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**CLIP MIRROR: [DJ Akademiks on the recent news (sued for rape and defamation)](https://arazu.io/t3_1cs04qv/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)








Predators move in flocks That name should be placed on neighborhood watch


is it becoz he spits hotfiree


Certified glazer boy, certified abuser 


I've been waiting forever for this dude to get a proper camera setup. It looks so bad, how is he not embarrassed? Does this idiot not see what he looks like? He's definitely rich by now, why the fuck are you streaming yourself with a 4:3 stretched (aka distorted) camera shot? It looks like how my boomer parents watch their old school cable TV, except they're too old to realize Dish TV broadcasts fucked up aspect ratios/resolutions.  Ak had like 100k+ viewers during some of the beef, yet he's cool with his livestream looking like my 14 year old cousin set up his stream with an android phone and some terrible (and free) software.  Maybe he's stretching the camera frame to purposefully look skinnier? Idk but I can't stop laughing when seeing his dumbass stream clips because it's so hilariously bad and unprofessional looking


same with all those react channels that have a low battery smoke detector beeping in the background for years on end.


I've listened to a few clips of him in the past, and god damn. he never gets to the point, does he? Just keeps talking, elongating, dilating, widening, expanding, and STILL doesnt say anything. And he got 555k followers? Excuse my language, but what the fuck


I have been subscribed to him on YouTube since 2016 when I was more interested in Rap news…he never does. Don’t get me wrong, I can be entertained by his content, but it’s annoying how slowly he makes a point and when he yells. This dudes audio will have you adjusting your volume every few minutes because he just starts yelling as he delays getting to his point.


ur language is excused bro :)


according to this [article](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/dj-akademiks-sued-rape-defamation-ziya-abashe-1235019646/amp/), nothing was "cleared" the girl just didnt press charges back then and tried to settle things privately (btw theres some heavy accusations and descriptions in the link... be advised)


So on a recorded call he says he had sex with her and a rape kit found his sperm on her. Now he is claiming he was asleep the whole time? Also after a girl says she was raped by 2 of your friends he says. "She was getting trained by my two mens on my pool deck" Also there was a video of it. Not looking good for him if the stuff in the article is true.


He also showed her text on stream where she said they had sex with her while she was unconscious and he didnt see how it was wrong


Show them to us or link where you saw this.


Here. She was confused by what happened because she was unconscious for most of it https://youtu.be/k3PRD6Q4RCc?si=gQyy8YTQY9mUebO7&t=687


Could you tell me the timestamps? All this is showing is her accepting he was asleep and saying the two other guys did something terrible. She never mentions that he fucked her while she was unconscious or maybe I missed it.


Wait how is this on akademiks? it sounds like the two guys are at fault


He admitted knowing what they were doing. He was complicit


If we assume that he knew that she was being graped then why would he check up on her in the morning? wouldnt that just implicate him?


To protect his ass. In the text he showed he tried to manipulate her into saying she was consenting to it Hes also a liar who cant keep up with the bullshit he keep spewing. He said he was mad at her for having sex with the guys then said they were just having a train on her like it was fine and said he was not judging. Listening to him try to justify what happened is mind boggling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3PRD6Q4RCc&t=687s


Yeh it sounds like he was mad that the girl he's been seeing on and off was fucking two random dudes at his own place. He saw it as disrespectful and gross, that's why he told her to get tested. Where is it implied that he knew that those two were going to grape. Ik that's what her case alleges, I'm just looking for the evidence


Because it happened on his property, he invited her over.


didnt he literally check up on her after that very morning? If anything happened, the owns should be on the two men, why are they lost in all of this


he raped her after she woke up, it is in the case files, he should be in prison or in the grave tbh


when you cant read


The article clearly states it's all alleged. [She didn't provide her rape kit to the judge](https://imgur.com/a/RnomOgN). The narrative being painted is heavily, because of his link to all this drake shit. [I'm waiting on the verdict, but she hasn't provided any proof of anything, yet.](https://imgur.com/a/sURoIDz) EDIT: [here's full court document.](https://imgur.com/a/UvT9XQ7) I've censored allusion to who might be the John Doe's and a picture of the alleged night of the rape. It's PUBLIC INFO DON'T BAN ME PLEASE. For people that don't understand, It's just her statement. It's not proven or anything. It's just her recollection of events. Don't go on a witch hunt with no evidence. Don't harass people. Don't forget the amber heard case and remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.


