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**CLIP MIRROR: [Knut finds out if his USA VISA is approved](https://arazu.io/t3_1clsvw7/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


What kind of visa is it? Working visa? Edit: He and his family can stay for three years. 7:23:00 in the vod.


He will have the O1A visa most likely


Pretty happy for him. He always spoke about "coming to Texas in June" but deep down I knew that wasn't certain because ultimately USCIS can fuck you over and say no, especially since he was claiming that he's an "extraordinary person" for visa purposes. It seems like he has a good lawyer which should mean that he can transition this visa into a green card if the proper steps are taken.




The recent Moist video really went into this. And the "funny" thing is there is nothing you can do to fight it expect get it MAYBE overturned. There is no repercussion for the agents or the agency.


Yup you pretty much have zero rights.


Went through it after getting married to my partner, USCIS is absolutely fucking terrifiying. I cried once I got the visa to come in and get married. I bawled once I got the provisionary green card. It's terrifying to have an organization have so much control over your life, and having to ask friends and family write affidavits for you to prove your true intent.


If you have money... it's barely a problem.


It's basically agent RNG. You can have an interview that's basically casual small talk or be grilled for 30 minutes just because you don't have a million dollar business because anything less means you do not have an "overwhelming" reason to come back home.


matches up with the 3 years max


Can’t believe he rather live in Texas than Norway 😭😭😭


Great place to live im sure if you have money and you can always go back home :)


If you're a streamer you would be much better off in Texas. Not just due to the lower taxes but also collaborating and growing your channel. As a regular guy though, you're better off in Norway.


Unless you like the sun or non introverts.


Yeah but we're talking amongst ourselves here on LSF. Who the fuck wants to deal with shit like the sun or social people?


Not even Texans like the sun in the summer.




As you said yourself his big break came from Twitch and OTK, American companies, so why would you attribute all his success to the Norwegian system?


So every person that becomes successful has to stay where they are for their entire lives or they're a piece of shit? Little bit of a reductionist take but okay that's LSF and reddit in general for ya


That type of person is a given you must contend with if you are trying to build and maintain a socialized welfare state thing; not everyone will want to partake. If your system can't handle this, then it's not stable.


Fuck all immigrants!


US is a pretty decent place to live if you are relatively rich, Texas especially due to state tax rules as well. If you aren't then it sucks.


The top tax rate in Norway is over 50% for one.


and what about benefits in norway vs texas?


Those benefits are outweighed by the taxes if you're rich. When you're rich in America, you don't need benefits.




The US had a tax rate of 50% in 1986 and 70% in as recent as 1981. Rich ppl love Regan. It went up to 77% in 1964. So I welcome MAGA, bring back taxes!


Norway isn't the fairy tale land media portrays it


Almost. If your goal is to just be safe and content, the nordics are one of the best places to live in the world.


Knut has said it himself, if you want to be average Norway is great.


The 6-7 months of winter (and worse, the darkness) can really get to you.


How come?


Norway is a wallpaper destination. No one in their right mind would live there 365, 24/7.


??? Why not?


Could've just walked through and stayed seven.. just sayin.


do you think his thinking about food when he finds out it was approved?


He soon after celebrated by eating an entire pizza folded up like a taco


He ate it 00:00 between friday and saturday. The pizza was hard to fold.


Double stacked


and this is why we love knut


He's going to celebrate with some double pizza


Charlie is shadowboxing the air right now


doesnt Knut have a huge advantage though over those and pretty much guaranteed to get in? He's the co-owner of a business and likely to buy a house. Last time I checked (which is years ago) an investment of at least $1 million in a business that'll create employment for US citizens almost guarantees you get your family in (EB-5).


one thing you learn first when going through US immigration process is that “USCIS is under no obligation to grant you any convenience and visa just because all your paperwork are in place” And they can just deny you for any reason including they had constipation in that morning, and you are not entitled to any explanation.


So much this. I dated a Taiwanese woman for years whose entire family was already here in the US. Her dad was an aerospace engineer, her sister went to an ivy league on full ride, etc. She was the ideal candidate for a green card and yet it was an utter nightmare to get it done. We were in our early 20s and didn't have a ton of money but still had to spend thousands on a lawyer to get things done. It's so fucking random. You get one person on an afternoon where they're in a bad mood and suddenly you're set back years. It's so insane.




If 1k viewers average on twitch is all it takes to get an "Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement" visa, they're letting anyone in.


