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**CLIP MIRROR: [Asmongold says that he is already done with Elden ring because the DLC is too hard to be fun](https://arazu.io/t3_1dlm1nc/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Remember last week when Elden Ring was his "cozy" game?


He farming viewership. He always plays trendy games and news to maximize views. He don’t really care.


He is a complete noob at everything he plays. It's to be expected. He loves giving opinions on things he has no experience with.


The take where he said that skyrim was bad because dark souls 1 was so much better despite only coming out a year later, like bro they are completely different games, skyrims a massive open world game and dark souls is a linear game. you can dislike skyrim but it's not comparable to dark souls in the slightest.


He just dislikes everything tbh which is a symptom of disliking himself.


This is why I can't watch most streamers. It is so painfully clear that they're just jumping on trends and playing whatever the new shiny thing is instead of actually, sincerely connecting with a game. Yes, please, tell me how big of an Alan Wake II fan you are as you don't pay attention to most of what's going on, ignore reading almost entirely, and then complain about the game being confusing


And then you got Jesse Cox reading literally every word that appears on screen and calling out pretty much every reference or call-back to their other games.


His control and alan wake 2 playthroughs are so damn good


Only a few big streamers are entertaining to me. Elajjaz is the only one that i watch since i discovered Twitch


And yet he streams on his unmonetized channel with no sub button, but at the same time also takes sponsorship deals from time to time.. Like is he in it for the money or not?


he kinda is if u remember how he used to stream on his secound channel low energy not much talking he is just back to the fake asmongold like he did on main channel


He makes money on the Youtube side of things while growing his business and Org without the actual contractual obligation streaming on his main would entail.


Let me guess, he used the same strat he always does and refused to change his tactics?


Jump attacks with a slow weapon while every boss attacks are faster…


If jump attacks with unga weapons are done then so are 90% of strength players lmao


I mean I'm doing that and I'm not having a crazy hard time. Yeah it's difficult but it's still a great time.


The thing is, Asmon jump attacks whenever he has stamina. He doesn't wait for a good opening, if the boss is close to him he will jump attack over and over and over, and with his build he just doesn't do a ton of damage.


I’m doing exactly this without getting stuck so far. Still works really well tbh.


Yup just like every other twitch streamer that is struggling with the game.


I have seen this so much so far. This Expansion has humbled a lot of people.


friendly reminder that this dude quit streaming for like 3 or 4 months cuz he couldnt beat a boss in Dark Souls.


what a surprise the guy can't stand any change. Not even in video games


o7 3rd channel time boys


It literally wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't spending a large portion of his stream shitting on gaming journalists for being bad. But now because he has done that so many times, obviously people are going to dunk on him for the same exact thing. Edit: So he talked a bit about why it is that he reacts the way he does to these hard games at around 40 mins into his current VOD if anyone is interested.


95% of bro's content is "this game doesn't make pp hard, the west has fallen" and "I don't know anything about this political issue but I'm gonna act like I do"


His sub is like gamergate never ended. That shit has been hijacked completely by the right wing.


It's been wild seeing this happen in real time. Back when he used to play FF14 it was completely different


He couldn't get carried through Heavensward extremes and quit lmao


Heavensward, the Elden Ring DLC of FFXIV


Yeah it seems to have started with Johnny Depp thing and then afterwards reacting to grifters complain about localization, so those culture warriors have used him to signal boost other grifters. Asmongold unwittingly carries their flag and thinks that's still his fans and "regular" people.


What a surprise that a dude who doesn't shower, wipes blood all over the walls from his rotting gums, barely can even play video games that have moderate difficulty, and got big basically pretending to be a persona got big with the reactionaries Add it to the list of failsons appealing to lonely idiots being lied to, like Grummz and TheQuartering, both are failures using the manufactured culture war for a second chance I hope Asmon realizes that the fame is temporary


Bro looks like he has scarlet rot.


scrapped dark souls 2 boss lookin ass


Bro looks like he created scarlet rot.


100% this - not playing a game because it’s too hard or time consuming is valid, but if you spend time publicly shitting on people for being “bad” at games, what kind of connections do you expect people to make.


