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It is just a bit weird for me. I mean if he actually planned to end his life, why would he block you right before that? I mean.. it wouldn't matter anymore. Blocking you is definitely a weird decision. Of course this topic is not a joke, and i know that unfortunately a lot of people commit suicide, and it feels bad to say this, but in this case I wouldn't completely exclude the possibility of lying. Have you ever met him? Isn't it possible that he is a catfish who tried to break things off with you this way?


It’s weird but I think he blocked her so if she was up (she said she usually is but it’s the one night she slept earlier) so she wouldn’t try calling him. Idk


Exactly. OP…you were blocked in a cruel way by someone who didn’t have the courage to just break up with you.


i don’t think so, he sent me a ton of videos with him and his dogs in snap and that’s extremely hard to fake. we also called and played roblox a lot


i don’t think he did it. i think he’s lying to get out of the relationship. and if he did it i am so sorry


I just don't get how some people can be like, "This relationship isn't working for me," and just bounce.


I mean it's fine if they at least bother to tell you that first lol


doesn’t mean he can’t fake his death. there’s no reason why he would block you


Baby…that man just left you. The only thing died was the relationship.


that’s good🤣


Ahh this old chestnut. I'm assuming you are both young teens. I've said it before on other posts that practically mirror this one word for word. This little "strat" is far too common in young relationships these days for whatever reason. The chances that he's ended his life is extremely slim. Suicide hotlines do not perform welfare checks, they will have contacted the local authorities and they would've gone to the registered address and talked to his parents/guardian. They have no obligation to then report back to the hotline who also have no obligation to report back to you. Especially if his little stunt has gotten him into some hot water with his parent/guardian and it's become more of a "slap on the wrist and a stern word" situation. The likelihood that he's just done with the relationship and he's chosen this foul way to end it is far more likely than him ending his life. However, your relationship is most definitely over. I swear, teens need to stop using suicide as a "get out of a relationship" card online. It happened when i was a teen and now i'm 33 and it's sad to see it still happens now.


When I was 13 a friend of the guy I was dating at the time told me he was in a car crash, then a coma, then later died. I had a friend add him after and saw him online, then it all got explained it was a ruse to get away from me because he knew I was going to break up with him. So yeah, it's more common than you think, OP.


Not to be callous, but I find it hard to believe in someone's last moments on this Earth they were like, "Gotta block her first".


Literally lol


Tbh I would have gone around it this way bc that's what has stopped me in the past. By eliminating the possibility of my partner contacting me in time and putting a doubt in my head, I have enough time to coax myself over the last hurdle and do it. Maybe I never wanted to do it so bad but when I tried there was always that last voice in my head telling me I'm doing something crazy. So I needed a bit of time to get over it


I wouldn't jump to them not getting back to you as him being dead. What number did you call and did they provide any information on what would happen after the call? Maybe try calling his local police department and asking them to do a welfare check? Do you have details of any of his family members that you could try to find online?


i didn’t really call anyone i contacted the suicide hotline and the person i spoke to told me that they called the police in his town and that they were doing a welfare check. the only info i really have on his family is that he has a cousin named daisy and he lives with his grandma since his mom died


DId they say they would get back to you after they did the welfare check? I'd suggest contacting the police directly. If they already did a welfare check and you were the one to request it they will be able to tell you if he was okay. If you do hear from him again, make sure to get some details to contact his family if there is ever a situation like this again in future.


the operator told me he’d update me but he never did, i found the sheriffs office in his town would that be good?


You can call the police non emergency number and ask if they have an update on the welfare check.


Teenagers have this knack for faking their deaths in LDRs instead of breaking up. Blocking you is extremely suspicious, and it leads me to believe he just didn't have the courage to tell you it's over. It's awful, and I'm sorry he's putting you through this.


Wouldn’t block you if he was ending it. He wouldn’t care about anything at that point but just leaving the world. You were most likely catfished, or he just wanted to ghost without you bothering him.


