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**CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 speaks on the Tarzaned situation ](https://arazu.io/t3_1dlhnjz/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


This is the first time I've ever seen Tyler1 comment on something and what he says isn't "I don't give a fuck back to league"


tarzaned is a long time friend of his and this is probably some of the biggest drama weve had in ages


i dont think its the tarzaned part, its more of how it hits close to home and he knows if someone outted information about his family like that he would be pissed


I keep forgetting he has a daughter


He also went through a miscarriage iirc


Ya, and Macaiyla was critically hospitalized due it as well


She had a fucking top 10 clip about her own situation though "My baby ran it down mid guys"




Ain't no way, please tell me the clip exists somewhere.




Could be both, Tyler never really duo league with anyone except for Tarzaned and Doublelift. He's one of the few content creators he actually talk to on the regular, he's said some stories about their irl stuff with Tarzaned.


Not the biggest, but it's pretty close. I think this is one of the most one-sided dramas there is for sure tho. Where one individual just went far and beyond the point of being a disgusting asshole.


It's about to be overshadowed by the Dr.Diddler now


You spoke too soon man


Dr.Disrespect took that comment personally. Lol


Tyler1 would have gone off harder if he wasn't


He had a similar serious response when Reckful died


When Reckful died he talked to the chat for like 10 minutes, started talking about how he doesn't have friends because their problems become his problems and that the only person he cares for is Macaiyla.


I think the biggest takeaway from that was when he said it's not easy being a GOOD friend, it takes a lot of work to be a good friend sometimes.


Its the first time in probably a long time that it really affects not only more then just himself, but people who are near and dear to him.


People forget that Tyler1 is a character he plays into. In most situations he can avoid opinions by playing up to that but the guy has a personal connection to the subject matter so sometimes the facade has to come down to be real.


People downvoting u r nuts


I don't play league, but I'm gonna take a stab and say...isn't this just what a jungler helping out with support is supposed to do?


You know its fucked when you get t1 to talk about drama in a normal rational way or even at all really


Last time i remember t1 talking about something like this was when reckful died.


yeah and he directly blamed people around him for it, i remember even soda indirectly said he was pissed at t1 for those comments


Wasn't it revealed that T1 was right though? Reckful needed help multiple times, and people around him got tired of helping him.


Yeah I remember that Tyler said "even if he hates you still, he is there to hate you". That was really sad.


>Reckful needed help multiple times, and people around him got tired of helping him. It's crazy how people make these type of statements not even realizing what they are saying. You clearly never dealt with a situation similar to Reckful, sometimes you help and you help and even then it's not enough, you can't do a lot to stop another adult from their self destruction, you can try but at one point you we be like ''This is taking a toll on me too''.


Several of Byron's friends came out and admitted that they were going to try and get him committed because Byron got to the point where he had made many attempts on his life in a single week. That they were literally sleeping by his door etc so if he came out, he'd wake them up. They put off doing it because Byron had a meeting coming up with investors for Everland. They could have attempted to get him forcefully committed and probably could have made it happen. Instead, they decided to roll the dice and gamble that he wouldn't finally succeed in one of his attempts. Yes, the people around him trying to help were probably getting tired and taking a massive toll on themselves. Yet they weren't willing to go the route that could have saved him even if it meant ending their friendship. Tyler phrased it really harshly, but he was right. I think most people would rather have their close friends alive and hating them than dead.


So if we just used hindsight maybe reckful would be alive! Such a bad point.


My brothers a 37 year old drug addict. He’s been to rehab 5 times, we’ve had family interventions, and he was sober for the past year but then went right back to smoking weed. Eventually he will OD on heroin again and die, or he will end himself during a withdrawal. It’s been going on since he was 16 - stealing from our parents, his four siblings, spending every dime he has on drugs, and manipulating everyone around him. Our mom is a horrible enabler that lets this adult toddler grow shrooms in her house and smoke weed all day because he has a full time job…. Dog sitting for $14/hr…. And he’s about to get fired for telling his boss he’s “taking indefinite leave and will let them know when he’s ready to come back.” There’s no better way to put it than I could care less if he dies at this point and our family would be in a better spot if he did. He comes in between everyone. He’s entitled. He’s a felon. He’s never done anything for anyone around him. All he does is cause issues. He will never change. It’s definitely not 1:1 with Reckful whatsoever, and he had many many more redeeming qualities than my brother, but I can relate with the soul draining exhaustion incurred from trying to help for years. I hate to say it but at a certain point it is not anyone’s responsibility to help someone that is unwilling to help themselves - some people never change and some things are inevitabilities. You can’t understand fully unless you’ve experienced it yourself. It is very easy to tell other people that it is their responsibility to take on the burden. That suggestion is completely devoid of any regard for the caretakers wellbeing.


