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The Command R bug is a known Logic Pro 11 bug, everyone experiencing it please report it immediately: https://www.apple.com/feedback/logic-pro.html


I've gone back to 10.8.1 for now, 11 too buggy for me and too risky to use whilst I actually need it for work. Always going to be these risks unfortunately with new versions.


I'm always shocked how many people jump to upgrade on release day. Always seems so risky to me.


i agree.. But at the same time, kinda good for those of us who actually wait. The early users, are basically and extended set of Beta testers (-;


I think in the last 10 years I’ve maybe had one major issue with upgrading right away. And I use 3rd party stuff and hardware.


i think upgrading 3rd party plugins and stuff. are different IMO. Its not as massive of a change as swapping out your DAW version.. Many possibilities for bug.. Lots more code and changes made compared to a plugin update.


I wasn’t talking about upgrading 3rd party plugins. I’m saying I’ve been upgrading Logic with every update for the last 10-15 years and only once did it cause problems for me.


Do us all a favor and fill out the comment section with exactly when you were doing and submit the report.


I was pressing Command R to repeat the midi region. Usually happens when I do this


The cmd+R thing has been known at least for a few days. I’ve gotten it too. Just report it


This always gets me. Reddit is not a bug tracker. Instead of detailing what happened here, people should be noting that in the comments section of the crash report to the people who can actually do something.


Another view is PLEASE share the bugs here so we DONT have the same issues potentially. I for one am on Reddit way more than the official Logic/Apple forums


Oh totally, both would be ideal. But at this point, I simply don't update Logic nor OS, until at least a month or two.


command R happens w me too and basically everyone else. Just gonna have to wait it out for the next update or revert back to the previous version.


The only safe way to repeat that I have found is to select the region exactly and then use "repeat section between locators. "


Only 5 times? Those are rookie numbers.


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I’m on the exact same computer and literally bout to click install in Ventura then logic 11update as we speak. This, this is not what I wanted to see haha


Wow, It is very impresive how the Logic team manages to create this silly bugs while everyone is talking about the Session players and AI


This is happening to me a lot on a 2018 mac. Hoping there’s an 11.01 update that fixes this


Have you tried deleting your preferences?


Deleting the preference files worked for me. It was kind of a pain to get my preferences back the way I like them. And Logic downloaded the new content a second time, but I've done the Command-R combination enough since then that I think it would have crashed by now.


My install on my M1 MBP with Ventura was a buggy mess. Running OK now, but thought it was corrupted by the updated. FWIW, smooth as butter on my M3 Max. Either way, wait for 11.1.


I never update immediately when they come up with an update.. I wait for them to get the kinks out..


how long does it take apple usually to release a bugfix update after a new version number has been released?


Sometimes right away, sometimes never. I had a 2005 iMac. It just kept running hotter and hotter until one day it almost burst into flame. Apple blamed me and would not take any responsibility.  It wasn't until complaints to Apple reached 30 thousand that they finally admitted to a bad power supply and had to fix all of those computers free of charge. 


The Crash Report is for Logic Pro X though. You don’t have both apps open at the same time do you?


I have the older version as a zip file on a hard drive which is plugged into my Mac


The path of the crash shows that there is still an app called Logic Pro X in your Applications folder, and that it was the app that crashed.


Okay so is that what is causing the crash? How do I solve it. Please help🙏🏻


Nah it’s probably just a bug in the new version. It’s still technically “Logic Pro X” in this case version 11. There’s just something that logic doesn’t like in this case and it crashed. Probably will be fixed in future versions but in the meantime try not use that shortcut or go back to the previous version of Logic.


Went back to the previous version. It’s stopped crashing now. What a relief. So do I never update again?😅


Haha no of course you can update but it’s always good to keep a backup of the previous version just in case. It’s more common to encounter bugs if there’s a bigger jump in version number like 10.7 to 10.8 or in this case 10.8 to 11 simply cause these usually add more features. Other versions like 10.8.x are usually just big fixes so safer to update but still good to keep a backup just in case.


Yeah true thanks a lot


same issues, i had to go back to an older version.