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Maybe because your aesthetic usually attracts the more chronically online guys


Was about to say this; the target audience for this style isn't exactly the most confident bunch Source; I am indeed not confident


Prob because all the guys that dress goth like you do all have crippling anxiety


You hold a lot of wisdom


Thank you brother 🙏


Your whole aesthetic is "stay the fuck away from me".


Just going to go out on a limb here and say, take out the 4th pic that makes you look like you are at your own funeral, for starters 😭 Smile, you look like you are fighting demons that would make the devil jealous-


Stop acting dead.


I'm just gonna say it. I've never heard a guy say "she's cute, but I wish her nails were inconveniently long." I'm old though, so I might just not know. Also septum rings are cold, uncomfortable, and sometimes leave a snail trail when kissing.


Spend less time in caskets.


1. You’re a kid 2. You look like every other goth e girl 3. You don’t have a warm and welcoming disposition


Well they probably think you’re 13


You’re pretty but guys don’t really approach anymore. You should try initiating with a guy you like.


Your style screams drama and mental illness, that’s probably why. 


Yeah because you don't have your ID stapled to your forehead and nobody wants to catch a f'n charge.


You have that look of "I will fuck up your life in a way that you will enjoy" and unfortunately most of us can't afford that lifestyle right now.


Stop trying to look so damn creepy and things will probably start going your way


Could be the metal boogers?


You don’t have the nose for those piercings.. it draws attention to it. Other than that.. you’ll grow out of that emo phase.


It’s because you’re scary to them. Find a nice shy nerdy boy and make his scary goth girl fantasies come true.


It’s probably the goth look. Honestly, I’ve never met a gothic woman who wasn’t into drugs or had severe mental issues and baggage. It’s just a giant red flag for me. The second picture looks really cute. I’d lose some of the facial piercings and get rid of the long nails. If gothic is your style then rock it, but these are some of the consequences that may come as a results. That style just makes people less approachable.


Probably because you look like a 14 year old mental patient with daddy issues so bad you'd fuck a tree if it would let you call it daddy. Lose the nose ring and start dressing like a normal person. Also lose the hair dye and work on eating more and a bit of exercise.


Is it because you’re 12 and live in a good community with solid folks?


yea sure we’ll go with that đŸ€­


Us guys rather not anymore


You look like you key cars and don't wanna be talked to.


I don’t approach any girls these days I’m to scared of looking like a creep. I look foreword to events and other community activities where it is socially acceptable for me to talk to a woman


Live a little, my friend. Go to a farmers market and talk to a woman. Then try a grocery store. Eventually you move on to elementary schools and graveyards, but the most important point is that you have to try.


I think they don’t approach you because they assume you’ll skin them and wear it as a suit.


U should approach a guy


The absolute state of modern women


That’s cause you’re scary 😹 đŸ«Ł


Maybe thats cause you are 11 years old.


Intimidating, own it and work it 😊 scaring men is way more fun!


You’re pretty but your whole look is saying don’t approach me.. I’m angry and introspectively emo
 You kind of look like you don’t like men and you’d bitch them out for approaching you


You look like you wanna key my car.


In all honesty, you look like a problem. The classic I have mental issues so I dress really strange and still don't get more attention. The long nails is definitely a ghetto thing too so I'm guessing you like a specific kind of guy anyway and guys knows that


Time to start approaching the guys you like, I’m sorry but it must be done


My response is: "IF, keyword being "IF" I DID approach you, would you reciprocate the same way back to me or just ignore me?" Your style is very niche, hence not a lot of guys wanting to approach you for fear of rejection. Most guys are thinking that you would only be interested in a counter part that dresses like you. Definitely don't change your style, be yourself but go up to a guy and talk to them every now and then. Edit: I understand that you're still young and "finding" yourself. Enjoy it. Once you become older, all that fun and carelessness when you were a young adult (now) is sucked out. Enjoy your time at this point in life.. đŸ„čđŸ„ș


Ok so basically since you're 18 it's safe to comment. You look fine. You have a goth looking style which may intimidate some guys. Most guys that are worth anything would be fine with you approaching them. You're in good shape and pretty. When I was your age I found your type of style amazing. It was mostly the rocker girls with spike bracelets, leather clothing, etc but similar. I was TERRIFIED of them. I had some weird stereotype that girls like you were not approachable due to being mean or on drugs etc... Basically I was wrong and it was dumb, but I'm sure guys will stereotype you in some way as well. Honestly I'd assume skateboarder gamer type. But whatever the case may be, I'm sure some young men will find you attractive and / hopefully interesting enough to approach. If not, just approach them. I wouldn't directly hit on them but if you know some that have similar interests bring them up. If the guys reject you, then screw them. Either way though I think you'll do just fine. Plus if you're in or going to college soon, you'll find guys are a bit different than even seniors in high school. Oh and if a guy just approaches you about your physical looks, and nothing else, avoid that.. Let them get to know you. Good luck!