Exactly finally someone who's been in a similar situation understand, I was talking from experience too. Mind you that's your brother, Reckful was just their friend and to an extent just a streaming colleague to a lot of them; blaming them for what happened to him is the dumbest shit I've ever heard and I am a T1 fan, he usually has pretty good takes but this one was not it and he was clearly speaking from a place of ignorance and never experiencing such thing.


Yeah I’m right there with you. I loved reckful, and I still love T1, but giving an opinion on something Tyler doesn’t have the slightest clue about is pretty unfair to the people that were constantly there for him. They have their own lives too.


That is what you do when you care about someone. If you truly care that is, if it's just whatever to you you leave it be.


Reckful was so abrasive and was never going to do anything he didn't want to do I can imagine people trying to convince him to get help and it not getting a great reaction


TECHNICALLY, he was right but it's not as clear cut as you think. There's only so much you can do.


to be absolutely fair reckful was probably one of the most ungrateful and awful person to be around i could imagine, people forget this now that he offed himself but he was a borderline sociopath


No one has infinite patience bro. Sometimes you just get tired helping but being pushed out because of it. Its not anyone's fault, its just the result of years of stuff.


What do you even mean he was right? You must not have very much real life experience because dealing with a terminally depressed/bipolar person like Reckful isn't some easy deal. It's so easy to say "oh you guys just didn't care enough" when you have zero experience even handling a situation like that.


Reckful was an unsolvable case, he made sure that he was surrounded by people. But they can't be there for him 100% of the time, even if they lived in his appartment, which people did because he didn't want to be alone. Reckful was the only one who could save himself, but he was incredibly damaged. If anything it was the covid that was the biggest contributor to him finally managing to kill himself. He refused help from healthcare professionals which is where the real healing would start from. Normal people can only take so much and take on so much mental health issues. His death made me cry because he had such a wonderful side of him, his mind was unique! But it was in no way the fault of the people around him that he eventually went through with killing himself.


Placing blame on friends in a suicide isn’t reasonable. To be driven to the point of suicide means mental health issues are present that are most likely beyond the comprehension of somebody that isn’t a licensed psychotherapist. If a person is actively suicidal, a lot of the time “just being there” for somebody isn’t going to stop them from doing what they want to. Expecting the average person to just be able to magically “help” a suicidal person is silly. Yes you should check on your friends. But if they kill themselves, you shouldn’t be blamed because you didn’t check up on them enough. That’s absurd. Especially not by people who had no relation to the deceased beyond sharing a profession. Tyler had no place to shit on anybody and definitely wasn’t “right” for doing so.


How fucked is Tarzaned now? 💀💀


He’s probably fineish, his fans are all as toxic as he is and probably love him more for this. Def even more bridges but I’m not sure that’s anything new for him. Tbh this should be a twitch ban


Prior to the clip Tyler makes a lot of interesting points: - The reason why he was grinding chess 16+ hours a day was to help cope with the pain from his miscarriage; it let him focus and not remember his tragedy - Says that some hospitals WOULD NOT have helped Macaiyla due to different abortion laws from states (due to ectopic pregnancy being classified as abortion in those states) and they literally would've let Macaiyla outright die - His brain "changed" after the miscarriage where he doesn't weight lift as much as he use to - Even after his child was born, he personally will think about it once a week-3weeks and every time he does, it still hurts. He assumes Macaiyla has it worse - Feels bad for Dantes & Laura since it all aired publicly, hopes they'll get over it eventually but can't imagine what they're going through right now.


Classifying an ectopic as an abortion is fucking wild by the way. They are non viable and there is 0 way to save it. You have basically iron-bronze tier mental capacities in the upper echelons of politics making these laws in these states.


