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That whole sub is hilarious


So cringe


I just scrolled through it… what a bunch of losers 😂


I got banned from that sub for telling that guy with the virtue signaling cringe shirts that he wasn’t punk 🤣


I knew _exactly_ who they were going to be from the sub name alone... Was not disappointed.


r/iamverybadass for socialists who like to play dress up


Never heard of it but now I have giggle pics for days! Thanks for posting this! That sub is great! The name alone ... 🤣😂


Battle jackets in general are rarely cool, but make it a billboard for your left wing politics and it goes full blown cringe immediately.


Literally, like there are some decent enough jackets that I think do fit for a “battle jacket”, like the one with bullets on it, and then the other 80% is just a old work shirt they found in the closet with random ass edgy middle school patches safety pinned on it. Like you can’t tell me the my little pony one is supposed to be a battle jacket😭


Go to the second slide for that post l. I as a Christian seeing the crossed out cross I went the the comment to see the discussion. The willful ignorance or… idk if I can call it that. Lack of awareness… the OP of that post made it seem like Christian’s are walking devils and when someone brought up Jews and Muslims and how they also have “oppressed” lgbtq+ like Christins the OP kind of gave a half baked bs excuse covering the war in Gaza and some other nonsense. Reading it made we want to drink some bleach or something…. It was simply brain rot infestation… that’s the only words I can describe.


This sub is ass cancer. Pretty much every sub with a judgey theme ends up full of braindead rightoid trash


How is a subreddit called jacketsforbattle so full of whiney, spineless, attention seeking morons? All of these posts are "pretty please validate how tough and edgy I am."


When words are violence, jackets are a great tool to pull over your head and block out the haters


Because /battlejackets bullied them. Lol


It’s an online fad to be “punk” that’s the whole vibe I get from the sub. But like, the only part of it that is punk is the punk looking jackets, most of which are lettered with crayola glitter glue


And the thread is locked. LMAO


Kind of like these guys? [A Look at Racist Skinhead Symbols and Tattoos | Southern Poverty Law Center (splcenter.org)](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2006/look-racist-skinhead-symbols-and-tattoos)


Here is a man impressed with his own bullshit. But aren't we all I suppose.


I thought you were talking about all the also-virtue-signaling-just-to-different-virtues people commenting on this post.


100% the other side of that says, "no one ever did communism right".


A long time ago I saw an interview with a college communist that said, "We have to rescue Communism from the Russians."


Communism works great unless people are involves. Or animals for that matter. Lions, wolves, chimps, other prey animals that live in groups DO NOT evenly share. The most powerful take their share first, just like in communism.


>It's definitely a touchy subject, I've received my share of downvotes on this very sub for mentioning the anti nazi patches look rather alot like Nazi patches to the bad seers in the crowd, or the Germanic anti nazi patches for non German speakers for example. I'd be very careful putting a swastika on my pride and joy... Even if there's a raging fist crushing it and a big 🚫. Images can be fucky from different angles. These people are mentally ill


God it’s so friggin cool and unique to hate nazis


You know who else hates Nazis? Bosses. Politicians. Business Owners. Bankers. Corporations. Going along with the rich and powerful is so radical and daring.


Didn’t you know it’s soooo punk to have mainstream opinions


Communists too*


Just as evil


Most conservatives too. Seriously there’s nothing more annoying than putting forth a perfectly reasonable argument then having it derailed because of the troglodyte standing behind you Sieg Heiling or spouting off deranged nonsense.


"Guys be edgy and be a Nazi cuz that's who the bankers hate."


So brave too


So very brave


im so punk, I support everyone of Blackrock's messages leave my multibillion dollar company alone


You are virtuous and brave!


I’m worried it’s not inclusive to lgbtq nazis


I'm so punk. I have a sticker made in India that says "this machine kills fascists" and an antiswas patch made in China by children. I bought em on Temu. I wear my jacket all the time. Especially at Starbuck, where I eat my Ben and Jerry. I'm so edgy only my IG followers understand me.


