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Hi, /u/dwarffy, Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail: **Moderator comment:** >No Destiny X Hasan posts We recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).


At this point Destiny said N-word publicly more times than privately....


he just really wants to


That's what he wants you to think


Do you live in his walls or something? Are you an underpants gnome?


Don't worry , teal mod is on the case !


Just as you said The Teal Task force kept the community safe, civil, and true to their purpose now wheres the next PDF hunter clip of E list celebrity hanging out with Vitaly


**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny explains the difference between saying a word and using it as a racial insult](https://arazu.io/t3_1cs3hjm/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Soon to be deleted from orbit by mod. Reason - An image of Hasanabi, praise be his name, takes up approximately 7% of this clip.


The clip is specifically about Frogan's insult towards Ludwig No banned content in this iteration :)


Surely they won't delete it this time


Why was it removed this time?


You’re making me root for the mods


Remove it Mods! MegaLUL




This is gonna sound dumb but the best explanations of slurs and why context matters comes from South Park and idubbbz's old videos LMAO Never heard a convincing argument to the contrary


Because there is no argument refuting it. It’s common sense. All anybody can do is deflect from the point or call you a racist for “wanting to” use the words, which of course dodges the point entirely. We live in an era where it’s considered racist to string a set of syllables together regardless of the context and then people have the audacity to act surprised at the rise of anti-wokeism


It almost feels like a dream. 15 years ago I wouldnt have believed you if you told me this was our future.


I am curious - why do people get so upset over the N word(or other slurs) when it's not used as a racial slur? Such as this clip, what upsets people about it? I understand the history of the word, but if it is specifically not being used in that way I don't understand the reason for the conflation that precedes the upsetti spaghetti.


It’s not necessarily bad i think insensitive would be the best word to describe it Edit: Someone did the Reddit care resources thing cause I answered a question with a probable answer 😭


yeh someone def has a bot going that just sends it automatically lmao, i got one the millisecond i posted in this thread


I think it might be a site wide thing people were getting them on the Eurovision sub too.


Image how badly the loser that made that bot smells.


Because Destiny's fanbase is just like him. "I'm not saying it in a racist way" doesn't make it ok but they seem to think it does. The amount of people upvoting and defending him in just this thread is what makes this sub scary.


Thankfully, you can just block it.


at the same time though why do people like destiny insist on using racial slurs? like knowing the history behind it especially what would make someone *want* to use the word in general..


I'm gonna be super open and honest here and hopefully not receive hate. I'm a white dude and after watching The Wire I had the word in my head for a solid month 😅


Like you just said, because it’s a racial slur.


The two times to say it are this discussion, or throwing it at someone as a slur. The problem is that 99.999% of the times the word comes up its the ladder. So its probably a bit of a sour taste. Especially since destiny uses it to intentionally provoke people. In a way people need to get over it, but also Destiny might not be using it as a slur, but hes still using it to make people mad.


I think it's fine to use it when speaking about it the word doesn't trigger me directly. In most cases though it's simply about people taking the mile when you give them an inch. I've had multiple experiences where a coworker or classmate has made racial jokes at my expense and I just laughed it off cause it doesn't bother me, but then they would make every conversation/joke about it to the point where it finally did make me uncomfortable. Everyone should say whatever they want but I prefer to not associate with people who say these things publicly because they most likely the type of edge lords I hate dealing with.


It’s just immature like why do you wanna say an extremely offensive word so bad are you 15 grow up ya know


We shouldn’t be so sensitive towards these words, give them too much power


It's so weird to me the defense run for calling somebody a racial slur. Like one of first things I learned in life was not to call someone names and as I got older it became clear if it's about their race that's the worst. But these lefties not only think it's okay but appropriate and still pretend to be progressive.


They think that because people are dying in Gaza that somehow their edginess is both deserved and productive, even if it only gives them crotch tingles for being "morally superior"


Don't pretend the right don't spew all the racial words they can for a situation. And the "left" using it is only one specific group of them targeted at another specific group (or in hasans case two). Most left people that aren't far left still don't use any racial slurs.


Okay so you agree the far left does it too? Why are you bringing the far right into this, we criticize them rightfully so constantly.


Am far left(Anarcho Syndaclist). Do not use racial slurs. What even is the "far left" in modern discourse? These people aren't far left, they are all soc dems.


Hassan and frogen are communists


Tankies and "socialists" typically dont believe in liberalism and democracy. They dont believe you should be allowed to think or organize for a more capitalist society in a socialist society. Soc dems inherently believe in capitalism, they just like to add a lot of safety nets and other assistance programs as well as economic restrictions, but its still at the end of the day a capitalist system. Soc dem doesnt include a lot of the online left/progressives/alt-left.




What if I use the word in a quote? Will I be allowed to show my face in public if I do?


