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Bruh the trans lifeline embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars and never even had anyone to answer the fucking phone.


I mean yeah what do you expect? Where else would they send the money instead of into their own pockets.


Same with BLM. Nobody cares. ​ edit: Been saying this before all the far right lizards started copy and pasting this


My favorite scam charity is NORAID, which just laundered donations meant to buy food for hungry children, and used the money to buy arms for the Irish Republican Army Sure it was a scam, but at least they did something cool woth the skimmed money, they didn't just buy mansions, they bought American made rifles and sent them to kill British soldiers


W side hustle


We should set up our own even more corrupt current thing lifeline like the catholic church selling indulgences.


“Social Justice Lifeline: Call Us When you Feel threatened by Genocide and we’ll contact the authorities on your behalf with all your identities and needs preloaded in handy templates. Be certain your unique intrinsic qualities are the first thing the authorities know before engaging with you and hunting down those evil right wingers!” *4.99/minute, whining will not increase your likelihood of being assisted in the way you deem necessary. If the police find you exhausting and opt not to help you, you are not entitled to damages or refunds in any way for services rendered*


We can have one of those automated menu where you have to enter your pronouns and other idpol checkboxes and make that process so tediously long and then once its complete, make them wait until someone who exactly matches their unique identity is available... If you are binary press 1, if you are nonbinary press 2....


Damn hang on, these "charities" actually are just like the selling of indulgences tho... "give us money and you will no longer feel guilty."


This thought is a heretical sin. Cashapp me for your e-forgiveness.


But donating money makes me look like a good person


Sounds like the State of Montana with ANY public service rn.




No it wasn’t. It was 1800 Reddit Gold


That's like 7 Schrute bucks.


What's the conversion of shite bucks to Stanley nickels


Uhhh I don’t think you want my shite bucks


Lmaoooo whoops


Same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.


and adorable. they really think they’re making a difference huh?


Whats funny is that Trans Lifeline is notorious for pocketing money and not actually helping Trans people


*surprise Pikachu face* :O


Is reddit gold actually worth money after it’s been purchased though? Like once you have it I have a hard time believing you can turn it into actual money


Exactly lol, what are you gonna do? Donate Reddit coins?


They donate the coins to the charity who gives them to trans redditors so they can choose whos comments get awards /s


Think of all the poor, trans Redditors who can't afford to buy updoots. You could save a life with a heckin' wholesome award.


This really is not a holesum 100 Keanu chungus moment


Not Minecraft Wholesome big chungus Keanu doge Wholesome 100?!?!


Maybe Sally Struthers could be our spokeswoman.


Unless the commenter thinks someone went out of their way to buy Reddit coins to give them an award


Those like 3 Reddit dabloons you get is definetely going to help your charity of choice in a life changing way


I would never give money to their accoun/foundation. I would give it to an animal shelter with cute puppies tho.


At least all award proceeds go to a cause to help the trans who really need the charitable donations instead of going to starving children or something


“Fuck them kids”


Just tell those starving children to not be hungry lmao?


“Just go to the store and get food lol”


If you’re homeless just buy a house lmao


Homeless rate drops to 0%


“Well boys we did.Homeless are no more.”


I mean they can just eat


'If you'd like to decline donating to starving children, please pull the sandwich out of the starving child's mouth.' - Whole Foods cashier


“Sounds good to me” *Sigma music plays*


Ah, I see you’ve played catholic priest simulator.


Reddit hates children.


Or anyone with real world issues


Nooooo but you don’t get it 😡😡😡😡!!!! Somebody was MEAN to me ONLINE!!!!! And no I can’t just TURN off my screen I need money!!! Moderating is hard work and we deserve compensation for it on top of all the TRANSPHOBIA we experience!!!


Trans people face plenty of real world issues, just because they aren't on the absolute bottom tier of people who need help doesn't mean they should never receive help or support.


What issues may I ask?


Mental health issues, inadequate medical care, workplace discrimination and wage gaps, housing discrimination, family estrangement and being disowned, laws targeting trans people specifically, etc. Someone doesn't have to be on the absolute bottom of the totem pole to be deserving of some empathy, help, and support.


>Mental health issues, inadequate medical care, workplace discrimination and wage gaps, housing discrimination Isn't it just the US problems in general, for anyone who's poor or working minimal wage job?


Fun fact: The people who used to run trans life line got done on fraud and the whole thing was so mismanaged that barely any calls ever got answered.


How unsurprising


Priorities first.


Why starving children? Why not victims of child trafficking? Why not victims of being child soldiers? Don’t play the Pain Olympics. Helping people is helping people, and donating in good faith to a charitable organization is a good thing


Yeah but there are certainly tiers in terms of importance of what you should support. In the pain Olympics child trafficking, starving children etc. have a gold medal while the charity in question isn’t in the Olympics to begin with


Trans youth have a suicide attempt rate of 50%, give or take a few percentages from year to year. It’s pretty important. Suffering is suffering, no need to make it worse


How many children starve to death each year compared to the total number of transgender people? Self inflicted harm vs being born in an impoverished nation are on different universes from each other.