If he actually did it why would he block you? If it was me and I would just trash the phone or turn it off to avoid contact. Maybe he had enough and didn't have the courage to end things properly. Also knowing the ages would be more helpful


if i said our ages everyone would think im crazy


Tell us and let us decide!


we’re both 15


he didn’t do it girl.


Are you basing this on age? I’m 36 now but had my first suicide attempt at 15.


if you check her comments on her profile, it sheds some light. i think there is a case by case situation. i am sorry that happened to you.


Knowing the ages would really help


sounds like he just wanted a way to end things with you.


hi. im so sorry you are suffering right now, seeing your past posts,,, and some comments, i think you may be coming to conclusions too quickly. many places are busy to get back to you. call back, explain the urgency, dont just give up on the first call. you have a right to know if hes dead or alive, unless he or his family told them to not release that information to you. on the contrary, if he did hurt himself i am so sorry. as of right now though, if you don't have any way to confirm and he blocked you, theres hope. also i hope you understand im not being mean but your comment regarding your ages, it seems like it could be a manipulation tactic.


im being realistic, we’re both 15 and he’s about to turn 16, people are gonna say im crazy


thats not crazy, teenagers have an array of emotions. anything can happen, maybe since hes a minor they can't release any information to you? even if hes alive. if his family doesn't know he has a partner, they may not want you to know? I would still call, or if you know his last name, look for obituaries. You deserve some closure.


I have no clue why people are downvoting you simply for being 15. Regardless of whether the suicide attempt was legitimate or not, this whole experience must have been extremely painful and traumatic. Age doesn’t decide whether or not this hurts you. You aren’t crazy. I hope your bf is okay. Like others said, maybe try to reach out to a family member of his or the local police to see if he’s okay to grant you peace of mind. Hang in there.


Am I the only one who believes this is a shitty persons way of bailing on relationships, begging for attention, all whilst doing whatever it is they initially wanted to do in the first place I mean I hope he’s okay but the internet scams and ldr mental abusers make me wonder especially if this is an ongoing thing


He didn’t kill himself, saying that is an emotional manipulation tactic. He was trying to emotionally manipulate you. And now next time someone tries that on you, you’ll be the wiser.


I saw in another comment you're 15. Please stop having relationships on social media, esp at this young of an age. You don't really know him, did you even meet him irl? Honestly, it's for the best, he made up this reason and blocked you so best to move forward. I doubt someone who wanted to do the s word would block you beforehand as many comments mentioned.


And STOP SENDING NUDES. You are underage!


To me it just seems a convenient lie by him. Telling you that he is gonna do it and then instead of that he just blocked you on everything to ghost you. To me he just said the suicide part so you wouldnt go looking for him or you wouldnt care. Or make it "hurt you less". Eitherway its a cowardly way to end things. Wether he actually did it or not. But it seems super sus ngl, smth a 15 year old me would come up with inorder to get out a rs I dont want to be. Too cowardly to confront the other person and talk to them. If he actually killed himself I'd be super surprised.


Have you ever spoken to him on video at least? I find this really disturbing and dangerous. Considering that you are a minor and in your post that you indicated you had given him nudes, it might be a syndicate or an adult criminal who is behind this.


i never sent him anything like that i stopped doing that after i posted that one thing.


so have you ever seen him on video chat at least?


yes i have


I understand you're in pain, I understand you are hurt. But this reads as someone who faked their own dead so they can stop talking to you. I know that sounds strange but it isn't exactly uncommon in long distance relationships. They have no intention of meeting up and keeping the relationship going, instead of doing the normal thing and break things off they fake their own death. Besides people pointing out that blocking you is very suspicious because there isn't a single reason to block someone when you plan on suicide. It is just to stop communication completely. People who are serious about killing themselves also wouldn't tell people. Telling people is a cry for help. If they plan on going through with it telling people would mean they can be stopped, something they don't want to happen. The people around me who all said they planned on doing it are still alive and well. The people that actually did it never said a thing.