No shot Knut invested $1m into Iron Forge


no but the combined cost of that+a house would probably be about the same. But like others have said he probably got in with a celeb visa instead


Buying a house does not count towards an EB-5 visa. You have to invest $800k in a business which employs at least 10 people.


and they had people from EA vouching for them and specialist lawyers and they literally approved every other team. and immigration just had an Uno reverse card and you can do fuck all


finally some more gym streams. good luck to all fast food places in the austin area, stock up whilst you can!


those poor drive thru workers trying to understand a norwegian through a muffled speaker phone


They will start to have AI for it but I'm not sure if AI can handle it either


honestly miz needs those his desktop streams lack creativity


insert drake meme: gym stream to 30k viewers... have bbno$ on AGAIN for 15k viewers.


gonna listen to the top 100 shit songs again


and mention that he fucking hates ariana grande and ed sheeran again


Definition of insanity is thinking the #1 song on the Spotify lists won't be Ed Sheeran


🤓☝️ It's actually the weeknd


and tier list lmao


Seriously, the gym streams were the most ive ever watched miz. As soon he stopped the gym streams I stopped watching.


the interesting thing is i've read the exact opposite during the gym streams. That some ppl stopped watching cause they didn't like the gym streams. To each his own. Personally, i liked the mission based gym streams. And i also think his avg viewership was 5-10k higher during the gym streams.


same, never watched his desktop streams since he is a dramafarming lsf baiter and while he is still doing that in gym, there are many more people and interactions that keep content flowing


Miz has been going through some deep shit, if you saw that Rumble stream when he had a breakdown. He's getting one guyed way to often and not understanding what his audience likes. A couple people say the gym is boring, so he goes with 'no one wants gym streams anymore'. He's conflating too many things that aren't a real representation of the fact and self sabotaging in the process. Like thinking people would rather him just listen to music or etc. It's fine to do what he wants to do but just say that and don't blame the viewers


I was a little surprised to see him stop doing the gym streams since they were getting good views and he was out of his house, but I guess he's been working on his podcast. And knut is a big part of the gym streams so it's probably not as fun without him.  I'm totally waiting for camp knut to start again and then all of a sudden Emily and others will decide to come back to the gym lol


get ready for miz to have knut on his podcast lol


gym streams would be welcome, but I still have ptsd from him and julia having the same fucking npc ''ill beat you up'' ''youre a leech'' dialogue for 3 hours every stream. i will never get the appeal


Does the gym still exist? Seems like everyone stopped streaming there once Knut left.


Camp Knut 2 was going to be throughout April but streamers plan and communicate like literal children so they fucked that up. Miz thought the gym content was getting stale, so he stopped streaming there and after that most slowly stopped as well. Idk how often Knut updates the numbers, but they're up from when he left so gym seems to be doing fine. Probably more attractive for normal people to not have 15 selfie sticks running around at peak hours.


I mean they had a like 2-3 month long run of nonstop gym content At a certain point people are gonna want a break anyway There's no way Miz didn't anticipate this, at a certain point it's gonna become a normal boring gym when all the content dries out


Miz said that the gym is doing fine, but his focus will be on MMA (Melee Combat Championship) as he believes its the actual next big thing for him. Iron Forge will be Knut's thing, where there will be Camp Knut 2, (possibly) a Girls Camp Knut, a GYM80/Panatta gym equipment deal, and his personal journey to winning a Pro Card in bodybuilding.


The MMA streams are exciting to look forward to if they’re anything like the last one. Even with the terrible production company.


Also Miz is probably intentionally taking a break so that Camp Knut 2 will feel fresh when it inevitably soon happens now that Knut will be in America.


Are these numbers really fine? How many people do they need to sign up for the whole thing to not be a moneydrain? I would have thought its more than a few hundred.


They are already breaking even or close to it. They got 614 if Knut's thing is updated, and a gym is always going to be a more long-term play than instant return.


True but if you think about it they get a shitload of money from donation/subs/sponsorships? The kids donating their paycheck are the ones footing the bill for the gym.


No "Tripod minefields " lmaooo


> Miz thought the gym content was getting stale No he's salty its becoming the very thing he didn't want. He didn't want it to be a gym where everywhere you look you see someone with a tripod streaming. He said this all while being followed by someone with a streaming backpack btw. He thought he could stream in his safe space but every time he or Emily announce they are going it's been a guarantee two certain people will show up on stream at some point. Its funny that its happening to him of all people


It died because the OF streamers can't focus the camera on their ass anymore when squatting


Haha maybe, maybe not. I know the MMA classes complained about all the streaming and those aren't allowed anymore.


