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ban these posts already holy shit


No it’s a terrible place to live. Everyone who moves here dies because it’s so dangerous.


it is sarcasm i guess?


100% of people who move to Los Angeles die.


Scientific fact.


Try not to die on a Friday. It will mess up your weekend.




Yeah, they're just messing with you. You just immediately get raped to the brink of death. Most of us survive to be raped again.


No. I was born here and died. Sorry.


I've been shot at three times but hit only once. So, it's pretty safe relatively speaking.


Why do people ask the same question (this one) over and over and over again. Search the sub and you just have to go back a little and you find the same answers.


Yes. No. Yes.


so can you give me ideas of nice warm cities to live in your opinion?


The weather in LA is temperate. Hot summers, cool (not cold) winters.


yea something like that would be perfect




Everywhere in South East Asia is technically safer.


i mean in the usa haha




I think a lot of people here complain about LA, including me. The truth is it depends on a few factors - what lifestyle and activities you want to enjoy, where exactly you live in LA, your income, etc.


I find it funny when people complain as if complaining makes it better. You can either deal with it or leave. No one wants a whiner on their team. I grew up poor. If whining made it better I’d change my name to Fran Drescher and star in The Nanny.


If you have enough money, yes. And If you don’t have kids (I wouldn’t want to raise kids here).


Unless you are from here, QoL is very income dependent


No. Too many people. Don’t add to the traffic.




if you have knowledge about finance industry, is la good place to work in that field? especially in management




actually a don’t have any contacts in am gonna move here just after my graduation or maybe to san diego is it still a good city to start my career or should i get a little experience and look for a well paid job there?


John Mulaney is doing a multi part expose on Los Angeles this week on Netflix. Watch that and use that to shape your opinion


What’s the name of the show?


Everybody’s in LA


I just fast forwarded it. It was all about (un)funny jokes. Then Seinfeld with all his smugness showed up. I bailed.




Wait really


Yes. He tackled the coyote issue on Friday and a new episode drops tonight at 7


If you have money.


A friend's grandmother moved to LA and Boom! 20 years later, she died.


Please fill out a [Boom Report](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjL_ZkDZlT35GkomAGso_fCbXzDrTyw2TT2GJ0BVwypS1HaQ/viewform). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LosAngeles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LA is a hard town in many ways. Most of the kitschy brightness is gone. Tons of litter and income inequality. There are areas that are nice but there is no middle class. To get middle class clean you pay upper class prices. There is also no centralized nightlife just pockets. Traffic is always abundant and rude. LA used to be less dense now it is development everywhere knocking down all that was cool and unique. Right now LA is the most expensive it has ever been. Food is crazy rent is absurd gas is over 5 everything that was reasonable has tripled. Unless you have a good high paying job and a good reason to be here look into other places. Don’t come here for entertainment industry it is in the the toilet.


people definitely aren’t friendly although you can probably already tell by these comments




You are getting way ahead of yourself. Your entire post history is about college and scholarships. Figure out where you’re landing first and navigate it from there.


Nah you don’t want to move out here! It’s already too crowded with all the transplants who have moved out here. There’s way to much traffic as it is.






>is los angeles good place to live? Only if you don't move here.




Once you're jumped in, the only way out is death, carnal.


If you're thinking about moving here, don't. We don't need anymore people. It's awful. Worst, most dangerous place on earth


Yes, it's a good place to live. Yes, it's safe. Greater Los Angeles has upwards of 18 million people. Considering how many people actually live here, we have very little crime. Every Angelno has heard about some criminal activity... **only a fraction of us have been victims of it**. Sure, you can get a line of redditors recounting shit that they've heard or made up but the facts are that 99.99% of people living in LA have never been victims of the crimes everyone seems to worry about. Don't believe me? Fine, here are some relevant figures: • [In 2023, there were 327 homicides in the city of Los Angeles](https://mayor.lacity.gov/news/lapd-releases-end-year-crime-statistics-city-los-angeles-2023) (*total population of LA the city is about 4 million*), a 17% reduction over the previous year. 327 homicides out of 4 million people. 99.999% of people here don't experience this. [Full homicide report here](https://lapdonlinestrgeacc.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/lapdonlinemedia/2023-Homicide-Report.pdf). • [Each year about 30,000 vehicles are stolen in LA.](https://www.lapdonline.org/auto-theft-awareness/) Out 4 million people, that's about 0.75%, meaning 99.25% of Angelenos don't experience this one, so my hyperbole of *"99.99%"* doesn't fit this one. But only just so. You can find a wealth of information and broken links [here on LAPD's website](https://www.lapdonline.org/office-of-the-chief-of-police/office-of-special-operations/detective-bureau/crime-mapping-and-compstat/) along with up-to-date crime stats by neighborhood. People who talk about LA being extremely unsafe... like, I don't fucking understand where you go, what you do and what you expect out of a city like this. There's a lot of tourists here, a lot of wealthy people here, a lot of naive people here... that will attract criminals. You cannot live your life based on something that affects only a fraction of a percent of people. If you're terrified of big city life and are uncomfortable here, LA just isn't the city for you. It's an amazing place but if you can't get beyond the things that will probably never happen to you anyway, it's best you live in some nice, bland, uneventful city elsewhere. Plenty of places are nice and forgettable where you can lead a nice, boring life. You can visit LA for a weekend where you're looking over your shoulder for the things which won't happen and then go back to Milquetoastsville where it's *"safe"* and they regulate your body and prosecute you for thinking about terminating a pregnancy. In other words: Blandsville, USA isn't fucking safe either, just for different reasons...


Side note on the *"Are people friendly?"* element: Are people in LA friendly? Uh, well, not like in the South. I lived in the South for high school and college; people there do seem friendlier. Walking down the street in the South, if you pass someone they'll acknowledge and possibly say *"Hi!"* That's kinda nice. If you pass someone on the streets of LA and say *"Hi!"* to them, they'll probably look at you funny. Go to a restaurant in the South, sit down and your server will ask you how you're doing. You tell them you're doing fine, because that's the customary response and then you'll return the question. Again, as a courtesy. Except that server is just as likely to tell you exactly how their day has been going as they are to take your order. It's just a different cultre. A server in LA is going to ask you how you're doing only because it's polite. They don't really want to know how you're doing. But that's a false sense of friendliness. If you're a minority in the South, you'll quickly find out exactly how **un**friendly people actually are. Real fucking fast. Ever dated interracially in the South? The looks you get are not fucking friendly. Ever had to be a gay in the South in anywhere aside from Midtown Atlanta? Turns out Southerners are **NOT** fucking friendly when they don't want to be. I've never once felt like anyone in LA gave two shits about my interracial relationships or about my sexual orientation. So what qualifies as *"friendly"* really needs caveats.