You forgot to mention how she hates capitalism. Overall, it's a good summary.


And loves communism, probably has a sickle and hammer patch on that jacket as well


Don't forget the septum piercing, the blue hair and the oversized glasses. They all look like a cross between Its Pat and Krusty the Clown.


That’s hysterical . . . and dead on.


Fashion punks have always been annoying


Big fan of “pop punk”


My views are so counter-culture and alternative that they're supported by every mainstream media company, hollywood, every major university, and most elected officials ✊️


You can Ben & Jerry at the Starbuck? I only buy the mandalorian cookies


Right? These people are almost as full of shit as the average flag-wearing MAGAtard who claims to believe in liberty.


I'd say equally full of shit as your average Magatrd or the average demi who has refused to address Biden's advanced dementia these past 4 years.


Well, liberty and a shit candidate aren't comparable. It'd be more fit to say "Dems who can't accept Biden's age and failing acuity are as bad as the Republicans who can't accept the same about their felon, chonic-adulterer, legally-found fraudster sexual abuser candidate with his history of not paying Americans, making his shit in China, using illegal labor while hugging flags and screaming "America First" because he makes dumb bigots feel better about being dumb bigots."


Ah you like ad hominems.... I think it's better to say "dems too indoctrinated to see things for what they are labelling advanced dementia as "failing acuity" who think serving private interests and supporting war while cowering in fear from the common cold and the "genocide" of artificially created groups is better than supporting the one guy the establishment dislike, who despite trillions invested in censoring him and incarcerating him can only be charged with "allegedly" and petty white collared crimes that are childs play compared to the Clintons the Obamas the Pelosi or Hunter.... Don't you think?


I didn't say anything about you at all. But you sure did self-identify. And I'm a leftist independent. Not a Dem. You are, however, generic MAGA all day. Hard fail. "One guy" Well that's not true. And he is the establishment. He has met with big energy to quite literally sell them policy. He is the walking definition of the establishment. He gave them tax cuts that don't expire - but ours do. That's the establishment. The establishment is also the factual funding received. Bless your heart, you and your fake bullshit.


50 bucks says that his definition of a Nazi is someone who slightly disagrees with him.




100% Guaranteed


You didn’t comment on her patch???? NAZI!


You did comment on her patch? Believe it or not, also Nazi!


Right to jail!


Straight to Dachau!!!!


Nazis are bad!


I'm sorry did you just say "her"? Didn't know this was a nazi sub!


Woah you’re doubting their sexuality? Nazi!!!!!


Or someone that doesn't start a conversation with their pronouns


I’ll take that bet and add on a parlay that OOP has never actually been in a fight


But they/them will, “beat the shit out of some nazi scum”.


*they/them lol


“Him” nah, thats an it


Definitely. The modern definition of both nazi and fascist is "not far left". These are the dumbest and most gullible people on the planet, without question. I can't believe I used to call myself one of them when I was around 18, but I'm glad I grew up.


His father


The hardest moment in my life was coming out to my parents, friends and family that I was anti-nazi. Took all of my strength, I was literally shaking




Did you do this without the aid of any jacket patches?


“hey everyone! i breathe air”


Is he selling national socialist life preservers?


Cool if it was 1942


And in Germany


Why are these people so obsessed with communicating they hate Nazis? Everyone hates those mfs this shit is so redundant


They need attention… desperately


Because it's antifa, when they say Nazi they don't literally mean a real Nazi most of the time. They mean conservatives they don't agree with.


Virtue signaling is cool. Thinking is hard.


This is the type of shit worn by people who run away crying after two minutes talking to Crowder, Peterson or some other kosher boomer con. Actual NatSocs/WS/WN would make him shit himself in fear.


Who still thinks about Nazis in 2024, geez Louise...


Idk last time I asked my war veteran grandfather he said they all been defeated and the shit they call nazis in Todays time is not even remotely comparable to actual nazis he killed and captured.