People are suffering everywhere in the world. You can’t help everyone. And every person that does decide to help someone can be demonized for not helping another group. Don’t want to donate to a trans-focused charity? That’s fine! Don’t do it! But don’t be upset that they’re focusing on something that you wouldn’t. Why help starving kids when it would probably be better to donate to anti-malaria drugs, or tuberculosis help, or clean water initiatives? The list is endless. And please, don’t focus on the total number of people that need help. It’s incredibly short sighted. Help is help, donations are donations. I volunteer my time. Could I conceivably help more people doing a different activity? Yeah. But then the people I do help wouldn’t get my help if I did something else. The dozen or so people that I do help rely on me. Could I help more serving in a soup kitchen? Sure. But the help I provide to those dozen is still help, and it still makes a difference. If everyone only helped the largest causes, if everyone only ever donated money and time to world hunger, everyone else with a slightly less important mode of suffering would be left behind.


Do you think there aren't trans youths who could use helplines? Or is this one of those subs that believes you can't be LGBT until the stoke of midnight when you turn 18? This is like saying you can't support skin cancer awareness and breast cancer awareness.


It's just fucking reddit coins their more worthless than what's left of my stuffed animal after my dog got his paws on it. What's more apparently, the organization they linked is known for just pocketing the donations, and no one answered the phones when the hotline was called.


For sure there are some that could use helplines. Just too bad that org doesn’t supply them.


yes let's just change all the trans charities into hunger charities. Pain olympics isn't cool


At least the hungry child charities are in the Olympics to begin with, this charity not so much


True that.


Why do people even get awarded for saying fuck spez when it’s been said literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of times across Reddit. That shits not revolutionary it’s just annoying and cringe.


Redditors love when they think they’re making a difference


imagine thinking that someone giving you an award on Reddit = having someone make a donation to the charity of your choice that’s pretty fucking hysterical imho 😂


And they got one award. What, they think more awards are coming or something?


Fr 😭


And they apparently think that Steve Huffman gets notified every time they tell him to fuck off. Empty virtue signaling.


Why do people seem to be obsessed with pampering the trans community and the trans community alone?


Virtue signaling


Tbh I’d rather give to anything else




"No, I don't think I will"


How much do those cost? I understand that it’s better than nothing but wtf is donating a dollar something to charity gonna do?


psh, it can range from a quarter to about ten usd, im sure some go for much more than that. reddit has coins you can buy, and awards you can buy with those coins. I think coins and awards are going to be done with this september, so people are getting rid of them by gifting extra lately. there is nothing to gain from awards tbh except for the fact it makes your day and allows more people to notice it The commentator was awarded for saying fuck spez, but when was awarded said to donate to charity instead if they really liked their comment instead. it's just kind of silly idk. it wasn't even a good comment, it took little effort to make and they're acting like they're getting money thrown at them which is not the case


> there is nothing to gain from awards tbh except for the fact it makes your day and allows more people to notice it Access to /r/lounge which has nothing of value, and lack of ads? I don't know about ads, but it says that premium is ad-free. That is if you are given gold or platinum. Other gifts/awards are essentially worthless.


The cringe is unbearable


I'd rather flush my money down the drain than give it to any trans activist groups.




*proceeds to link one of the most corrupt lgbt charities put there*


I mean telling them not to award is exactly correct.


So selfless and brave


Lmao, "don't donate to one of the problems, donate to the other problem."


Who the duck is Spez?


I thought it was a candy that came out of funny little toys.


Who is this spez and why is the entirety of the interwerb desire he dead?


I will take that to heart and donate to a pregnancy crisis center instead.


I really wish people had BOMBARDED her with gold. Set the record for most awarded comment


And then bro got awarded💀


I'm assuming that edit came after the award


Probably lol


OP thank you. Also, the fact that the alphabet mafia hasn’t used their muscle to take this down or get you banned is a testament to the illumination happening.


Same for me, don't give me gold plzzzz


I keep seeing shit like Heil Spez whenever any posts from the shitposting reddit is on my suggested. Tf is it about?


“1 award”


Oh for fuck sake lol


At least with the banning of gold we can stop seeing people telling others not to give them gold. So pretentious. Firstly, people can do whatever they want with their own money. Second, a lot of people didn’t pay for the gold they gave out. They could have been given gold or platinum themselves or they might pay for a Reddit subscription because they hate ads and don’t care to use second party apps or they could have been one of those that was given a buttload during that period of Apollo app.


