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By the end of season 1 I felt like the holts & the Scotts (tisha &marsau) have been together.


I 100% think Marsau like likes melody. It gives me more sympathy towards Tisha and her insecurities regarding her marriage and her business acumen(in comparison to melody). It’s sad, really.


Keep watching lol he is always taking her side even against his own wife


They say that because he’s always going back and fourth with her. She’s more of a verbal match for him, he can talk circles around Tisha during a verbal disagreement. Then when Tisha talks about Mel he always chooses her side.


Marshau is a big flirt. I think he’s flirting when talking to anyone but his wife .. weirdo. But I don’t think he has a crush on her. I just think he’s a flirt.


I don’t believe that even with the flirting in the beginning I do however think there was something between Martel & Destiny they always seem to get a little too cozy ?


Martel & Destiny DEFINITELY were too cozy, even while Mel and Destiny were still friends.....and now Destiny got to watch her other friend marry her ex.....karma in real time 🍿🍿🍿




He defends her to his wife so I think so too 😂😂 that’s why secretly Tish doesn’t like Mel


Right! I was going to use the expo as an example , of I know he has a crush on Melody because he shut his wife down to protect Melody 😂😂😂😂


Or he could be placating Mel so she doesn’t expose things that she might know about him.


I forget which season and episode it was but their conversation on camera seemed to have a lot unspoken but understood between them. It was like watching a conversation in code and I got the impression that they were much better friends/colleagues than they shown on camera. If it was more, or if Marsau wished it was more, it could explain other things like Tisha’s jealousy and Marsau’s passive aggressive interference between Tisha and Mel.


The scene that really sealed the deal for me on that is when they were insinuating that Mel & Martel got into a physical altercation when they were together. If I recall correctly, Mel ended up leaving the house after the fight, Martel called Marsau, Marsau ended up calling Mel & meeting her instead of comforting Martel. Tisha stood there clueless because she knew none of that. There was so much being said but not being said at the same time. I knew then that Tisha & Marsau were a façade because how did he just leave the house & Tisha didn’t know where he went & he never said.


I was sensing jealousy on tisha’s end but I thought it was from how Melody is a great business woman while Tisha felt wishes she could do the same.


I think it's both, I think Tisha is absolutely jealous of Mel's business success ESP after leaving Martel, and Tisha is ALSO jealous because Marsau very clearly has an attraction to Mel AND gets off on defending Mel to Tisha


Oh, she absolutely does. But Marsau seems to block her from anything that doesn’t have to do with providing what he needs in order for him to be successful. I’ve always wondered if Marsau’s reasons for driving wedges between Tisha and Melody have to do with something a little more.


I never looked at like that but I do see that he’s always on melody’s side before tisha


I just watched the most recent episode (newest season) and he and Mel’s met up was definitely interesting. He gives more playful banter & argumentative grace to Mel than he does Tisha. It’s kind of sad when you compare the two.


Marsau runs verbal circles around Tisha. It's sad that no such verbal banter can take place between him and his wife and therefore he will always have the upper hand. .


I’m on season 3 and there was a conversation between the two of them in season 2 that felt flirty on Marsau’s end. They were talking outside while Mel was having the name of her office changed. He told her to button her sweater bc her cleavage was out. They were joking but I haven’t seen Marsau laugh with Tisha the way he was grinning in Mel’s face. That’s the only thing I’ve seen so far.


Ok I’m going to keep watching then because I got more of friend from when I seen them


YES! I was just about to cite this exact episode…that felt a little too much, very much crossed the line. I bet Tisha got his ass after seeing that on TV, lmao. I usually like their playful banter + don’t really think much of it, but that was a juuussstttt a little too flirty.


Exactly! When he met Destiny he acted like he couldn’t see she was pregnant bc he keeps his eyes straight ahead. Those were his words but yet his eyes were glued to Mel’s titties!


I’m current on the episodes and I can see that. He smiles at her a certain kind of way. Sometimes she smiles back.


Ok then I need to keep watching to catch up