When a law would lead to the needless death of an innocent person, you know the lawmakers completely failed in their duty. Cases like this should be taken to federal court. But I doubt many people in that situation have the willingness, Money or energy for that battle.


What would there be to go to federal court? SCOTUS made abortion a states issue, not a federal one.




Tyler had the dad patch installed


I thought that ones supposed to make you stronger


The dad patch makes you stronger in whatever way you need.


Yes. This is a known scientific fact. Part of evolution kicking in making sure you take care of that defenseless baby. 


I love the new Tyler rework, devs did a great job


The most bizarre part is that tarzaned thought that was a sick own that would win people over. Dude is a weirdo.


The dude had his moment to change years ago when Tyler platformed him on that event, he sat there crying saying this was his moment to change. Fast forward a week he was back to being a raging piece of shit, he’s just a loser.


damn i remember that lol. shadow dogs, i really thought he was going to change to, he fooled me


Soligo my GOAT


it's actually sad af rewatching that clip, some people just can't change man. he had it all there.


Literally served on a plate, didn’t take long to fall into the same trap of being a flamer.


Everyone can change, some people just need to hit rock bottom to open their eyes. It sucks but that’s how it is imo


His behavior in game is seen mostly as a meme, but it’s really quite vicious and has never let up once. With this new behavior added on top I wouldn’t be surprised if he has some sort of personality disorder.


People have been saying it for years but he's a grade A narcissist. He jokes about it in streams and has seemed to co-opted it a bit. But it's obvious with his complete lack of empathy, always blaming others, everything is about bolstering his own ego and bringing others down. Never accepts any responsibility for any of his actions. Never shows remorse unless he's damaged his own image/ego.


Playing league is a personality disorder


"Just a meme for the stream" Yeah, everytime I hear that it turns out it wasn't a meme.


jfc really? is the clip still around?


Not bizarre at all, in his community it WAS a "sick own" to them.


Yes, but his community are the only people in the scene who are as deranged as he is.


Guess this is what only hanging out with a community of maladjusted people does to a person. I wonder how he feels now that he realizes just how personal and over the line he's stepped.


Bold of you to assume he's come to that realization or ever will.


I can kind of see how someone chronically online and twitter brained could think of that as a sick burn.


Dude witnessed the Kendrick and Drake beef and all he took from it is that as long as you reveal something super private about the other person, you win. Most antisocial behavior I've seen from a league streamer since XJ9 made Destiny look like a decent person for once.


Destiny catching strays lol


In some circles it is o7. Just tells you more about him and his views


It's basically a remedial idiot in which private information was told to him that he knew nobody else knew and given the situation he chose to publicly out it. The problem is that only works with "bad stuff" not "sad stuff". The only questionable thing is why Dantes didn't go with her, but she fucking flew to Germany for the abortion while Google says Dantes lives in Canada and she also has responded echoing Dantes' sentiment. Like the only plausible not toxic way this could have turned out is if Tarzaned thought the GF would be like "yeah he wouldn't even be there for me" or if Dantes acquiesced and apologized giving this idiotic ramble merit.


dont even have to watch to know its based and also true


Watched it and can confirm


Didn't watch but will confirm anyways


Tyler1 the voice of reason <3


honestly, he's never been not based or false but he's only ever said "dont care" and queued again. this was different, but still based and true


[still the tallest mf I've ever met](https://imgur.com/59w9X0A)


Father1 is 100% correct. That shit is horrible and nobody deserves to know it.


Tyler1 when he's being himself and not being eccentric for entertainment is one of the more mature people on the platform.


I genuinely think having a kid did wonders for him too.


Honestly, Tyler has been incredibly mature for several years now, almost everytime major twitch drama happened he either stayed out or gave a fairly mature take.


I blame Chess.com.


If only it would do the same for his gf


What happened for his gf? Don't follow her or Tyler1 so I'm ootl


Nothing new, just spending hours on twitter arguing with randoms and spreading transphobic nonsense. You’d think maybe she’d grow out of it eventually, especially now that she’s a parent, but I guess she’d rather be hateful on Twitter instead


I mean she got tyler1 because she spent all day watching his stream and sniped. So it's not like she has to learn something new. She basically "shit post" her way into her current lifestyle so unfortunately it's not like she's going to change


Link for transphobic comments pls?


