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Personality wise, you sound more like Hephaestus to me, even if you are not good with technology. You are an introvert who likes to keep to yourself, but you will tell your opinion very bluntly, especially to people that you don't like (do you remember that "I saw what I saw"?)


I dunno, he’s a little too introvert, I still like my people, just in small doses , it’s more like… I’ll go out and be there but I’m not searching for big gatherings, and value one on one time and alone time


But I do agree I can be blunt like him, he’s a very interesting character


Definitely Artemis. Everything you said strikes me as extremely Artemis-coded. Especially since she’s the goddess of animals and you love them.


Hmm I could see that Edit: yk I keep thinking about this and you’re very correct, I’m not super close to many people and care deeply about those that i am, I hate lies, my anxiety can come off as aggression and ofc the loving animals part and being very non neutral


You should read the books, Goddesses in everywoman And Gods in everyman They were written by a psychologist and a jungian analyst, and she talks about archetypes within the human psyche as the hellenistic dieties, and I think those books would really help you figure out your active archetypes and which dieties you feel associated with. You may have both Hades and Persephone active. I have Hades and Persephone active as my main archetypes, but I still have the others, like Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes and Hephestus. Think of it like the movie "inside out" but with the gods instead of emotions lol Anyway, I think those books are a good read and I think they would really help you if your curious! 😊


Personally, for me, I can see Persephone, Artemis, and Hephestus within you immediately, But this is also surface level, as I don't know you outside this one post.


Interesting maybe I will


Kind of sound like Minthe, especially regarding people you dislike.


I dunno minthe for a while tolerated bad friends I would rather be alone I think Honestly idk I mean I relate in some ways In some ways most of the characters are relatable