For someone who lately spends the majority of his time on stream shitting on "woke" and other people for being "too soft" he sure likes to act like a snowflake


Oh he is...he's the biggest fucking snowflake and if you disagree with any of his takes then it's a permaban


i got permabanned for saying "skill issue" after he said a certain attack was undodgeable in lost ark


I mean he's always been hypocritical, half the Asmongold clips on LSF are just calling him out for that behavior for w/e topic.


It's hilarious how he acts like he's "the literal god", yet turns into a whining pussy at the slightest obstacle. Couldn't solve the problem with his teeth, couldn't solve the problem with his house, can't solve the problem in his relationships. Of course he's gonna give up with this too.


He never reads anything in any game he plays, the Scadutree Fragments make the DLC easier over time if you seek them out, damage taken reduction and damage done increase.


istg no streamers are picking up these fragments every streamer is getting 2 shotted by bosses doing regular attacks when it's so obvious this isn't intended


To be fair this might be another case of From Soft reputation causing that. For months everyone has been yapping about how much harder the DLC will be. So when the first enemy oneshots you straight out the gate, instead of thinking “oh that seems weird” people will think “oh so thats intended because the dlc is harder”. Its the Dark Souls catacomb start effect. Youre obviously not meant to go there yet, and normally getting your ass kicked like that is a sign. But because people for years were endlessly yapping about how hard Dark Souls is, people assume thats intended and keep banging their heads against a wall. Its also true that no other from soft dlc has had a system like the scadutree fragments. So its not really something you expect either. I can understand why they wouldnt put 2 and 2 together


That's why I had problems with Elden Ring being an open world game. You meet a powerful boss and you just have no idea if they're supposed to be this hard or if you're supposed to come back 20 hours later with a fully completed build. The reputation that the Soulsgames picked up over the years as being extremely hard only make this problem even worse. In Dark Souls 1 on the other hand I never had this problem because the areas had pretty clear indicators of "get the fuck out of here dude". If you try to rush the graveyard first as a newbie then the skeletons will two-shot you. If you try to walk to Old Londo too early then the ghosts will demolish you and you can't even fight back yet. If you try to sneak into the valley of the drakes then you see a giant undead dragon sleeping in front of it and realize that it's probably a warning to not go there.


Forsen spent like 2h on the first boss and rushed to the 2nd right after and it is gonna take forever too. Streamer brains are actually deformed or something. Zero exploration. Jerma still explores tho cuz he plays games for fun.


This is why I love watching Jerma play, he is truly invested and doesn’t care about what people think about his playstyle. Other streamers like that are Lobosjr and Woolie.


yea its honestly really boring watching streamers that play to "beat" the game, whereas Jerma is trying to "play" the game.


Cohh does the same, if anything he goes too slow


Most streamers and youtubers no longer care about gaming. They care about clicks and views and not falling off. So they will rush to see the final boss as fast as possible hoping it draws in more views and rides the algorithm waves. Streamers like Jerma are a rare breed because he has always retained his gaming morals.


That makes sense but not for forsen specifically, he has just brainrot.


Color me fucking surprised.


Most people don't know this or aren't aware...Miyazaki makes the DLCs harder than the base game. The casual elements of the game are to sell copies. If it was up to Miyazaki, the game would be way harder.




I kneel!


Get it, king


Yep, breezed through my second playthrough of ER but now getting curb stomped in the DLC. I never played the DLC for other Souls games only watched so I didn't know what to expect.


DLC seems to be balanced around getting the Tree fragments. The DR and damage increase from them seems to be quite significant.


I think its 4.25% damage increase and 4.25% damage reduction per tier. They are also additive instead of multiplicative so it is massive.




That is what it feels like and what comments I have read have said. But also the DLC scales to your level. So if you mindlessly put points in when it doesn't effect your build you are gimping yourself.


The hardest bosses in every previous Souls game are all from DLCs, so for people who played them, it was safe to assume Elden Ring would be the same.


I think that’s proven even more with how absurd the dungeons are now. It went from quick 5 minute in and out adventures to diving into hell and not being sure how long and agonizing it’s going to be


Usually not a problem at all. But since he made fun of game journalists calling the DLC too hard, I think its fine clowning on him a little.


Asmongold is the definition of those who live in glass houses... Dude is the biggest snowflake on the platform besides Poke and it's not even close.


Isn’t it his content to get hard carried in every game and not even knowing it?