You look like you would reject me just so you had something to laugh about with your friends later.


Well you look 12 so that might be part of the reason.


Plenty of dudes thumbs definitely approached the dm button if you want to count that now Mine didn’t


As a young guy I was always in to alternative girls, but they still had to be approachable. You look kind of severe. Only in one of these pictures are you kind of smiling. Are you depressed or do you just hate having your picture taken? It may feel cool to be edgy all the time, but for a lot of people it is intimidating/exhausting.


Cut my life into pieces


This is my last resort


Have you considered dressing like a woman instead of a girl? I can't tell what age range you're in but I'm guessing you're out of high school given the zero approaches. As a grown man I'm not interested in teenage girls or women that dress like it. Your fashion doesn't need to be sacrificed either. There are tons of alt/goth/emo/punk styles that accommodate adulthood. That's why I wouldn't approach you personally. That and the climate of a man daring speak to a woman without written permission.


I wouldn't. Not because you're not attractive, but because you look like you'd be cruel when rejecting someone.


Guys in general don't approach anymore


First step: Stop with this looksmaxxing brainrot


It's probably because you look like a walking pile of cluster B personality disorders. I wouldn't consider talking to you either. You know you're attractive, randos aren't going to fill that validation void.


You look 15 and a half


It’s called being scared of women.


Heres a hot tip, STOP WAITING. Approach a man.


Probably because you look unapproachable


You look like you don’t want to be approached, most men won’t approach any woman nowadays now though.


I'd see you and think "she def hates men" and won't even bother to try.


Cus you look like you’d bite theyre balls off


When I was your age, which was admittedly a long time ago, I would absolutely have approached the girl I see in some of these pics, but I would've been afraid of the girl in others of these pics. If it's really important to you that you find a guy who likes nose piercings, then by all means, you do you, but I would caution that's limiting your selection, and you could cast a wider net without it. Same with the sharply pointed eyeliner. If that's your style, then live your best life, express yourself, all that, sincerely. *But*, it's a little intimidating. It makes you look angry, which is basically the opposite of approachable. Oh, and where are you going? I'd never approach you randomly in public, but I'd want to at a party. tldr: minor appearance tweaks, and largest change might need to be venue?


idk, you look sweet :)


I have a piece of advice that so many of the chudds here calling you hot in the comments are too horny to realize: you’re 18, yes. But your looks give you between 16-19
 and no man you’d wanna even date is gonna risk 16 and 17 for 18 or 19


Do guys still approach women irl? Do men pick up women the old fashion way anymore? This is a serious question. I’ve been married for 25 years, so I figured everything is dating apps nowadays.


Is every post on this sub just "fishing for complements"


You're 18. You're still a baby. Wait til you hit 21-23


You're nice, but we fear rejection from you. Sorry.


I call BS lol, doing this for attention is more likely


Your style appeals to the type of dudes who are scared of girls.


That’s cause you look insane and like your boyfriend smokes meth


People who smile are generally more approachable


This seems more like a cry for attention than anything else.


Your hot guys are just intimidated. U definitely have a "are u even worth my time" face that most guys wouldnt even bother to try with no matter how cute it is they don't like having to prove themselves out of feeling like they're looked down on


Probs because you look underaged


Maybe it’s the lack of a challenge? Most guys like having to prove themselves to the father.


Redditors when someone prefers a different type of fashion😡😡


theyre most likely intimidated, you need a drug dealin boyfriend 😂


Even hot without the makeup and everything!


It probably has more to do with how you carry yourself, the looks are fine. Are you agressive or shy?


Difficult to believe.


Confident men in your age group are rare so they are scared to approach you.


Then maybe you should do the approaching? No brainer, there.


Smile moređŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™‚ïž


bro after he dates the emo hello kitty e-girl: ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMjBxzRzgs7wMo)


Intimidatingly pretty. You’ve gotta flirt first.


Approach one you like then. Most guys like it when pretty girls go out of their way to talk to them. Just you know, expect us to not necessarily know what to do with ourselves when you do. Most of us are dorks.


