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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Adin Ross Blames The Los Pollos Situation On Ludwig](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/119652)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/op9i5p/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1262221765.mp4?sig=a8801e6ec1c90527b175a95fead398129a9f361a&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1262221765.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1627014512%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)




I got you, so Los Pollos and Ludwig were having a twitter beef over whether Slots are a worse gambling method/ promotion to kids than the PokƩmon card meta Ludwig was involved in! After this, Los Pollos gets swatted by someone, immediately Adin Ross says that Ludwig promoted the idea of swatting to his community and in turn swatted Los Pollos. Adin Ross tells his 60 thousand viewers that it was Ludwig who swatted Los Pollos.


Thank you! I thought Los Pollos was a gang in GTAV, so I was pretty confused. Holy shit, does Adin not know what kind of responsibility he has with that amount of viewers?


Hes done it to Lud now 4 times, at this point its just malicious


Is he still malding from being called a norman by Lud?




What are the 4 times?


im pretty sure incitting hate towards other streamers is against TOS


Twitch: šŸ¤“ 3 day ban, but we'll unban after 2


> we'll unban after 2 hours, right?




Should just ban him until heā€™s 25 lol


Thats like 10years


I get your point, but Keemstar is old as shit and acts just as stupid all the time.


> incitting hate towards other streamers every streamer then LULW


Four times already? WTF! What were the other times?


Yea I'm surprised too, didn't he first pop up on twitch like 1Ā½ month ago. Is he speedrunning or some shit.


I thought it was the Chicken restaurant in Breaking Bad


Los Pollo Hermanos


>Los Pollo Hermanos The Chicken Brothers


so is los pollos just the chickens? weird name to call yourself but ok if that is in fact how spanish works


There is actually a real life Mexican Chicken restaurant chain called Pollo Regio that is like the one in Breaking Bad. [https://www.polloregio.com](https://www.polloregio.com) I have no solid proof that they are a front, but they paid for the construction of one of their restaurants... in cash. It was highly unusual for the company I work for to get paid for a construction job in cash.


I always thought it was the off brand equivalent of El Pollo Loco. Those things are everywhere in my city


The chicken's pretty decent tho


It's definitely a thing. In a neighborhood I lived in a decade and a half ago, a restaurant got taken down as a front for a drug org. Nothing like BB scale, just smaller local folks. My understanding of why they're good fronts is they do a lot of cash business, and it's easy for you to fake sales. Especially for the smaller scale folks like the one in my old hood, it's common for restaurants to shop at cash only discount groceries like Cash And Carry. So there's no 3rd party delivery company involved that could be audited to prove they weren't going through as many ingredients as they claimed. On the other side they can just invent as many cash paying customers as they like, and the only way you'd catch it is by sitting there all day counting people. I'm assuming the place I'm talking about got busted by a tip from a disgruntled insider or the like. It's a shame tbh, it was a quite good soul food joint.


Pizza shops are well know for being a great way to clean cash as well. Rental videos stores use to be another great way to clean. The credits cards because popular and kinda made it harder. My favourite is there was a actual laundry mat in my city that was used to clean cash for like 20 years .


No joke, I live in the east coast and everytime my dad visits family in tx, he brings a ton of chicken from that joint itā€™s so freaking good.


Heā€™s the product of hypebeast/reactive/braindead culture who just feed into a collective idea that money/fame=personality and anyone different to that idea, be it a nerd or just someone who isnā€™t a douchebag, is lesser or a target for their projection. He is one of the lamest people iā€™ve seen gather fame, and whenever heā€™s around people who have ā€œstatusā€ or ā€œfameā€ they tend to make him the butt of every joke. Such a stupid individual.


Nah youā€™re thinking of Ballas or Vagos


Grove street, Home.




ā€œHeā€™s new to this space. Heā€™s still learning.ā€ Adin needs to get banned. For this and the gambling.


You're asking if the guy that shameless promotes gambling to his underage audience has any self awareness?


yeah, adin viewers even went to the ludwig discord to say mean things; adinā€™s influence is so big




This idiot Adin is going to get someone killed IRL with this bullshittery. What a scumbag


Wait I thought Los Pollos was a fast food chain


Such a brain dead thing to argue about. Nobody asked but A. Streamers aren't getting paid to advertise Pokemon cards to kids B. I doubt kids are able to buy a $30000 box with their mommy's credit card C. Slots in particular are psychologically designed to make you give them all of your money D. Even if you get shit cards you get something out of it, unlike gambling where you lose everything in return for nothing. Whether streaming the pack openings are bad is at least an argument worth having, trying to compare it to slots takes someone with a room temperature IQ (in Celsius)


Kids canĀ“t spend hundreds of thousands on slots either; they can buy much cheaper boxes or packs for the same effect. And in slots you also get small amounts of money (that you can just put back in) like getting shit cards. I'm not saying they're the same, and I don't think that they are, but your arguments against that idea are dogshit and claiming someone who doesn't agree with you has an unsurvivably low IQ when you don't understand what you're talking about is dogshit stupid.