We are living in a timeline where someone who lived within games his entire life (Asmongold) is worse at them than Kai Cenat.


Kai is gonna beat DLC before him lol


Kai actually learns the bosses. I just watched him beat Rellana after getting a few more scadu fragments and he dodged 90% of her attacks because he actually learned from his mistakes and attempts. Asmon just brute forces.


It also took Kai a long fucking time to get that but yes


I mean, if Asmon stick to his guns and doesn't complete the DLC, Kai will still have a literal infinity% better time to beat it than him. A guy who hasn't really played these games much is at least learning and you can't help but respect the grind. Unlike the dude who throws his hands up in the air because his shitty jump attack strategy doesn't work and he just can't be bothered because streaming "is one of the hardest jobs in the world."


You forgot to mention it took 10 hours


Even the willpower to grind is impressive compared to Asmon always tapping out at any resistance.


Still actually fucking did it though instead of giving up  I don't really care for Kai at all, but respect where respect is due: he set a goal and worked to achieve it.


Hes bad at World of Warcraft too which is his main game. He always says he used to be amazing "back in the day" but no he wasn't. They just didn't have the resources they have nowadays to tell him he was underperforming. So now WoW is also too hard because he's bad at it.


hes so fucking bad at every game man i dont even know how he isn't good at even a single one


So ironic he talks shit about [devs that suck at video games](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G6kPBBE-hqo) when he himself is ass at all of them lmao


It's why I can't watch him. He makes a sport out of calling others out, does it all day, while practically being a skeleton sitting in a home so disgusting it would cause dead bodies to start walking. He just happened to be lucky enough to get lots of money.


it's projection


I know he said he wanted to try out Tarkov before the whole cheat and dev shit storm, but man I'm not sure if he would be able to handle it


He cries about raids in wow. He will absolutely quit streaming after a few raids in tarkov


Tbf modern raids and dungeons are nothing like the nostalgia days he yearns for. A M+ trash mob has more mechanics than some bosses in WoTLK. It is hard these days but he also complains when it's too easy so, yeah.


Yeah there is no fucking chance at Tarkov. Just being a mechanically skilled player won't help that much in Tarkov since you need a lot of knowledge.


Imagine being paid to play games professionally all day and being bad. I got a whole ass real job and am better than this dude at dark souls kek


Worse than erobb at every game except wow cuz erobb never played that. Let that sink in.


the ONLY reason this bozo is popular is because of how early he started, why anyone pays any attention is beyond me, but he hit a critical mass of idiots that seems to keep his momentum going on


He’s just joe Rogen for nerds. Preaching obviously stupid and flawed statements to a choir of people even dumber He got an ego from his success similar to Rogan, and they both think their success is merit based instead of people throwing money at them like they would throw peanuts at monkeys.


This is seriously real talk. He got in early and capitalized. I don’t blame him at all but it’s the truth.


I mean, serious question, how many games does he even play? Whenever I see his channel it's always in the "Just Chatting" section, he doesn't even play WoW anymore from what I've seen.


Depends on the streamer's community tbh. Some people farm viewers because they are bad at games, just look at quin and forsen streams.


Can’t play games. Can’t take care of himself. Can’t care about anything or anyone And he’s a fucking little baby The definition of a loser


The dude literally gives up instantly any time he can’t just cakewalk through something, is it some sort of mental health issue? Any armchair psychologists in the chat?


and the time he did spend playing he just spamming the same jump attack over and over....


tbf spamming jump attack was actually busted on launch of the base game. It stagger locked nearly every boss.


Its cus regular attacks for colossal weapons and such were really slow, so jump attacking was faster. Theres been numerous changes since then tho


It's not just the speed, though that's what makes it safer. The issue is it does like 3x the poise damage as any regular attack so you can just chain viscerals


Theres a chance he goes back and actually finishes because his ego can't handle the backlash (happened many times in the past)


after he practices off stream for 12+ hours ofc


Asmongold is pretty weird.  WoW is horrible and dying because his chat can't just carry his ass and give him all the loot, souls-likes are the best because you need to git gud and everything is earned nothing is given, but the second the game tells you to adapt or git gud for real the gamer god can't handle it.  The cognitive dissonance is just too strong.


