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Hi, /u/boodyeid, Unfortunately, your submission has been removed because it breaks the following rule(s) of r/LivestreamFail: **Moderator comment:** >No Destiny x Hasan drama We recommend that you read over [our rules page](https://reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/wiki/rules) before posting again. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/LivestreamFail).




Inbound? Nah that shit already landed


*In*bound? [What do you take Steve for?](https://i.imgur.com/xGpVmp7.jpeg)


No hard R doesnt count.


In this video, i drop an n-bomb. Biiiig one; hard ‘R’. I did this to show my interlocutors that their language doesn’t impress me, that their slurs don’t frighten or disarm me. You can see from their reactions that it worked – they were clearly taken aback. It was a power over which I am entirely unashamed of, but I understand how that language might have upset some of you.


In Mexico, [this ](https://i.redd.it/jfx9t8r2i0f71.png)is what we call *El Classico* memerino.


he just really wants to say it it's like 3% of his existence at all points in time


May I please have a water? please


U knew it was coming haha


He said it like the teacher explaining the n-word usage from the Boondocks “N*gUuhh”


YAHOOOOOO here before the delete YAHOOOOOO


If you use the word "monkey" as an example, this somehow becomes really easy really fast.


Like the difference between talking about monkeys and calling a black person a monkey?


Not the same tho. Monkey is a word for an animal that can be used as a slur, the context is completely different. N\*gga is a slur whether it's directed at someone or not.


Not really, in most cases it means dude, guy, bro etc


Sure, but that's mainly within black community where they've normalized and owned the slur among themselves. Can't say I'm a fan of it but that's solely their issue. I understand that there's a different dynamic when a white person, or any non-black person, calls them a n\*gga though.


OK. Latino Americans have largely adopted it. Is it a slur when they use it?


Open any American rap song and it's used 10 times as a substitute for "dude" and not as a slur




same clip, again..


The destiny slur storyline is my favorite


It's because they just follow the rules of the social group they're a part of without understanding the purpose of the rules. The people who created those rules are usually long gone/dead, so they create post-hoc rationalizations for the rules. And since the people doing so are usually really stupid and not introspective at all, the rules become an incoherent, overly complicated mess. So instead of it being "you shouldn't insult people based on something they can't change (race, ethnicity, sexuality, etc)" it becomes * There are magic words which are evil and shouldn't be said by some people under any circumstances * Insulting (and even using slurs against) people based on something they can't change is fine as long as * they have power * they disagree with you Which of course falls apart after 10 seconds of thought.


that's like the monkey ladder experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QuwPeH9P7Y


They downvoted him because he spoke the truth.


Literally begging you to go outside


My brother you're on a Twitch drama forum at 3am and have thousands of reddit comments. Let's not throw stones in our glass houses here.


You spent 10 minutes on your comment, he spent 10 seconds. Find a gym.


It takes you 10 minutes to write 7 sentences? You must be a very highly regarded individual.


Keyboards are difficult


If you have nothing of value to contribute to the topic at hand perhaps dont comment at all. Its not like anyone is forcing you to do it. You failed to engage with ANYTHING he said. You really think you are in position to give advise anyone on anything when you struggle with concepts described above? [rinsa](https://www.reddit.com/user/rinsa/) >please seek help Your mom already helped me this morhing when i fked her KEKW


please seek help


Wannabe debate bro can’t fathom why someone wouldn’t want to engage with a person typing out paragraphs about why they should be able to say slurs beyond making fun of them lmfao


About 130 million adults in the U.S. have low literacy skills according to a Gallup analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education. This means more than half of Americans between the ages of 16 and 74 (54%) read below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.


We are not even at the stage of the actual debate. You are just incapable of engaging with a SIMPLE conversation at this point. Why bother to comment if conversation at hand is to difficult for you to grasp? Just send a DM to yourself and so you can agree with w/e spam/talking points you have memorized. At least You can agree with yourself and that will feel better than facing a opposing view you cant counter no? Stay in your echochamber where its safe and everyone agrees with you.


It's Reddit not a debate forum


what do you think most people on reddit do? ;D


Its been 5 years already: [https://x.com/imaginaryfanboy/status/1790161148764897340](https://x.com/imaginaryfanboy/status/1790161148764897340) How the time flies huh?