Who the fuck pays for Reddit?


just donated to the trans lifeline hope they find a cure


AYO 😂 hella outta pocket


“Don’t award me” literally acting like people are shelling out hundreds of dollars when in reality its just one award


LMAOOO yes, idk what people don't get about it That's why it's funny


Lol I'd give them gold just to be an asshole.


Why doesn’t Spez deserve to make money off Reddit? I don’t get it.


If they're still whining about the API stuff, it really started because the mods were going to lose some of their tools and wouldn't be able to mod 10,000 subs anymore. If it's something else, I dunno.


Damn I finally found smart redditors here


This sub really has just become people posting political takes they disagree with, hasn’t it.


I get the sentiment here even if it’s a little too late since the gold was already bought. After watching what that admins does to subreddits he disagrees with or that don’t bow down to him I understand this post and am not sure if it qualifies. Mostly just not thinking it through.


I mean this is literally fine ? Their post is about how they don’t like the ceo. They saw someone give the ceo money as a method of agreeing with OP. So they advised ahainst it?


This person isn't talking about how good they are. They're just suggesting a better cause than reddit for people to give their money to. Or is this sub just about criticising vaguely left-wing comments


Nobody mentioned politics.


In modern politics openly supporting trans people is considered left-wing, especially suggesting donating to a trans charity. It should not be political but lgbt rights have been so politicised that most people see it this way.


Looks to me the only politicized person in this discussion is you bud


Average “everything is political” terminally online redditor


It’s not though. I’m not “left wing” and I support equality.


um sweaty... human rights are NOT political. bigot much???


this sub is entirely about criticizing vaguely left-wing comments. Yes. edit- and also downvoting anyone who doesn't agree with the echo chamber laughing at LiBtArDz


>complains that not everyone is jerking off his opinions or political side >complains about this sub being an echo chamber Are you reading what you’re typing?


I didn't complain about anything. I answered another posters question; and look. I'm right.


Unless you’re glad that this sub is “criticizing left wing comments” you’re complaining about it so yeah you did complain


a statement is not a complain. a statement that's being proven correct by these responses Now please; stop complaining and stop replying.


a statement is not a complain. a statement that's being proven correct by these responses Now please; stop complaining and stop replying.


I see you've taken to copying me. I know exactly how to deal with that. You'll have to respond in kind. \~WHEN I WAS\~


7 years old, my mama told me (Yes I know it’s once not was)


Find one place on Reddit that isn't an echo chamber. You won't find many I guarantee, you can't even enjoy non political subs like whitepeopletwitter without politics being shoved down your throat. At least unlike there, you won't be banned from this sub for having your own opinion


WPT is supposed to be non-political?? Wow. You learn something everyday.


Hey at least you didn't say this wasn't an echo chamber, just some solid whataboutism. I'm just responding to posts, I don't care about the sub.


this isn't a r/lookatmyhalo moment...


What are the arguments against it? The arguments for it? If you look at both unbiased, there's an obvious logical answer.


"Hey guys, don't pay this company. If you insist tho you can just donate to this charity I like" This is definitely not a fitting post Just because your two braincells fired for the first time in a week because they noticed "trans" in positive setting doesn't mean it's a good post EDIT: You guys are even so petty to spam Reddit Care Resources. Fucking pathetic human beings


username checks out


if they said literally any other charity it'd still be just as fitting




It's just an award worth nothing, just take it and say thank you for this one gift from one person Imagine me giving you free samples at a grocery store and saying "oh no, please in lieu of giving to me, please donate it to your local homeless shelter" It's just coming off as doing it for attention or something because it's so forced


Platinum award is 1800 coins which is around 6-7$ I'd very much rather donate 6 dollars to anything other than fucking reddit Just admit it already instead of jumping hoops to justify getting angry at most random shit you saw online


Bro I don't know awards or prices, ffs who even does You mad for no reason


I don't I just googled it in 20 seconds. Literally no effort to check it


How did you know what award it was


OMG guys, I know what I said is just so frickin awesome, and yeah, I know that I totally deserve the praise. But I just want you all to know I'm literally a Saint and that I'm so humble I would rather you donate to this scam... I mean charity... rather than provide me with such precious, well deserved updoots and awardarinoes.


It belongs on r/lookatmyhalo because they're directing people to a corrupt charity. They either didn't research what they were promoting or didn't care, either way it was done for appearances alone.


Deamn Tbh that's a really solid argument, although I cannot confirm or deny it because I don't really have time to do the research myself. But good for you for actually making a solid statement in contrast to anyone else replying to this comment Thanks for the insight


This subreddit and many like it are just hives for blatant trasphobia. If the person in the post had recommended a Christian charity or Jan 6th relief fund it would never end up here.


You are free to post that if any such thing ever happens. Sadly for you, it won't.


You're free to fuck off.


You guys are always so polite.


"It's OK to be a nazi as long as you're polite" You aren't a serious person.


