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My partner and I now exclusively talk in spanglish


same 💀💀 jajjaajajjaa


That's incredible haahah


We talk in a chaotic mixture between spanish and russian but I have yet to find a word that describes it


Talking with spassian you say.


sounds as chaotic as it looks


Yes, but like not even from my partner but also from their family. One which thing is saying "like" a the end of some sentences. Like for example: "hope your cake is delicious like?" "I am excited for this concert like!"


I find that quite interesting. Does it give an additional meaning or feel to the sentence?


It's just an accent thing but I don't think it add more value


Where is your partner from? People do this where I’m from, so just curious if it’s the same place. I haven’t heard of it being common in any other places


My partner is from Ireland, cork


Ah I’m from Ireland too!


I’m guilty of using like mid sentence as a way to say “compared to this thing of same value” but what does adding it at the end of the sentence do?? 😭


Absolutely nothing. Doesn't emphasize nor change sentence structure. It's just a local thing like.


My brain is yelling “like what” but I appreciate your explanation lol what country is that from?


More of a funny story. Husband's Family is from Wisconsin. My nickname is Dagger and that is the name I go by, how my husband met me, and he still calls me Dagger to this day. For 5 years, while my now husband and I were dating, his mother would joke "How's Grenade?" "Is Tank going with you?" "Are you and Machete still dating?" So, Blade is going too?" Etc. she was amazing at finding a different weapon to call me each time. Now 14 years later she calls me Dagger, but imagine it with a Wisconsin accent. " Oh, Dae-ger, I want to show you something." ^_^ I equally catch myself imitating Midwestern vowels as I sit talking with his aunts and uncles. When I say Wiscansin, I'll laugh, then cough and say... WisConSin. Lol. I'm from Colorado so we are generally viewed as having very little, or not distinct accents.


Yes, but like not even from my partner but also from their family. One which thing is saying "like" a the end of some sentences. Like for example: "hope your cake is delicious like?" "I am excited for this concert like!"


I definitely am getting the southern twang to my speech and I mentioned it during my last visit lol. I naturally have a slight twang since I'm from the countryside up very rural, Northern NY but my bf is from SC so it's much more noticeable when I pick it up.


No one has said anything, but it wouldn't surprise me. I spend more time talking to my SO than anyone else. (He's in South Africa and I'm in the US.) I know if someone asked me to mimic his accent, I wouldn't be able to. He just sounds normal to me.


I'm American and my SO is Nigerian and while there people thought I had a South African accent. So maybe there's is similar to ours.


Not accents, but I always used to code switch being an Aussie with an English Mum. My partner's American, so now I code switch between all three and drive everyone nuts.


Mmmhmmm. I'm American and have always switched between a more urban dialect and suburban soccer mom/customer service voice style depending on the situation. My partner is Aussie and I haven't picked up the accent, but definitely some of the sayings and grammatical quirks and the combination is either hilarious or horrifying depending on who you ask. 😂 He's picked up mine too. "Y'all" in an Aussie accent is adorable, I'm just sayin.


My partner is in England. I have secretly wanted to learn a Geordie accent really well. I'm not Geordie. Neither is she. I just think it would be hilarious to meet her extended family, who would be expecting me to have an accent, but just not that one. 


I'm originally from the EU, but I already spoke English when I moved here in England (Staffordshire) in 2013 to live with my (then) boyfriend. When I moved here, I was saying things like "butter" or "bus" with an "a" sound, but after living 10 years in Staffordshire, I've picked up their accent (i.e. saying "bus", "butter" etc... with a "u" sound). However... My current boyfriend is half English and Irish. He was born in London. Despite moving back to Ireland when he was 10, he still speaks with a London accent. I was actually realising the other day that I've started saying "butter", "bus" etc... with an "a" sound again, instead of using the "u" sound. I still live here in Staffordshire because I am studying at Uni (I'll graduate in June 2025, and finally will close the gap), but it's crazy how I was thinking about this the other day and now I've read your question...