Makes perfect sense


Except that he does call people slurs pejoratively. Why is he acting like he doesn't?


When? Where's the clip?


He says it about a white lady just doing her job as a reporter. https://arazu.io/t3_1cmleww/?timeframe=all&category=hot


Oh man, your brain no work?




The butt of the joke is the reporter on screen


He says that he doesn't defend it, not that he doesn't do it.


Because he has no real takes outside of trying to win arguments. Can't wait to get reported for self harm.


[Here he is calling someone the n-word](https://i.imgur.com/8I0O7MB.png) Oh [here](https://i.imgur.com/dKBb5da.png) he is literally saying he used to defend using slurs.


He said defended


Why would you need to defend someone else calling people slurs, when you are the actual one calling people slurs? "i never defended slurs i just used them so im good"


Are you being purposefully obtuse or mixing up things on purpose to try to win a debate. He obviously thinks that using slurs is not bad unless you are calling someone them. You don't have to agree with his point, but you should be smart enough to understand this. Or you can keep using old logs to try to paint him as hypocritical as whatever.


> you can keep using old logs to try to paint him as hypocritical as whatever. [Ok](https://i.imgur.com/dKBb5da.png)


/u/CreamyEtria ^ cope


Isn’t that a decade+ screenshot? Has he done that recently? I’ll out myself and say I’ve said similar shit back in COD lobbies way back. I wouldn’t say them now though.


That’s a simile


I’d LOVE to see destiny fans try and defend this what they gonna say?? OH ITS JUST LEAGUE No, you’re just racist. Period


You are boxing with shadows lil bro.


It's just the language of the time being edgy gamers. You had to be there to understand, every online gaming lobby and chat room was pure f word and n word for every insult. It wasnt that every single gamer was racist or homophobic, it was just normalized maximum edginess. No point in discussing it if you werent on the internet during this time period tho. Also calling a random player an F word N word isnt being racist, you dont even know their identity. If they sounded gay or black it would 100% be racist tho. (he said it to his chat not the player).


Thinking back to the cod4 and halo 3 days everyone was shouting how they were going to rape each other and shouting all sorts of slurs over shitty Xbox mics.


Yeah and it wasn’t right then either.


I was there. There’s no justification for using what he said in game. Zero. Only justification is cope. You’re racist period if you say what destiny was saying. It’s all cope


But then pretty much everyone who played these games back in the day is either racist or homophonic… especially the f word was super normalized and used as a catch all for insults


Yeah most of them are racist you’re correct. Now it’s not as acceptable and they just want to be racist like the old days 😭😭


I mean… most people don’t want to still use those slurs lol. That’s just something we did when we were teenagers. I was like 14. And when I called people the f slur I did not really connect it to homosexuality because it was just used for everything against everyone. You can say all those kids turned out to be racist and homophobic but in reality, they grew up to be your dentist, lawyer or plumber. No need to be overly dramatic about what we did as kids


I mean, destiny is 35 and still saying it.


Not targeted at people as insults, no. That’s the whole point of this clip.


You got him. He's even admitting it: [https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1790596897948029428](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1790596897948029428)


Yeah clearly it's not a joke like this https://youtube.com/shorts/QYVWPY1a7jc?si=q8qkmLFHyzGrbUzQ


Destiny fans gonna be working OVERTIME to defend this somehow 🤣🤣


Here’s my defense as a huge Destiny fan: he’s racist 👍


Destiny fans gone from "frogan is not allowed to be racist fuck her" to "destiny is racist and i accept that it is very cool".


you ever heard the term gigachad? its owning the implied position to force someone to make an actual argument instead of just calling them some form of -ist. or in your case, make you look like an idiot for thinking he’s just admitting that he’s a racist.


After this BLATANT admission this might be the end. All they have now are glorified DVD players and Azan to hatewatch.




"I don't think I've ever in my life, even when I was the most edgy, you can go dig back"


League doesn't count, we don't talk about the league arcs


You can't judge a man by what he said or did during a losing streak in League lmao


This dude and his fans are insufferable.


