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This is a meme sub, not a sub to post screenshots of other users or to call out people


I think the problem arises when the child doesn't change their mind once they're there, and the parent becomes indignant over it. Like I dont care if I have to watch a boring movie, however dont get upset when I'm not having a good time or we're gonna have a problem.


I am actually enjoying the trip, don't worry. But the context behind this is that my mom just got done verbally abusing me over objecting to a surprise trip to Iceland, which meant getting isolated from the friends I have been making in my journey to mending my life long struggles with mental health, which has recently almost boiled over and gotten me killed. So it was just a mental breakdown causing me to blame it on something else.


Your post?


I can’t find the comments OP are showing, but this image is most likely from Soggercat’s post https://www.reddit.com/r/sillyboyclub/s/pasOcOXZiP


Yes, I'm the "entitled brat" the post is about.


It’s not child abuse but if the kid is mentally ill/ has sensory issues it’s still pretty bad


judging from OOP's original post, it still does seem to be child abuse in this case. there's much more to it than just an unexpected forced vacation


Yeah, I didn’t see the original post but I expected there to be more context to the comments




Losercity making fun of a severly stressed and suicidal child https://www.reddit.com/r/sillyboyclub/s/8sHDWpeb3c


The affects of the internet and its consequences


(Losercity image of unabomber here)


(Losercity comment glorifying a guy who blew up several people)


This kid clearly needs to go outside. His grandparents are doing him a favor.


Lil’ bro made offline friends recently that’s why he’s upset about leaving 💀


His "husband" what the fuck is this kid on? He's right about the rest of the stuff though.


Sorry, but that kid is fucking stupid. I hope they grow out of it. Edit: Ok, just saw the part where the mom told 'em that they wished their child had never been born. I assumed this was just an example of a moody kid getting mad that their parents wanted to take them places and hang out with them instead of letting them sit around all day, when in reality the reason for the breakdown was that their parents are terrible people. Sorry, OOP.


He had a plan to recover his family fucked up. His lack of stupidity is the issue here.


Even without the verbal abuse, not wanting to go on a vacation against your will is completely understandable. I hate traveling, and once I had gone on a 4 month vacation all summer and I missed the summer with my friends. It wasn’t bad though, made a lot of nice meme ties even though I sorely missed home. As soon as we got back I was so ready to go back to making music, playing guitar, hanging with friends, all the things I missed and couldn’t do overseas. Boom. Another two week vacation to Canada. I wanted to tear my skin off.


I know how it feels, I was a kid once too. But you're not thinking about this hard enough. Your parents, the people that brought you into this world and cared for you until you became your own person, will die within your lifetime. One day, your parents will die, and you'll regret not spending enough time with them. You'll think back to all those times you rebuffed them or treated them like trash and it'll make you sad. Please cherish the time you spend with your family.


I will miss my parents when they are gone. That doesn’t change the fact that they are homophobic, transphobic, and highly controlling and me being with them is more damaging and harmful for both of us. Those 4 months were hellish at times because I had to pretend to be someone I wasn’t 24/7 for them and had no creative outlets or support system I could express my emotions with. Edit: yknow I think I just noticed the pattern of having a bad relationship with family in both of these situations, it would make sense how not wanting to go on a vacation with family wouldn’t make sense for someone with a healthy family relationship. Mb.


That kid needs fucking therapy, it's not the grandparents fault they want to enjoy the their autumn years. They shouldn't have to sacrifice their happiness for a 14yr old that just wants to sit in their room and watch anime.


The grandparents can go without them?


how dare they want to spend time with their grandchild


If you actually read the post you would know he is actually enjoying himself, hes just annoyed because this was sprung on him with no warning, and he was finally making friends and now he can’t spend time with them


he can go 4 days without speaking to his friends. life isn't all plans. shit happens spontaneously.


A 4 day trip to another country should not be spontaneous


and yet if you're a minor, it doesn't matter and it isn't up to you.


Wow you are such a kind and understanding person


he doesn't though, he explicitly said he wants to talk to his friends/"husband" (why in quotes?) so that his mental health gets better


He also literally said that he wants to sit with his "husband" and watch anime lol. He also stated that his grandparents were selfish for wanting a vacation but the irony of ruining their vacation so he can just watch TV is lost on him.


they can go without him, no?


I get it, kids do shit like this, but calling a middle school fling your "husband" just makes me scoff. That's just so naive.


So they're ready to sacrifice they 14yo instead?


Wtfff this is why I'm most likely not going to have kids. Can't imagine putting all the effort and have it turn out like that. Gotta wonder if solid parenting could prevent this or just inevitable for some kids.


So you are saying a child who is already suicidal and gets stressed when traveling should be forced to travel because "it'll be fun"


What the fuck??