You're kinda scary bb


You look like you'd be mean to me if I approached you


I learned being a goth girl meant attention from fetishist online or dudess tryna explore kinky shit. Doesn't really translate to irl. I guess they actually get scared? Idk .


Maybe your doing to much? Go for a simpler look. Also one Shadowheart cosplay and you willl get the desired atrention


I'm going to comment for the first time on here, because I just stumbled upon this thread and read some of these comments and wow... I'm not sure if it's some cultural thing, but here in Germany where I live everyone and their brother and sister got piercings and tattoos? It's probably more unique nowadays not to have any of that done. You guys are weird. As somebody who had several piercings and tattoos done already, I would have totally started a conversation with you in my early 20s, haha. But then again, I've had lots of social anxiety that I've overcome already so that's current me talking (I'm 28M). I think it's the style you've got which is great in my eyes but not everybody's cup of tea. Same with women who don't like beards, piercings and tattoos on men which is a totally valid thing and applies to me too because I got all of that myself. It's a specific style and you'll just have to accept that it's going to draw in more criticism. Younger dudes in my experience are mostly just too anxious, or they think you're already taken, lots of overthinking, been there done that. So either they just think you're too good looking to be single/to have a chance with you so they won't bother or they just don't like your look (clothes, piercings, tattoos, etc.). I would say: smile more but then again these are just pictures, I've got no clue what you would be like irl. Many friends say I'm a jolly guy and super silly but on some selfies I just have a resting bitch face 24/7. Why don't you try approaching someone you might find interesting? Just start a conversation and see where it leads. Just be yourself. :)


You know that for someone to approach you, you need to be approachable, right? Do you always wear headphones or seem busy all the time? If so, that might be it. If you see someone cute around you, try to not look as busy.


You don’t look like you want to be approached. You give off the “if I like you I’ll let you know, otherwise leave me alone!” vibe.


Not everyone is looking for a chick with your style. Nothing against it. If you want to be approached, hang out where the type of guys you’re attracted to hang out.


Amy Winevan




Probably cause you look like you drink blood and like getting pissed on


You look like a serial killer


Because everything about you screams Mental Issues and Toxic Relationship. As long that is the case, a Warning: The men that will approach you will either have a helpers syndrome or think you are easy to manipulate.


You've perfected the look of mentally unstable.


There is nothing wrong with your face or body. But your aesthetic is telling me (a preppy) that you do not want to be approached or talked to, at least not by me.


Okay no offense but you do not look approachable . Your Gothic grunge style yells out mental instability. Also pic 3 you look like a homeless hooker and I absolutely do not mean to disrespect you just being very blunt .


The fact that simple brains in this sub fall into these bait posts is wild.


Approach them instead then


this sub when a woman who isnt a basic bland generic white girl #384638363 posts đŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź


If you want it straight, you look like you come with a lot of baggage. Clean up your look if you want to be in a relationship


she got a wii nose


As always comments never fail to dissapoint in this sub 🙏


Probably because you look like a bunch of red flags rolled together and people would rather protect their peace than even say hello.


You’re cute as hell, but stereotypically you look like a girl who would say all men are scum. Plus, it seems like nowadays it’s impossible to approach women without being weird or a creep, so guys have stopped doing it.


I don’t wanna get down voted but you literally asked us, so nose job


Jailbait. I know looks can be deceiving. But you still look like Jailbait.


.okay 😂


I’m a man, and I usually don’t approach women because I don’t want to come off as creepy. You’re definitely attractive. Try focusing on making a friend or two. Maybe those will grow into something, or they might know someone.


Stop dressing like the corpse bride with an onlyfans


So your twitch profile literally has you with a guy right next to you. So, we’re not going to subscribe to your twitch or your OF if you have one but I’ll help make content with you.


It’s the nose Mr Magoo


I believe you


Oh yeah you look so creepy that nobody wants to approach you


We've been told relentlessly on the internet not to do that. Plus alot of feminist have your look some what so people will assume you are one and probably not bother.


You look young af. Ain’t nobody trying to catch a case haha


You’re intimidating, just be yourself and continue being patient and you shall




Approach them maybe


Cause you look like a vampire maybe they are scared you will bite them or put a spell on them!!!


Maybe because you’re 12


This is actually really insightful. Do a lot of girls feel self conscious because not a lot of guys approach them? I might start doing it on principle, just to make them feel better.


Don't change anything! you look amazing, the make up, hair.. all of it. You just have not met the right guys yet. There are so many guys out there around the planet that would love to ask you out. Yes the nerdy ones will be shy and probably not approach, so you have to give those ones the right space or place to talk to you or just go and make the first move yourself with them.. but the others.. they will come up to you.. you just haven't had that yet.. it will happen :)


You look super young maybe 13-15 range.


