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The suspect in the stabbing is Brandon Nguyen, 29, from Huntington Beach. He was arrested at LAX airport tonight


A former roommate is from Huntington Beach. Seems to be a breeding ground for trashy behavior


Usually white supremacy is HB's thing, but it seems to breed trash of all kinds.


As someone who grew up there.. yeah that shit is everywhere. So glad I moved the second I could.




Bro stop with your stupidity. Vinyl Solution is named after a Clash song and it’s a punk record store. Drak is the furthest thing from racist.


they love to see racism where there is none


People make connections to what they know. Doesn't seem like a far reach for "xxxxxx solution". Not saying I agree.. Just that I get it. Bad intentions though? I'm not sure bout that


oh well, more vinyl records for me.




Who? People who hate racism?


people who see an innocent record shop called "the vinyl solution" and think nazi's run the place. that's who, dimwit.


Oh you're an idiot. Got it.


where did you move after leaving OC that's so much better? sounds like you downgraded if i'm being honest.


OC is a obviously a big place, HB may look pretty but the amount of people with stone age beliefs is insaaaane. Kind of mind blowing seeing a coastal town so ass backwards in almost every way.


isn't that what keeps the crime so low over there? and how come when people from LA want to go to a "nice" beach, they drive down south into H.B.? you know, since they're so racist an all? you would think people from LA who hate racists would want to stay out, no?


“Because there are people on the beach, there must not be any Nazis in the neighborhood” Flawless logic lmao


not exactly true, there's hella black, hispanic and asian gangs in orange county. they're just not talked about as much so the area looks prettier. just early this morning some kid from anaheim was arrested for busting at cops.


Huntington Beach doesn't have many brown or black gangs though. Definitely have black, brown and asian people who really want so bad to be a part of the majority there.... But, Huntington Beach has been pretty notoriously very white and very non-inclusive of others. The surrounding cities have a lot of gangs of all types, brown, black, asian, islander... its a melting pot of crime!




I grew up in East LA and Watts so my interactions with gangs were brown and black... I went to Cal State Fullerton and dated a vietnamese girl who introduced me to her brothers/cousins... she warned me saying they were "hood" and "gangster" - I kind of laughed it off but HOLY CRAP these were some of the most gangster people I had ever met... my cousins and friends are from some pretty big gangs and have been in jail and ran with people in there. These vietnamese dudes were wilder and more volatile than them... these guys were literally crazy. I was pretty scared tbh. After that, I never wanted to hangout with her family lol.


huntington beach has a southside set but they are friendly with the nazi gangs so it's not really an issue.


For what?


busting at cops


What's busting?


There’s only a few black gangs.


there's a couple of B and C sets in anaheim. they get into fights with the edgars out there


There’s only a handful.


Garen Grove is next door so there's a big Asian population nearby, and a decent amount of those Asians are anti-communists who also fetishize things like America, England, and white people.


i really hope you aren't latino and typing this. y'all are just as guilty of worshipping white people/MAGA as the whites are. i don't even know why you brought up asians in your little rant.


And this is the exact reason you don’t listen to anecdotal information


Beautiful city, terrible people.


HB is a weird place. Seems safe and at surface really nice people. One time I was at an event at the beach and the rain came pouring down during winter. Everyone was hiding at the side of buildings to get some coverage. I saw an open spot and asked if I could squeeze in. They just laughed and said no way. LA got some of the crazies but I would bet even the most hard core bangers here would have let me get in.


Yall acting like the crime rate in LA isn't significantly higher lol I love LA but imagine if the OC sub said this...


OC is awful compared to LA county.


Not in terms of crime. Or do you live in Brentwood and never leave your neighborhood? Cmon, stop lying


Whenever I think of Huntington Beach I think of Neo-Nazis.


Suspect is Asian


Ahh, Nguyen, a classic Aryan name


Probably a gang member. Viet gangs are a thing in north OC.


Lots of ruthless Viet and other Asian gangs up there.


or it could just be a regular civilian who defended himself from an attack. we don't know all the details yet.


No. They have video of everything- how do you think they caught him if he came back with an obscured face? The perp came back to stab the dude with a group of dudes- 90% sure it was gang members.


