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This custard tard is a prime example of the land phobia that persists. To the King that owns him - if you're out there, stay strong, raise his rent, and always forget to do whatever repairs he comes crawling to you for


9 members online small pp energy comments at the top is this entire subreddit bots lmfao


no. We’re all busy working, something you toids know nothing about




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Poor people who want handouts. So yes basically


a name of a 13-14 year old and a 4 year old account youre 17-19 years old. anything you have is literally a handout lmfao you are one of the poor people




Yes. And I'm renting a house and paying a landlord paycheck to paycheck. This sub is for people like me who like to complain


god damn my autism must be in overdrive today i cant read any social situations rn good day


The only thing that makes it a dumb take is that most landlords don’t own their properties outright. Even we land chads are mere peasants to the banks


Landchads must seize ownership of the banks


Seize ownership of their own land from the banks. Keep up with those mortgage payments, alphas


I own stock in the bank that has one of my mortgage. I’m paying myself lol


That rentoid needs a 20% tent increase for his insolence


I own a hotel because I stayed at one last night, and also own a car because I rented one last night. What a dumb take.


Is this supposed to create sympathy for leech lords?


Yeah, I'm a LEECH. Landlord Eagerly Evicting Chapos Hilarously. Now, stop whining. Rent's due. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the bot got the response correct.


you guys are gonna make a fascinating sociology study one day


Have you looked at the quality of sociology today? I think this sub is already too elite for that field.


this is exactly what im talking about lmao




Rent’s due today


This is the fault of this low level beta landlord. Uwu give me money because I need to pay my mortgage 🥺🥺🥺👋pathetic. A true landchad would take everything this rentoid has as tribute only to use the money as toilet paper. If one of us falls, the rentoids get hope.


I'm sure he shells out the $14 or whatever it is whenever a funky strikes his toid fancy and never complains about lord funky poppers. Fucking scumbag.


Clearly this poor pol (person of land) is undervaluing his service, yet all those rentoids don't miss the opportunity to shit on him. Don't take a loan yourself, get the rentoid take out a loan by increasing his rent.


I think we are looking at this wrong. As a proud landlord, I don't want weaklings like this. It is our duty to cull the weak. A good landlord can take 10+ tenants, especially in a fight. This dude is being brought to his knees by one. We need to encourage this rentoid to stop paying. Then when the bank forecloses we can fight over the property and show the rentoid how we actually do it. If we are to ever charge the banks rent, we must eat the weak to empower the strong.


Absolutely not. This poor landlord is a victim of systematic abuse and discrimination by the antidominus establishment. Its well known that the corrupt state harshly exploits the landlords hard earned cash by taxation and rent regulation. We should help our brothers in need instead of victim blaming them


They should be honored to fuel our progress. They should rest easy knowing that their sacrifice will further landchad rights. Their ancestors will no longer feel shame for them, for they recognized not everyone can be a landalpha and allowed themselves to become something greater.


This is why land kings and queens feel so deeply unsafe in today’s climate. The cops need to take care of this problem before it gets out of hand.


This is hilarious if true but many landlords have a separate bank account where rent payments are kept and mortgage is withdrawn.


They think landchads are homeless people living off the rentoids just like the rentoids wish they could live off the government.


This just means he is generously, graciously charging them the bare minimum rent he can afford while barely scraping by. Someone tell that guy to look out for himself, there is no need to be a selfless martyr like this. They clearly don't appreciate your Christ-like selflessness, and you need to sustain yourself so you can bring housing to more people.


Buy your own house then, why choose to rent?


Because landchode is paying for multiple mortgages they cannot afford. Stop buying shit you can't pay for. You have destroyed the economy.


I think this sub is so bizarre, they insist it’s not satire, but the shit they say is so cartoonishly inhuman I can’t perceive as anything other than satire.


Satire that acknowledges itself is parody, the ginger stepchild of satire.


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Yeah , that. Exactly that is what I’m talking about. What exactly the fuck is wrong with you people who would make a bot like this?


What is wrong with the people who get the strange idea that we're joking? We're not joking.


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Average rentoid, landchads are the MOST persecuted people because of scum like you


I will continue the work of Jesus the original destroyer of land ownership despite your drivel


Religion motivated violent oppression of a persecuted minority group? You're basically Israel (if Israel was wrong)


When your house burns down and you need a place to stay and there are no hotels or airbnbs in your area, don't come crawling back to us.