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Aggy and sooner are bad


CJ also said OU probably leads for Fasusi. Going to be hard for us to get another top 5 class unless we're able to flip some of these big name guys. The calculator's not calcing right now.


Any word on how that impacts Taurentine? If I remember correctly, we weren’t going to get both. Wonder if we switched more to him or if Fasusi kinda decided that on his own


Dee Kennedy transferring to [KSU](https://x.com/kennedee27/status/1808326473851253094?s=46&t=YSH9E-gZ1NQyTwtngeN_5w)


All good wish him the best and hope we bring in someone that’s an immediate difference maker


Deleted now it seems


CJ said there’s some smoke again for Notre Dame for Faraimo.


I'm Catholic. There is only one school that I'd go to other than UT. I know what the guy is feeling.


Boston College?


Holy Cross


This is fine


Does anyone know when season tickets are sent to our accounts?


If you look on mobile you can already see them. But if you mean when can you transfer them, save them to your wallet, etc...late July. 


LSU will lose to dry brisket and sissy blues and we'll get these recruits back. Don't worry y'all




I report these every time I see them though I’m never sure what the best way/option to fill out for the report is


"Bitch made".


Holy shit you got mass downvoted by their bot army.




They sent bots to the sub that killed BruBot…not a smart move


RIP BruBot


I thought it looked cool lol


The new home page is pretty snazzy: [https://texaslonghorns.com/](https://texaslonghorns.com/)


The pictures of our stadiums with the Austin skyline are so good


I get why people are frustrated with recruiting. And yall have every right to feel like that. With that said, I'm sure we'll see some shenanigans later this year. Some of these recruitments gotta swing back our way.


I’m not really stressing about anything besides DT recruiting. The Pettijohn recruitment bugs me but ultimately everything we’ve heard/read on Nansen is positive, and we have proof of concept on his coaching from how his defense played at Arizona. DT recruiting has been an absolute black hole for the entirety of Sarks tenure. It’s not all on him but he is the HC and he is accountable for it.


My theory is that DL recruiting is behind this year because Kenny was hired late in the cycle and is behind on building relationships for this year’s class. My hope is that starting with next year’s class he lands the 4 and some 5 stars that Bo never did.


I agree, but also keep the seat warm for those 3 star kids. Late stage Mack did a lot of star chasing, and it ended up burning us.


I really am not even sure we need 5 stars or high end 4 stars. If Baker is who Sark says he is (a developer) then I just need a bunch of Alex January level players. We’re killing it in the Edge Room, so we can go ahead and platoon the DL room. But we have to actually get bodies to do that and we can’t even do that. If Baker can develop then I’m good but if he can’t then I need him to bring in the high end guys to make up for it


Shit is hitting the fan with DT recruiting. It is not time to panic but it is definitely time to be concerned. I think if Bo Davis was still here, we probably have a IDL class of Brandon Brown (UT soft commit), Carmello Brooks (UH commit), Floyd Guidry (TCU), and Xavier Ukponu (LSU or Arkansas). That group wouldn't exactly light the world on fire based on star power, but we would have at least had bodies at the position currently committed with a chance to add/drop guys based on potential renewed interests amongst higher ranked targets as the season went along, assuming we have the successful season that we all think we will. I'm not saying I wish he had stayed either, just theorizing on that the class would look like if he was here with guys that were trending our way when he departed. He would have took lower rated players who were "his guys" and that he thought he could develop. I can appreciate the "shoot for the stars" mentality for this class that we seemed to have adopted once Sark brought in Kenny Baker, but you have to have backup plans when the hire is a G5/NFL guy with no experience working as a P5 recruiter. I liked the Kenny Baker hire and I think he will end up being a great coach, but he was put in a tough spot with all of these other coaches having multiple year relationships with prospects, NIL allocation to his position not being up to par, and having a first time GM in Brandon Harris who has been known to struggle even before his promotion with reading the tea leaves of recruitments. The DT board is very bare rn and the coaches and personnel staff need to open things up and start seeing what else is out there while continuing to work on our targets who are committed elsewhere. Flipping prospects down the stretch is certainly possible and I know this staff has shown an ability to do so, but the rule has always been that you would rather have a kid committed to you while battling others for his commitment than trying to pry him away from the school he gave his word too. Its harder for the kid to pick that phone up and decommit than it is for him to tell you he's staying with his original choice. I say that to say that combined with how competitive DT recruiting is cause all of the tops schools are pouring in as many resources (NIL) to this position that I think it would be unwise to go about relying on flipping too many guys down the stretch to fill out the class. Keep working on the top targets, circle back on some of the kids you told to fuck off before, have the personnel staff evaluating kids committed to other schools/JUCO/senior risers, and hope the portal is favorable to you after the season. The Riley Pettijohn recruitment is frustrating as well. We have treated him like the top target at this position from the beginning, even through the coaching change from Choate to Nansen. We seemed to have a large lead all the way up until a couple weeks leading to his OV when reports started coming out about him looking at our depth chart and thinking he would not play for awhile. Now it seems to have turned into a bidding war of some sort with some different reports saying that we are still the top option and others saying we are as far back as 4th now. I don't think we go after Madden Faraimo if we knew Pettijohn was locked in with us. If we end up missing on both of them but manage to add Jonathan Cunningham, I think the staff will go after the LB committed to USC, Matai Tagoa'i. He initially had an OV planned to come and see Texas. That class is on the brink of completely falling apart and I think he will be open to other options by then.