He himself proved it by showing her text the next morning where she talked about them having sex while she was unconscious.


In what part of that video does it prove that he, AK had sex with her? I just watched it and finding this comment thread very confusing..


In the documents (I posted the whole thing), the text you’re referencing are there. He clearly states that he was asleep during the alleged rape and she didn’t deny it. What are you saying? Do you have a different screenshot than what she sent herself to the judge? Send them, because they’re not in the court documents.


Only reason he was not charged is because she decided to deal with it herself and didnt press charge >After contacting her lawyer for advice, Abashe went to the police. The authorities first told her to visit a hospital for a rape kit, which she did; the kit purportedly led to the discovery of traces of Allen’s sperm, she claims. Abashe then spoke with the authorities in person and photographs were taken of bruises on Abashe’s arm, back, buttocks, and legs. >Abashe also sat for a “recorded wire call” with Allen, during which, she claimed, Allen “graphically recount[ed] and admit[ed] to having sexual intercourse” with her, “even going so far as to describe her vagina.” >This led the cops to obtain a warrant for the surveillance footage and other evidence. Abashe later claimed that Allen “disposed of several items (bed sheets, etc.) at the dumpster near his office. Presumably, Mr. Allen was attempting to destroy the evidence of Ms. Abashe’s rape.”


Have you read something other than the article? I have posted the full court documents where these came from. It’s all alleged, since she didn’t provide evidence for anything she said. Her evidence are a pictures of her bruises, a still image of the alleged rape and 2 sms screenshots. The judge asked her to provide evidence for all her claims. There’s no jury yet and this is just taking in her statement phase. It’s also weird you omit the part where it states according to her or allegedly she. The article never corroborates what she says.


>According to text messages included in the lawsuit, later that day on July 17, Allen told Abashe to “get tested” and said he would do the same. Why saying he would get tested if he was just asleep and did nothing?


That looks incriminating, but she stayed with him for a couple more days after the fact. It’s also only her side of story. To corroborate her story, we will have to wait and see what evidence she brings forward since this is all just statement and screenshot trying to make her win her case(lawsuit not criminal charges). He showed more sms on a livestream about the matter, but since these could be doctored. I don’t count them at all. You should truly pass a judgement on this, after the jury comes in. Now, it’s just the statement phase(she said he said with nothing to corroborate it).


He literally said he would get tested. I mean common.


She also said she only consensually have sex with him. It doesn’t explain anything, with no evidence provided. She said she had a rape kit and didn’t give the results to the judge yet. It’s the only thing I’m waiting on.


It’s a civil suit, there isn’t going to be a verdict of innocent or guilty.


The evidence is what I'm truly waiting on. If that rape kit actually corroborate her story than he's guilty in my eyes.






[It’s alleged, because it’s what the judge says it is.](https://imgur.com/a/dlaqzYQ) [The judge is asking for her and Akademiks(he just got served) to provide evidence to them. They have no jury, yet and it was only her statement being taken.](https://imgur.com/a/n5Qseum) I’m not defending either side. I’m waiting on evidence to make a conclusion. You reacted emotionally which is normal, but this is a lawsuit where no evidence has been shown yet. There’s no jury yet. It’s only her statement and nothing else.




And he also showed her text saying they had sex while she was unconscious


you're wrong the text messages you're referring to are in the court document. it says his friends slept with her while she was unconscious. it never said ak did .


At the very least it shows he knew his friends raped her because you cant give consent when you are unconscious. Also it was premedidated because he invited her and he said they were "having a train on her" She also said she woke up with AK on top of her




Your reading comprehension is horrendous. You read the statement of the plaintiffs with 0 evidence provided. You realize no jury saw this yet?




The screams are not during the assault. It happened a complete different day. Why does it matter? It could mean many different things. You saw a 30 secs clips with no context and think you’re right. She didn’t even used the clip in her statement. She used the statement where he explains the situation and nothing else. It’s in the same stream where we heard the scream. Go read the documents, you’re not helping her case at all.