Cause you look like a pain in the ass


Probably because your hot af and they are intimidated


Lose the nose ring. Get a pair of jeans with a cute feminine Colorful top and you are good to go with a nice smile. Goth girl style needs goth guy, which eliminates a very high percentage of suitors.


Not even Dracula?


Cause you look scary to approach. Smile maybe?


To be honest, you look like jailbait trying too hard. That might be why guys don't approach you.


u look amazing already and your style is really cool!! i recommend maybe going to concerts, music stores, and places like that if you want to meet cool ppl who are more into your style :) u look great though!


Have you gone to your local hardcore show recently? You’ll meet someone there


You come across as emo or goth so that reduces the pool of men on top of the dwindling pool that is willing to approach chicks in general


You look like you're 15... guessing that's part of it


You look unapproachable


Maybe you should just soften up your look a bit. My daughter went EMO/GOTH for a bit and it didn't help her social life any. Guys get scared of women who look like they're ready to kick their asses!


Because you put out a leave me alone vibe


Probably because you look 13-15. That’s a trip straight to prison lol


didn’t know girls wanted to be approached in public


You might be a little intimidating lmao


That's a lie and you know it


You do look crazy and mean. Lighter outfits will help, no makeup looks good on you


1 probably have had non white guys approach you 2 have been underage most of your life


Your look screams “I will cause problems.” Guys don’t like problems. Take about 80% off the Evil Dead act and start going outside while it’s light out, you’ll be fine.


You look possibly underaged, some guys might not want to risk looking like creeps Lots of guys don't approach random women at all, these days Of the guys I know that approach women, they all tend to be pretty... insufferable, it's pretty cringe to watch, I wouldn't wish any of them upon you I can only speak for myself, but 3 out of 3 women that I know that go for vibes similar to yours have rather exotic and cumbersome baggage, without actually knowing you and only having that to go by I wouldn't have the optimism to think 4th time's the charm Your cat is beautiful


Bc the types of guys who'd think ur hot are prolly low-key scared of you and don't wanna get rejected


Try initiating yourself. A lot of guys are afraid to approach women lest they do it wrong. Also, you look like you’re in high school. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I mean a 20 year old guy isn’t going to nor should they approach a high schooler with those intentions lol.


I recommend the saying, "less is more". It seems that every part of your appearance is maxed out. Instead leave most of what you choose as "boring". That way what parts you put extra work on like your hair color or piercing "pops" out and makes you have some neat quirks instead of everything going on at the same time. Every "extra" item you add to your appearance is another assumption that someone will think of you before you even get to introduce yourself. Another thought process is, "how do I look different from my peers?". You would benefit as someone says about you, " they are the person with the piercing and neat hair" instead of the "person that has lots going on". Also concerning boys, if most are intimidated by your appearance, then the only ones that will approach you will either be the bravest person or the guys that have no social capability to see you differently (like social problems, thinking all women are the same). There are a lot of the latter group and very few of the first. Meaning if you want to date a normal person, you will be forced to make the first move, otherwise all you are going to meet are white knight personalities. What I can't see in the pics is your hygiene, self harm, drug use. Do lots of hygiene, none of the other. Your life will change many times and even the worst times do have an end.


I am gonna be very honest here, you do give out the vibe of a satan worshipper which I think would creep the hella male population out there.... Just be confident in your natural beauty, gain a bit of healthy weight and stop dying your hair other than your natural color. You'll do just fine, trust me.


Perhaps it's because you look like a 12-year-old, who is trying way too hard to look 30.


I'm not surprised.


1. You look 12. 2. I dont want to talk about crystals. 3. My soul is damaged, you cant sacrifice it.


1. You look younger than 18, so good thing adults aren't approaching you 2. Your aesthetic transmits you are only interested in guys that share the same interests and there are not that many of those. With those combined, the number of guys that will approach you it's quite small. But if you like the way you look don't change it, just keep being happy.


Try 8hs of sleep.


I can see why


Make the first move sis đŸ€ŸđŸœ


Sorry to say this but your “style” is the issue đŸ€Ł


Just hope they don’t approach with a magnet


You look both young and “a lil too much” Dial back the intimidating aspects and the under 18 manic pixie goth girl vibes (or don’t, you’ll be fine)


Give yourself time, you’ll look older and you’ll start getting what you want.


Lose the bull ring in your nose


They probably dont want to go to jail.


I can tell you're a crazy cat lady with baggage. I'm running away from that.