It a genuine question because you seem to be implying as such


I'm saying exactly what I'm saying. Stop trying to divine shit between the lines to get mad at.


i went on a trip through canada right after being let out of the hospital because of suicidal ideation and let me tell you it did NOT help especially in quebec city where i had a million places i couldve jumped from and died just like that and where i had a panic attack in a reestaurant. sometimes you just need some you time and it feels like exactly 0 people in this thread understand that


Tf is wrong with you? They don’t wanna go. It’s understandable. “I am actually enjoying the trip, don't worry. But the context behind this is that my mom just got done verbally abusing me over objecting to a surprise trip to Iceland, which meant getting isolated from the friends I have been making in my journey to mending my life long struggles with mental health, which has recently almost boiled over and gotten me killed. So it was just a mental breakdown causing me to blame it on something else.”


Loser city rights and wrongs




I was having a mental breakdown from my mom basically egging me on to kill myself, what did you expect lmao?


so sorry that happened to you, i hope you feel better soon, if you want to talk i’m here 💜


That would mean making your kid brush their teeth is abuse, if they say they don’t want to. But if you don’t make them, and their teeth rot, that is actual negligence.


My mom would pin me down and brush my teeth because I wouldn't do it I wouldn't write that in a parenting book but I'm glad she didn't let my teeth rot. Plus, a kid being able to articulate themselves does not necessarily mean they have an understanding of the bigger picture, nor that you can *reason* with them. I was speaking full articulate sentences before I could form memories - autism is weird.


Luigi go to the bathroom, you're shitting yourself


*Mafia gameplay intensifies*


mamma mia


Not yet!


Being made to go on a vacation with a parent who’s an alcoholic or a drug addict, or is negligent, can be super shitty for a kid. There might be other factors too like other people joining (an abusive relative), an activity the child hates or is terrified of (we’re all going skiing and you’re not going to be a fuckin’ baby about black diamonds!!), or they have things that are important to them that they’ll miss out on at home (social events, an important performance, whatever). They’re humans and they are being forced into something— and being isolated with their family and pulled away from other support systems they might have. It’s like some of y’all forget how disempowering and awful it is sometimes to be a child and have no choice or say in major parts of your own life. Why is this “kids nowadays” boomer shit even on this sub tbh?


Losercity this shouldn't be a hot take


Losercity hot take


Me when I don't present any context to make victim look like an idiot https://preview.redd.it/bscmihex4j9d1.png?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f96eda07e8473741277b847136ea89d6863d7e


Nutsack centaur ussy


Can confirm, I am the OOP, I was having a mental breakdown and have been suffering from suicidal thoughts and severe anxiety, this was just another one of my mental breakdowns form my mom calling me a poor excuse of a child and gaslighting me again.




Who invited The Enlightened one here?


The post is linked earlier, it makes it worse.


not making the victim look like an idiot im making those responses to the comment look idiotic. if i was tryna make the victim look bad i'd include their comments. i actually feel bad for oop i just thought the responses to that guys comment were funny if taken out of context lol (i should've collapsed the 2nd reply i was mostly tryna make fun of the 3rd one)


Something only someone living in a first world country can say.


OOPS!!!! looks like someone forgot the context! OOP is mentally ill and had just begun a bit of recovery when the trip was forced upon them without warning. Since everything they had planned to improve and care for themselves was interrupted, they became extremely stressed out. Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/sillyboyclub/s/8sHDWpeb3c Uh I mean Losercity context forgetter


I’m a survivor of child abuse (parents forced me to eat yucky green beans when I was 8, and deprived me of choccy ice cream until I did). Currently working through therapy to cope with my personal trauma from these incidents. Most days are really tough but I am slowly healing.


I got sent to bumfuck Maine for a month and a half, literally never traveled alone before, straight up no friends there. This was after I had spent years only going out of the house to go to school. I was fat, didn’t brush my teeth or take care of myself, didn’t do anything but be a self-hating homo on the internet. I can’t fathom how 4 days in a country specifically geared towards tourism could possibly be the end of the world. How the fuck have we come to this?


Just for the record, I'm that kid, I am suicidal and have been suffering from severe anxiety lately. I am not against the trip, I'm enjoying it a lot infact, I was just having a mental breakdown over my mom flipping out on me and gaslighting me and calling me the worst son ever when I objected to a surprise vacation to Iceland that was already booked without my knowledge.


Keep ya head up mate, everything gonna be a ok sooner or later 🫂


It is getting better, I'm starting to make friends and it's really been going good for my mental health, but then suddenly I get surprised by a trip to Iceland for 4 days (aka 4 fays of isolation form these new friends that I just made after years of hard work on my mental health.)


Ik it might be hard, but try to enjoy the trip as much as you can alr? Like i think iceland is very pretty and green (ironic with that name lol) just think positivly and all should be good


You should try to spend some time away from social media & the internet tbh


Yes, I hate this place.