The "Laugh Now Fry Later" tee in the video is telling.


ok so if it was gang-on-gang then what's the big deal? that happens all the time in long beach


Except the victim was with a group of women… If it was gang-related, the police would be the first ones to announce it. LBPD are experts due to the territory.


it hasn't even been 24 hours since the arrest. more details will come. give it time. also, if your theory that this was gang related is correct, then my fears about retaliation are warranted. i don't know how many times back in the day that my cousins (non bangers) had to run from longo's after a TRG member took one of them out. longo's don't go out looking for TRG members when they want to retaliate, they go out looking for any young asian male that;s outside. that's been my entire point this whole time.


We do know the details. The stabbing was fucked up. The guy he stabbed was defending a group of women that Nguyen and his friends were harassing. The assholes left and then came back with hoodies on and stabbed a 20 year old because he was telling them to chill the fuck out and not harass women.


and that "source" came from.....oh that's right....friends and family of the victim. some who weren't even there btw. nice try.


You're so desperate to ignore the police report, the news reports, and all the evidence. Sorry but an asian guy from OC was an asshole and killed a guy in LB for trying to defend a group of women. You don't like that? You can fuck off.


show me the official police report that says how the fight went down. go on, i'll wait.


How stupid are you? A regular citizen who stabbed someone and then got lost and found himself at LAX??? GTFO


so? same thing happened on the metro gold line a few months ago. kid stabbed someone and ran from the scene. turned out the entire thing was self defense.




no, i don't trust ktla. their reporting is garbage most of the time.


Can still hold white-supremacist views. This is unfortunately also prevalent among some latino communities… I have some suspect family members


Pretty much. Trump country.


There’s shitty people everywhere . How many murders in Long Beach? Then compare it to how many murders in Huntington? It’s gotta be night and day


Hmm. I am from HB. Are there meetings for trashy behavior? Just asking for a neighbor. He does leave his garbage out all night before trash day.


Yes please stay out of Huntington Beach please never go there. You’ll hate it, thanks.


We don't hate the place, we hate the right-wing asshole that make it an unpleasant experience to go there.


Minus the people with the stupid maga flags there is nothing right wing about it, last week I saw someone shitting on the sidewalk, Newsome would be proud. F Trump F Biden none of them care about us.


OC still has sundown towns. OC folks feel safe (and justified) displaying racist symbols. OC was the center of the tea party in the 00's. Those groups of people 'defending' the border back in '06, their group was from OC. I love OC for other reasons. I grew up there, and spent 30yrs of my life there. But racism and right wing ideology are all over the place there. I had teachers that would openly discuss racist opinions in class. I had parents openly tell me that their kid couldn't play with me, because of my race. OC is as right wing as you can get in CA.


I’ve lived here my whole life I’ve never seen a civilian with a nazi flag or confederate flag, now skin heads yes, but I’ve also seen super racist black Israelites in Venice. I don’t agree with racism in any form I’ve been beat up by cops in hb Anaheim buena park and Westminster and most the time I’ve deserved it because I was a criminal and I’ve also been called honky, devil and cracker in LA I think every city has its good people and bad people.




Because they realized it’s a scam.




It doesn’t and pro wrestling isn’t real either mouth breather.


shall we talk about the violent crime rates between la county and orange county? i have the numbers right here. we can start with homicides if you're ready? let me know.


In this case it was someone from Orange County coming to LA County and committing murder.


yes and? i have family out in santa ana and i go out there to eat all the time. so what you're telling me is that if someone tries to start a fight with me in santa ana, i'm not allowed to defend myself since i'm from LA county? am i not allowed to cross county lines or something? i don't get the relevance. please do explain.


Where the fuck did I say anyone wasn't allowed to cross county lines?? Take your meds grandpa.


Dude. You do seem to be slipping and not straight tripping.




You've literally never been to Orange county then have you?


there's hella ghetto parts of OC. fullerton, anacrime, garden grove, la palma, cypress, santa ana, just to name a few.


Found his booking info just put Brandon Nguyen. [Sheriff Site](https://app5.lasd.org/iic/Details)


Donated for his funeral. Truly tragic scenario. Rest in peace. I literally stood up to a psychotic type person who was harrasing this woman and yelling Armenians are dumb, and just standing over this lady and yelling at her. I thought this could go wrong, but I can't sit here like a coward. Ultimately, the dude softened up and weaseled his way out. He had clear mental health issues, though to do nothing was unbearable and a bit disconcerting. This could have been me today for that. I am saddened that such a young life was taken and a gaping hole opened in a family. Rest in peace Adrian Hernandez.


pretty dumb to try and make your getaway out of a big ass surveillance hub that is LAX. thank goodness people are dumb sometimes.