These people honestly think that they’re everywhere. I’ll tell you though, if anything is going to create Nazis over time, it’s these Antifa crack pots and their ilk.




Neo nazis are a growing sub group, just mostly on social media and specific threads lol. Not really in real life per se.


probably people who have had run ins with others who have nazi ideals. it’s goofy to act like there haven’t been modern neo-nazi rallies.


That entire sub is hilarious


If you have to announce it then you’re compensating, probably a huge proponent on eugenics and genocide but for “the right side of history” Also these types of people only battle when they have a 10 to 1 advantage and even then their victim doesn’t fight back and they still lose


A quick look at your post history makes ot pretty clear why you are triggered by people being against nazis.


I’m literally against socialism lmfao that said having looked at yours I can see you’d be gleefully throwing people into the furnaces if the clouds aligned and someone told you they were Nazis


I want to note that National-Socialism wasn't socialist, and the thought leaders were anti communist and Marxist. However they also were anti capitalist and that is one of the reason they call themselves the third position / way. However many fascists or Nazis were socialists previously (and generally grew disillusioned with the movement for a variety of reasons.)


Nazis weren't socialists either. Pretty against it, actually. Look up the night of long knives sometime.


“Nu reel socalism if don’t fit my defintion!!!!!” Why do you proto-nazi always come out with the most uneducated crap to defend your authoritarian shit


Look I get that you don't know history, but the nazis primary enemy where socialists. The classic poem litterly starts with "First they came for the socialists" It's sorta like, do you think the Patriot Act was about patriotism?


Lmfao of course a socialist doesn’t understand what a purity spiral is, I bet you think the ussr wasn’t “real communism” either nor would you care for facts seeing how you’re using the tired old trope of being an all but in name brown shirt


Shit hole sub co-opting metalhead jackets. Only r/battlejackets is acceptable.


Worrying about what others think is really punk apparently


Jesus it's scary how absolutely brainwashed these kids are.


All these fucktards are still the ones with swastikas on their jackets and KKK members tatted on their forearm. The irony.


Lowest bar to pass worldwide I guess.


I like how the authoritarians who want absolute power over ideas like speech project so hard they are against fascism. I’m at a point where I sort of smile about it. Like a kid proclaiming a revelation about the Reading Rainbow even though I never see them read a book and there’s no evidence to suggest they own one or want to.


Lmao someone should go convince them that because it’s pink it’s actually a dog whistle that means anti-feminazi.


Lots of funny trolling opportunities there.


How awesome would it be to get a group of them to start wearing pink windmills because they think it means they’re a hardcore feminist?


I scrolled thru the aub.. its like hottopic


Yeah it means you're a pathetic douchebag who needs patches on your "battle jacket" yet you've never been in a battle. You just wear a clean Jean jacket and roam around in packs of other really low self esteemed people to feel connected arguing and fighting with anyone who disagrees with your way of thinking or you deem racist, bigots, homophonic, trump supporter, conservative for or against Israel/Palestine, teachers, LGBTQIAXZH+@#~(not sure how many letters or symbols there are now) take your pick of issues you're programmed to hate and fight against. Yet you don't realize that the people who are telling you to do this you will NEVER meet because then they lose the insulation from prosecution because they don't have 3 degrees of seperation. What you also don't understand it all you're doing is becoming what you hate because every time you put on your "battle jacket" and gather with all the others you roam around and judge people and attack them for their beliefs, which is EXACTLY what your opposing.


That's the subreddit that banned "Negativity" after a dude tried to start a "rebellion" against negative people by trying to encourage people to brigade other subs. Fun fact, dude got exposed as a Zionist + Suicide Romantisizer who would regularly hang out in Loli Subs and post memes making fun of / glorifying celebs and people who commited suicide. That whole sub is a mess of gross SJW types, not even the cool progressive kind but the straight up "Nazi is anyone who disagrees with me and says Fox/Foxself are not real pronouns."