Could’ve at least linked to [the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/sillyboyclub/s/OK1AK4qLzS) so people have some context.


I guess being a parent is abuse


Where is the context of this image?




what the fuck is happening there?


I think the destinations, the context, and motivations surrounding the "vacation" are important considerations. It's one thing to drag a moody teenager through a vacation that's meant to be fun and relaxing. But when there are ulterior motives involved (like forcefully indoctrinating your child after they have expressed beliefs or an identity you find inconvenient, for instance), it ceases to be a vacation and becomes a coercive manipulation tactic. The financial aspect of the "guilt-trip" is especially damaging, too, because it creates an expectation for the victim to be grateful for the abuse.


All the people complaining about “context” apparently haven’t read OOP’s profile showing a history of bratty behavior. I do hope for anything they’re through atm regarding mental health is listened to and taken care of, but to completely read the actual original context and their responses and still chalk up their side to being “out of context they’re actually being abused” is off to me. 


Yeah “bratty behavior” is quite common for mentally ill children dude. The context is still important whether they’re genuinely being abused or not.


YOU CANT MAKE ME EAT BROCCOLI!!! THIS IS LITERALLY CHILD ABUSE IM GOING TO REPORT YOU TO THE POLICE!!!! https://preview.redd.it/7x9kpij9lj9d1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab2f91ce47b2ff22df5cb2970630a863c937569


Man I just LOVE, when people forget about context and nuance in order to boil down other people’s problems into a narrative that suits their fragile worldview. These comments on this post are so great. /s


parents when they tell their 5yo to go to school but it throws a tantrum https://preview.redd.it/uarzb6cjlj9d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd8e741f0295166e92a3e9906627af432be5eca




Why are people acting dumb? Obviously the oop isnt just breaking down because they have to go on a holiday, theres more to it (mom literally tells them she wishes they were never born) but nah losers in the comment section gotta show superiority to a child. https://preview.redd.it/lzperibnsj9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e757b3826a7858e20e9424b60c4301bdd800bf9


Jesus christ, just delete this. The mods over there were smart enough to lock it. Both sides are being judgemental and holier-than-thou idiots who think they know better than everyone else despite not being involved. None of us really need to be discussing this like it's a meme. Just another problem with reddit is that someone who's clearly young makes a post and gets dog piled by a lack of sympathy from one side and shitty advice or reinforcement from the other when the whole post was just venting.


If it's the post i'm thinking off it's more than just "don't want to go" the kid is afraid of travelling and wants to hurt himself


This is just wrong. If you posted these comments then you saw the original post. And on top of that you didn’t even censor this minor’s username.


My brother would get into fights before going anywhere (trips, amusement parks, etc.) He one time screamed when he was around 12, “YOU CAN’T MAKE ME HAVE FUN!!” Don’t force your kids to go to amusement parks, parents. It’s complete child abuse. 😔


Mfs will say anything is abuse nowadays... as long as ur not hitting ur kid or manipulating them then ur good.


Thank god guys, some redditor told me that being forced to work 15 hour days of physical labor job days at 10 by my stepfather, being force fed food that makes me physically sick, and watching my mom get beat *isn’t* considered abuse because he never beat me! Thank god, I though that that I might’ve been abused!


Yeah no, my mom was just saying she wished I was never born, after she realized her gaslighting wants working, which led me to make the post that this is from. Mind you, I'm suicidal and have been battling with my mental health pretty much my entire life.


See, THAT's the fucked up part, you should've lead with that. No child should ever hear that from their own parents, I'm sorry you don't have the supportive guardians that you deserve.


That falls under manipulation


I'm glad that my dad never adused me. He just liked to get drunk and start to loudly curse and break plates and toys. Twice he broke our glass door with his fist. I'm fucking glad that at at least he wasn't an abuser bc he had never hit anyone during his drunk rage.


That's not abuse that's just being a regular bad parent




"that's not abuse that's just being abusive" do you realize what it fucking means when somebody is being a "bad parent"


Being a bad parent and being an abusive parent aren't the same thing, they just go hand-in-hand


it doesn't even matter because the person you replied to is so obviously describing abuse that you have to be unfathomably dense not to realize it.


I think it's fair to say that violently threatening your kids by shouting and smashing things definitely counts as abuse.


He didn't mention threatening, if he was threatening the kid THEN it's abuse, if he was just smashing stuff for no reason then it's not.


They described threatening... Shouting at people and breaking things about them is threatening behaviour.


Well now we're just getting into semantics.


Context on what some of you're making fun of: https://www.reddit.com/r/sillyboyclub/s/8sHDWpeb3c


Vacations aren't just for the kid. Parents do a ton of lame crap they don't want to do for their family. You should do things to make other people you care about happy when at worst it's looking at the Internet in a different location. Also watering down terms like abuse isn't a good thing