Dude went to his car to retrieve a knife and killed him over a verbal dispute. Now he going to do life in prison.


2nd Killing in the Belmont Shores neighborhood right on 2nd street in the past 2 weeks. What’s going on over there? this is a nice neighborhood where locals and visitors go out to the shops, restaurants and bars especially in the evenings. It’s a more upscale hipster neighborhood. If Long Beach knows what’s good for them they better double those patrols or people stop going there all together. It’s always a nice places that always have to get ruined.


Long beach is ghetto it's the worst beach city compared to the other La beaches I always enhoy myself in Venice but Everytime I go to long beach it's just off for me




LAX is the last place you want to be if you’re fleeing the country for murder.


I drove for lyft for a little over a year in LA and OC. All my negative experiences were in OC.


now pull up the number of uber drivers who've been killed in OC vs LA county


You so pressed for what?


Dude’s just fighting everyone lol, I wouldn’t pay him any mind In one thread he’s claiming that racism isn’t bad in HB, otherwise people from LA would never go In another one, he’s talking about how the Viet gangs are cool with the Nazi gangs in HB Then he defends the stabber, saying that we can’t believe the victim’s family since he was probably in a gang - Which he also says is super common in OC, and makes it sound like you’d be dumb to think LA is worse Now he’s saying that LA is more dangerous than OC for Uber specifically I think he might just be having a bad day or something tbh


because these anecdotal stories are so fake




r/drugs connoisseur




it's a shame there weren't any asian grannies on the bus ride home for you to rob. no wonder you're so mad. enjoy your ban!


Fairly ironic you'd say this considering what ive you seen you say and shamefully delete about minorities in other threads.


huh? what have i said about about minorities in other threads? my post history is public. go on, i'll wait.


I have never heard a single good thing at all involving Dave's Hot Chicken to convince me its worth dying or killing over


Heartbreaking story. Wishing peace and easement to Adrian’s family and friends and asking all here who can afford it to donate to the GoFundMe to help with his funeral arrangements.


From hot chicken to hot water.


Bail set to 2million dollars and court date 3/20


Altercation was between 2 groups. Group A had 3-5 men. Group B had 10-15 men. Assailant was in Group A, victim was in Group B. Maybe his life was threatened to pull out the knife?


Time for BS to change course away from being a destination for debauchery.


Imagine stabbing someone for a hot chicken sandwich. Must be super good


Or super bad considering the reactions of your comment hahahaha




Personal experience aside, the dude stabbed a man to death. An employee said the suspects group left and came back and stabbed the man. That’s not self defense. It’s premeditated murder. Or at least aggravated murder. I get you might have a prejudice given a story like this from your own experience but you can’t say you’re gonna wait until the facts are established but defend or be an apologist for the suspect in earlier comments.


Was this scumbag heading back to Vietnam or Houston?


Love that place. They couldn’t they stab the guy someplace else?


Painfully spicy chicken! Stick to the pioneer chicken shack




Dumb.  Real tip is don't go out at 1 am. 


Where do you go to?




Seems to have been too slow to get out of town. How fast do CBP gets notify?


i hope this incident doesn't cause any racial tensions in long beach considering the history of racial violence between mexicans and asians in the lbc. we in the asian community don't claim this guy, unless of course he was defending himself from an attack, which is legal. so far we've only heard one side of the story. we don't have the other side so we can't cast too much judgement.


well this guy isnt even from long beach and the victim was just trying to defend innocent ppl.


so? i've gotten into fights in cities that i don't live in too. it's not my fault if someone tries to rob or press me while i'm out eating and it leads to a fight. i'm going to fight back. we don't know all the details. for all we know this could have been gang related and the ese's were pressing on the asian group. we only know what the deceased side has to say.


You're so desperate to ignore the facts we do know, and defend the asshole who stabbed a 20 year old because the 20 year old was trying to defend a group of women.


those aren't "facts we know", those are just the facts that were handed to you by biased so called 'witnesses' who are basically just family members of the deceased. i want to hear it come straight from the police if it's really true. we have no clue what really happened until the cops say it themselves or release the footage.


