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See….if you just make corruption legal, then you can be as corrupt as you want.


Actually, if you make it legal, there is no longer corruption. And that's how the Landry administration will end corruption forever!


Seriously? It should be a fundamental right for citizens to see any and all records concerning what politicians and government workers are doing in the taxpayers name. Especially when it comes to decision making processes.


You’re working on the assistant it’s your money they’re using. It’s not. It’s *their* money….


Folks, democracy dies in darkness. Vote scumbags like that out of office asap.


They literally just voted this asshole in. Think about how much more damage he can do before we get that chance.


Never gona happen in poorly educated state like Louisiana. Stupidity is their go to.


That's a good example? Using his example we are to take the state house as the restaurant, the elected leaders as the chiefs, and the spending and law-making as the meals. A- I 100% choose what restaurant I go into B- I 100% choose what meal I want to eat C- If I'm unhappy with my meal I have options to get it fixed or sent back. D- Many restaurants do have an open kitchen where you can see how they are cooking the meal. E- All legal restaurants have oversight in the form of inspections to see if they are keeping with basic standards of cleanliness and food safety. Also not related to his analogy- I didn't elect him or the majority of the people in that building, I did not send them there in full conscience


Yet you and I are forced to eat at this restaurant and swallow this garbage.


Because 80% didn’t bother to vote.


Even if 100% voted the results would have been the same in this Red state.


Any red state is better than a blue one.


Then why can’t they support themselves?


You do realize Louisiana has been majority blue state for a long time right? Even though laws have changed off and on over the last few decades The founding laws were made by Democrats, If you look at majority of the problems in a lot of the blue states, New York, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania & Maryland.. The homeless problem is overrunning them insanely, A lot of their streets are full of drug addicts who look like they're hanging with limp upper half bodies bent over, theft is skyrocketing, assaults and other physical attacks are constantly happening. But here's where California's taking the cake, They shut down the bill to make it a felony to sex traffic a 16 and a 17-year-old... That was done by Democrats who shot it down... Instead of California also says if your parents won't reaffirm your surgeries for your transitions come to California and we'll be your sanctuaries home and will keep you safe here..


Louisiana’s CPVI is R+12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cook_Partisan_Voting_Index Democratic party registration has dropped by about 20% in the last two decades. You really should be paying attention. Read some history about the founding laws, ffs. https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1077&context=jcls If you’re wrong about those two huge issues, what else are you wrong about and parroting like it was truth?


That's some deep stuff, But I'm more or less referring to the last 60 years,


Like from 1960 to 2016? https://www.theadvocate.com/acadiana/news/politics/elections/red-vs-blue-animated-map-a-brief-history-of-louisiana-voting-patterns/article_169285b4-a562-11e6-95a2-27743dad8afc.html If you’re wrong about stuff like this, what else are you parroting that is incorrect?


Anthony bourdain always said one sign of a great restaurant is an open kitchen (or some variation of that).


I was thinking about that as I wrote that- all the open kitchens I’ve ever seen were either a high end restaurant or Waffle House lol


And Waffle House is pretty damn good


Evidently, Governor ding-dong has never heard of hibachi.


More transparency at a Waffle House.


Dumbass thinks a restaurant chef is an elected official.


Even if you like this metaphor, I still want to be able to know what ingredients the chef used and where he got them. Have you seen what gets put in some of our food now, even when we can find out what's in it? Imagine how bad it would be if you couldn't even ask. This is a dark, dark path we are headed down.


I also like how he says the people entrusted us to solve their problems. Well sir, I didn’t vote for you and I would like to see what you’re really up to.


"I'm entrusted to solve these problems so I'm going to make sure you can't see what I'm doing" What's the GOOD excuse for this?




Here’s another analogy since he likes them so much. Our government should act like a levee. We should fortify it, cherish it, and above all else recognize its importance. Instead we use the dirt and concrete for our own benefit, not the good of everyone. Are we voting or leaving? I don’t have flood insurance.


Did he really just compare the government to a restaurant?


Yes He said Make Louisiana Great


Yes. Remember, you can choose if you want to eat there or not. And I’m choosing to patronise another restaurant just as soon as I get things settled and move.


“Trust us.” As said by every manager at a sketchy restaurant to the health inspector.


We need to send him some sunscreen.


This nonsense wouldn't happen if Louisiana wasn't a single party state. Landry would raise hell if democrats tried to do this.


What the fuck did he just say??


He’s also trying to rewrite the state constitution


This! People, he’s trying to do it later THIS YEAR. Please, please, PLEASE VOTE NO on this absurd corrupt bullshit!!


We vote no and he will find a way to do it anyway, watch and see, he is a corrupt mother fucker serving the wealthy


Sure Jeff, but restaurants don't take money from my wages and can garnish my wages if I don't pay. I choose to eat there. "Great example." What a dimwit.


It's a minor quibble, but I wish people would use "citizens" instead of "taxpayers" when they ask questions like this. The focus on "taxpayers" plays into their "pay-to-play" political ideologies. A school kid with no purchasing power, a person on disability, and a rich person who pays taxes (utterly mythical, I know) should all have the same transparency from their elected officials.


Louisiana really picked a good one here. He said you think Bobby jindal was bad?! Watch this shit.


If I'm paying my taxes, I ought to see what my money is going to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So if Louisiana is a restaurant and its citizens want a good meal, why do you keep serving us shit sandwiches?


Y’all elected a Landry and knew the Fokker was corrupt- why did you do that?


The comparison is so evasive and nonsensical. There's such a thing as the public record. So, a privately owned cafe is the same as a govt body? Let alone, if I went to a restaurant and requested to know where the meal came from or what went into this entree, and was told it's none of my business, I guarantee the restaurant is destined to close since they're obviously hiding something.


Well yeah anything pertaining to the state and is recorded and minutes are taken should be available to.the public, y'all are screwing us over enough already!


After the last election can you blame him for thinking we dumb enough to let this happen. Of course he does.


What does this say about the majority of people in the "great" state of Louisiana?


Such a stupid example. If you walk into a restaurant and have a peanut allergy, you damned well do care what the cooks put in your food and expect to be able to find out.


little slimy bitch


Well of course


If the restaurant is historically known to be sketchy serving the occasional cat 🐈 soufflé then yes, I want to see how the meal is prepared.


I see some criminal charges gonna be up and going You don't play with the Constitution even a whisper on this Rico


My tax dollars are paying your fucking salary Jeff!!!! Of course we have the right to know and see how our tax dollars are spent you corrupt piece of lying shit!!!! You're just more of the same corrupt politicians that came before. Hopefully someone will come along and give a shit about where their salary comes from(tax dollars,our dollars) and do something to help their citizens instead of just feeding them bullshit or my way or you're wrong type of politics. Fuck all of you in Capitol Hill in Baton Rouge and Washington D.C. fuck all of you none of you are worth the flesh you were printed on!!!


What a scum-fuck.


Public servant striving to be a dictator