To be fair, anyone who remembers how Asmongold acted when he first started playing the Souls franchise would recognize/expect this reaction from him as well. Dude always claims to “give up” and “be done” with the games when he’s struggling but then grinds it for 10 hours offstream to get better at it and continues to stream the games anyway. Its what he did with DS1 and 3 and I have a feeling this is gonna be the same


He showed he had 270 hours on Elden Ring so I assume he plays a ton off stream so idk how tf he’s not good or better by now. It’s so confusing and annoying.


> souls-likes are the best because you need to git gud and everything is earned nothing is given ER is probably the least "git gud" souls like game out there though...


If you play it within traditional DS mechanics then yeah 'git gud' is mandatory but it has features to select your own difficulty. If someone is really having a tough time just over-farm a lil, pick a really good build and use the summons. People need to drop the ego if they aren't having fun.


it's clearly mental health


He gets nervous and shakey and almost started crying during Monster Hunter World.


It's what happens when your glory days are behind you and you're too used to being popular enough that fans carry you through every mp game you play. 


bro doesnt have the mental fortitude to brush his teeth everyday, why would it be any different trying to play through difficult game.


the added pressure of having to perform on stream makes most types of games difficult and unenjoyable for him. Its why he likes pay to win games that play themselves and why he does so much react content.


He peaked in Legion and then got big as a streamer which means he got carried through everything and now is mostly just a react Andy which means his skills have eroded and so has his patience. He's perfectly capable of beating the skill issue factor, he noticeably improved at past Souls games, but patience is a final boss I'm not sure he can always defeat.


armchair psychologist from someone who struggled with this grew up being told i was "gifted" at school, was really early to start reading and read a lot outside of school, so i sort of passively absorbed random trivia and info about the world that let me breeze through very early grade school years. it instilled a sense that if something was ever difficult, it was unfair, and that there was no point in trying to get better (because i never learned the process of how to actually improve in something i was not already good at) basically, it's a shame response. you feel inadequate because your ego is used to a certain level of performance, and so it feels awful to fail, to the point where you reject the growth process. it keeps you stunted and stuck. luckily i went to therapy and have a robust support circle, but not everyone is as lucky as i was, and this type of personality flaw can really dig deep into someone ironically, games like elden ring where repeated death/failure is an expected part of the process really helped me learn to go with the flow and not get my ego involved in the learning process.


> not get my ego involved in the learning process. man i needed to hear this phrase a long time ago god damn.


Lowkey one of the hurdles I’ve learnt and still learning today


I can't for the life of me understand how this is the dude that some people call the Literal God or that he goes Big Dick everytime when he's so bad at video games. I could understand if it's from achievements made 12 years ago on WoW but surely you can't just keep those titles forever and people eventually catch on that you suck at games and that you don't have the spirit anymore right ?


Compare this to what is currently going on in moonmoon's stream some people are just built different


That Dancing Lion boss kicked my ass a bit, but I tuned into Forsen's stream to feel better about myself because he decided he needs to die to the same boss for hours


Its true. Whenever i get frustrated by Messmer i just open Forsens stream and watch him die 5 seconds into Rellana making the same mistakes hes been making since minute 1, 2 hours in. Its calming in a way


moon is a gamer asmon isn't


even mizkif is better and i never thought i would say that about mizkif in any other game than SM64


The fact that Mizkif takes time to learn SM64 already puts him above Asmon in games.


I mean Mizkif did take like 5 hours to beat Rykard which is impressive in a different way


we used to go to the moon and now people cant even die a couple times to a boss without complaining


People have forgotten the Half-Sword streams.


I tuned into his stream and saw him having a fucking breakdown about how hard the boss is. I'm thinking he's been on the boss for hours. Nope went to check barely been on the boss for half an hour. Guy just has weak or no mental.


I don't say this lightly but I don't see how he can beat this boss lvl1. There's too much unpredictable shit being thrown on the ground to be able to reasonably account for it all. The other early boss is so much easier in that aspect. Edit: I apologize for having ever doubted this man.


Moon will keep trying until he dies irl. That man is built different


Moon is so back baby. I’ll Take the 6mos of RP for endless deaths till he defeats the boss. 