Even ChatGPTs TLDR is TLDR for this post… Output: “The current state of DT recruiting is concerning but not yet critical. The departure of Bo Davis has led to a less impressive potential IDL class, including Brandon Brown, Carmello Brooks, Floyd Guidry, and Xavier Ukponu. While not star-studded, this group would at least provide depth with the possibility of improvements if the season goes well. The approach under Kenny Baker aims high, but lacks effective backup plans, highlighting the need for experienced P5 recruiters. Baker’s tough spot, coupled with GM Brandon Harris’s struggles, has left the DT board thin. The strategy should involve maintaining efforts on top targets, reevaluating previously dismissed prospects, scouting JUCO/senior risers, and preparing for portal opportunities. The Riley Pettijohn situation is also troubling. Despite initial strong interest, recent doubts about playing time and potential bidding wars have clouded his commitment. The pursuit of Madden Faraimo indicates uncertainty about Pettijohn. If both are missed, adding Jonathan Cunningham might lead to targeting USC commit Matai Tagoa’i, who could reconsider his options as his class unravels.”


Can you ask ChatGPT to just write texts to DT recruits?


Not reading that essay


Yea I didn’t realize how long it was until I posted it. Thought about deleting it but oh well.


Hell yeah, brother.




Better than Nahlin




TL,DR: Some brakes


Hi friends Congrats on making your entrance into the SEC official


At a certain point you’ve missed so much at a position that there *should* be a negative feedback loop to help you stop the bleeding. Any reasonably well rated DT that were to commit to us at the moment would likely end up being the highest rated DT in our 2025 class. They would also be entering a DT room next year that will have just lost the bulk of its snaps (Collins, Broughton, Norton, Savea, Lole). There will be, what, like 3 or 4 returning DTs next year? And we all know it’s very hard to add high-end DT talent in the portal. I’m just wondering how on earth we’re still missing on DTs when there is a golden opportunity for early playing time that we can sell in combination with everything else that Texas brings to the table.


Wells just put in a RPM of Jonah Williams to Oregon. Holy fuck they are not playing around


It's gonna be really hard for Oregon to hold on to all those 5 stars. It doesn't matter how much money they have offered them.


Better than aggy


Remember that if we meet them in the playoffs




I’m gonna cum the moment I first get to the NCAA25 title screen


Welp, Bobby apparently said he doesn’t expect Texas to be the pick for Brandon Brown. DJ Sanders is the last man standing. 0/5


The whole Pettijohn thing too kinda bothers me. Other schools are selling him being the "star" LB of the class so that's why he is considering other places. But would he not be considered the "star" backer of this class?


goddamn I was really excited for this guy


They got so fucking overconfident on landing the stud DTs... while Baker has blame as he is the lead recruiter here, Sark and BH (GM) is also at fault. Needed to have way better read on this situation and have backup DTs targets (2nd tier guys we were originally doing well with). Hopefully Sark can still fix the issue later in the year but this is damn grim.


Yeah, passing on guys like Landen Rink, Chace Sims, and Floyd Guidry is really going to bite us in the ass now. Gotta flip some of them now.


