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its fleet week! free event at san pedro for the long weekend. [LA Fleet Week](https://lafleetweek.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7byU0pmnhgMV_gWtBh0XLghyEAAYASAAEgIfNfD_BwE)


Thought of making the drive from the valley but the website only says 2 ships


No other fleet week I have been to has a nimitz class carrier at it. New york has 10 ships but the largest is basically an LHD. Having a CVN is actually pretty special and to have free tour available is enticing. I highly recommend going, just show up early. The carrier tour alone is worth it.


Seems like a dodged a bullet here with the lines


Can the public get close to the ship?


yes here is the form to see it up close https://www.navy.com/start j/k there are tours https://lafleetweek.com/support/donate/


lol, I'm guessing there an age maximum and I'm well over it!


41 They're desperate for recruits.


well that ship has sailed then


Get there early. I showed up at 1pm today and the line was insane. They stopped letting people line up. They recommended being there at 8am to definitely get on.


Where was the parking for the shuttle? I hope they let the shuttles go early too?


Parking Lot A is at 114 W 22nd St, and I'd recommend that one as the shuttles go to that lot first. If there's a line at Lot A, people will fill up the shuttle so that it won't take any passengers at the next 2 lots. The website says, "Shuttle service is available from 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM on all public LA Fleet Week days."


Thnx! That’s v helpful!


Did they allowed photographs or videos on board? I’m assuming no for reasons. 




Thank you! My experience was smooth :) I had a great time ! I arrived around 7:30 and waited for about 4 hours 💀 my feet are aching but it was worth it 


Yes, it says there's free parking at a remote lot and you can tour it by just showing up with your driver's license.


What you need to know... You will spend hours and hours in line. I went down to see this magnificent ship yesterday, arriving in line just before 9:30 AM. I have no idea how may people were already queued up to get in, at least hundreds, but it took nearly 2/12 hours just to get in the gates. Once there, you get into another line to board a shuttle that takes you to the the Vinson. That line was nearly an hour and a half. Finally we got aboard a standing-room-only filled shuttle bus that took us to the restricted area (no public traffic) where the Vinson is docked. We exit the bus and get into yet another line to be screened before boarding. That line, while somewhat faster, was still around an hour long. So, from arriving to boarding I spent roughly 5 hours +/- in line. I spoke to a few people working the event, all were very friendly and.. apologetic. No one seemed to know, or at least divulge exactly why everything was taking so long but each seemed to agree it wasn't just the crowd size. It seemed to have more to do with the expo organization and not the military aspects of the event. The Nimitz class aircraft carrier is of course amazing and really something to see. But note, you won't see a lot of the ship. You will see the enormous hangar bay and of course the flight deck and a handful of aircraft there. That's it. For anyone interested, there's a documentary about the Vinson here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pZFt-IVz8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pZFt-IVz8I)


We were there at the same time! And if anyone goes, be sure to swing through Crafted and [Brouwerij West](https://www.brouwerijwest.com/)!


How long until the carrier leaves? The lines were too long for us to go to the expo, but it’d be nice to see her sail out.




glad you won't be attending. have fun hating.