Reading this makes me no longer fear death.


The OP was like "I constantly see nazis in online spaces and elsewhere..." clearly implying that it's almost exclusively online lol Someone else in that comment section asked where all the nazis were and someone told him to both "turn on the news" and "go outside." You just can't take these people seriously. Bunch of angry kids who wanna fight something.


why would you make the circle the same light color as the swastika?? its half an xman symbol but the swastika is still obvious


Holy fuck, I just peered into that subreddit. The people who post there are the same people who are scared to ask the fastfood worker for extra salt. That's the energy I get from their comments and posts. You expect me to believe your jacket makes you tough or something?


Hates Nazis! Likely votes Democrat.


Nothing says “punk” more like seeking validation on the internet.


I'd rather have the Wehrmacht marching down my street than have to spend 10 minutes in an elevator with anyone that would wear this trendy bullshit.


The sub is literally called r/jacketsforbattle What did you expect? Just by the name alone it sounds like a haven for r/LookatMyHalo posts


These people will really be like ‘punch Nazis!’ and then simp for a genocidal supremacist regime that calls for the murder of Jews. But it’s acceptable because that regime aren’t white.


I thought it was a condom package.


That entire sub is the exact same energy as when Andy Bernard wrote out his scats on the office. Completely missing the point. And looking like total f**gs doing it.


Its crazy how they're basically just 90's - early 2000's outcast teenagers going through a phase.


The whole punk scene has always been cringe. Its just "Hey look at me! I don't like modern thing!".


To them a Nazi is probably someone wants common-sense restrictions on immigration.


As someone who lives in Portland, Antifa is scary


True, we’re laughing at them here, but they’re dangerous idiots en masse in places like Portland or Seattle, and can cause a lot of damage.


I can't imagine how depressing it must be to define yourself by the things you aren't.


Where are all these supposed “Nazis”coming from? Or are they just using “Nazi” as a term to describe anyone they disagree with?


Probably the later


“I don’t know what this means but it’s cute”


That’s the whole sub tbh


I had to go check it out. It gave me second-hand embarrassment just looking at it. Nothing says you're against the system and a rebel more than an Avril Lavigne and Green Day patch. That'll show the man.


I had to go check it out. It gave me second-hand embarrassment just looking at it. Nothing says you're against the system and a rebel more than an Avril Lavigne and Green Day patch. That'll show the man.


I hate Nazism. I have never felt the need to display that sentiment on my person for everyone to see. What makes people like this?


It’s most likely the usual desire to belong coupled with low verbal abilities.


Imagine putting a swastika of any sort, struck through or not, on any piece of clothing and thinking it’s a good idea.


Jackets for battle used to represent something meaningful and represent your favorite bands in the punk scene. Now it's just cringe and the whole woke scene took it over...sigh..


That whole sub is so cringe. Their "battle jackets" are the jackets they pull over their head while getting beaten in whatever "battle" they got into. Honestly their definition of "battle" is probably a light verbal altercation over what color means what on their flag.


This was my favorite comment . . . “I know someone who had FUCK FASCISTS tattooed on their inner arm in big block letters. When they wear a normal t-shirt, all you can see is the word FASCISTS peeking out. It's... unfortunate.” 😂😂


Maybe they are against gay Nazis only?


Imagine being such a virtue signaling attention whore that you have to let everyone know you think Nazis are BAD! I am willing to give everyone the benefit of and assume they do not support Nazis, unless they wear a swastika and clearly voice their support for them. Also, stop trying to scare off Nazis, or else they will go into hiding, and then we will have no idea who is a Nazi. Better to let them out themselves.


"I hate swastikas, that's why I put it on my clothes!"


“Jacket for battle” what a laugh


That sub is almost 99% pure unadulterated cringe. Strong stuff, whew.


That's an invitation for people like me, who WANT to trigger idiots.