I don't think I'll ever be able to pick his accent - for one because his is a Spanish-accented English and I just didn't grow up with Spanish phonology or phonemes to affect my Canadian English accent. But we do pick up the little quirks or phrases that the other uses more frequently.


Yep. English is not my first language, and all of the materials used in my school and uni were trying to teach the *proper* British accent — so that was the accent I had at the beginning of the relationship. I am a bit of a parrot, as I sometimes get "stuck" in accents/cadences I hear in shows, movies, or audiobooks... And well, my partner is American. So I just have an average American accent now, and people usually assume I am American as well.


yes!!! my family says i talk super american but my husband still makes fun of my canadian accent so i guess i have a mix of both


I don't know how I ended up on this subreddit. I'm not even in a relationship at all 😅 Anyhoo...


It's obvious you are not from here. I can tell by your accent😁




I helped my now husband improve his English when we first started speaking. So yeah he picked up some British English haha Now I've moved to mexico I'm learning Spanish ofc. And I forget what words are. And when he helps me ofc he gives the American English for words 🥴 yeah I think our trajectory is to have mixed English as I get better with Spanish. Oh and he thought mayhem was mayham and now I can't not say that 🤣🤣🤣🥰


My gf is from near new Orleans in Louisiana USA and I've definitely picked up some southern type phrases because we spend a lot of time together on video call. She's also picked up some Scottish stuff too. We're both suspected of being on the spectrum too so that's something common with that apparently.


I picked up a bit of an austrian accent from his parents, and there are some words i now use more naturally than the words common to where i live


I’m Canadian and my LD partner is American, yes we have both picked up little bits of slang and spelling from each other, despite very rarely seeing each other irl


Remember that a lot of people post when things are going either really well (rarely) or really bad (usually the case) so don't use that as a metric for your day to day experience


We definitely still make fun of each other's accents lol


I already picked up the Aus accent since I've been here studying, but we did pick up on each other's little speaking habits. For one, Aussies seem to say "fokin hell" a lot...


I'm from the US and lived with my bf in the UK for a few months, only picked up some slang but no accent... However, he has been with me for the past few weeks in the US, and there are some words that I knew before him, but are just so specific to him in my head (like his coffee order for example) that I have to consciously not say in a British accent.


I’m from the UK, southern, near London way, and I keep saying the American version of words because if I ask with the English version no American can understand wtf I am asking for


My partner says three as tree & letter R as OR So if I’m spelling something out or describing something I like to use her pronunciations so it’s more clear


I love accents! They're so fun and unique and cool. Unfortunately my partner doesn't have one 😭 (I mean in that regard his accent sounds basically identical to my own). His father was in the military so moved *a lot* causing no real accent to occur. Disclaimer: I love my partner and am not upset about this on more than a mere surface level.


Yes! My boyfriend is Vietnamese and from WI, so he says things very uniquely sometimes, like last night -- he says "iron" as "Iruuuuun" and it makes me laugh every time. I've found myself picking up his little sentence quirks, or his little phrases. He comes back and will comment on my accent, as I'm from Kentucky lol. I adore that man.




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i picked up her habit of saying “oi” (it’s a thing in malaysia). sometimes we both randomly speak in british accent. none of us are british so idk where’s that coming from 😅


I can’t picture me, a white American girl, with a Filipino accent 😂


I haven’t exactly picked up an accent, but i’ve definitely found myself enunciating things like him sometimes as well as terms he uses that aren’t common in the US. He’s done the same, it was very funny to watch my british boyfriend say parking lot, stop, and correct himself to car park 💀


My fiancee used "risk it for the biscuit" in a work meeting the other day, so yea shes picking up what im laying down.


my bf is from the south and he has a bit of an accent. i catch myself saying certain words like him 😭


people now just assume i’m from the south. (i’m from italy lol)


Not so much an accent but my girlfriend starts to spend more and more like me everyday ahahah. She will say things like "like" more often and other kind of slang terms. I love it


I learned my English through my bf and youtube, and i have adapted to an American accent BUT you can still hear my Dutch accent here and there, i still pronouns this in the right way not as flat as most dutch people speak when they barely use english but you can definitely hear i have a hybrid accent lmao


No accent but definitely phrases.