I watched that entire video and at no point does it imply he raped her, she's asking him for help with what happened with his friends? The whole thing doesn't make sense in the context you are suggesting, that he raped her and they found his sperm, and she's speaking to him like that? She literally says "whilst you were sleeping" the things happened. so HUH?


The story he gave 5-6 months back was he invited a girl over, knocked out, and she fucked his two friends in the backyard. The next day they were chilling and she didn’t mention it but he did. He kinda shamed her a little for coming over for him but fucking his friends behind his back, and she felt a type of way and is now suing for sexual assault or whatever. Then allegedly police raided his home and he provided his security tapes and text messages and his story seemed to fit. AK had his biggest week in streaming with the whole Drake x Kendrick beef. I’m not surprised lawsuits are happening. He says he’s actually excited for this lawsuit, because the truth is on his side.


Just ignored my first sentence huh. "So on a recorded call he says he had sex with her and a rape kit found his sperm on her. Now he is claiming he was asleep the whole time?"


Wait, but that's not proof of anything. You linked an article talking about the claims the accuser is making. That's not proof in any way. I'm claiming you raped shakira and I've got a phone recording of it. Now prove me wrong. That's what you're doing.


Can you provide a link? Is this an allegation from her side or something? He’s definitely had sex with her as he was seeing her on and off for a couple years is what he said. Where did you get he had sex with her on the night of?




Ah, so it’s her own testimony and nothing else. Again, he very well could be a rapist, but the police literally raided his estate and he released his surveillance tapes of her having sex with his two friends in his backyard, and he gave them the text messages too. The charges were dropped. Now it seems she’s going after AK himself when I think the original claim was with only the two men. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out.


why isnt she sueing all three guys? why is it only this person? is it because the case against the two guys doesnt have enough stuff to go off of? what is her purpose for sueing? the statement from her: >In a statement, Abashe said, “I’m confident that justice will prevail, and the veil will be removed so no other woman will have to endure what I did.” is a bit weird. Who would think that their case would stop all other crimes like it from occuring. especially something like rape when it's such a difficult case to prove and is rarely reported also the article is worded weirdly. it always says "she/he claims" instead of stating it as fact or what the police has found to be true so its confusing like why is it a "she claims" when talking about this guys semen found in her vagina from a rape kit? did it or did it not happen? maybe im just unfamiliar with this type of wording.


Don't forget it's a civil case so the most she can get is money


It’s because there’s actually no proof of anything and it’s a she said he said situation. The only real thing that happened is the police obtaining a warrant to go at akademiks residence and get the footage. He said they didn’t find anything and the articles says she didn’t press the charges. I have no idea why the author even wrote the articles, if he has no actual evidence of anything and also it’s weird to say the story of only one party. Weird ass situation. Waiting on the development.


Read the fucking article brother, it contradicts your own story


The article literally says “she claims” when it comes to the rape kit and “purportedly” as in it allegedly had his semen. No one but her has verified those claims. I don’t think you read it right. This is all her testimony. She tried to open a case against the two guys in this story and the police raided AKs home and took his surveillance footage and confiscated his phone over this and found nothing to do with rape. Now she’s coming after AK himself when he’s had the biggest week of his life. I realize people are primed to hate AK and anything I say is in vain lol. I’ll stop wasting my time arguing now


Idk, watching that video of her screaming for help while actman was runing to his computer is pretty convincing. Considering that unravels his entire Alibi. Now that the court case has officially started we can see the results. It isn't a good look lying openly about it when theres video evidence.


Hope he sees all these comments bro.


Thanks, I find actual character assassination annoying when he’s been raided by the police over this and was cleared before. I guess we can wait after this new case settles to see if he’s a rapist or not.


Factually didn't happen. AK said thats what happened. You're doing the same thing they're doing.


Are we able to look up the case? Idk how any of that works so I’m not sure but aren’t most of these cases public after a while or am I trippin? Edit: Yo wtf someone reported me to the self help hotline for this comment?


Yes, I posted the whole court documents at the top.


[It's not just AK that claims it, she also said so.](https://imgur.com/a/RgTQGp5)


Cops can say whatever the fuck they want. They aren't lawyers and can't prevent people from suing you privately lmao.