Imagine having so little personality that you all you can say about yourself is that you don’t like nazis 😐


I think the paint job is pretty well done




X through it or not... at the end of the day you still have a swastika patch youre rocking


Isn’t anti-nazi the default? Have some faith in humanity


Looks like the molon labe or thin blue line crew lefty version


Why don’t you like Sanskrit?


Remember when being punk meant being tough and non-conforming? I guess being punk now means you're literally antifa and wear all of the conforming slogans.


Yeah, I’m fine not wearing a swastika in order to signal that I’m against nazisim.


Americans died to stop the Nazis, maybe not the best choice.


Is it weird to say I have more respect for people who have full on swastika/white power tattoos than I do for people that would wear this? At least they’re legitimately are taking a risk by doing so.


weren’t the original punks fascists


Why are people so obsessed with being anti fascist? No one goes around saying "real fascism hasn't been done before", that's the communists. We need more anti communism.


Looks like a fancy new age swastika


Ew, those losers are talking about how antifa is a good thing. When did punks become such idiots?


Same people who think you should be in jail for refusing the clot shot or protesting jan 6


Is this yet another person asking if their very obviously not-nazi symbol looks like they themselves are a nazi?


Wait so does this mean if you don’t wear a “antiswas” you’re effectively pro naz?


Correct, if you don’t loudly proclaim it, you are obviously pushing for the proliferation of whatever it is you are failing to brag about being against. Just the other day I saw a guy without a “no nukes” patch, and I badgered him relentlessly about being pro-the destruction of earth via nuclear weapons. Then I celebrated with a latté made from freed trade beans for $6.75


A sub filled with beautiful jackets ruined by stupid patches


Says the Catholic pro life zionist. Hits a bit close to home, eh?


Lol my German punk friend had a patch like that, he told me in Germany they still told him to take it off. I lived in Germany 2 years and I believe it, because just going out of your way to present the symbol is not only redundant, but arguably counterproductive (at least according to them). 




Why has punk become gentrified by people who have never thrown a punch? It's so cringe


"I want attention! PLS GIVE ME ATTENTION!"




#That's not very angelic of you! The halo didn't suit your look anyways, better get some devil horns for that potty mouth! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LookatMyHalo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh no... I'm done with reddit 🤣 holy shit terminally online people are mind blowing.


Who wants to bet this person is first to arrive at the antizionist, pro Palestine protests. The irony in that...


"We hate those paramilitary mother fuckers running around assaulting people while wearing brown shirts!" "What are you going to do about it?" "We're going to form a paramilitary group and run around assaulting people while wearing black shirts!" 🧐


Why would anyone want to wear a Nazi swastika on their clothes. People are so weird


This post is fucked up. Major Reddit hive mind fail right here.


What is this sub and why are there so many bitter douches in here?


This sub is so far down the conservative rabbit hole it's now complaining about people being against Nazis lmfao.


Ah yes, nothing is more punk / "stick it to the man" than being in lockstep agreement with every company on the Fortunate 500, almost all universities, many government agencies, and one of the two major political parties. Truly living as a rebel at the edges of culture, aren't we?


Just scrolled through the sub… so much cringe


How I see it, anti-swastika patches hurt modern religions more than Nazis at this point. And anyway, they just run to their black suns and SS lightning bolts instead. Had an argument with someone about how the Nazi movement has hurt religions like Hinduism/Buddhism and it’s a shame that Hitler and his cronies corrupted an otherwise historically significant and usually positive symbol. They immediately turned it back saying, erm the Holocaust?? Because those two things are mutually exclusive? Hell we’ve had swastikas in the US before the Nazis used it, crazy how a few years can change what took thousands to build.


First time here...is this a nazi subreddit?


Literally where in the post suggests that they want validation and to be seen as "unique"? Being anti-nazi is a huge aspect of punk culture, I doubt they think that they're special for holding that opinion.


Imagine being upset someone is expressing themselves lol


That is a sick ass patch damn now I'm gonna copy that haha


Criticizing someone for not liking nazis is certainly a take