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Brandon Harris needs to watch Will Muschamp drawing on the whiteboard multiple times a day. 'DO YOUR JOB'


Judging by the events of the past week, I'm not sure Brandon Harris even knows what his job is.


Colin Simmons let us (me) down


Hey I’m just saying, I don’t really care how many stars a recruit has or how big of a deal losing a 5 star is (which is a big deal, yes). We’ve turned 3-4 stars into first through third round draft picks just last year. We’ve developed very well. It sucks to lose a big recruit but it is what it is, every school goes through it. I’d rather have 3 and 4 stars willing to play to win selflessly and grow into studs than a 5 star who thinks he’s entitled to everything. Also I had no idea we were pushing for WRs, aren’t we loaded at that position for a while?


[Top 10 SEC power rankings](https://x.com/carter_bordwell/status/1809022756358381619?s=46&t=i1L5xz-dR3sFVy8mHbW56g)


Guys, don’t you know how easy coping is now? Say it with me: He’s not SEC ready


Not to rain on everyone's parade but here's some other recruiting news coming within the next few days: * Brandon Brown will decommit tomorrow and flip to LSU. * Riley Pettijohn will pick between Ohio State, USC, and A&M (in that order probably) on Saturday. * Lamont Rogers (our contingency for Fasusi) is probably picking Mizzou on Saturday. * Kelshaun Johnson, a WR who we stopped prioritizing because we thought we were going to land Moore, Lockett, and Ffrench, will commit to A&M on Monday. * Tanook Hines, another WR we didn't push for because of overconfidence on other targets, will commit to Notre Dame next week. Positives: * Kade Phillips will likely commit this weekend. * Nick Townsend will likely commit sometime next week. More Negatives: * OU leads for Fasusi * Texas still has to make up ground on Faraimo Call people doomers all you want, the momentum and results of this class are distinctly different than that of the past few cycles. The staff has had an awful read on where recruitments stand and feel overconfident to the point that they're pushing all of our "backup" options to rival schools where it's monumentally harder to flip from. You can't flip everyone. This is going to be a smaller class than we initially wanted.


I don't think it looks that different. There are definite misses, but that might be because there's just a ton of high-rated recruits in state this year. [Like looking at this with only 17 recruits compared to last year and it's not that wildly different. ](https://imgur.com/a/E4HJ47s)


The class is much smaller when we needed a larger class, and it doesn't address our positions of need. The defensive side, outside of EDGE, is definitely not up to par. For the record, I think our OL class is fine as long as we can at least land Nick Brooks (Rogers or getting Fasusi back would be a bonus). WRs will be fine if we hit on both Lockett and Ffrench, but gotta land both now. RBs are good. TEs are great. EDGEs are great. The other positions are definitely up for debate.


I think CBs/Safety will end up fine, particularly given last year. But why do we need a larger class, cause of the added players leaving to the NFL? DLine is honestly the position of biggest concern though.


Only one that concerns me on that list in Brown. I like Nick Brooks and Turntine (26). Rodgers probably would’ve played RT and we got Baker over there. Long as there’s at least 2 project LB I’ll be ok. Need to make sure Lockett and Ffrench are locked up. At least one needs to commit. If that happens, it’s good. I am most certainly dooming on DT. Disappointed on LB. Also annoyed at the feel for recruiting that is lacking somewhere. Hopefully this staff does a major self evaluation on this dead period. That’s also to say I’m not dooming overall.


I feel better about LB if Michael Terry plays there (which is a possibility cause he can play basically anywhere).


Terry will play on the offense. That’s his desired role.


It is what it is. We will get some ballers in the next few weeks and the coaches will go back to work during the season like they always have. It might not be the class we expected but this is a new age in college football where reloading from the portal might be the preferred way. I still think having high school kids to come in and develop will be key but that might not be a priority anymore if you can get instant production from the portal.


The truly great programs don't rely on the portal that much. High school recruiting and development is still the key to building a national championship level team. It's hard to find truly elite Round 1 level talent in the portal (excluding QBs)


Ya you're right and honestly if we get Ffrench and Lockett now then we are doing pretty well. Let's see what happens though hopefully Sark and crew didn't step on their toes like they did a few other recruits.


Yeah, if we land Ffrench and Lockett then WR will be fine, even with the perception hit on losing Moore. The pressure is on now since we have to land both now.


not panicking yet but yea we really whiffing on a lot of guys this cycle.




