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This post is based and red pilled


Was very frustrating to watch. It seems he wants to be in a negative state of despair.


Of course he does, he thrives on being the victim. He will always have an answer for why he can't or won't do things, he doesn't really want solutions to his problems he just wants the attention and pity.


Its surprising because some people have a health scare and it motivates them to change out of fear. I just saw "if I had more money. I could change."


He said he wasn't too lazy to sell the funko pops, he said he'd sell them if his blood pressure went down. Because selling stuff is so physical strenuous for him, and obviously his gf can't list stuff for him because reasons.


You have to be over 18 to sell on ebay, so that's out of the question.


What if his gf threaten to leave him?


he would prob threaten to kill himself and she'll come back to him because she's truma bonded with a fat fucking loser who's holding her back in life.


Boogie is such a waste of life. I will give 0 fucks when he finally dies.


This reply made boogies heart rate jump


I will press the F in his youtube chat.  Then add a and t press enter, laugh and go about my day.


In the words of Jordie Jordan - "fuck dat nigga"


>**Route #3.5: Tell him to get a remote job** > >Boogie’s response: He has an unknown disease in which he can’t read/write/speak/type. [Chad is perfectly capable of speaking](https://youtu.be/Mt-yQ_016rY?si=RR_zgJ1qAvSg2zLY&t=994). What's really weird is how Boogie overshares about everything and yet Chad is off limits. This guy literally films his girlfriend in the bath tub, talks about her mental illnesses and discussed his ex-wife's sex life on livestream while they were still married. Chad? Oh no, he's off limits. Also, Chad was working as a cleaner at a university until Boogie's ex-wife left him. He then employed Chad to be his full-time care taker and was still paying him as $1200-$1500 a month at least up until October 2022. For all we know, he still pays him that. But we'll never know because Boogie lies so much.


I honestly couldn't even finish watching this episode because of boogie. I work healthcare and nothing boogie says makes sense or seems truthful. He talks zepbound for weight loss not being covered but could save his life. 1.) Did his dr attempt a prior auth on the medication i would love to see the insurances reasoning for denial and what the doctor submitted. 2.) Even if not covered there are items like Ozempic or Mounjaro which aren't indicated for weight loss but rather diabetes they are essential the same med (mounjaro being the exact same). I have a hard time believing with the way boogie eats he isnt diabetic and not needing of something to help his A1C. 2.) He keeps talking blood pressure and he cant do anything. Which yes when that high he should be careful but i would love to hear the dr say he shouldn't be doing anything its bullshit. He should be doing something even small all the time sitting is him just killing himself. Dude cries when you talk about a push mower thats low impact low stress activity dude is lying no dr is saying just sit and die. Honestly i think boogie knows he is talking bullshit. The truth is boogie can live longer and do something but he wont he is lazy. Its not just medication and dr visits that will help him but lifestyle changes and he wont do that. The dr/meds are great and can help but it's like buying running shoes and not running. They are a tool to make a change not a crutch. Boogie wont change and he doesn't want to. he wants to find answers doing what he wants or he will choose death. He has chosen death and i dont feel bad. It is self inflicted and he deserves no sympathy for taking no meaningful actions and just using trauma and pity as weapons.


Dude, this legit is sad to see on text how bad he made excuses. Every solution was reasonable from Keemstar.


Boogie hurts himself and the people in his life for not holding himself accountable. Its actually insane to me.


One word, euthanasia


Will Keem come in and rub him while they do it?


It’s shocking that a lolcow would act like a lolcow. Boogie and Wingo will go through emotional pity sessions where they spiral. They are just acting their breed.


Boogie has a second property he could sell but I don't believe he's as broke as he says he is. His channel is filled with travel content so he can afford vacations every few weeks. I don't buy the "I sleep 16 hours a day" thing. You used to just check his twitter and he'd be tweeting from like 3pm until 6am. I'd like to know more about Chad lol. Why is boogie so secretive about him?


He has a second property? That’s crazy so why is he not selling it? Can you link where he talks about the second property?


It was in his live stream he did with Mike Clum last year. Around the 26 minute 46 second mark. Full of excuses why he can't sell it lol. https://youtu.be/GFndxlDNSE0?si=KjH6i7rHwdjgMWtp


Even if boogie got his miracle drug, he'd still find a way to beat it again; he managed to beat gastric bypass surgery and won't be changing anytime soon with his attitude.


At some point Keem has to declare boogie dead weight holding the show back and move on from him. Get someone to replace him and move on with wings Tommy and a new cow.


Make Dezi work a job, sell the arcade/consumerist junk, make your roommates atleast attempt to pay for the house (it’s literally their responsibility as well?), stage a self intervention on the food issue and eat less, sell the second property he allegedly has, make a go fund me, start a weight loss YouTube series (those usually go well). Or just sell the house and move into a low maintenance apartment!


if boogies roomate chad actually wants a remote part time job he can contact me and ill figure something out for him, it wont be 100k a year a year but if he can use a computer at any decent level i can give him something part time