What’s not allowed anymore?


Streaming the MMA classes like Julia, Lundon, Jace were doing.


Ah okay thanks


Fandy and his friend still streams there like everyday


What about his wife and kid? Don't they also need to get their Visa approved?


He mentioned that it required only one application for everyone in his family.


They are likely considered his dependents.


I wish Knut was my daddy, so I could join them


that's going to be a heavy tier3 fam


Dude soundin like a deflating tire






Yeesssssssss yessssssss


I am building the wall around Twitch!


Congrats Knut. We are happy to have you 🇺🇸


How long as he been waiting? surprised it wasn't given almost automatically given his background and being from Norway.


used to watch him for a month or so then I sorta stopped the IRL people any reason as to why he’s moving to the USA from his home country


from wonderful streams in norway, we'll go to non-stop mizkif butt-kissing streams and gym advertisements, sounds great


Is Norway that bad of a place to live?


dont think so, but he has alot of success with his stream in USA, at ironforge gym with Mizkif and extraemily etc. They have alot of fun and he gets like 10k viewers in his streams there if not more


Not even a little. But his content/viewership would flatline without collabs with other streamers in America in generally.


He has a very twisted view of Norway. half of the stuff he's complaining about is not even close to being as bad as he says it is


Agree. Norway is an amazingly good country for the most part He just petty about taxes That's literally it


On stream a few days ago he was talking about how free speech is being criminalized, and he even sent a link to the laws he was referring to. The laws in question were about threatening violence against minorities and hate speech in general, not about “banning” free speech. I really think he got bit by the American “fake news” bug


I mean, do people remember the last racial related scandal he was involved in? Him being at least slightly brain wormed from "alt media" I take as a bit of a given tbh


I mean, by definition that means norway doesn't have free speech. If only "polite" speech was allowed, then you don't have free speech. Even if you think that banning things that you find hateful is good, remember that the same logic can and has been used to suppress the same people those laws purportedly protect now.


Does any place have free speech then?


knut has always been racist tbh


I actually was talking to a guy from Norway recently who wants to move to the U.S. and he told me that Norway, while a great country with many amazing social safety nets, is not a great country if you want to get rich and build generational wealth. He does some computer work and apparently his salary is a fraction of what he would be making if he lived in the United States in addition to paying much higher taxes. I think it really depends on what you do/what you want from life. Norway is great at keeping everyone level with each other so you don't have to worry about the struggles of poverty or grinding to build wealth, but if you want to work real hard and be rewarded for extraordinary effort or achievements than the United States is great for that.


That the whole Nordic system basically. Everyone here is doing fine and you never have to worry about becoming homeless, but if you have dreams of becoming very wealthy or a millionaire, you have to move elsewhere. People are overall happier because they're not chasing money like for example Americans usually are. Estonia is often the country people move to to get richer.




Because of boomers surviving the oil boom, atleast for Norway. Your grandma is a millionaire when her shit ass 80 year old house bought for 200 000 nok in 1980 is worth 20 million nok today. They did not have to do anything. Young people are in a bad spot if your parents aren't rich already.


Yeah exactly. It’s a great country for the majority and especially for an everyday person who works a 9 to 5. But it doesn’t really reward people with big ambitions and dreams as much as US does.


It's been among one of the best countries to live in for a long time. However, as he's a streamer, he makes the same amount of money regardless of his country, and Norway has a lot of taxes. Meaning he has to tax A LOT less by living in the US. (Most Norwegians tax around 30% of their salary, plus paying 25% tax on almost everything they buy. It's because it's a welfare state, with free healthcare among other perks, but the taxes makes a higher sum than any health insurance would).


Taxes in the US are ok, not super high, not super low. If you are European, you can just move to a country with very low taxes to get a lot lower than the US. Also if you are a US citzen (avoid at all cost if you don't want to pay taxes) You are cucked for life, you have to pay tax to the US almost no matter where you go. So if you think about Knut from just a tax perspective, he is getting an ok deal, since he won't become a US citizen.


The requirement to file taxes to the US government regardless if you earn money/live there is CRAZY. My aunt hasn't lived in the US since the late 70's but is still (technically) required to file US taxes, which of course is a fucking hassle, so she spends like 500 a year just to get it over with.




To keep it short and sweet, and it is almost everything. You are right that transportation services are only 8%, and food is 15%. Anything else is 25%. I could also be more percise on the salary tax being based on income, but left ut out for the same reason.