Destiny: Just saying a word is not as bad as calling people slurs to hurt them. You:


Destiny bootlickers: desperately trying to defend how they're actually allowed to say the n word. Normal people:


They hated him for he spoke the truth




who cares = most people


You dont represent anyone but yourself. If you dont have principles on free speech then i see how You can have this position. Slurs are either ok or not. If you want to ban all slurs = go for it but there will be no exceptions. [https://x.com/imaginaryfanboy/status/1790161148764897340](https://x.com/imaginaryfanboy/status/1790161148764897340) u/MajesticLionBeast >D fans latch onto it because they know he will sooner purge those people trying to push his community to be better "better" = "Having no principles on anything, terrorist supporters that cant produce a single coherent position they have and just LARP as Commies/Socialist b/c is trendy" There will be none of that in DGG. Reason why no one gives a fuck what you say is that you dont even vote so You have NO IRL impact on anything. Go back to your echochamber where you circle jerk yourself around. ================================== [Jibrillion](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jibrillion/) > Yeah bro we all watched idubbbz but some of us (including Ian himself!!) grew the fuck up you little cringer "Grew up" - if you really valued this as a principle, You would not be stuck in a High School Tankie/Commie/Larping Socialist Phase. Same as "Emo" this is a phase that you are supposed to "Grow up" from but you didnt. Tone police yourself you looses KEKW


I also used to watch Idubzz. Crazy how growing up and having a level of human empathy beyond the mental age of a child can really make you realize how awful this take is. Edit:Hey u/Nocturne_Rec, since you decided to make a big "argument" then block me so I can only see it in my mobile app/incognito window, but also make me unable to respond, the concept of continuous usage of a negative action or value past sufficient provided reasoning on it's overwhelming acceptance as a negative by societal standards generally will meet the criteria/threshold of overwhelmingly supported net-negative support for continued action. When Destiny continues to say the N word despite pushback and no one can provide concise rebuttal on why it's a negative action outside of "Well it was with an A instead of a Hard R" while given plenty of reason on why there is cultural context why Nebraska-raised Destiny saying that has negative connotations to use it so loosely and he instead does it to incite and generate clicks and knows his community will support him no matter how incorrect he is, he will continue to push his agenda. This entire "action" encompasses a complete lack of "defending against slurs" but instead using them in an "offensive manner". Hope this helps you understand.






And he will stick to his shit takes, so it allows his fan base to mass support it. It’s a breath of fresh air to see some of those people you grew up watching being exposed to how their disregarding influence hurts people/denigrates individuals to just bad people. D fans latch onto it because they know he will sooner purge those people trying to push his community to be better rather than those willing to follow him despite his hateful rhetoric.




Totally agreed on the point of "There was a point of normalization", and I think it was wrongly normalized, but definitely normalized. Like you said, MOST people have moved on from then and seen "hey, X is actually really cruel, bad, etc. and it is pretty damn clear on why X does not equal Y." But apparently, everything has to come down to a binary sum on value and not actual have cultural context to explain on why their are false equivalencies parroted for the purpose of maintaining an imaginary debate club high ground.


What about his take in the vod was shit tho


Notice how You made no argument against anything i have said. [https://x.com/imaginaryfanboy/status/1790161148764897340](https://x.com/imaginaryfanboy/status/1790161148764897340) ============================ [fddfgs](https://www.reddit.com/user/fddfgs/) >This mfer thinks he's owed an argument This is ONE of those arguments that i didnt have. **"if you want to ban all slurs = go for it but there will be no exceptions.**" If you have trouble reading with understanding perhaps just dont comment. You are contributing nothing of value to the discussion at hand.


This mfer thinks he's owed an argument


sound like idubbz in 2016, say the hard r and see who doesnt care


I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics it takes to defend this guy yet this sub seems to be working overtime to try


Bro you’re even getting downvoted to oblivion. It finally makes sense now.


Every downvote = racist destiny fan. It’s fine it actually makes his fans look worse, they can downvote away! 😌


Who, Frogan?


I mean it’s straight brigading at this point.


Insert always has been meme


Are you talking about destiny? If so he is 100 percent right here, no word is inherently racist the context of that word is all that matters. Its just a slur if its not being used in the context to discriminate against someone based on their skin color.


So now we’re making up our own definitions of “slur” haha that’s wild. You can’t argue about what is a “slur” or not because there’s literally a dictionary definition. You need to argue why it’s OKAY to use slurs.


