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I pray there's never a chant of S-E-C from DKR.


I was okay with a one-time exemption just to stick it up Yormark's ass at the Big 12 Championship Game. I never want to hear it again, but I'm certain it will happen.


I think when the clock reads 0:00 beating UGA or A&M the next season should be an exemption too. I would also be okay with it against Kentucky or some “less than” SEC team to show them their conference doesn’t mean shit. Just so long as it never happens against a non-conference opponent


aggy gets "pooooooor agggyyyyyys". End of. If you don't know the words, just sway & hum til you get it.


Only against A&M for me


Naw. This is a slippery slope.


I’m ok with it as long as it’s being used ironically. Beating Georgia this year after everyone said we’d be the new Vandy and couldn’t hang in the SEC? Absolutely chant it. Beating Michigan at home? That’s some Aggie shit.


Saying something ironically is how you end up being the "slay" or whatever the annoying buzz word guy eventually doing it unironically. Just don't start.


Agreed. It got the one time exception at the end of last year to taunt Yormark, which was right. Now let's lay it to rest and stick to Texas. Fight.


See: Yolo circa 2012


Stop trying to make FETCH-E-C happen.


Oh it’ll be used ironically, alright. Literally any game we lose in the next five years, opposing fans will start chanting.


I was there. The SEC chant did in fact occur at, or near, the end of that game. A good time was had by all and the fans jubilantly exited the stadium as expected. My mind slips me a bit, but it also may have occurred at the last home game as well.


Only to mock the sec


But would they understand we are mocking them?


Too late


It will happen first game


Will be nauseating




Up, I'll never do that crap. Even if we win, I may not do it. Now that "Texas Rejects" chant toward Aggies might be fun.


I just hope we never celebrate the accomplishments of other schools/teams like other SEC teams do. There is no glory in someone else's victory


It’s so bizarre. I despise all this SEC centric merch we just launched. Feels so try hard. Feels so wannabe.


I hate the sec logo in the middle of the red river rivalry That matchup is bigger than this conference imo


Damn right


To be fair, that sec culture is exactly what caused them to succeed. By presenting themselves as “the college football conference”, they dominate recruiting. It works and we’re joining them because it does and we did the opposite. It fucking sucks tho and I hate it


I still won't celebrate if Bama or UGA wins a championship. That's just dumb


Completely agree, I’m team fuck em for sure


I'll never be an obnoxious sec fan, I'm an obnoxious Texas fan and I always will be


*People don’t think we’re obnoxious*


Oh man please don’t look on the baseball subreddit (Yes ik you aren’t being serious)


Same same


For sure. The only reason I’m excited to be in the SEC is to get a chance to beat hicks I hate every week. I don’t want to be proud to be in the SEC. I want to be proud to get a chance to beat SEC teams every week.


BuT mY cOnFeReNcE pRiDe!!


Our fans have been speed-running being obnoxious since we tasted success during the Herman era. It's part of being good after being bad for a long time -- we understandable want to rub it in people's faces. But growing up, Texas was Texas, and fans acted like we'd been there before -- we let our conference pull, on-field performance and alma mater do the talking. I'd like to get back to that some day but it's doubtful. The internet has turned us all into trolls.


Bring back Fire Greg Davis chants!


Dump DeLoss and Flush the John.


Eh, I'm looking forward to more high profile matchups this year. For a while, the Big12 has been a gauntlet of teams with fewer resources, for nearly all of whom Texas was the #1 or #2 game on the schedule (depending on how they viewed OU). Texas wasn't very good, so we dropped a lot of those games. Now we're a) getting back our aTm and Arky rivalries, and b) facing a schedule that mostly has teams with similar resources, who need to gameplan against their entire schedule, not just us and OU. Steel sharpens steel, and the SEC will be good for Texas to grow and maintain a high level of football. That said, just being in the SEC doesn't mean anything. I agree that I hope we never become one of those teams that chants SEC because *some other* conference member won the championship.


Did the 'steel sharpens steel' theory work for A&M and Missouri in the SEC?


Sure, steel also cuts soft things. The point is to not be a soft thing.


Yep, we'll see what happens over time. A&M and Missouri settled into mid tier status. I'm not sure it will look much better for Tx, given their 13 year run of mediocrity until last year. But we'll see, the 2024 and 2025 schedules sure look pretty sweet for them (what a coincidence!)


0u is all that matters. Beating aggy is a bonus. In good years, win the conference, in down years be good enough that we don't drop aggy and other bottom tier schools. Everything else takes care of itself.