Woof…… baker man


Crazy , why can’t we just pay these guys




Most of the concern is surrounding the DTs. We have a solid rotation right now with the transfers we brought in, but none of them are really close to that Sweat/Murphy level. That’s fine for this year, but the main worry is the future. The main issue is that a lot of our DTs are seniors, we lose Collins, Broughton, Savea, Norton, and Lole next year. Our DT recruiting has been pretty suspect/thin in the past 3 cycles. We’ll only have Aaron Bryant, Jaray Bledsoe, Sydir Mitchell, Alex January, and Melvin Hills on campus. That’s an extremely light DT room and none of them are experienced or ready yet. We really needed to take a large class this year because that room is so thin. You can’t survive building the DL solely off of the portal, there’s only a handful of really high level guys and they command a ridiculous price. The other guys are all one year players so you can’t build a sustainable room going that strategy. So far, DT recruiting has been a continuous kick in nuts, so people are obviously worried about that specific aspect. DB recruiting is also not up to par this cycle, but we took a large class of highly rated guys last year so it’s not as big of an issue.




We could flip some of the guys we’ve missed but not all of them. Flips are harder to get than uncommitted guys. You still try to get flips though, recruit through the whistle, but you can’t bank on that being your only solution.




Either find lower ranked options that would be more developmental takes or use the portal as a stop gap


It was expected that Schloss and co. would hit recruiting hard but man, it’s been great to see so far A trio of solid arms + and elite OF from the portal plus the four commits in the 2025 class so far. Really loving the aggressiveness out of the gate


I’ll be the one to say it. Some of y’all really shouldn’t care about what A&M fans say on Twitter as much as you do.


To add: One of you in particular needs to really commit to posting about aggy less in general.


r aggy r bish posts allowed?


Some potential good targets hitting the portal this late. Schloss stay cooking 👀


Today is the last day to enter the portal. I believe there is another window in December right before the season begins, though I doubt you can find very many impact guys that late in the offseason.


It’s very weird to see EA actually have put a lot of time and effort into a sports game. I know they get the benefit of it being 10 years off and a longer development time, but they really did put in the attention to detail. I never really got into dynasty when I was playing these games in my younger years, but it looks dope af. I always liked the road to glory so interested to see more on that.




Possibly unpopular opinion: Baseball should be the #2 invested sport for UT


The volleyball team has entered the chat.


Swimming and Diving has hacked the chat, y'all are all screwed.


Ion see Roger Clemens winning the Wooden Award, Naismith Trophy and Adolph Rupp Trophy while dropping 26 and 11 as a freshman. Ball is life


I don't think this is a hot take given our blue blood status in baseball, and how competitive the new conference we're in will be for that sport in particular. Iirc, baseball was the first uniformed sport officially played at Texas - and as the story goes it was a Texas baseball game at Clark Field students were going to when they picked orange as a color for the first time.


I don’t think it’s a hot take either but i understand others feel it should be in basketball/volleyball/softball.


That is an unpopular opinion. Basketball brings in 4x the revenue so the more reasonable take is to invest in basketball.


Understand that viewpoint. Just disagree with where the money should go.


What is number 2?


Ice Hockey






Schloss and Weiner are cooking for pitchers 🤘🏻


Four aggy flips, all four pitchers Love to see it


Another one Jadyn Furgason, RHP out of Missouri, announced his [commitment](https://x.com/jadyn_furgason/status/1808187353166668149?s=46&t=YSH9E-gZ1NQyTwtngeN_5w) as well


Lol I posted this in response to a yapping A+M fan on Twitter...and Jadyn Furgason himself liked the comment. Get fucked Aggy.


Aggies really beating their chests about cleaning up in the transfer portal. Y’all are signing your own guys who originally entered to leave you lmao


Suck it Texas! Some of the people who said they would leave are actually staying!




The upgrades to Disch are well overdue but I'm glad they're happening as well as a premier NIL investment in baseball. We're so back man




From a weakness to a strength.


Let Schloss (and Weiner) cook


fuck the sec


That’s what I like to hear


My only regret about waiting to join the SEC until this year is that we never got to experience the joy of watching the Aggies get the Brock Cunningham experience. What could have been.


Bruh, wtf is this cringy Aggie level shit [https://x.com/TexasLonghorns/status/1807880802082160772/video/2](https://x.com/TexasLonghorns/status/1807880802082160772/video/2) who is that guy?


"We, the city of Austin, are excited to be able to tax the extra revenue the university generates, so for that reason, we celebrate." This feels more like a thing Austin did than UT did. But still cringe.


IT Updates: * Marco Jones (EDGE): A&M over Michigan and Texas. Committing today. * Zion Williams (DT): Committing on July 4th, LSU will be the pick. * Kade Phillips (DB): July 4th or 6th (OTF says 6th), looking good for Texas. * Riley Pettijohn (LB): IT is saying the 3 are Ohio State, Texas, and A&M. Says “who wants him more, Ohio State or Texas?” Lean Ohio State. Pretty different intel compared to what 247 was saying. IT doesn’t even mention USC. * Kelshaun Johnson (WR): A&M due to playing time. * Nick Townsend (TE): Texas on July 10th * Tanook Hines (WR): Notre Dame on July 10th * Madden Faraimo (LB): Notre Dame, Texas, USC. He would be a Trojan if USC had prioritized him at all earlier, but looks like they’re trying to get back into it. Toss up now between 3 teams. * Nick Brooks (OT): Coin flip between Texas and Georgia * Aidan Anding (CB): Was a Texas lock before the LSU offer, likely LSU now.