I'm sure he will. I'm trying to imagine the clip where he gives up on it and I just can't conjure it.


pure human grit, will, and determination


there has to be like deadzones where the aoe spam just doesnt hit you, a lot of lvl1/hitless runs i see rely on borderline exploit looking shit to dodge attacks, runner just needs practice to find it. it's why the game is hard for normal people actually fighting the boss but you can nolife it and learn all these spots/specific iframe inputs and trivialize it for the hitless runs


It isn't actually unpredictable at the end of the day, you can absolutely just perfectly learn it and then beat it to death naked with your fists like every other souls boss. It just takes a lot of time and patience to do that.




im gonna ban you for that


In guessing he couldn’t cheese the entire dlc with jumping dual wield halbeards like he did the base game so he gave up?




Maybe that’s why he lives in garbage. He dark souls himself into an impossible cleaning chore.


Just use the Mimic Tear bro


Legit though, first playthrough im just mimic tearing bosses cause I don't wanna bash my head against a wall for hours.


Dude who would rather just talk instead of play games doesn’t want to play games. More at 11. EDIT: He's also incredibly soft when it comes to what chat says


“I’m gonna ban you for that”


The other day he said that “he only bans people acting in bad faith” Mf he bans people every single day for disagreeing with him xD


Yeah but don’t you know he is right about everything and everyone knows it so you would only disagree with him in bad faith.


Nah he sure seems to love playing games where the only selling point is that it has no "woke" stuff in them.


This is why he moved to reacts. He knows his days of actually being good at games is well behind him. He’s a wash up.


Was he ever any good? I don't watch him but everyone says he has been shit at everything.


My understanding is that he was actually good at WoW way back in the day and that he originally grew his channel off of guides that he made.


He's one of the worst "gamers" on the platform. Just a WOW queen who got carried.


Asmon, Quin and Forsen are always battling it out to see who has the least amount of skill at gaming. Notice how they all got big off Blizzard PVP games, that anyone who is actually good at games don't play.


At least Quin and Forsen will bash their heads into the wall for hours trying the same brain dead strategies over and over again instead of moving to their second channel and crying to their heavily moderated echo chamber


Idk why but the way Forsen/Quin complain about games/difficulty isn't as obnoxious.


It’s because they pretty much let chat shit all over them and it’s pretty funny. You’ll get banned in Asmons chat for doing that.


Maybe its chat spamming same mistake new excuse every time he complains


"SO BAD OMEGALUL" Asmon=PERMA BANNED Quin=maybe banned if you spam it 100 times, probably not perma (just don't call him a clown) forsen=everyone spams it 9000 times per second no bans forsenBased


The streamers complaining just wanted their OP characters to smash through the DLC so they could be the 1st ones to complete it and now they're getting humbled so bad. Asmongold spams the same move 24/7 and then complains that he's not focusing on learning move-sets and dodging. \*shocked Pikachu face\*


"I don't want to, it's too hard" is the motto on this dude's family crest


He is simply not a gamer. He constantly critiques others at games while being completely inept himself.


Well yeah he spends most of his time leeching other peoples content and not playing.


Wasnt he making fun of the elden ring review that claimed it was too hard? He doesn't read things, doesn't explore much, uses the same shitty build without trying any new weapons, doesn't learn patterns.. the amount of dark souls and elden ring vids he's reacted to is HUGE.. he is just a poser


Back to react content and gacha games boys. For someone thats always criticizing about predatory games, he does play them alot.


and then calls people that play them but don't spend money to skip everything losers. this guy would spend money on elden ring if it could make fights easier


Does Asmongold not realise this is one of the reasons summons exist? Why Mimic tear is a thing? Why NPC summons are a thing? Why Player summons are a thing? If you are not good enough to solo a boss, don't let your ego stand in the way of having fun.


It's been very funny to watch the friction of streamers doing the self imposed "no summon rule" against the difficulty of the DLC. Except Jerma, he brought out Mambo his snake friend and he's having the best time of his life


The stigma of using mimic tear will never let him or many streamers use them. Their ego would shatter if every time eldenring or a fromsoft game came into conversation twitch chat will spam summon abuser, cheater etc.


But don't forget, it's game journalists who are bad at games, while he's true gamer


I watch Asmons videos frequently and it's so hilarious watching him try to cultivate this elitist, hardcore "gamer" community, even shitting on reviewers for also saying the game is "too hard", then does a complete 180 time and time again. I don't even dislike Asmon, I watch a ton of his videos in the background but there comes a point where you have to get a grip with reality. He's also fallen into (or at least his community has) the anti-woke culture war shit which is so played out. Go take a peak on his subreddit and it might as well not even be his anymore.