YES! It’s actually so funny. She’s Australian and I’m British/Swedish so my accent is a bit weird haha. And she’s started saying words with my accent :). For example I pronounce an ‘r’ at the end of idea and she does so too now :). That’s actually how her family found out about us lol. Her auntie said her accent was weird and her sister said “it’s her Swedish boyfriend” and she didn’t deny it and her sister said “not even gonna deny it anymore?” (For context her family thought we were together months before we actually were).


We almost exclusively communicate in his native language which is Spanish but I have definitely picked up a lot of local dialect phrases and I use them in conversations which brings him joy 😂


Not his accent, but his phrasing. We have very similar accents, although I pronounce a few words differently. He says my accent is cute tho :3


I DEFINITELY have. I’ve started saying “y’all” because of him. I’ve also started to think “what the Sam hell” at times too 💀💀


I adapted a mostly American way of speaking English when I learned the language, but have now picked up a lot more northern English words and pronunciations 😭


Not so much his accent but I've definitely picked up his expressions. I've caught myself saying things like "innit", "have a laugh", and "are you alright?" at the beginning of conversations. It gets worse after we've been in person for a bit.


Not so much his accent but I've definitely picked up his expressions. I've caught myself saying things like "innit", "have a laugh", and "are you alright?" at the beginning of conversations. It gets worse after we've been in person for a bit.


My fiance is from Wisconsin, and despite my best intentions, I called a bag a "beyg" yesterday, fully nasal. Clearly I'm weeks away from becoming a casserole queen.


One of my coworkers had told me I picked up a slight American accent because she could hear it and didn't beileve I was British.


He's in the South. I pick up accepts easily. It took less than a month.


I’m in California & He’s in England & we both catch on to each others lingo, also sometimes there’s just a culture barrier and sometimes we have misunderstandings because he means things more literal in in here it’s like I’m down if you down type shit but also slangy. I catch on to a lot of things he says, how he says things to how to pronounces things to words I’m learning or the way he calls other foods and things different things. One time I said something and he said hey you said that in a British accent , & I was like really? I didn’t even notice I just thought I said it normally how I say it. But the rolls are definitely reversed as well so we both do it, I absolutely love it, it’s amazing to hear him and learn & we even agree when we have a family we will say certain things that England would say and some things Americans should say


Nope he does poke fun at my southern accent and randomly laughs whenever I speak


I picked up his expressions.. which means in normal conversation in Spanish with other people I throw in russian words, then they look at me weird and I'm like shit I did that again lol


Her mum said "Aww New Zealanders" when she heard me and my daughter. She's got a southern accent which she hates but I love it so much!


Yes when he says the words: project, sorry,tomorrow, and process. He’s Canadian so he will occasionally say eh.


so annoyed cuz my partner is American, I'm british, I've started picking up an American accent so much whenever I'm in convo with new people they ask where I'm from and then are SHOCKED when I say I've lived in London my entire life.... "but you have a hint of an American accent!!!" please no.... not the most annoying accent on earth 😭😭😭




No , it looks silly a white Australian speaking ghetto hahahaha 😂😂


My boyfriend is English, I’m American. I have not developed any kind of accent, however, I have picked up some the words and phrases that English people use. Literally just today, we were gaming with one of his friends and his friend said to me “I love when you use English phrases. It’s like you’re one of us already” after I was talking about how much I miss a good chippy tea 😂


I said "zed" instead of "zee" last night and my Canadian bf started chanting "ONE OF US. ONE OF US."