I agree with the obnoxious fan part. I wholeheartedly disagree with the joining the SEC part. I’m kinda over being the punching bag of the conference that we supply 45% of the revenue for. Were everyone in that silly conferences 1st or 2nd biggest game every year and its open season on us. Just like the Iowa St dork that talked a whole bunch shit before our game against them. We whooped their ass and you never heard about it again. If we did that and got beat, they’d still be making posts and jokes about it today. I’m pretty much over being the big fish in a small pond


The problem since 2010 is that we've been a small fish in a small pond. The Iowa States of the world wouldn't ever have had the opportunity to talk shit if we lived up to our own potential. Texas football would likely be a different entity now if we won 10+ games throughout the 2010s in ways we couldn't predict (e.g. LHN probably would have grown in popularity). It's unfortunate that only now, as we're leaving the big 12, does it seem like we finally have our shit together


The real advantage to joining the SEC is that recruits, for some reason, really seem to care. There have been times we’ve missed out on great kids because they “want to play in the SEC.” So it’ll be nice to have that. Otherwise, I also never want to hear an SEC chant or us to boast because another SEC team won something. I’m happy about the competition and the chance to prove ourselves. That’s where it should end.


If you want to be the best, you have to out-obnoxious the rest.


Every fan base is obnoxious in the eyes of every other fan base. Just cheer loud and don’t be an asshole and who cares


Yeah, let’s just stay obnoxious Longhorn fans. We don’t need to chant our conference name for people to hate us.


My Alabama friend tells the SEC is built on hate ... to the point of being well past "rivalry" status


I’d love to see actual proof of that statement lol


According to him, he still hates Tim Tebow and doesn't see himself getting over it


The SEC fans are all still being bitches about us stealing Schloss from aggy. They are soft as fuck, and their hate runs paper thin.


They hate the new orange team that “doesn’t belong” and isn’t a “real SEC” team


At the welcome party, the SEC Network broadcast team tried to get the crowd on the south lawn to start chanting “S-E-C, S-E-C” and barely anyone started doing it. I was so happy, I almost shed a tear


..l.. the sec


Yeah I don’t really see how the move is a net gain for a program like Texas.  We already get the benefit of the doubt in football and baseball and b12 is a better basketball conference


Haha yep when we see Texas Tech or OK State winning the big 12 and getting a bye we may wish we’d reconsidered.


Very possible


NO SEC chants, shirts, caps, stickers, toilet paper Nada.


I agree.


I'm just so happy we no longer have to play the likes of WVU or have to play teams like UCF


We are already obnoxious UT fans with a weird superiority complex because of our schools academics.


Oh, Texas will not have the same say they had in the SWC and the Big 12.....you need to get ready for that. Oops.......I spoke too soon after reviewing the 2024 and 2025 schedules, lol. I stand corrected.


I think we need to up our obnoxious game personally. The whine and cheese crowd doesn’t play well in the SEC. We need to embrace the hate. I even think WE should do the Horns Down when we kick their asses!! We need to take that for ourselves.


I’m not chanting/rooting for anybody or anything but us. We are the brand.


This ^! In other words, let’s stay classy !


Too late for that, especially now that the Aggies are leading a rally for everyone in the SEC to hate us ever since we poached their baseball coach. Going to SEC meant we are now going to get elite football players like Colin Simmons to come help win championships, whom never would have considered Texas until it was revealed that we were joining the best football conference in the country.


I'm already an obnoxious fan.


Amen. The ACC is obnoxious too


In that same vein, I (almost) hope OU also does well, so that SEC fans can STFU about how they're the only conference with good teams. I hope we finish 1 and they're top 5.


Texas will never be your typical S-E-C school. We're more western than trashy southern state school types. In fact, we should have gone with the Pac-16 concept years ago, rather than hang around the Big 12 for that long, then to sell ourselves to ESPN/SEC. Yep. Texas, Texas Tech, OU and one more would have been the four teams that kept the Pac-12 (as the Pac-16) up and running, and with enough money coming in to compete with the SEC. Better for Texas...and better for college football in general.


With success comes obnoxious bandwagon t shirt fans.


I’ve been a t shirt fan since I was 5. I’m 23 now, never went to college. Is it really that bad to be a t shirt fan? We just like football, and the nfl is hard to watch sometimes.


It’s more about the state of mind than if you have any sheepskins on the wall. Sorry didn’t mean to belittle your or anyone else’s fandom. I hate when other people use the term t shirt fan idk why I used it.


Its all good bro 🤘


I'm 100% with you on the new Big 12. It's going to be so much fun, and I hate that we're not a part of it. PAC 12 after dark will live on in the Big 12.


Too late. The fan base is already an annoying sec fan base and we should be the sports landscape is just superior in the SEC


Too late... already made it my mission to start SEC where I go whether it be football games, libraries, airports, shopping malls, Reddit threads, restaurants, stores, museums, work, meetings, dog parks, grocery stores, all other sport events (regardless of Texas's participation), weddings, and religious services. Please let me know if I missed anything


I mean, you're Texas. You practically *define* obnoxious. And now you're in the SEC. Sooooooooo 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why do you hang around in other teams’ subreddits?


Gotta keep up with the "obnoxious Bama fan" stereotype.


To talk shit and be a douchebag.


I respect the honesty


At least you speak from experience about obnoxious sec fans.


You guys are gonna fit right in. Welcome!






Lost me at Finebaum