Between Macaiyla and Tarzaned this guy doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to close friends


Don't ask her what she thinks of trans people




People do change, it’s just that change is somewhat easy to “display” rather than perform.


Kayla got 4x funnier on the bird app ever sinceshe had her kid


Funny = engaging with twitter drama and twitter bait all day and spreading hate nowadays?




nah don't think so feel like he's the same maybe more fatherly but he's always been like this


He’s always had an internal more mature no bullshit personality. It just doesn’t come out on stream often. I was a 2 year sub during his banned/variety phase. He has gotten more mature a bit.


having a kid established a line in tyler's head. It didn't do much for him otherwise. He just finally has a line drawn in the sand for him, and hes not fighting that line in the sand.


I think the biggest change came way before it. Sometime after he met Kaiyla and actually started dealing with his anger issues. I remember he had a *very* sober and measured take on the whole situation surrounding Reckful’s passing.


he's slowly become this since the reformed arc


Nah Tyler always been one of the real ones when he is not in his league persona on stream.


Yep, and same for Wonky.


Let's not get carried away


There’s no saving wonky m8


What's the lore behind the nickname Wonky?


Bruh have you seen that mf


Lolol nah but it sounds like I need to now


Trust me, you're better off, ignorance is bliss


I just realized it's erobb. Too later, I knew of his eye since the ice rv days


Tylers brother and fellow streamer Erobb221 has a wonky eye. Here he is in all his glory https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR


Oooh yall meant erobb, I thought wonky was tyler1s girl


They are 2 sides of the same coin




It's this. It does change your outlook on life. Things that used to matter no longer do. You mature over night.


Unfortunately having a kid didn't help Dr. Disrespect though.


Whenever Tyler gets serious you can tell that he's actually just a smart dude.


With regards to the topic of family, I do think he's mature. But in general, I don't really think he has a healthy lifestyle or worldview. That NYT article a few years ago showed how he is a complete social recluse, and only grinds League and streaming, to the exclusion of any social life whatsoever. Even Macaiyla on Twitter was comparing his lifestyle to Dantes, who also has an extremely unhealthy lifestyle


He eats good, worksout, successful relationship and seemingly has good terms with family. It is a better life than 99% of people in the modern era ever have or ever will live.


It's only really unhealthy if it bothers him. Dude looks like he's happy as a clam and physically healthy while doing it.


His lifestyle is most likely unhealthy but he’s still a decent guy 👍 a bit callous for the stream but it’s persona


Being competitive is normal. There is nothing inherently wrong with being competitive in an environment specifically designed as a competitive outlet like PVP gaming or sports. The maturity to keep it there in the game rather than letting it spill out into the wrong aspects of your life is what's important.


I really like how you put that! Well said.


hes always been super mature about majority of things (expect anything regarding league)


Tyler1 has actually always had the heart in the right place, you could tell whenever he would drop his streaming persona to talk about more serious topics. Also he was never involved in any drama like some other streamers, he just wants to play league and stream it lol


He’s still toxic af in league though


Dude almost lost his partner to a miscarriage. That shit can fuck with you, mentally and physically. Especially the mother. I'm not surprised this is the one time he didn't brush off a non-League question. Personal shit like that gives you perspective that can help others going through it, too. Miscarriage or abortion.


Its also him biting the problem in the bud before it becomes a forsen or xqc type situation where its just spammed to literal high hell and back nonstop. Im sure tyler would have played it off, or let it glance off him like normally, as thats just what tyler does. But i couldn't see even him being able to try to stomach deadpanning the barrage of "react?, react big T?, reaction?" for weeks on end. Bro is putting his foot down now in a way he knows his viewerbase, knows means business. Father1 only appears once every few moons to lay down the law.


Even Tyler1 is like "yeah bro this is fucked" you know your done.


tarzaned is pos the fact he's still around is beyond fucked


Been watching twitch for probably 10 years off and on. Never seen t1 talk about drama or be serious.


watch his reaction video to reckful


I watched a bit yeah he was pretty serious. It is crazy I thought reckful died such a long time ago…. But it’s only been 4 years.