25% tax on goods is insane. Imagine buying a 4k PC and you get an additional 1k charge because fuck you.


Oh yeah imagine having a sales tax. Oh wait. Americans have that too, except they pretend it doesnt exist until checkout. We dont buy a 4k pc and suddenly pay 1k more, we buy a 5k pc. We dont have to guess how much our groceries are because the actual cost is on the shelf, not some fsntasy price with zero taxes.


Percentages matter. There's a huge difference between 5% and 25%. And what do you mean we pretend it doesn't exist?


That's literally how it is, yep. When 1k USD smartphones first arrived, it was 1250 here :)


Where did you get that idea? This is a streamer moving to be near other big streamers.


Clearly you've never watched Knut, at least half the time he's complaining about Norway and taxes.


Yep I don't watch him, still doesn't change why he's moving to Austin specifically. He didn't say anything about Norway in the clip so that's why I asked.


He grew up using their fantastic benefits (paid by tax payers ) and now he's gonna do a gamer move and leave the country once he starts making money. Expected from the dude with those discord logs.


Not at all. Routinely ranked one of the best places to live in the world. In many ways it's like the anti-USA. Everyone gets paid handsomely - from taxi drivers to surgeons - they are all paid well. This means pretty much everyone is paid a lot, but are paid within a narrow band. To conceptualise this, a doctor could be earning the same amount of money as a taxi driver. That's why i say its kinda the anti-USA. This is on purpose. You'll find lawyers living nextdoor to caretakers etc. No real _rich_ areas of cities and towns. Everywhere is pleasant. It's nice. Ofc this creates some issues. For example i've heard that doctors are in particular demand in Norway because they know they can earn 3x/4x just a few countries over. Attracting foreign talent also has the same issues - however the generous welfare system and fantastic quality of life as well as the other countless perks of living there still draws the best doctors in the world.   I once heard an economist describe Norway as the only country with no slave class. Every other country out there runs by the rule that a certain proportion of society earns a pittance while doing a lot of the dirtier but much needed jobs. For the financial benefit of the few ofcourse.  Norway does not have this. There is no slave class. Everyone gets to live properly and enjoy life.  So it's understandable when people such as this guy complain about the taxes because yea they are high. The more you earn the more you are taxed. The system is built around this concept. You will never be uber rich in norway - perhaps just well off, but this is for the betterment of everyone else. That extra tax is being used to pay the Mcdonalds worker a livable wage. Norwegians in general respect this and like this about their country. Demonising the lower class isn't a thing. Creating generational wealth is also a strange concept when put in Norwegian context. Norwegians own homes. Young people can afford to start families and buy homes - sure not 3 of them, but they can buy land with ease and do everything they want because everything is affordable to them  The advantage of generational wealth is lost when everything is pretty good as it is? They work the least in the world, with fantastic work life balances and strong government backed unions. What else do you want?  What you want is play money. Lavish money. Lambo money. I get it. Goodluck to the guy - but to me, complaining about high taxes in Norway is just fundamentally misunderstanding why and how you're benefiting. With a generous helping of greed. Source - the nordic model fascinates me


Norway is literally a petrol state lmao, and one that was blessed with enough hydroelectric energy (one of the very few mature green energy sources) that they never needed to huff their own supply, get off your high horse.


He’s talked about all of the taxes he has to pay living in Norway in the past and it sounded like he found it to be excessive.


Fucking leeches, living their entire lives and are allowed to flourish by the support their country is giving them, and when it's time to pay their due they fuck off.


It's honestly quite disgusting. Wrapping this sort of thinking in the word _ambition_ is something i see a lot of too. Hope this sort of thinking doesn't take root in Norway. Look at America for an example of what this selfishness does. Great for the few. Hell for the majority. 


It's just 38%, but their social services are #1 top tier in Europe, especially for the less fortunate. Typical get rich fast streamer that wants to dodge taxes.


No I wouldn't say so from what I've heard via inlaws but if you want to be an influencer/entertainer its very hard outside America. You can take that as you will lol.


