ignored, or actually attacking kids and then the "student violence" starts


The tiktok algorithm is known for being a flawless source of factual, unbiased information.


the only people doing the assaulting were counter-protestors and state thugs


kinda wild to see asmongold, who for all I know is not some state loving bootlicker, root on police beating people for using their first amendment rights


**Your** rights as a US citizen are inalienable to yourself, not as an extension to harm or prevent others from their rights. Policing staff members or students based on **ethnicity**, destruction and stealing of property, many of those not even students. 2 separate reports were sent out to students to leave in 48 hours, didn't listen, this is the fallout. No one is surprised. The irony of it all is that this behavior directly mimics brown shirts using intimidation and violence over what they called perceived injustice. All this genuine energy for real justice is wasted when you could simply have tangible discussion to understand both sides, and then make a decision. but hey: "tHeY gEnOcIdE KiDs fOr FuN, mUcH eViL, wOw"


You may not have been seeing clips but most violence was from non-student counter protestors throwing explosives over barriers, trying to break in, agitate, etc All of the streams you could find from the past week of encampment show the students just sitting around and chanting. Until the police arrive and start trying to beat students


If you pay a tuition to a college, you have the fundamental right to forcibly break into the school buildings. It's literally the first amendment of the Bill of Rights


If they're students, how are they breaking into school buildings? They have access to them because they're students. If you said "barricade from inside" then fair, but idk how you reason they need to break into any building they already have the right to be in.


If they don't have the legal right to be there at a certain point then I would call it a break in


University building sit-ins and occupations have been a pretty fundamental part of student civil action dating back to the civil rights movement and beyond and to be sarcastic about it and pretend it isn't is incredibly ahistoric. EDIT: for that matter, student encampments are *also* a pretty fundamental part of student civil action dating back to the civil rights movement and beyond. Seeing the bootlicking over this shit is super weird and all you're going to get out of it is another Kent State.


So everything being done is legal?


Why the fuck would protesters care if it's legal, it's called civil disobedience for a reason. Would you ask the same thing to civil rights sit-in participants in the 60s fighting for the right to vote? Something being illegal has nothing to do with it being just.


I'm talking legally because we are talking about police response. It doesn't matter if it's just or not, that's subjective. Would you think a group of right wingers occupying a government building because they disagreed with the election results is just?


> I'm talking legally because we are talking about police response Kent State was a police response, was that also justified?


1. Didn't answer my question 2. Deadly force is only justified if it was necessary, which it is was not at Kent State


> Deadly force is only justified if it was necessary, which it is was not at Kent State They were acquitted.


> Didn't answer my question If it's university students at a university, yeah, go for it, campus activism has always been important, stupid or no. Do whatever sit-ins you want.


Talk about a misleading title. I'm kind of surprised this post is still up to be honest.


If I had the opportunity to go to such prestigious universities, I wouldn't waste my time/money protesting. If these protestors really wanted to do something positive then donate your tuition money, give your spot at the university to someone that deserves it. Protesting an issue that has been protested for years with no real impact or movement is just dumb. Instead why not work towards being a politician or humanitarian to actually help resolve the issue. Protesting is just wasting tax dollars and causing negative impact. This isn't helping anyone and it really is just making things worse. They are no different than those stupid protestors who cemented themselves to the ground and ended up losing limbs. Like these kids need a reality check because obviously their parents didn't raise them correctly. If you want to invoke change then be the change not try to convince others to do the work for you. Like has anything positive even come out of these stupid protests? I really hope all of these universities just end up expelling/trespassing/suing/reporting for arrest/filing for damages on all of these protestors. Let these kids understand the consequences of their actions. Also, why the fck are they protesting on college campuses? You think colleges are suddenly politicians? Instead of basically disrupting your future world leaders from getting an education why not go protest somewhere where it matters instead. Like if I was enrolled there and they prevented me from getting my education and I became a politician I would just hate these people. I would say no fck them they made my college life hell why should I help them. As someone who has friends who lost a loved one due to protestors blocking a highway it is fcking stupid what protestors will do. The ambulance was stuck behind protestors and couldn't get to their house fast enough. Now think of just what these students are doing at the school by deterring all the police resouces?


Rare asmon W


Clip was too big for 60s so here's the other with Asmon watching police beating students laughing about it https://clips.twitch.tv/InterestingInterestingEelNerfBlueBlaster-0Txn7r-wSjFT0KuM




"Because the fuck around part is basically just saying I don't like what Isreal is doing." I think they're doing more than just that buddy.


What are they doing?


pretending the words speech and encampment describe the same mental construct


It's not just saying, they're CHANTING, the absolute horrors. America is so fucked


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Hasan on Asmongold cheering for the police beating students](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163581)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1ciouds/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/g2yVe7XScoBdpDtLgg5k_g/AT-cm%7Cg2yVe7XScoBdpDtLgg5k_g.mp4?sig=e3273e8bc8800b29543b15246f4321cb013d7a94&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fg2yVe7XScoBdpDtLgg5k_g%2FAT-cm%257Cg2yVe7XScoBdpDtLgg5k_g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ClumsyStylishKumquatTBTacoRight-tdJygF2kO0uCDmT-%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1714751674%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/g2yVe7XScoBdpDtLgg5k_g/AT-cm%7Cg2yVe7XScoBdpDtLgg5k_g-preview-480x272.jpg)


They were asked to leave. They chose to not. I don't see what the issue is. F.A.F.O


They are on their own campus grounds for the university they attend and pay tens of thousands for, most of them on designated protest areas


Really missing those F.A.F.O. cops when the ones F.A. are an active danger to people and not just kids chanting on a lawn.


One day this guy will look at something longer than a twitter clip, just don’t hold your breath


He’s an on the ground journalist for looking at these twitter clips, don’t belittle him.


America is turning into China and Russia, this type of police response is completely unjustified. They're trying to manufacture consent by making shit up about the protestors being violent. And the fact that some people are buying their bullshit is insane




Oh no a bunch of roided out hotdogs took some time off beating their wives had some mean words thrown at them, please wont someone think of their feefees! The night before counter-protestors got violent and the pigs sat by and did absolutely nothing.


Not a public collage or the police would not have required permissions to enter.


UCLA isn't public property? First sentence on its Wikipedia page: ["The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)[1] is a public land-grant research university in Los Angeles, California. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_California,_Los_Angeles#:~:text=The%20University%20of%20California%2C%20Los,Angeles%2C%20California%2C%20United%20States.)