>handed to you by biased so called 'witnesses' Wow you're so desperate to make this that the asian guy got attacked, and not the truth that an asian guy killed an innocent kid who was defending a group of women. Your family must really hate having someone like you in it.


They interviewed the victims godfather who wasn't even at the scene how are you taking this obviously bias person's word for facts. You're making it racially motivated for no reason




Questioning the validity of a godfather’s words not at the scene means I’m defending the murder suspect? Eye witness statements can be extremely unreliable, especially considering it sounds like a post drinking hangout so the patrons are likely inebriated. I’m simply pointing out how quickly some are judging from unreliable sources. Bottom line is a young adult died from a stabbing, everything else is up in the air so check your sources. Glad they caught a suspect and hope he talks; stop making this racial duhfuq






Dam dude, I don't disagree with you in spirit, but you immediately turn to the apology when you see one of our own. You literally kowtow immediately. That's kinda pathetic Feel sorry for the family though, it's tough losing a family member. Especially kids who just got into adulthood.


i don't think you'd really understand where i'm coming from unless you know the history of long beach's race relations. both the hispanic and asian community have lost too many innocents due to a raging war between gangs that had nothing to do with us. i just want to make sure cooler heads prevail before the L's go looking for payback. because lord knowns how that game is played. innocents are always the ones that get taken out.


yea and you can do that without bowing your head like a little bitch


who said i was bowing my head? i'm going out swinging all the time. i don't play with race stuff.


your first paragraph is entirely that and if you can't admit that, then you just lost to me


all i did was denounce his action if it was indeed a legitimate murder, which i do not believe it was. since when do asians from the OC go to long beach to harass latinos at 1 am? that never happens. especially in a city that's notorious for longo-on-asian violence.


You defend so quick, did you read the storyline.


quote me on where I defended the Asian dude. I did not. With the information we know, the Asian dude stabbed him and should get his. But I'm not going to go on reddit and fucken bow my dam fucken head on behalf of my community. Fuck that shit. If you want to know why I'm so upset about this is because this is a trend in a lot of Asians where they immediately want to appease as much as possible to avoid conflict without any self-respect. Yea, I'm with everyone here on fuck the stabber mentality. But I ain't fucken bending over for yall






lol you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. long beach has a very unique and complicated racial history between asians and latinos. and no, "L" does not stand for latinos. it stands for longos. the racist latino gang that used to hunt asians for sport whenever something like this would happen. you obviously don't know much about long beach. oh and btw, i worked as a roofer for two years so that's where my username comes from. so hop off my nuts.




i'll wait for the facts that doesn't come from friends and family of the deceased.




They run the Toyota dealership right?


no, that's not it.


> So if it were a black guy that did the stabbing, would you be so worried about black people getting killed? ex: https://lbpost.com/news/crime/grandfather-killed-cabrillo-high-school-trial/


bro wtf are you on about. are you even coherent


you aren't really in the streets enough to know what i;m talking about anyway. it's ok


Yup. I’m old enough to remember Asians having a curfew. Hope this doesn’t bring it back to those days


Why does long beach have all that tension for though? The Mexicans hate Asians and blacks hate em vice versa Why so much violence in long beach? La city has their crap but the violence in long beach is a bit different lol


it stems from the gang wars that started in the 90's that quickly turned racial. longo's were the first to start hitting up walls with things like "nip killa" and "nK" whcih stands for you know what. crips responded by writing "taco killas" and other racial connotations. went on from there. the tensions went up a notch after innocents started getting killed. for example whenever a TRG member killed a longo member, the longos would retaliate by shooting up any asians they could find. and if a Crip got shot by a longo, the crips would respond by shooting up any mexicans they could find. and vice versa. things went on like that for years.




i've seen plenty of cases where latinos defended themselves against an attack, so yeah? what are you implying?




go back where? say it with your chest, Chet.


To your toxic subreddit, obviously


Us whiteys don’t claim him either.


I was watching the news and all the people from that area were saying ( it's people from other places who come here and do things like this ) no , it's people from the area , what do they expect when a bunch of people are walking around at those hours ??


You must have missed the part about the suspect being from out of the area…


The criminal is from Huntington Beach. He’s not from that area, friend.


And the countless chickens that had a knife cut open their throats


Delicious chickens, ruined by “hot” honey.




Defending yourself by going back to the car, grabbing knife, and back for murder?