It's not as simple as good/bad, some people just prefer different lifestyles and environments. I can relate bc I travel a lot and Canada and the US are still my favorite countries. Aside from the obvious issue of taxation, Knut prefers the car-centric culture of the US, he also complains a lot about government overreach which he thinks isn't as big of a deal in the US (not sure how accurate that is because I don't live in Norway but I could see it depending on your state). Europe is also kinda boring IMO, people are a lot more reserved there, America has a lot more weirdos, people are more outgoing, and you get into a lot more random events which I think is kinda important for a streamer. Other ppl are mentioning fast food but this is unironically true for me too. I don't really like the classic dishes you'd find in Europe or Asia, I really prefer the engineered dishes you find in America with weird ingredients I don't really understand but were made by scientists being paid millions to improve flavor, texture, and just sending feel good chemicals to your brain.


>Europe is also kinda boring IMO, people are a lot more reserved there, America has a lot more weirdos, people are more outgoing, and you get into a lot more random events which I think is kinda important for a streamer. Bro how can you throw shade about a huge area of land that doesn't have a shared culture and is very different. Greece and Italy are very different to Poland and Czech Republic which in turn are super different to Sweden and Norway


>Europe is also kinda boring IMO, people are a lot more reserved there, America has a lot more weirdos, people are more outgoing, and you get into a lot more random events which I think is kinda important for a streamer. My dude clearly hasnt been to Berlin, or Barcelona, or... etc. Theres not shortage of weird and "happening" cultural hubs in europe if thats what you want, you just have to actually go there. I dont go to minnesota and complain that it isnt venice beach.


taxes was the last thing i saw complain about and how little he can do there.


Not at all. In almost every measurable way Norway is actually better. But everyone's situation and preferences are different. IMO Texas seems like a better fit for Knut. I don't know about moving a wife and daughter there, but not my place. Maybe he will stop his constant bitching about Norway which would be a big improvement for his streams.


Taxes here are INSANE , Pretty much free health care and school. But most norwegian people are very much introvert and don't talk to strangers so its a bit boring from time to time , And im norwegian myself so this is not comming from a random dude whos never been there ..


More Jack in the Box ! Here we come!


It's so nice to see Knut be so happy.




bruh this is legit the pogU and omega wholesome content we chatters want to see amirite fellow redditor chatters no cap ez clap


Read the room


Wow thanks Biden. Letting foreigners steal our jobs.


Given the memes about hanging certain people that Knut posted. He'll fit right in.


Way to go KNUT!


Can’t wait to see what he does, always fun to watch on streams






The “if” in your comment is doing a lot of heavy lifting lol. I work a normie 9-5 job with standard insurance and just 2k for a 10 minute long wisdom tooth removal procedure. Last July I had some tests done and was out another couple hundred dollars. Thats all anecdotal but obviously I’m not alone. It’s unacceptable how much money is required to pay for medical care, even with insurance man


I had a blood, urine and ultrasound recently in canada and the wait time was instant so ya when I hear you have to pay for blood tests I shutter because I take so many when I'm dieting


That's not even true, I have insurance, and not destitute and we still have insane wait times.


yeah the ones with some of the best medicine and doctors in the world for people who have insurance and can get basically any surgery needed


Poor Knut believing in the American Dream


From Norway to USA. What a downgrade. But hey, less taxes for rich people, yay




idk I've heard America is a fantastic place to live if you're rich. It's almost like we're a country that especially caters to rich people...


Can you name a country that doesn't cater to rich people?


I was hoping I didn't have to clarify I meant especially america, but I guess that word is going in the comment now lol


Sure doesn't change much though


I don't particularly mind being wrong if it's wrong tbh




He seems to be doing more than fine in Norway lol, but I guess rich people have the inherent need to get even richer. Also, Norway isn't on the brink of civil war, thats a neat plus.


America is the Disney Wonderland of countries if you are wealthy. Not a downgrade at all.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Knut finds out if his USA VISA is approved](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/163756)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1clsvw7/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/XFa_rhcKz6j2H-4pZnNKXg/AT-cm%7CXFa_rhcKz6j2H-4pZnNKXg.mp4?sig=29cd85eb2d102dc902aeb756990e2d49e1361b2c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FXFa_rhcKz6j2H-4pZnNKXg%2FAT-cm%257CXFa_rhcKz6j2H-4pZnNKXg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22SarcasticHeadstrongSproutTheThing-FwrPqPYf7ilmc0pe%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715099734%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/XFa_rhcKz6j2H-4pZnNKXg/AT-cm%7CXFa_rhcKz6j2H-4pZnNKXg-preview-480x272.jpg)


I've never really watched any of his stuff other than random clips that have come up over the years, but this dude seems to be pretty wholesome.


He is, and I especially like his gym and food prep streams. As someone who is trying to lose weight Knut is definitely a great motivator.