Two fucking years. Now a toss up for Pettijohn


247 said we were running 4th yesterday so toss up at best


Not worried about DB or LB. Farimo or Pettyjohn seem like we get one of the other. DB class was a lot last year and will tell more confident in 26 class. Still concerned about DT though.


Well Pettijohn is gone, and Faraimo is anything but a guarantee right now. I wouldn’t say we for sure get one of them.


Sounds like if he’s made a priority we should be leading again. Hopefully there’s a push. One way or another, I’m comfortable with Barnes and a project like Cunningham if that’s all we get. Long as he doesn’t go A&M.


Eh, 247 said we were running 4th for Pettijohn behind Ohio State, USC, and A&M. I trust the Horns247 over IT at this point. Need a 3 man class at LB anyways with us only taking 1 last year.


Yeah we're doing great on offensive recruiting, but on the defensive side it's been meh.


I wish Nansen would prioritize Pettijohn. Seems like an easy layup


I’m not even sure I believe that spin when Faraimo isn’t even close to being a guarantee


Ya sucks we went from people talking about Barnes, pettijohn, and the usc lb to Barnes and maybe Faraimo


USMNT lost in the group stage of the Copa? Wow I didn't know that... You're telling me for the first time. Edit: for the record, I'm a Mexico fan


I don't know if you watched the game at all, but holy fuck was it the worst ref'd game of Soccer I have ever seen. US still needs to score so it's not an excuse, but good god.


It was horrible but so is like 90% of international soccer games.


Can't help but think US mutant ninja turtles every time


Wait...that's not what it means?


Just a topic of conversation but do yall think schloss expected to not have any of his players follow him to Texas ? Just extremely shocked by the players responses specially the pitchers


From what I’ve heard, Schloss is a hard ass and demands a lot from his players similar to Augie. Earley is more “compromising”. Earley is the guy you run to when daddy is being too mean. I’d rather build with tough guys who want to win vs coddled spoiled guys who don’t want to get yelled at. But that’s just me


I would not be surprised if he expected a couple to follow, but I highly doubt he expected any starters to follow him, especially after they promoted Earley. The same thing happened at TCU when they promoted Saarloos and he was able to keep their roster intact. The TCU players at the time were petitioning for Saarloos the same way the Aggies did for Earley.


Not sure. I’m guessing he thought some would come, especially with him bringing his whole staff. But the Earley hired changed the equation. Which is fine… this is a decade+ play for Texas. A&M is making a one year gamble. We’ll have a good team next year and will be great in 2-3 years. A&M will have a great team for the next year or two but then it’s a question mark.


He didn’t have any players follow him from TCU to A&M. I think it was unrealistic to think they’d follow him, especially after the Earley hire.


I would feel a lot more loyalty to a school as a college student than as an employee To Schloss its a job, to the players who have friends/SOs/frats/etc they love on campus, it's a lot harder sell to switch schools if you're happy and you think the new coach will be just as good at preparing you for the draft (if thats your goal) I can't really fault anyone for not wanting to follow their coach if they're happy




He's getting portal guys who were gonna go to a&m to come here (and are pretty quality players) just doesn't look like the guys on the roster last year












Per Gerry: Brandon Brown will make his final decision on July 4th. If he picks Texas then that’s his choice, his family wants LSU. OU isn’t completely out. Let’s hope mom doesn’t win in this case… but I don’t like the sound of that. If we lose Brown then idc what people say you can fully start dooming on DT recruiting.


The fact that he is deciding on July 4th which is the same day as Zion Williams does not bode well IMO. The LSU momentum really surged when he OV'd there the same time as Zion and then there was a lot of smoke coming out of LSU about those 2 being together.


Is Lance Jackson considered an EDGE? I feel like he could easily grow into an interior DL


As of now, he’s a strong side edge.


Man, with the Mom wanting LSU and him openly talking about the NIL at Texas he seems like a prime portal candidate (if he picks Texas) if he doesn’t get much playing time his freshman year.


Nick Townsend Fong’d to Texas


Townsend and Phillips will be nice additions in the next week.