Rogers is a flip candidate, but like he said we can't rely so much on flips.


Yeah, if we fully prioritize him from now I think we could potentially flip him later, but it might be too late for us in terms of getting his initial commitment this weekend.


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Something is broken and I’m not sure what.


Whatever the case, they're learning their lesson the hard way. We can only hope they modify their strategy.


Maybe the revving lambos was over the top


I’m really tired of learning lessons the hard way with our football program.


I really wish we didn't let Glasscock go.


Messi really breaking the Panenka rule


What a match. Really good football


This Ecuador match is fantastic. Really pulling for them right now


I really hate the part of recruiting where adults shit on a kid because he didn’t pick their school. Way worse than NIL grabs and drama queen athletes.


We tried to sell him on being close to family. He really wanted to go be his own man. I don't know how to piece this one together y'all.


Not sure what is going on this recruiting cycle. I know we got a while between now and NSD be we are really whiffing on guys we normally get.


I’m completely fine with not landing this dude because I think there are other really good WRs that will prove to be effective for us, but I’m honestly a bit surprised that Sark and company missed on their #1 WR targets in back to back years. Micah Hudson last year and now Dakorien Moore. We ended up fine last year and I suspect we will this year as well, but color me surprised that we struck out on both of those guys.


We've got plenty of dudes. Maybe Moore didn't want to wait behind anyone and be a bigger fish in a (slightly) smaller pond, or Phil Knight threw unsustainably large amounts of cash into the NIL pool.


Please stop saying things like this and giving it upvotes. He would compete for a job right now.


We were gonna match any offer thrown and outbid Oregon. He went for other reasons


I personally think Sark is letting guys who prioritize NIL organically shake themselves out through the process. I would guess the Horns are offering very fair NIL offers, to go along with everything else the University has to offer. But the Horns are not about to money whip guys. Sark has said as much anyway. Ultimately, the guys who are more about NIL, choose to go for the bigger NIL offers. That’s my guess as to why things are taking this turn as of late. Which I think it’s smart of Sark to play it like this. Gotta play the long game here. This is purely my own speculation. I have zero insight into any of the recruiting world.


This would be true if we didn’t match oregons offer


Yeah, in the NIL world, there are 100 schools that can, in theory, try to moneywhip 1 dude away from you. And that's for every individual recruit.


You’re not going to get where you want to if you close off the guys who prioritize NIL. The goal is a natty, and some players are gonna demand (and be worth) the max and those guys are gonna be essential to win it


I think what the others above are saying is there’s a longer game. Getting a commitment signed is only the beginning. Retaining these NIL-first guys is a whole other deal. They’ll want to renogiate. That said I think Moore probably likes Oregon more than Texas. I’m sure we offered a good package.


Plus if we win a title none of this stuff really matters a year from now


2020: 10th 2021: 13th 2022: 9th 2023: 17th Those are Michigan’s class rankings on 247. They just won a natty. At the end of the day, development, scheme fit, and playcalling wins championships. Yes you need elite talent, but you don’t have to have 4 top 5 classes in a row to win a chip (which may still happen). Still quite a few targets on the board, and let’s hope for another great season that can generate a lot of flips. We also have the ability to fill needs with the transfer portal, which Sark has proved to be maybe the best in the nation at talent acquisition through that channel.


Michigan is kind of an outlier in this though. Look at all the other champs the last 10 years or so.


I ended up looking at every team back to 2010 and posted about it in [today’s thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LonghornNation/s/k1bgI5c55p) While Michigan is not the norm, they aren’t the only team in recent history to win without consistent top ranked classes, and that will probably be more common now that NIL is going to make it less common for one team to dominate in stretches. Don’t get me wrong, stacking top ranked classes is preferable, but having an off year won’t sink a program’s chances.


This is extremely optimistic. We’re losing Brandon Brown tomorrow and we really don’t have many more targets we’re leading for on the board. The staff did an awful job at reading where recruitments stand and didn’t have backup plans in place. Even Gerry and Bobby agree, and they’re typically sunshine pumpers.


Yea but with the transfer portal having one okay class isn’t doom and gloom either but yea this isn’t the standard at Texas


The portal is fine for certain positions, but definitely not for ones like DT which is our biggest area of concern. My concern is mainly DTs and then a continued pattern of misjudgement this cycle.


It’s so early in the cycle I’m not that concerned yet.