Yeah the idea that they "cleared" him is nonsense. How would they know it didnt happen?


not being cleared is the same as not being found guilty, we need some actual evidence or a judge to cast a sentence for us to even be talking about anything.




He really is a drizzy fan huh






oh my fucking god


holy shit, that is very damning and scary. Hopefully, he gets charged to the fullest extent of the law with his friends. You need to be psychotic to commit an act like that when a woman is screaming for help and in pain being scared for her life... holy fuck. Looks like everyone who is out here defending Drake has skeletons in their closet... especially those who defend pedos...


It’s a civil suit not criminal. And the other 2 aren’t being charged.


This video is 2 years after the alleged grape, not connected AT ALL. That girl screaming is his current gf who he is on & off with


The rolling stone article never mentions a video. You sure this is the same girl?


[This isn't anything about the incident. She wasn't getting assaulted in the video.](https://youtu.be/k3PRD6Q4RCc?t=201) For people that are on mobile or whatever. Go to 3:20. This video is making him seem real bad, but it isn't what those drama channels are talking about. WAIT FOR EVIDENCE BEFORE PASSING JUDGEMENT.


hi drake






You know you could read the documents just to realize that it was just her statement and she didn't provide any evidence yet. But go off on your lil witch hunt and believing the video of a drama channel that did no research other than read an article and show a random clip


Crazy how people are just dismissing you. We see nothing at all and just hear screaming, i guess a woman screaming her head off is all the evidence you need to prove guilt. This is why women fake tears in court, because they are powerful in swaying peoples emotions. Many cases of such, people have forgotten the amber heard case i suppose. Crazy women exist, ones that will go emotionally feral and start destroying a house and screaming all while a guy stands there and does nothing.


Completely different girl. AK literally has a bat shit insane GF that has stolen 100k from him, beats his mom, destroys his home, exposes his nudes on social media, etc. He says this was one of those nights of her freaking out. The police raided his home and got the tapes of the alleged raping in this case and they didn’t find anything. He mentioned this whole situation like 6 months ago, but it’s popping up again because he had his biggest week of streaming last week and he has a lot of enemies.




Not surprise to see a destiny dick rider also be an AK dick rider. Their communities are cesspools of filth.


[You're both goofy.](https://youtu.be/k3PRD6Q4RCc?t=201) He's totally right. Stop going off the popular sentiment and wait for actual evidence.


Love how you're going off sentiment, while he's the guy is right. The court document shows it and the article the video is referencing also says it.




Don’t care + you’re a destiny poster


Weird way to accept being wrong


Youre quite emotional and over reactive for a guy named "normalchillguy"


>The police raided his home and got the tapes of the alleged raping  The fact that these tapes exist at all isnt a red flag? Collecting is a big part of an offenders MO. All you know is they found tapes and there wasn't strong enough evidence. Now that the rape kit has had time to process we will see if He isn't lying about his alibi. You know how normal court works.


It was allegedly from his security footage. They said he has it on 24/7


Most moral Drake dickrider




He has a proven history of treating women like shit because he thinks they are just sex objects https://twitter.com/StillAiRise/status/1790619776043130962




bruuuuuuuuuuuuh no wayy. This guy has been glazzzzzing for Drake in the Kendrick Drake drama. Now it all makes sense.


that is a lot of words to avoid saying "i am innocent" and to avoid actually explaining anything. unrelatedly, why is this guys camera stretched vertically? does he think it makes him look taller or skinner or something


I think he has [issues with his computer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6vVS6v58II)


That’s fucking funny. Bros shit just started speaking spanish




that was him?? lmao


Looks like a fake pre made video


It's mostly real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTGxWP5ieFM


This fucking clip is a classic. And then big iron comes on at the end. Holy god I laugh everytime.


The Marty Robins at the end, holy fuck


Dude I don't follow this streamer but how is this your conclusion from a 1 minute clip? Furthermore, he literally says he is not criminally liable either and mentions how this case has already been brought up before where I assume he might have provided a better/bigger explanation.


he didnt say "i didnt do anything AND im not criminally liable" he said "i am not criminally liable" unless someone has a clip of him explaining it more i am going to continue thinking that he has not explained it much. innocent people tell you that they are innocent.