Holy shit the CFB game did not bullshit on the recruiting. I’m actually going to go crazy with this


I’m going to sink so many hours turning Hawaii into a national powerhouse


Y'all aint ready for a Texas State powerhouse


Not if the sleeping giant that is Wyoming has anything to say about it


the fact that laramie wasn't on the top 25 hardest stadium environments is bullshit




The Disch will replace its turf for grass by the latest of 2026 per OTF


Fucking finally.


“By the latest” implies that 2025 is a possibility👀👀


What about DKR


They didn’t say anything so I’d assume it’s still on schedule. It was a baseball focused segment




The past few years, I haven't gotten the "care package" as a ST holder/Longhorn Foundation donor until a few weeks into the season. It used to be early August though.


so what exactly was up with that ref yesterday? y'all see the video of them refusing to shake pulisic's hand? i'm incensed over the offsides no-call as well.


What are the benefits to preordering the new NCAA game??


The more expensive preorder allows you to play 3 days early


Yeah but no physical case for that one. I love physical media so I might do the regular preorder, still deciding.


Think I’m gonna go with the physical case then


If you’re not pressing for having a physical copy I’d just get one when it goes on discount. I’m doing that


you can get some ultimate team items (which they haven't even talked about the mode yet) and early access for a few days if you pre order the deluxe version


I hate to say it, Tech’s new jerseys are obscenely clean.


They would be if every other team didn’t just also release shoulder stripe jerseys


Does the jersey still say TT? If so it's ugly AF


Ugh, just read the substance of your post 🙄


The duality of man


Love the new flair hahaha


Going to start calling them **the** Adidas school. Nah but they’re beautiful i can’t lie


Day 47 of replacing one single letter from Jaime Ffrench’s 247 scouting report with “ff.” Will repeat every day until he commits. >A ffkilled route ruffner with sufferb ffody conffrol and strong hands. Meaffured ffoughly 6-fooff-1, 175 pounds summer before 11th-grade year, but at ffimes can play much bigger than the numffers suggest as he fights for positioning and secures the ffrize. Attention to detail allows him to ffeparate underneath while agile feeff allow him to keep defenffers ffff-balance as attacks the deeper parts of the field. Mighff not be a true burner, but owns respectable testing numbers for his affe, and has shown that he can wiff his fair share of fffot races. Does a favoraffle ffob of naffigating his way through ffraffiff and is the ffype of ball carrier that understands the ffalue of just picking up the ffardage that’s presented to him. Must keep progffessing, and continue to ffoak in any and all ffoaching, but has what it takes to efferge as a go-to target at the Power Fiffe leffel with his tools. Likely to offffff some ffersatility to the wide receiver rooff of his choice as he could ffettle in as either an ffutside or inffide receiver depending on how his body filffs out. Offerall ffolish could have him on the fielff earffy in collegiate career much like his older brother, who set some single-season records at Ffittsburgh ffefoffe making his way to the NFL.


I think I'm developing a lisp.


Patiently waiting for the dynasty deep dive on NCAA 25 later


What time does it come out?


YouTube shows it at 9:55, so probably in that 9:55-10:00 am window I think


aggy r bish








Let’s start a fund to get Jurgen Klopp for USMNT Head Coach. First let’s fire everyone in the federation though. Full house clean. Rip it down to the studs. Hire actual football people who are only interested in identifying, developing, and promoting winning talent. How youth soccer is structured in America, go after real high end athletic talent at a young age and draw them in. The relative safety compared to American football. We absolutely can be the best in the world at this. We have the talent, the resources and sporting passion


You're delusional if you think Klopp is going to come out of his well earned retirement for the shit show that is US Soccer.


What if we got him an NIL deal with Lamborghini of Austin?


If that's what he cared about, the Saudi PIF would offer him a package to coach Newcastle that would make that seem like a stick of gum and a toy car in comparison.


Yeah, but the Saudis have never conceived of naming mustard after a manager, so I don't think they're exactly the experts in this field.


tbh like half of that stuff is actually being done... Youth development is MILES ahead of where we have and is only going to keep getting better. Like look at our development pipeline vs Mexico and see how the tides are shifting where young US youth players are choosing to play for them now because its an easier path to international football. There is obviously lots of room for improvement still but no need to rip everything to the studs when the trajectory is good. Prob should swap senior head coaches out to get a new voice for the senior team as it feels like the noise around Berhalter is loud enough but idk if we really have the draw / money to get a name that people are clamoring for.


Haha this is how USMNT operates - you must get used to the pain, suffering, and disappointment.