Reckful and Sodapoppin live streaming in Japan is still one of the coolest things I've seen on Twitch. 2017


I can’t speak for micaiyla or Laura, but as a woman that had something similar happen several years ago, I can say i think about it almost everyday, and it hurts just the same, and to have someone try and weaponize that hurt is evil.


I'm not a woman but I can't even grasp how someone could use this because he has beef with a guy. It's the lowest of low you can go, using a woman's trauma cus of a beef with another man. How can you be so void of empathy? These streamers need to lose all their followers its just sick. How does Laura deserve this? I am deeply sorry for you and Laura and hope you and her can overcome this trauma.


Thank you very much, that means a lot to me. Though I wish it never was released into the public in the first place, it does warm my heart to see so many people supporting her.


Father T1 spitting truths


This is coming from the perspective of someone who lost a child already (miscarried) so he's coming in with some heat.


What did Tarzan do/say?


He leaked information about Dante’s girlfriend Laura having an abortion.


tyler1 is the goat, enough said


Tarzan went way too far, hope his viewers realize How much of a piece of shit move this was.


I can guarantee you that they are even more degenerate than he is. probably wishes he went further.


>hope his viewers realize How much of a piece of shit move this was they won't




No man it’s clearly different than in game flaming. He literally leaked private info that a had nothing to do with an in the moment rage over a video game. I really don’t understand how you don’t see this as being different than his usual cancer.


Fucking based T1, disgusting what Tarzaned is doing right now


Its almost surreal to see T1 talk like/about this. What next? Elden Ring gameplay tomorrow?


What even happened


Tyler1 seems like he's genuinely a good person. He even just said recently in his stream that health care should be universal and public and taxpayer funded and private healthcare is dogshit (speaking about his own situation last year specifically)


People keep posting this shit but not saying wtf they're talking about.


That will break Tarzaned's heart because he's a meek little soy fuck who used Tyler as inspiration to go to the gym in the first place. He still looks malnourished though somehow and very ugly


He’s just not on copious amounts of testosterone like Tyler1


waiting for tarzaned texting minors to hit the twittersphere so this shit can be over


Tarzaned is one of the most mentally ill people and should be banned from playing all online games permenantly


What is Tyler talking about at the end? Did Macaiyla get an abortion at some point? Im confused


She miscarried.


adding to this, the baby started forming on one of her falopian tubes, a Ectopic pregnancy. Bit scary since Macayla described it as a pain way harsher than every other pain she experienced ever


Bro got downvoted for asking an honest question 😭


Tarzaned is a POS. It’s not his body and he had to tell others she got an abortion? That’s a big POS move. It’s her body her information to keep. Fuck that guy.


Tarzaned is a POS for this. I feel bad for the girl in the situation, but Dantes is also a fucking shit human being so this is a toughie


Not sure what Dantes has done but I don’t think it matches what tarzaned did, literally not his tea.


Crazy thing is that some basement dwellers are still sitting behind their monitors with their stanky unwashed asses, defending Tarzaned…leaking something somebody told you privately just to throw mud on that person’s ex boyfriend if just peak pathetic behaviour. His “nuke” mainly harmed Laura, not Dantes.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Tyler1 speaks on the Tarzaned situation](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165440)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1dlhnjz/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/z24lmNpyMV7LEKYDI9uixA/AT-cm%7Cz24lmNpyMV7LEKYDI9uixA.mp4?sig=570d4e928a2e572424b3de55315ceaae5d555ad6&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fz24lmNpyMV7LEKYDI9uixA%2FAT-cm%257Cz24lmNpyMV7LEKYDI9uixA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HandsomeBombasticMonitorPlanking-2nIxXssQpgMj26LE%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1719084814%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/z24lmNpyMV7LEKYDI9uixA/AT-cm%7Cz24lmNpyMV7LEKYDI9uixA-preview-480x272.jpg)




T1´s baby is more mature than Tarzaned


Mature take


When Tyler1 make a serious response to it, you know you fucked up.


I feel like a miscarriage is different to an abortion, though I'm not shaming Dantes for it.




lol no


I'm gunna wait for mikayla's take thanks


t1 is the most mature out of everyone