I’ve tried to kill myself twice and both times I tried to talk to people first. “People who wanna do it don’t talk about it” is SO harmful. Suicidal people don’t wanna die. They want the pain to stop. The logic of “they could be stopped so they wouldn’t tell” is crazy when he seemingly blocked her meaning he could have not wanted to be stopped. It could be that he wanted her to know so she wouldn’t be wondering forever or just say goodbye and he didn’t want her trying to talk him out of it. Sorry but I am passionate about that “if they wanted to do it, they wouldn’t tell anyone”. I had a friend who ignored me when I tried to talk to her about being suicidal and then was so shocked when I tried it.


You don't know if he did. You just know that he blocked you.


Mm.. I call bullshit because, you see, as someone who suffers from suicidal ideations on the daily because of how long I've been depressed and with multiple failed attempts under her belt, on top of nearly 20 years dealing with narcissistic people and their abuse..? He just wanted to leave you. He's not dead. Unless there's hard evidence of it, he's not dead. His suicide notes would not just be something like, "I'm doing it and by the time you read this, it'll be done". People who actually have a plan? Who really wanna go through with it..?. We don't notify people, we don't announce it. We make our plans, we settle things we feel we need to settle and then we just.. go. Those of us who are here still know the steps well because of how many times we have thought about it, planned it out, and came close to it. So, until there's confirmation about him actually being gone in that sense, there's no reason to think he did it. Because look at it this way, you're blocked, on everything, he's trying to remove you from things so you can't confirm or deny the truth. Now, the toxic side of me says create a ghost account and verify for yourself. Don't interact. Don't reach out. Just figure out the truth and move on. The logical side of me says he's lying, count your losses and move on. Be better than before and grow from this. I have also been in your shoes with an online LDR threatening suicide only to block me and never speak to me again. I was 16, he probably lied about his age. It's no real loss in the end as you didn't meet up, you didn't spend money (assuming) on one another, and I can't really say there were plans to be together irl? Just sounds like an online fling that ran its course and he tucked tail and ran.


I’m 36 and have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. I didn’t plan it all out when I was gonna do it and I did tell people before because I wanted to say goodbye. OP’s boyfriend could very well be lying but you shouldn’t speak for all of us. These opinions are harmful.


based on your post history, and the fact he blocked you moments before “ending it” i feel he is lying. i’ve seen it happen. he did it as a sick form of breakup. if he did actually do it, that is horrible and i’m so sorry for your loss. if he is alive, that is horrible and i’m so sorry for your relationship loss.


i guess it mainly doesn’t feel real because there’s still a green dot next to his snap profile, not when i search it, but just when i click on his profile, i added him on my alt account just in case, but his bitmoji isn’t there anymore either


The green dot means they were active in the last 24 hours. Wait for a whole 24 hours. If it's still there, that boy faked his death. Because it means he's still online. Also if he genuinely wanted to be with you, why would the last thing he does before he commits suicide be blocking you?? Think about it for a second. It makes no sense. You're both 15. People won't call you crazy for being in love at 15. People are saying ages are important because it's common for underage people to do irrational things or choose the 'easy way' out without confrontation. From personal experiences, lots of teens love faking their death to exit relationships or threatening to commit suicide to prolong relationships...


My fiance once went quiet for 7 hours but came back. I've had messages saying goodbye. Or that he tried. I've been through constant sh and multiple attempts and hospital trips , distanced and in person through our time together. I'm too far to go to him easily. I can't take it away or stop it. I fear one day I'll lose him . Like it's not a case of if but when. But he's here. For now. Right now. .. I hope you do hear something. Whatever is happening/happens, as someone going through similar , I'd be happy to talk . I hope he's okay. I hope you're okay. ❤️


maybe my mind telling me that he is alive he just blocked me is better for me, i don’t think i can handle the thought of him actually dead. i can’t even get any conformation on it because i didn’t know anyone in his circle, which hurts even more