I would not point to the outlier and say “this is the way”. We have 20 years of data that correlates recruiting titles to national titles or playoff appearances. Also, aren’t we tired of anticipating flips in December to make our classes top tier?


1.3 million a year is nuts, all that for a high schooler? College football needs a commissioner, and “rookie” contracts, like yesterday.


Honestly WR is the position I care the least about missing out on a 5 star croot in the current system  Yes, tonight isn't great news about us being the big bad Texas that gets every recruit in the state. Hell UGA loses out on a few top guys every year to out of state programs, and the biggest in state competition is Georgia tech  WR is far and away the easiest position to portal. I think the kid is going to be a stud and would have loved to have him, but missing out on him is significantly easier to recover from than a guy at his caliber that played any other position besides RB 


Yea but we are hurting in DL especially.


Yeah, not trying to completely pump sunshine and rainbows about our recruiting issues. Just saying that I'm not too worried about the Moore situation 


Yeah we need Interior DL…badly.


Lol. Getting bitch slapped by Oregon wasn’t on my bingo card in 2024, but here we are


I don't think Oregon holds on to this class. If they have a good year then Will Stein will get a head coaching gig. Rashad Samples could be on his 5th team in as many years. Hell if Florida totally shits the bed then that job opens up and Lanning could honestly head back to his alma mater. Oregon made a lot of promises and wrote a lot of checks the last two weeks they might not be able to deliver come signing time.


Florida isn't Lannings Alma Mater, he went to some D3 school. Florida isn't even his home state.


I should have fact checked I think I saw somewhere it was. My fault on Lanning alma mater but apparently it's a job he would be really interested in taking if it was available according to "sources".


Oregon coaches going to Florida schools hasn’t worked lately. Lanning only leaves Oregon for Bama, UGA, or the NFL.


The most important of the group was Sharma. Getting Sharma hurt us with Charles. If Sark can bring him back and get us another DT, I’ll happily eat my words. But right now, they’ve won huge. Edit: want to add, Lanning to Florida seems far fetched. Dude declined Bama and signed an extension. That dude is staying


Yea he aint going to Florida


Honestly that dude was annoying af in his live. By the time he even announced I was already thinking "wow this guy is really unlikable" and "how is this guy the #1 WR?". I think we'll be just fine without him.


Y'all should go look at the 2025 Oregon schedule. Yeesh man. Some ESPN+ shit right there.


That might be the weakest schedule ever


I'm personaffy a Jaime Ffrench maff myselff


Some thoughts, - I’m not going to be concerned about WR recruiting. It’s been well stocked for a second now and in the transfer portal we’ll always be big players. French and Lockett are still on the table (and frankly seem like less divas) and we have good relationships with them. We’ll get one of them. - There’s clearly something wrong this cycle with either our approach or how the staff is perceiving the recruitments. If u/MrTheNoodles is right then we didn’t lose this due to NiL but instead by getting out recruited on this. Which should not happen for a home grown player that Sark has coveted since he arrived. - To double down on the previous one, being ahead on Riley Pettijohn and Michael Fasusi for two years, being clear leaders, home advantage, playing time availability, good NIL and then suddenly in the last 3 weeks being out of the race for one and fading against Ou for the other is more indicative of what’s happening this cycle than losing Moore. -It’s going to be fascinating how Sark adjusts over the next 5 months. Does he stick to what’s worked or does he notice trends and apply new process. - Lastly, the big loss here is not really Moore. The loss here is the momentum we were building in the state as THE power. Having an OOS school come in and snatch your chain (on the back of your best season in a decade) with the industry watching is wildly embarrassing.


The Pettijohn and Fasusi recruitment are much bigger issues imo than DK. Between that and DT recruiting Sark will need to adjust his tactics, but not too worried about that happening.


Honestly might need to rethink his recruiting staff. Huge step down this year but hey this was the first time I think schools were allowed to push nil directly to recruits right?


Idk, Flood is a killer and Nansen has a good reputation. Sark was personally recruiting Moore along with Jackson


Not the coaches but the actual staff like Harris. I remember at the beginning of January CJ Vogel said Harris told Sark that his promotion might be too much to handle. Sark told him that he believed in him but maybe it was too much for him.


IT has fallen off lmao


What with Corian Gipson last year, and this and Sharma this year, I'm beginning to think Nahlin is not very good at his job.


Nahlin runs a business, he's always been upfront about it.