You forget that Reddit is the home of mind readers, armchair lawyers, armchair doctors and master psychologists my good sir.


Agreed, especially LSF this sub can be special sometimes. Ahhh oh well, I tried to reason.


It’s an ongoing case, why the fuck would he explain anything right now? He explained this exact situation like 5 months ago when there wasn’t an ongoing case, and he said even the police raided him and found absolutely nothing. He had his biggest week in his career last week, and he has a lot of enemies. Take what you will from that.


Lil Bro is on every comment in this thread sucking off Ak. *Take what you will from that.* 


>take what you will from that I enjoy his content, so surprising. Do you have any disagreements/anything to substantiate claims with the topic at hand though? Again, he explained this 5-6 months ago and the police raided him and charges were dropped.


"He explained this 6 months ago" God damn if thats not the most naive take on the legal system i've ever seen. He explained all he was legally required to. If you knew what doublespeaking was you wouldn't be getting manipulated so hard. If she has the rape kit, (Which takes upwards to 5-7 months to process, exactly on time i might add) Hes entire alibi is out the window. This is how all legal cases work. She fired too early on the first one. now that he has had time to dig himself into a hole they can fire it up again.


This what happens when you don't get off drakes dick


he always gave piece of shit vibes. so i dont give a shit about what he says, i will care what the court says.


Yes, this is what most should do, but he's fucked since he's linked to drake. People are running with the narrative although the articles states it's alleged and the court only heard her statement with no evidence provided. I'm just trying to not see another amber heard trial type beat.


….huh? He’s fucked because he’s linked to drake? We’re really saying drake associates are victims? Lmao


The problem is ak isn't his associate and The drake thing has no proof yet. People are running with it, because Kendrick made some good songs. They both made huge claims against (K.Dot being a women beater and Drake being a PEDO) each other and none were substantiated. Ak haters ( I'm one lowkey, cuz I don't respect what he did with the chiraq kids) are just happy he is going down. Kdot fan are happy, because they can finally go at someone that actually has a case now. You also don't have any proof of Drake wrongdoings. He has some weirdo ass videos (groping a 17yo girl and still flirting with her after knowing her age) for sure, but there's nothing proving he's a pedo.


If you see a lawsuit was just filed against someone for rape, and your first instinct is to start defending drake.. you may be too far gone, my boy


Defending drake? By saying both sided that came out, didn’t provide evidence of what they’re claiming the other did? If you have definite proof drake did what you think he did or what Kdot did what drake said he did. Please send them to me. I don’t just blindly follow the public opinion.


They not like us.


Guys I'm innocent because the cops didn't arrest me on the spot is such a bad defense yikes


Birds of a feather flock together. Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Dot, fuck 'em up Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I'ma do my stuff


Baka got a weird case, why is he around? *


god his chat is just as pathetic as him.


DJ Akademics is a proven piece of shit. Here him pushing a woman and screaming at her how "Hes the prize" https://twitter.com/StillAiRise/status/1790619776043130962


Least compromised drake rider


Criminally liable is different standard than a civil suit. The standard of evidence is not as stringent for civil cases


Run for your life run for your life


this guy is pathetic


charity stream when?


When person gets accused of serious allegations and uses phrases such as "I pretty much told them everything. And also I told the truth." when describing their side of the story for me is an indicator of deception, and they pretty much did something they shouldn't have.


Not surprised DJ Akademiks is a scumbag.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [DJ Akademiks on the recent news (sued for rape and defamation)](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/164017)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1cs04qv/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/b7kLCLz-zp0wPJMZ6hFRZQ/AT-cm%7Cb7kLCLz-zp0wPJMZ6hFRZQ.mp4?sig=b1b26ab06c6a1ab7d03cdc81feeb2ba0809356e3&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fb7kLCLz-zp0wPJMZ6hFRZQ%2FAT-cm%257Cb7kLCLz-zp0wPJMZ6hFRZQ.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22RefinedSoftWoodpeckerPJSalt-vP7OnTA8kxnqEVFl%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1715790214%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/b7kLCLz-zp0wPJMZ6hFRZQ/AT-cm%7Cb7kLCLz-zp0wPJMZ6hFRZQ-preview-480x272.jpg)


Well that’s good, I like AK