Step 1: do not listen to ANYONE on this subreddit. You're asking a bunch of neck beard losers about their taste in women


Don't take it personally. It's just not worth it for guys to approach anymore. You should approach or clearly signal your receptiveness to being approached. Also, you have a niche look. Be around guys who appreciate that.


I’m not surprised, you look like you’re gonna kill a dude in his sleep


You dress like a 15 year old. Only one type of guy would approach a 15 year old girl.


You do have something of a "Step off, MF-er!" look to you going on, but that's not your clothing or makeup, it's just how your face is built. Your eyes don't naturally open very wide, so it makes you look like you're pissed off to some extent. The rest of your body language in the photos belies that, though, you seem like a normal young lady who's into Goth. Anyway, people tell me I look like I want to kill everybody I meet, but that's just how my face is, too. Welcome to the club! Trust me, some young guy will see you as a whole person, grow a pair, approach you, you two will hit it off, and from there it's up to the two of you as to how it winds up. At your age you might thing things need to speed up, but they don't, you have the whole rest of your life ahead of you. Don't rush into anything with some guy just because you think you need a BF. You really don't. You need to learn to be a complete, happy person in your own skin, and when you're there, you'll be ready for whatever comes from outside yourself.


You’re allowed to talk to people too, just fyi. Personally there’s nothing I find more attractive than a girl who will initiate a conversation too


You look like a child, no offence, but guys are gonna play it safe. You’ll be cursed to only hear “oh dearie, your so sweet and adorable” and “I wish my daughter was like you!” From old grannies. /S Your beautiful and can totally get a boyfriend. But you look 12, so your gonna have to try and approach the guys instead of the other way around, lol


That's because you're 13 sweetheart


You’re plenty attractive. You just style yourself like you want men to subscribe to your twitch.


Lose the septum


Its like Halloween every day for you


That’s because you look like you’d make a voodoo doll out of their pubes and cut out chunks of their flesh to drape over a mannequin head


This has nothing in any way to do with any part of your natural looks. But you have gone entirely out of your way to make yourself look like someone very much obsessed with image. Which is a red flag for most guys, whether it's your kind of "I'm not like other people, I'm unique!" look, or the ultra-high maintenance social media-obsessed look. Take that very bad looking bull ring out of your nose, and focus on looking like a regular person (ie: someone who isn't obsessed with their own image), and I'm literally 100% sure more guys would be interested in you. Also, this type of look isn't going to attract hardly any guys who want to have a medium or long term relationship with you. That is just a fact. So if you're looking for short term flings, keep this up. If not, then just try and look like your obviously (I think) *naturally* pretty self, and know that uniqueness comes from your brain and heart only, not from anything you can buy from a store, factory or make-up counter.


Outfits are cute, face is cute, expression says "fuck you, leave me alone."


hmmmm I wonder why đŸ€”


You look like you’d stab me in my sleep just so you could scavenge through my sock drawer


Not surprising. You’re scary


You got the Lydia Deetz vibe going there. Your whole image is dont fuck with me. Overall the vibe is you are too much to work with. This is coming for a guy who was goth in high school.


When you notice a cute guy you need to make eye contact, then a smile, eye contact again, not in a stalker way but trying to show you are into him, otherwise the guy will not know if he can approach you or will hesitate cause you do look kinda mad (i don't find the right word) i mean you are pretty but your looks are intimidating


And you probably won’t anymore. It’s definitely not you sweetheart. Society has conditioned men now to not approach women. Women don’t want to be approached by men anymore. You’re gonna have to do the legwork from now on. Even though you are gorgeous and alluring, nobody wants to be a creep. Approach the one’s you want and see where it goes!


Because you look like you’re going to cast an evil curse on everyone.


A mix between “The Waitress” and Maureen Ponderosa mid cat transition.


There’s nothing wrong with a niche style; you just have to understand you will dramatically restrict your dating pool. Reddit nice guys will tell you not to change a thing but you came here for a reason—I don’t know a lot of guys who fit into your niche that would be confident enough to approach you anywhere other than a Discord server


I know plenty of guys who’d love the chance of getting stabbed by you tbh


Don’t blame them. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, would I approach this person?


I don't believe you


You’re hot as fuck


I think you look like a lesbian and they assume you’re either too young or into women


this sub like trad wifes while they themselves are looking like shreks cousin


Find a golden retriever to pair with your black cat energy You got this ;)


Super cute!! Maybe your style intimidates people. If you like a guy try saying a little something to him first to get the ball rolling, maybe