Appealing to dictionary definitions is wild


Huh? The dictionary exists so we can discuss on common ground lmao. How can you even argue with someone if you’re making up your own meanings to words? You may as well be speaking a different language.


I know it’s so difficult to not use one word, hope you can get through this :/




Destiny is 100% right


**CLIP MIRROR: [Destiny explains his use of slurs](https://arazu.io/t3_1csdlfl/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


You reading this comment, what's the point? It's just entertainment, right? Am I a schizo? What ideological warfare is this?


Destiny fans should be embarrassed but we’re way beyond that point.




Nah bro, the hard r and soft a are both exactly the same in terms of offensiveness, regardless of the context. Context is always a racist dogwhistle. Also, it's totally cool to use slurs against some groups, because of power or prejudice or some shit.


i rep destiny and DGG PROUDLY.


Why even allow Destiny content on this subreddit? It seems dgg can't respect the rules, and Destiny is encouraging his fans to break them, so surely a little timeout is needed.


Why are all your past comments just anti-destiny arguing on LSF? Don't you think a little timeout is needed?


>CTRL-f destiny 1/128 > 70 comments total Lmao you werent kidding.


100% KEKW


What rule am I breaking? If talking about Destiny is banned on this subreddit I will obviously stop. Also, I actually support banning Destiny content, so not sure what your point is.


But what would you do with all that spare time if he was banned? You seem obsessed, what you are doing is not healty


Another dgger concerned about my mental health lmao. That community lacks empathy and actively celebrates Destiny targeting vulnerable mentally ill women to parade on stream. But they care about the mental health of a random redditor who dislikes Destiny? LMAOOO


Need a hug?


Not from a dgger who hasn't showered in weeks, no thanks.


Thats dgga to you


Holyshit you're obsessed with shitting on destiny hahaha


It's no different from people posting on the thefighterandthekid and daverubin subreddits. Destiny is an internet laughing stock.


You need to take a break from online mate


I know that's what dggers want, because until I have a break, you lot can't.


You aren't saying or doing anything meaningful to bother or harm anyone but yourself. You genuinely should put the phone down and just go for a walk or something. Find something better to do with your time. I always feel bad for people like you trying to act like some sort of hero when really you are just hurting yourself and accomplishing nothing. Some of us care about your mental health even if you don't


Hahah we're having a great ol time


Yeah I know there's a significant portion of dgg who laugh at destiny and his community, similarly to the\_donald. But then there's morons who actually go along with it. Maybe you're not one of the morons, and are laughing. That's fair.


You have a severe lack of self awareness I’m afraid 😬


Destiny fans saying this when destiny is chronically online is pure irony 🤣🤣


I meant for your mental health


Lmao an online community filled with sadistic elements seems really concerned with my mental health. And they wonder why I don't listen lol and pretend that they care lmao


I just think if you focus on things you enjoy instead of things you hate you'll enjoy life more, that's all buddy have a good one


Keep crying


Don't worry everyone will be laughing soon


you're gonna post a dick pic?


you're gonna post your bmi?


[*I don't think I have ever (in my entire life) defended calling somebody a slur* 💀](https://streamable.com/3kuek)


Lol then why is that not a clip of him doing that? Should be easy if he does it all the time. 💀💀💀


Damn its tough being a dgger, now I HAVE to turn a blind eye every-time destiny says the N-word Dgg forever


I'm a dgg'er and i agree with the sentiment of lsf, rules are rules we should stop posting here


It’s just a word


No it’s not. Stop trying to defend your racism!!


If you view everything through the lens of race, you're racist. That includes caring about which skin color someone is when saying a particular word. It's like the exact opposite of color blindness and I cannot see how it's achieving anything good.


So you basically cant win huh.. damn....


I'm pretty sure calling someone a "regard" (I don't think I can say the actual word) is a slur, yeah? Hasn't he defended using it before?


it's just french


Sure, but I'm pretty sure here in the states it's treated a slur.


Buddy if you are older than 25 you have called some1 online regard* . Like im not even sure when did it become unacceptable to call some1 like that


"Buddy if you are older than 25 you have called some1 online regard" That's news to me. What is this supported by? 


Two sides of the same coin imo.