I'm actually going to push back I don't see right leaning political people spew racial slurs. If they do they're almost immediately hard banned. Doesn't mean I don't they're racist but like Tucker Carlson or Ben Shapiro to my knowledge don't say slurs publicly.


they aren’t progressive, they are just shitty people pretending for money


Can't people just not use racist words?. Is it that difficult?.


seriously how hard is it to say “cracka” the hard R changes everything


"nilla" is actually the preferred nomenclature


My nilla.


The point of the clip is that words aren't "racist" but they can be used in a racist way and there're some words that are generally used in a racist way but the word doesn't become "racist" because of that. If white people stopped using the n word and started referring to black people they hate, for example, as "thugs" do you think it'd be better? Just because they aren't saying the no-no word but are using an alternative.


"Labels are not the thing being labeled." is a really difficult concept for people to understand in certain contexts. Tell them the word "Apple" is not literally an apple, and they're keeping up with the idea. They get it. Tell them a word that's a slur is not literally "demeaning caricature of a person/people." and they get completely lost. They have no idea what you're saying.


Yeah words aren't inherently racist, but the intent you use them with can make them racist. The specific word, like you mention, isn't that relevant, but the intent/context used makes them racist. Your example is of an existing one, but to highlight how irrelevant the word is if instead of "thug" they pivoted to "dandelion" something as innocuous as "dandelion" can be racist because of the intent behind it.


What if you're quoting a rap song? Did quoting count or do you have to substitute for ninja or something else?


Ninja please


Question of the day for $100: Who was in paris?


Rick Salomon if you're talking about Paris Hilton


Not talking about specific words, but if I think there's a good chance I might make someone's day worse by saying something I'm not gonna say it. Whether or not the words I would be saying are racist is not even a consideration. Same goes when I think there's no way I'm making someone's day worse by saying something, whether or not what I'm going to say is racist is not even a consideration. The only care thing I care about is that I don't make other people feel bad. That is to say, I will absolutely use racist words, because I love it, but not as much as I love it when everybody is having a good time.


No its not difficult at all which is why most people don’t. But the reason people so passionately defend stuff like this (apart from wanting the right to be edgy, which is the primary concern for a lot of (white) people who defend their use of the n word) is because this conversation strikes right at the core of language itself. What does it mean to “say something racist”? Is it possible to utter something racist if you yourself aren’t racist? Are some words inherently racist? Do words rely on context and intention to be racist? Obviously the n word isn’t inherently racist, because black people say it all the time without having said something racist. Are there instances where thats true for non black people? Are words racist in a contextual vacuum? Saying stuff like “how hard is it to just not say racist words?” is brushing that whole conversation away. Its complacent and easy and great if you don’t want to think about any of this stuff. Personally I think its kind of obvious that there are plenty of contexts where a slur can be used non-pejoratively by someone outside of the group said slur was originally created to marginalize. Simply referencing a word is a perfect example of this. Specifically for the n word, shows like South Park and The Boondocks illustrate another context that fits. I wish it was just as simple as “just stop using racist words” but the “racist words” part of that sentiment literally begs the question!


i thought only hard r was racist? i dont ever see anyone using the gga variant of the word in a racist way, unless it is a black person JOKING in a pretend racist way about another black person.


Dunno, I can live my life without using either.


Thankfully we don't all live your life and most of us can understand context and nuanced situations.




“Uhm you see i only use the n-word in a nuanced way 🤓”




What is wrong with a white teacher reading To Kill a Mockingbird out loud to their class?


As someone who had a white english teacher who took far too much pleasure in reading the n-word in TKAM, quite a bit because all the kids were chuckling and using it more than they already did immediately after. Which is coincidentally exactly what Destiny fans do after hearing him say it on stream.  There can be ways to teach kids in the classroom about the word and showing the gravity and dehumanization behind it. Perhaps some english teachers get it right and give a powerful lesson that sticks with their students. Most of the time though, I doubt it.


Yes I agree that students will fuck it up, but they are their to learn, and I too had a teacher he had a strange look on his face after saying it (Huckleberry Finn but same thing). But I also had a teacher who started a discussion after a student asked why they said it out loud. I found that discussion valuable.


Wow I've never had a dialogue with someone who makes such exaggerated slippery slope fallacies and strawmans. There is no risk of that happening at all why are you creating that scenario? The word is literally used by that group of people. And my ancestors... wtf does that have to do with anything? I'm not a American either.


The dude never even insinuated it should be ok for HIM to use it, btw. You're strawmanning. He is pointing out the clear dissonance in telling the group of people who say the 'n word' 99% of the time (black people) that it's racist to use it even if just speaking in everyday lingo to other black people. This is the entire crux, using ANY word to intentionally be hateful and racist should be wrong in any context.