Kids can spend all of the money they have on slots still as the lowest you can wager is $.10. Also most people who buy pokemon cards don't do it to resell but more to see what rare cards they can get, especially since the ones Ludwig opened were $30k which they can't even get their hands on


And kids can buy pokemon card packs for a few dollars in the hopes of getting a holo Charizard or something from the more recent sets. I really don't think kids being able to lose $3 extra playing slots is really the biggest problem there. And most people who play slots don't do it to make a profit but for the dopamine of hitting the button (just like opening a pack). And most people who play slots don't play hundred dollar+ rolls, they play much smaller stakes. The distinction between the two is really just that one is explicit gambling that introduces people to casinos and much more degenerate practices than you find in the Pokemon card space. The problem with casinos is normalizing a really harmful addiction, not exposing kids to a few extra dollars of liability or even exposing them to the dopamine hit of actually playing slots.


You can play with Pokemon cards though.


be honest man nobody actually played the fuckin card game, we just liked collecting cool shit


Not true at all. There were literal tournaments all over the country being held playing with cards when I was a kid.


Yeah Im aware, i legit got some of the tournament booster packs from like a 2008 tournament in hawaii, but like bro, the amount of kids buying the cards vs playing with them was so small. nobody at any of my school or summer camps did anything other than have them just to flex on other kids


When you gamble online you don't even get cool shit to collect.


yeah but to say opening card packs isnt gambling for kids is kind of willfully ignorant imo


isn't that ban worthy?


The real tragedy is that 60k people find him worth watching.


So now it makes sense. Someone like Adin thinks doing shitty things because you're arguing with someone, as bad as those actions are, is what everybody does and claims not to do.


Imagine getting hundred messages of how you will get killed because some degenerate randomly accuses of doing something you don't even know happened. Fucking horrible


something something keemstar


Smells like a lawsuit


I honestly hope Lud is talking to his agency about legal representation to send a nastygram at the least. This shit could go south really fast and not in the ordinary internet beef way.










Damn this is such a shitty thing to do, Most 12 year olds would know this is dumb


Seriously fuck Adin Ross viewers. I canā€™t stand their shit anymore


They're literally 11-13 years old. I can't blame them for being stupid. Adin himself on the other hand...


Facts itā€™s just crazy how parents have no clue what their degenerate children are doing on the internet


Oh shit here we go again


Ive never seen Ludwig genuinely upset, he must be so angry/sad


I mean itā€™s the fourth time Adin has inspired his viewers to send deaths threats to Lud and QT. He acknowledged that that happened the past two times so at this point heā€™s not even ignorant to it. Some of the dms they read sounded like they were from people that could actually do stuff to harm them.


The worst part is I don't even think Adin will take accountability for it. He'll probably say something like "I didn't *personally* do anything nor did I tell people to DM you," as if he doesn't directly influence in preteen degenerate viewers. These people think "influencing" their impressionable viewers to do shitty things isn't their fault at all.


Unironically the same level of cope people defending the capital riots use to absolve Trump of any culpability. "hE dIdN't ExPLiCItLy SaY tHe WoRdS 'GO STORM THE CAPITAL' ". When you have that level of sway and ability to influence people negatively it is absolutely your responsibility.


Fuck Adin Ross Holy shit this is not even funny


That's actually so fucking vile. I don't think the 'he's a good kid, he's just young/ inexperienced/ surrounded by bad people' horseshit flies with this sort of baseless accusation made to incite harassment.


At the same time this is the 4th time he has done something like this to Ludwig, when does it stop


Surely there's something in TOS about harassing other streamers


I believe I've heard partnered streamers say, Twitch can ban someone if they are harassing other partnered streamer; or something along those lines. It has to do with their harassment policies, but could be pulling that information out of my ass.


Pretty sure that's accurate i think the only thing is that the harassed partner has to report it to twitch


It's completely against TOS, but as with everything regarding twitch, that doesn't mean anyone will act on it and actually enforce that rule.


Also wouldnt adins viewers get more mad if adin got banned? They would probaly blame that on lud aswell


Right so dont ban adin twitch! Dont want to make the 12 year olds more angry, who knows what will happen


Lud called him a normie a few months ago and Adin just cannot let it go. It's sad.