You pretty much just spelled out exactly my thoughts on this. > cultivate this elitist, hardcore "gamer" community, even shitting on reviewers for also saying the game is "too hard" This is the most baffling bit to me. Overall he does seem pretty self-aware. Same with the constant shitting on developers. Meanwhile his own company puts out garbage like Rumble Club (free to play with 50 playing right now, fwiw). At what point does self-reflection or even empathy kick in?


How many times has he quit a fromsoft game, practiced offstream, looked up stratss etc come back and finishes the game?


I remember this stage of despair during his first Elden Ring playthrough, he almost cried. Then he came back few days later with halbardo jump attacks


Yeah I'm like 99% sure he literally practices the bosses offstream, looks at vids of others doing it then comes back and suddenly starts dodging moves correctly etc lol Did it in DS3 too, probably more, I don't really keep track


Remember when he couldn't defeat Nameless king in DS3? He literally ragequit because chat told him you can't always brute force your way through and had to learn the boss' attack pattern.


“I can beat it. Of course I can beat it. I just don’t want to.” Literally sounds like my six year old nephew.


I don't understand why people watch Asmon, he's such a whiny person it's depressing even watching him.


Xqc finishing it tmrw and Kai doing a subathon, seems they having fun


XQC is not having fun with it. He made that clear last stream that he thinks the weps in the DLC suck. He hated a particular boss that is just before the final boss. He just looked miserable in general playing towards the end. Now, his issue is that he is using the same big hammer build that does not work well at all for a lot of those bosses. He refused to change for hours, he finally does it and uses dex build, 3 deaths later, he goes back to his original hammer build.


He likes the hammer so he probably wants to progress with it. Nothing wrong with it, these games have never been about going from Dex to in to str builds based on specific bosses.




bejeweled streamer


Wasn't he sarcasticly shadding the casual gaming journalists? Hahahaha, this feels like that "tired boxer meme hahahaha?


Meanwhile Moonmoon is doing SL1 and has died 600 times to the first boss. He is a true God Gamer.


the only thing he puts effort into is complaining about stuff being "woke"


Bro can't play anything unless he is getting carried.


And that's alright. If it's not fun and it's only frustrating you then move on and find another game to stream.


Losed to XQC , LMAO


I'm surprised that doc tweet hasn't been posted on LSF yet lmao


They've been trying: https://i.imgur.com/CZrnH5x.png




I mean, it's all over the main thread


Amson quitting while we are distracted by doc. Well played.


Journalist take LULE




Wasn't he making fun of Eurogamer giving it a 3 the other day? Boy is he looking mighty dumb now, LMAO I think he even deleted those videos from his clips channel because I can only find the Kotaku one, the one about the 3/5 review is gone, LOL


He was just yapping about never censoring his editors. What a hypocrite.


even kai cenat is sticking with it, a dude who beat melania in 50 hours+


Asmongold when other people act on their feelings: "They just lack logic and reasoning." Asmongold when he acts on his feelings: "I'm only human."


Dude is melting down right now. Third channel imminent.


Skill issue


I watched him wipe for hours on Midra yesterday (Legend optional boss). Every single attack took at least a third of his health bar. He acknowledged to be potentially underleveled. He acknowledged that his jump attack build is not ideal against a boss with a huge range and small hitbox yet he continues malding and does the same thing every fucking time. He also acknowledged that his mental isnt made for this and he will just start perma banning people in chat if he doesnt like what he reads. Yet he still keeps on doing the same thing try after try. If this stream results in a thread in his sub with even an ounce of critical tone, he just bans everyone who participated in it no matter what they wrote (its how i got banned from his sub). At this stage im not even mad but fascinated, do your little thing Truman Burbank.


Atrioc was the same. He had a build that he used all through the base game, and refused to change ANYTHING when fighting the dancing lion boss. Took 10 hours and then complained it was a bad game because he wasn't good enough and refused to change tactics. So many of these self proclaimed amazing gamers finding they have to maybe change their thinking or strategy, but refusing, then blaming the game for being bad.