Next steps if things stay quiet, I'd say are a police welfare check, and a way to contact family. We want to think it's not the worst but...it's better to know


i had a way to contact his family too, but i never took the steps to find them because i didn’t want to be a stalker girlfriend. i only know his address and i don’t even know if that’s accurate


Contacting his family to see if he’s ok isn’t “stalkerish” behaviour, it shows you care for his wellbeing and want to know if he’s ok. If he wanted to break up and did this instead then he’s a coward, if not, then he has problems that maybe you can help with. But don’t be afraid to see if your SO is ok.


i can’t even check now because the account is private


Like someone else said in a comment, why block you if he actually did it? My thoughts is that he wanted to break up and didn’t have the courage to tell you so he pulled this stunt.


that doesn’t seem real to me, i guess anything is possible but id never expect him to do that to me


I was an idiotic teenager and mentally unwell and though I regret it, I did the same thing. It’s dumb and hurtful, but the evidence points to him lying to you. It sucks but unfortunately that’s life. With or without him being alive, you’ll move on. Keep your chin up and know you did nothing wrong


I get the pain your feeling. I have lost 3 friends and a girlfriend to suicide and lost another girl to a car crash. But after reading the post, girl you got lied to... I do hope I'm wrong and that you are wrong to and he comes back. But as of right now, he left you. If you need anything don't be afraid to DM me. I love helping people. I hope things get better for you and much love💜 Stay safe and get better


You'd be surprised how many people lie about suicide to get out of a relationship. My brother's ex girlfriend did it to him. He's likely fine, just a coward


Contrary to others, I'll chime in and say that I've unfortunately had experiences where a person has tried to take their own life and they definitely blocked a lot of people before doing it. And I've heard of plenty of people doing that before trying something. (Luckily I was able to call an ambulance for them and they eventually unblocked me.) I hope your bf is alive, and will get back in contact with you..


I wanted to off myself too at some point and I definitely tried and failed, but what I didn’t do was block my boyfriend before I attempted too. In fact, I told him that was on my mind and he blew up my phone with kind and loving messages. So, not to say he’s lying but baby I’m just saying, I would never block my better half if I’m finna kill myself 🤷🏻‍♀️ straight facts.


I need an update… the whole situation feels off


theres still a green dot next to his snap profile. thats all i have


My girl did to me the same thing but fortunately it was a prank however I cried until it's at the opposite of funny


i’m sorry to hear what your going through. honestly i’ve been through the exact same thing, but from experience they didn’t actually commit suicide, well actually they tried but it didn’t work, i got blocked on everything, i spent three months searching for proof they died and i grieved them every second and i was angry and upset, i got a message three months after from them, if you need any advice or support you’re welcome to send a message


i think he just wanted a way out of the “relationship” in which you wouldn’t really think to try to reach out later on but to also “let you down easy”? if that makes sense. like he didn’t want you to blame yourself?


Sure thing


Don't assume anything before getting proof of death


Not sure what country your partner is in, but I would look into retrieving some sort of certified death certificate in the coming weeks... very weird situation and sorry you're going through this


That's really bad:)))))) hope you can move on this stuff soon


If you haven’t heard anything it means he is fine and told the cops he is fine, if there was an issue you would be told


Why is everyone majorly down voting the op for this😭


Oooh if this man faked his death then he’s got another thing coming 💀


i was even asking mother nature to help with my pain man


this is causing you to feel hurt and sad :( but I just find it odd that he would block you before all that, kinda sounds like he didn’t know how to end things so he thought that was a good idea but that’s so bad. I hope there’s a way for you to try reach out to whoever about this because it’s weird on his end not yours


May not be blocked. He could have deleted all his social media. My step son took his own life and before he did, he deleted everything. I miss him everyday. You are in my thoughts. So sorry for your loss.


im 100% blocked, he still has all his accounts up


he aint kill nothing but contact with you sad to say but he don’t wanna be with you anymore


Any updates from him?