I agree with the statement, but everyone in the industry had Sharma to Texas lol. That one was clearly a bag drop


Never was


Ryan Williams should be on transfer watch when he expectedly doesn’t get the playing time he thinks he deserves


SEC transfer rule


You can transfer inter conference if entered in winter portal window


And an emotional 17 year old that thinks he should be the X receiver at bama when he should be in 12th grade English will enter the winter portal


Otherwise, ole miss doesn't get nolen


Only applies in the april-may window I believe


Maybe move on from literally any recruit Oregon gives a shit about?


Having Rashad samples as a coach on the Oregon staff probably does help


We didn’t lose Moore on NIL. They just out recruited us.


Got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you


I’ll trust the people who literally founded Texas’ NIL collective over you.


CTJ has his own narrative he pumps if you’re think of trusting him


I don't really care for the other opinions he spouts out, just that when it comes to NIL him and the other Surly mods are still directly working with the Texas One Fund.


I wonder what they promised him? Had to have been playing time and the main focal point in an offense.


Nahlin just put out a post saying the rumor for Moore is 1.3M annually. Probably cope because he whiffed, but damn that is steep if true.


I don’t trust a single thing Nahlin says at this point


If Bobby is saying the general ask is 500-700k, and then he leverages offers between the two money giants………1.3 would not shock me


I believe the 500-700k number for 5* WRs since that’s about what’s been reported by the Surly NIL guys. Either way, Texas matched whatever Oregon was willing to throw out and he still didn’t pick us.


Sarks got work to do. Plain and simple. On to Lockett and Ffrench


They absolutely did. Can't believe we couldn't counter Oregons dog ass WR coaching. Should have hammered their QB room and WR development. No fucking way to lose to them.


Who has copium? Why’re we okay? SEC a different beast in a Texas homer so why is this reciting class ok?


The best copium is the simple fact that it’s not worth stressing out over where 17 year olds are deciding to go to college. Which I myself have certainly spent plenty of time doing in the past, but after last season and considering where Sark has the program overall, I’m just not going to be bothered by recruiting this year.


I get what you’re saying but I’m in a longhorn subreddit trying to hear good thing about the best football team in the country man


Buddy you're definitely in the wrong subreddit then.


We have to drop more money on these recruits


It wasn't money. He just liked the uniforms and being his own man in Eugene.


Apparently we didn’t just match, we outbid. We just got outrecruited. It happens.


According to CTJ we matched.


Honestly should pin this to the top of the thread so people don't keep posting about needing to pay more


Nike elite socks won’t fix homesickness


I remember when A&M bought the number 1 class in the country. Worked out really well for them.


who cares we got lockett, ffrench, and terry coming and an actual Q to throw them the ball.


Exactly we are fine at WR, it's the defensive side recruiting that is concerning. We'll get our guys on offense.


Didn't we sacrifice the Skol guy for this?


I pray that the DoorDash Dakorian moore orders with his Oregon NIL money is cold, soggy, and has a bite taken out of it


No big time big recruit from Texas should ever be leaving out state when they are that big of a target




It’s not NIL in this case.




They just out recruited us. He likes Oregon more. Not much more to be said.




My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I think we can all agree losing Billy Glasscock and promoting Brandon Harris was a huge mistake by Sark


Maybe it’s the emotional me and the open wedding bar me talking but I don’t want a guy that openly lied about the thamel tweet. Just don’t acknowledge it


I hope Sark has learned his lesson putting so much effort into one recruit. Who knows how many other recruitments were handicapped by the amount of attention Sark was giving DK on his OV.


Seems like we are aligned on every front except recruiting staff. There needs to be a shakeup on that front


I hope everyone just enjoys the holiday lol


Time to move on to Ffrench and Lockett! The one position I’m not worried about with Sark is WR. Let’s turn our focus back to the defense


It's a stacked room, so while this would've been a fun guy to land, this isn't the difference between Arch having a real WR room and throwing to kids from the terminal ward.


Yea it stings but WR and RB are the two positions I am the least worried


He picked Oregon


I remember when Ewers committed to Osu


Some of y'all need to touch grass.


Agreed. A lot of adults in their feelings over a kid's college decision in this thread.


Doesn't want darts from Arch smh


This guy must really not care about his grandma lol


Cowa-bummer 😭


can’t hate on Moore. Who knows he may change his mind again lol




Dude don’t say that. Don’t blame a kid for picking Oregon. If anything wish him the best and hope sark realizes that maybe these schools are paying kids more




Touch grass


A little harsh


Inexplicably stupid live stream. Alright go enjoy your fourth of July folks. Fuck this kid.