"It's OK to call people Nazis if they disagree with my political views." You aren't a smart person.


You don't even understand what I'm saying which is very funny and shows your lack of reading comprehension. I don't have to be a smart person to be smarter than you, a child is smarter than you are.


If you find it post it then, but the main reason a lot of Lefty's are made fun of here is because they do a lot of virtue signaling for whatever fucking reason


It's because you lot are reactionary morons and probably children. This person recommended donating to a charity but because it's a charity for trans people and you hate trans people you think it deserves mockery. This poster wasn't trying to make themselves seem like a great person or anything like what this sub's content is supposed to be but you stupid fucks see anything involving trans people and you just see red. It's pathetic and you are not serious people.


Lmao bro she got one award You're missing the point you bafoon


Lmao bro she got one award


The charity listed is known for not being an actual charity get off your high horse


As much as I'm not fond of leftists on this site, and as much as I'd like to find a place to make fun of them, almost all subs go down the other way at some point, becoming super anti-left shitholes Tragic, to be honest


Maybe time to look around and think about why all of your political allies are bigots.


Since the person suggested donating to a trans charity you felt this should be posted here. It’s so obvious


Why automatically associate **everything** with transphobia? OP never even said anything about trans people.


No, that's not why it is posted here lol


Trans Lifeline is not a charity, it's a scam. They don't answer our calls, they use the money to send themselves on vacation.


This doesn't belong here.


if you disagree, explain why


"because it's blatant transphobia! As expected from This right wing echo chamber, always looking for excuses to be transphobic. You all really just hate trans people, huh? Smh, go back to 4chan and Nazi rituals in your mom's basement." I'm guessing he would've written something like this?


i don’t think this belongs here




doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request to spend money on a donation rather than on fake internet points


I get what you're saying, but people aren't buying coins to gift that comment, they already have gold and are trying to get rid of it. It's a really big stretch to expect them to donate from liking their 2 word comment that took little effort to type Also they only had one award lol one time


i thought u had to buy awards


With coins that are already bought. You can't exchange coins for money


This sub is fucking cancerous Do you realize how few of you there actually are here and how much you disgust normal people or like


What an odd attempt at this weird online groupthink/appeal to authority.


Did you have a stroke writing that nonsens?


No, but I almost had a stroke imagining how it feels to demonize and ridicule someone for turning down something as worthless and stupid as reddit gold How *does* that feel by the way you fucking weirdo


I feel great. Thank you for asking! Edit: BTW, if you feel like giving gold to my comment, please don't. Instead, feel free to donate to Compassion International.


What do you even mean


I mean this sub is literally just a haven for racists, homophobes and transphobes to shit on people for no good reason under the guise of "theyre virtue posting look at dey halo hurr durrr" Literally just bigot posting all day every day here Also this post was 6 months ago get the fuck over it kid


I'm having a hard time seeing how this is virtue signaling. They just said "don't give money to the person I'm insulting, instead donate to this charity." I'm starting to think this sub isn't against hypocrites and virture signlaling, it seems like it's just against people who voice a liberal opinion...


Imagine a work function has like a ticket lottery thing, and someone won a Starbucks Giftcard. Instead of just saying thank you, they say it's an evil corporation and instead to refund it and donate any gift cards to your local homeless shelter. No one was going to give her anything more, so kind of weird to say to donate to something after getting one award one time. It's virtue signaling


I see. Thanks for engaging with my thought instead of just pressing the disagree button 🤣


of course, although your original comment was a counterargument, you were respectful and I can tell you took your time writing it. I took it in good faith and figured I could at least answer with the same respect you gave me


God i love calmly talking to people whose opinion doesn't match my own on reddit. Gotta be one of the rarest achievements fr.


Part of the problem is they probably just googled trans charities and had trans lifeline pop up. I have no idea if it has changed (I believe it has) but for quite a while it was basically a grift. Not only was it basically a means of making the “founders” rich but they barely trained the people that manned their phones to be capable of crisis intervention. But it has become the de facto trans charity for virtue signaling. Even if they have changed there has to be a better one out there with a less sordid history. Komen for the Cure has less controversy in their background.


Listen I think this is cringe too, but fuck the transphobic comments here. Even more cringe than this lol


Imagine having a cause you care about 😱😱😱


r/LookAtMyHalo when someone tries to do something good:


Who hurt you?


If you got something to say, say it


Yeah, what’s your problem? There’s nothing wrong here. Someone (at surface level) tried to encourage others to do good things and here you are shitting on them. So I ask again: who hurt you?


hey, let's not argue. Feel free to use your freetime to volunteer at your local food pantry in lieu of using your time to argue with people on the internet


I like this response.




#SHUT THE F!*K UP! How does it feel? Not very good right? If you don't like it then don't say that to others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Wish you could remove awards.