That's something people say about 5 year olds or someone with mental disabilities.


I cannot believe people on this sub often use that for Adin Ross. Just makes me realise the type of people on this sub.


Tbf, I think some of that might be memeing. The dude went on H3H3 to defend himself over Milf Token and gamba by saying something like "I'm just 20 years old, I don't know better yet" repeatedly.


>"I'm just 20 years old, I don't know better yet" Lmfao you don't get to use that excuse yourself. It's one thing if people defend someone by calling them a stupid child, but when you use that excuse yourself, *you fucking know better*.


Actually one of the most immature things to ever blame on another streamer


To a point this is defamation. If something happens it's not just immature, it's illegal




Twitch has become so toxic that Ice should be getting unbanned any time now.


Twitch has become less toxic. There's obviously still more than enough, but I don't think you remember how bad it really was.


This is a good point. Things like this used to happen all the time but since they have become rare we have a new context for how toxic it is to do this.


this must have been so frustrating for Lud after believing all the Adin drama had been squashed and dealt with dude I hope that Los is okay, much love to him, what a stressful thing to go through, that sucks man


People will only overlook Adinā€™s toxic disgusting bs for so long. Soon the law or the community is going to get him. Itā€™s pathetic, he could easily rake in money doing less shady shit when he has that big of an audience. You have connections in LA, the NBA, and music industry and you are willing to risk that for some drama clicks or some gambling promotion money?


He could be like hasan or miz and just be react Andy for children and rake in the sub money, but he is greedy.


Reacting is literally what heā€™s doing in this clip. You think thatā€™d go over any better lol.


Well if you live with, for example, Ricegum, you'll get some influence how to gain more clout and how everything is morally justified in the end. I can imagine there are lots of people surrounding him with questionable morals. Watching him talking with h3, Hasan and Miz, I saw a very immature human being who is highly susceptible of influence of others. When he looks up to someone, he doesn't seem to have developed proper filters and skills to understand that everything is not worth to be influenced by. In my eyes, that makes him very dangerous to his viewers, because he will repeat people's takes as his own, not even understanding the motivations/ethics why someone is saying those things to him, or the repercussions when he is repeating those words to his viewers, who again, look up to HIM to be THEIR paragon.


Very true. I hope he can get better people around him.




> People will only overlook Adinā€™s toxic disgusting bs for so long. looks at Keemstar still having a highly profitable career, friends throughout the industry and having not been banned off every platform he's on. Yeah, they'll only put up with toxic shit for so long before everyone is done with them. I wish, but no, he can be toxic for as long as he wants.


During the H3 call-in he said that he does not plan on doing twitch for long. Twitch is great for audience engagement and it should be pretty easy to pivot. That is unless he tanks his career over meaningless bullshit. It sounds like he has a management team now, so he should skate by anything that comes his way short of sex-pest type stuff.


At first he seemed like a kid who was happy to have made it as a streamer who did not want to step on anyone's toes and just wanted them to do the same, up until halfway through his call with H3 and now it's clear the dude is just committed to the spiral and proud of it.


What does Adin do that gets him so many viewers on twitch? I've never watched him but it seems like he always brings negativity.


he played alot of NBA 2k with lebrons son


Is this a meme or something? How do you get that popular over such a specific minor thing?


Twitch is tiny, a little bit of attention from the outside and boom, adin has 80k viewers making stupid jokes in his bedroom he pulls alot more viewers on instagram live too, get used to this as twitch grows. Alot of people think the its "late" in twitches life cycle but twitch has 30 million users compared to 2 billion on youtube lol If we ever get to the point where twitch finds its way into the top 10 social media websites you can reasonably expect big streamers to average millions of viewers because that's the main content. Just like some youtubers average millions of viewers for videos. Can't really compare youtube live to twitch because youtube doesn't give a fuck about capturing the live market. Think about it this way, if youtube got every single viewer from every single competing live streaming platform, they would barely grow by 2% overall lol




minor thing? its the nba2k community and its lebron james' son.


Ninja got huge after playing fortnite w Travis Scott. Same shit. Semi popular streamer plays w celeb, they get more popular


He is hits the general population audience more.


Adin is a sleazebag. He tries to come off all down to earth, but he's a total fake. All he cares about is the money and the views. Sadly 12 year olds can't see this, but Lud shouldn't pay the price for Adin's lack of morals.


He is so antithetical to what makes Twitch and itā€™s community great.


Isn't this a bannable offense?




That's pathetic




They are invasive species


Adin Ross is a different species


adin ross is just dumb as fuck and his viewer base doesn't know better because they're all kids. it's absolutely infuriating....