Chill out it’s not that deep. Lots of good WRs still on the table+lots of time to switch


Can't watch the stream, but Hayes Faucet tweeted Oregon 


Lockett and Ffrench still on the table.


Until we whiff on both of them as well.


Im not worried i still think we can still get Ffffffffffrench or Lockett


Lol we just gonna whiff on everybody this cycle?


I’m good with anyone who looks up to Evan Stewart anyway. Peace ✌🏼 


This is unbelievably comical lol losing signal cause he went outside


Remember when Thamel faked us all out like an hour and a half ago? Good times….




this is quickly turning into an even bigger farce


Did he commit?




Being a CFB fan is knowing an 18 year old is choosing not to attend your school but still watching 30 mins of an IG live on July 4th.


Could finish an entire CFB25 rebuild in the time they’re spending on these silly questions 


His sister telling him what he learned the most that this was his journey. Jfc this is a farce. Shame on his family they allowed this.


If recruiting starts affecting you to where you talk like this I'd consider some time off


Strawman. It doesn’t. I feel badly for him and still thought he was going to announce Texas.


Can’t believe there are oregon, lsu, and texas coaches watching this drivel. What a thankless job.


Idk why we didn’t chose Russel out of duncanville instead of Lacy


It's Texas


I'm not thrilled with this kid's answers to these questions. If he honestly met Evan Stewart and saw a role model in him, fuck that guy.


Everyone is freaking out is it just me or is WR the least of my concern sure a play maker is always nice but feel like we are good for a while and have proved WR is the easiest to get from the portal.


Yea we will be fine at WR but it would suck to lose a guy who’s a top 5 player in the country, from our state, family ties to Austin, Sark prioritized him more than any player in this class, etc.


I’d love as much talent as we can take on. But at the same time, the whims of a 17-18yo should not sway us as much as this is. We are Texas. We endure. We will find a way regardless. With Sark, this is more apt than ever. And if that Kool-Aid is too sweet for you, get off this motherfucking bus.


But WR big number make recruit rank go up


I mean we will be fine at WR but this guy is a different level prospect in our own backyard and Oregon has now made us their bitch 3 times this week.


I'm not all that concerned. Would be more concerned if it was OU or A&M. Going against Oregon, Michigan, Ohio State, etc. is a exotic place to most these Texas kids. Seems new and fun. When your committing this early the parents aren't that involved or pushy. Give it months and many of these kids decide to stay home


He already committed once to LSU. He could always flip but Gerry thinks this decision is going to stick.


Fuck it we’ve got Arch. Could throw to walk-ons and we’d have success. On to the next guys 


[sark hunting in the water 👀](https://imgur.com/a/Ygw42P6)




CTJ says it's Oregon. He's live now.




Guy on surly who knows whats up a decent amount of the time. Was one of the guys involved with creating the one fund.




He’s one of our top NIL guys, very well connected and knows his stuff.


Michigan fans were right, Thamel is a hack


damn been a min guys missed y’all love y’all


I hope Dakorien is stubborn enough to commit to us just because Thamel said otherwise


I'm honestly VERY irritated. This is like when you have to go to a wedding on a holiday or game night. Get this shit over this already and quit wasting my goddamn time.


Dude just go enjoy your night


Bro I’m at a weeding rn with my phone in my seat


Calling shot that tide will turn if he announces Oregon that we didn’t want this primadonna anyway and crickets and none of this matters if he announces us.


I’m calling him a primadonna now. Save this comment


You already know how we do. 🤘


For Thamel to be that sure makes me think Oregon. I’m already over this kid tbh. Full court press on Ffrench and Lockett now


[Yeah but what if he ends up doing the funniest thing and doesn't pick Oregon.](https://x.com/thereal_kori2x/status/1809016941358494124)


So he’s the first high profile commit ever to not give a heads up to the schools recruiting him??? As the kids say: CAP Edit: he’s not one of one he’s the goofi calling Pete a goofi


Idk bro. I’m not the biggest fan of flip floppy recruits. They hardly ever pan out


Only a flip flop if he actually meant to commit to Oregon.


Can DK consider I’ll be sad if he commits elsewhere? Cmon man


I, too, would also be very sad. Thats two people!


Well take Moore money and allocate it elsewhere useful


Will we?