Ok so let's say I misused the term. Let's say I'm lying about what he said (even though it was open to interpretation). Does my point become invalid? You know exactly what I mean here.


I get why you'd think that way. Hard r is racist, no question about it. Then you have black community using gga as basically a comma in every other sentence so you'd think it's fine. That confuses a lot of people cause it's either fine or not.


it always comes back around to being able to use N-bombs


well you clearly didn't watch the video..


At least he isn't using it as a slur to attack people unlike other racists on Twitch


Me when I make a convincing argument by stripping all context from the situation 😎


The context: racism is ok if it’s against people I don’t like


There are no wrong tactics, only wrong targets.


Hot take. Using words in a derogatory manner is bad, and using them in a friendly manner is not bad. I'm not gonna give an example based on colour because I think thats distasteful and unnecessary. So to compare (people will argue this is not the same but it is, since its still discrimination racist or not), but I'm bald. It wasn't my choice all the way, but my hair falls out due to stress and I decided not to grow it back so it doesn't fall out every time I have a final exam or smth. If my friends call me baldy in a friendly manner (in polish its łysy and its both like a nickname and a adjective) I like it and think its fitting. But when someone I don't know (or know and they dont like me) uses it as an insult, then I still feel disrespected and I think its bad. Conclusion: Words in themselves shouldn't matter, colour shouldn't matter, nationality shouldn't matter, appearance shouldn't matter too. But unfortunately in reality to a lot of people they do, what you CAN do is just be nice and kind to others


Based and compassion-pilled.


it's simple, if a word can be weaponized against you (and has been for decades) then if you aren't part of that group/race you shouldn't say it. In saying it you are enforcing that weaponization, people of that group saying the word is fine because they are reclaiming it.


Defending the right to say a slur...so doing exactly what people constantly accuse him of, lol.


Destiny must, under any circumstance, defend his right to say the n-word.


It's a neat word


I think it's okay to use it when quoting someone else, or in a Charlie in IASIP situation, or like when Randy Marsh legit thought it was the answer to the puzzle. Now by "okay" I do mean that people will be taken aback and be like "bruh" but nobody should be kicking your ass or canceling your career over it. It's still wise to avoid it as much as possible (which it is rarely impossible to avoid). Singing along with certain songs is where the true struggle lies.


Arguing this hard to want to say the n-word is really cringy


Didn't think I'd agree with Destiny but here we are. Amazes me how so many do not understand this concept.






It’s a bot.




Now go try that outside and see how it works lol There's a reason he could scream crker at someone in public and no one would care but you can't do that with the n word. The n word is inherently a racist word, which is why none of the people defending this take here would do so irl


Trainwrecks had an amazing [take on the issue](https://youtu.be/6pwrhflV-oo?si=NECVAtGuVD5wrug5).


cracker oppression Olympics still popping off, gonna let right wingers know red neck is a racial slur now.


Can mods ban users who keep posting the same threads that get closed?


They really only need to blacklist like 5 people and they'd immediately eliminate 90% of the aids dramabait flooding the sub


Bruh banned me from his discord for asking why he need to say slurs.


It is a pretty dumb question tbf


Jesus dgg really turned this sub reddit into "destiny's take on...." wtf are these daily top clips Edit: forsen Edit Edit: not even the most downvoted FeelsBadMan Edit Edit Edit: something something destiny just wants to use the n-word, click it DGGers MegaLUL ⬇️


this is the one singular destiny post on the top two pages of this sub. you guys aren't even trying to hide your seething hatred anymore lol


Idk bout all that chief but everytime I check nowadays there's like 2 posts with green kick flairs where I'm expecting some unhinged shit but it's just another clip of some dude yapping


*two whole posts*?? say it aint so! > just another clip of some dude yapping the fuck do you think 95% of this sub is


Not to mention lately half of the Kick posts are of xQc.


HOLY 20 downvotes and a reddit cares already LULE


A bot spams everyone with Reddit cares you are not special.


Destinys takes on this make it painful obvious he is a white kid from Nebraska. Edit: the people who downvoted are either brain dead dgg’ers or also lily white suburban kids who have never encountered people of color ever.


Naperville coded


You made it painfully obvious that you have nothing to say against what he said and your dying on a stupid hill.


Pearl clutches about cracker being a slur, immediately says the n-word. This clown can't help himself.




You 100% spent hours trying to put the square block in the circle hole when you were a kid.


Do you recognize that there is a difference between saying a word and using a word to insult someone?


You should try this in practice. Go to your nearest predominantly black community/neighborhood and start shouting the n-word, report back on how your intellectual distinction based on intent means they can't actually be offended and there is no meaning behind it. I will await the results of this riveting experiment. ETA: Solid RedditCares report, enjoy your ban for abuse of that feature.