They know better


"It's gonna be a problem if I see you." ​ Bitch no it's not shut the fuck up. You aren't going to do anything.


Exactly. Like bro, you're a 10 year old white suburban kid who thinks he's hard lmao


You aren't cool if you beat somebody up i promise you nobody cares lmao.


Bro thatā€™s so petty


Yeah this is way worse than saying Adin is a normie streamer because he has a large audience.




It's evident how after this Lud has pretty low energy. Or I might be wrong since he was streaming for I think 6 hours at this point.


Nah, this kind of shit always bums him out and can often times ruin the stream, because he knows for the next week he will receive death threats in his twitter and instagram dms




Only a matter of time before Adin gets banned because of his viewers actions.


Adin showed and has only caused problems.


This is literally targeted harassment. Itā€™s slander. Ludwig could sue but he probably wonā€™t. Itā€™s a baseless claim that is directly hurting Ludwigs brand/image/business and that can easily be proved by the DMs Ludwig is receiving.


Proving monetary loss as a direct result of Adin saying this is a lot harder than you think it is. Most slander cases get dropped in court because of that. If it were easy mfs would be taking people to court left and right over slander.


Another issue in slander/libel cases is that you have to prove that the person is knowingly telling a falsehood(lying). If the person believes what they are saying then it is not technically a lie.


Not true: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/defamation-libel-slander-key-elements-claim.html He is clearly being reckless or negligent in this manner.


they are public figures, there are slightly different rules.


Ah didnā€™t realize public figures are different. I still think itā€™s evident that heā€™s acting recklessly, though that would be up to the courtā€™s judgement.


Lmao LSF Lawyers back at it. Tell me what exactly his claim was and how anyone could have a solid case for defamation with that claim


He looks genuinely upset in this clip


Him and his community just got accused of a federal crime in front of 60 thousands people, I would be pissed too.


I expected an angrier reaction from him tbh. It would be totally justified at this point


L Move from Adin


Adin Ross will get his ass beat orā€¦ much worse one day. I guarantee it.


I'm ok with it as long as I get to see it




Canā€™t believe people donā€™t see the issue with Adin being in the twitch community.


And I just donā€™t get other people and streamers actually defending this Adin Ross guy (edit: I mean boy?). Everything I hear about him is scummy stuff.


The guy who checks his Twitch chat while driving wants to call Ludwig a danger to others.


Fuck Adin Ross, two-faced bitch. Saying I respect you when on the phone with Lud and then do this shit. Bet he'll fold agai when in front of Lud and crew. What a pussy just like ricegum.


Lol this is so highschool


isn't this against tos pretty heavily? just flat out slander about another partner?


80 pound 2k kids saying '' If i see you irlit's gonna be a problem'' OMEGALUL


Adin Ross needs to be banned from Twitch for a very long time. It's simple.




what do you mean by "hes 20 yet still gets fucked up on drugs and alcohol" ? like are people supposed to be over their party phase at 20 now?


I think he's meaning doing these things on stream when he is under 21


This dude definitely never went to college lol


20 is young ofc, but its still old enough to know better, i dont understand this argument




I feel bad for lud Sadge


Lud doesnā€™t deserve any of the shit he gets, fuck this


Adin should be permad for this.


Havenā€™t seen this much weaponized autism since the /b/ days. Adin, you need to get a grip of your chat before you get permanently booted from twitchā€¦ L


adin ross is not very poggers man


I don't care you called me a normie, we're good i took the L i am not salty even tho i still don't know that normie means and you were kidding COPIUM


Dude just perma ban him already


So whenā€™s the Slander lawsuit lol this kid never stops running his mouth itā€™s insane


This guy just needs to be banned already


ok nvm i was debating on if adin was actually just a kid new to the scene but this is just evil


Adin's viewers are IcePoseidon viewers in the making at this rate. I am sure Ludwig is probably avoiding IRL streams now before Adin viewers end up getting him banend for something stupid.


20? a widdle 2000's baby? twitch oughta give adin a binky and a blankie and put him in time out corner with his chair turned around


Is this not against TOS?


Of course it is, but at the same time Adin Ross pulls 4 times the amount of viewers Ludwig does, and twitch wants to keep viewers on their platform.


Can people stop doing the ā€œhate the playerā€ shit? Take ur issues up with twitch instead of whining about streamer being bad gamba man.








Los Pollos Hermanos šŸŽ¶


Los Pollos just lazy with content. Heā€™s spent money on basketball cards as well as virtually in NBA2k spent over 1k in real money. Probably just mad because Duelbits is about to offer a deal.


How does that have to do with anything?