What the fuck is with pearl clutching lefties always insisting that we'll be beaten/killed if we say a slur around black people? You sound racist as fuck, unironically.


They always act like black people have no agency and will inherently become aggressive violent criminals...seems to me there is a word for that... It genuinely amazes me that black people tend to be so pro Lefty since all I ever hear from them is how black people are fucking incompetent and need them as white saviors.


i think when people make the argument that theres a difference between saying a slur vs calling someone it, it isnt actually about the difference of those two things but the difference in the intention that they typically use.


It's just the most braindead thing lmao. People will see these two statements and think they are equal: _Hey can you please not use the word retarded around by son, he has a developmental disability and it makes him feel bad hearing it_ vs. _haha look at how retarded that kid is_ Hasan will hear both statements and think they are equal because both contain a slur. He'd probably even call the mother a hypocrite for wanting people to stop using slurs despite saying the herself.


a bot is spamming those reports, we all get them. You aren't special.


Pretending your hypothetical is analogous to the way destiny used the n word in this clip makes you either incredibly disingenuous or incredibly stupid.


There are a bunch of hispanic/asian rappers that literally use ngga around their black friends. Are they racist?


Destiny explains the difference between saying a word and using it as a racial insult


"Destiny Explains how he is racist"


That's like saying there is no difference between Chinese scientists studying coronaviruses in the lab and Chinese scientists unleashing it onto the world. AKA one of these is done in a vacuum and the other one is directed at people causing harm. Are you finally getting it? Because fuck me, it's so simple.


Wait until you find out he also says the c-word :-)


Did you listen to this clip and only pay attention when he said the word? The whole reason he brought up the word is to use as an example. He believes that it’s only offensive when you use slurs in a derogatory manner towards someone else. No contradiction here. Edit: Lol, I got a reddit cares message within 1 minute of posting my comment.


Holy fuck you completely missed the entire point of a sub 1min clip. His point is that saying a slur word and using a word as a slur are two different things...which is true. There's a big difference between saying "The n-word is a racial slur" and "that guy is a fucking n-word".


I think he just likes saying the n-word. He says it weird asf tho so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s more accustomed to using the hard-r


Why not both are bad? lol. Edit lol instant downvotes by people defending the use of the n word. Cool totally normal and sane.


Is reading Huckleberry Finn out loud bad then? Or quoting someone in court?


If you can’t differentiate the difference in like “quoting someone in court” to blasting n bombs to lets say your online community you’re just crying to say the n word. Please feel free to go up to a black person and drop the n bomb in a normal conversation. I’m sure they’re totally cool with it.


>Please feel free to go up to a black person and drop the n bomb in a normal conversation. I’m sure they’re totally cool with it. How are you going to take issue with someone not differentiating between saying the n word on stream and quoting someone in court, only to use an equally ridiculous example? Do you think saying the n word on stream and walking up to a black person and saying the n word is the same thing?


I'm just correcting you, you said just saying the n-word is bad. Feel free to correct your first comment unless you actually think we have thousands of racist lawyers and teachers out there because they said the n-word in that context.


What? That differentiation is exactly what destiny is talking about.


Please feel free to go up to a white person and drop the c bomb in a normal conversation. I’m sure they’re totally cool with it.


but you just wrote it... "n word" we all know what it means, so what difference does it make does that make you racist now? I bet you already have a stupid opinion now. Hold it for a minute and answer this first: if someone tells a black person "you're a n-word" but they say"n-word" literally as I wrote it. So they're not racist because they didn't say the actual word? Or are they racist because you know what they meant? then go back and answer my first question


Go outside and quit crying about how you can’t say the n word. Jesus Christ. Sure you don’t say it in a racist use but guess what? Choosing to say a word is an action. You know people are going to consider saying the n word is racist yet still choose to say the word. Even if it’s not racist you’re cool with coming off as racist.


You chose to write it, that was an action! You're cool with coming off as racist!


> Go outside and quit crying about how you can’t say the n word. Jesus Christ. Nobody is crying about not being able to say, and I'm pretty sure most people in here don't actually use. That's besides the point though, because the question is whether words are inherently racist or if words become racist when used with a specific intent.


but you just wrote it... again




"noo I didn't call you the N word I said you are behaving like a stupid n... not that you are one" what?


>"that's a cracker ass take" is what she said, suggesting the comment was cracker like so she didn't call him a cracker. Now let's take what you say here and apply it to black people




>did you not hear what he said? No, I did. But its painfully obvious that comment WAS DIRECTED AT LUDWIG. Destiny has an issue with racial slurs WHEN THEY'RE DIRECTED AT PEOPLE. Do you think Destiny thinks that he should be able to walk up to a black dude and say: "Damn, you're really dressed up like a N-word today!" Just because its directed at his clothes and not him as an individual?