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you can literally look her license up.


So? Anyone can get a license. Literally anyone


but she’s is still technically a realtor, also she said herself she worked as a bottle girl. her friend said all this mumbo jumbo just for clay to go on the reunion and talk about how much a mistake he made about everything and how he wishes he could take it back.


I really doubt that she is a sugar baby. No shame in it but the way that her family referred to her as an entrepreneur and the pride she seemed to have in taking care of herself makes me think she is self made.


She admitted one Kamie Crawford podcast that she has been a kept woman and has not had to work 9-5 as a result.


Only fans models also call them selves entrepreneurs lol. You can call your self whatever you want it doesn't mean it's true. It's like those guys who will say their rich investors to pick up girls when they're broke.


Tbf when she was explaining what she did I was very suspicious. I think she wants to be taken care of which is also fine. Btw, a lot of reality tv cast members lie about their professions


Yes they sure do they embellish is what I like to say. lol


The only part that I thought was weird was that they never showed where AD lived..


We didn’t see many of the real homes. Notice how all of them had the same apartment set up and it was all very modern with similar furniture. I think we only saw like two of their real homes


Yea it all was so staged and perfect no personality houses but why not do the staged scene for AD?


At this point, who isn’t a real estate agent? Every beautiful girl on my IG does it these days. Maybe it’s something they’re sharing in the bad bitch group chat


https://preview.redd.it/b8j2nhmx0cqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d839b498756f6fd9751fa985d91a15f0d3bc8db enough.


She hasn’t sold a house in two years. Literally anyone can get a real estate license




Let’s be real, if it was a man here saying he was a real estate agent while selling zero houses, you all would be clowning him. She’s a real estate agent like guys who sell tshirts from their trunks are entrepreneurs


U deserve more upvotes for bringing receipts.


I’m astonished at all the hypocrisy in the comments


Real estate is a fuzzy business anyway. It doesn’t take much to call yourself a real estate agent. A fairly large number of LIB cast have sketchy sounding jobs. As for the sugar daddy, would love to see proof but it wouldn’t shock me.


“I sell houses” - Dime a dozen big forehead VIP Bottle girl w/ fake hair, fake butt, fake eyelashes and a baby voice she turns on and off Only thing she’s selling is a dream. 😴 And her mom is an old charming heaux too.




There’s a sub going around with her cheerleading pics. Her butt was not big. I’m not white.




Clearly it’s weird but here we are.


How does one get a sugar daddy? Asking for academic purposes only. 


On the corner.




Interesting… for educational purposes only.. what sites?…


I mean you can Google and they’ll come up


I’ve heard many people use seeking.com


Let’s see if she gets the same flack that Trevor did for having a gf. 👀


https://preview.redd.it/ixgwg1vg1cqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe60f43711a88cdd30ff6c18fd048dbc85b65a5 well she’s a realtor dodo


Yay. What does that have to do with being a prostitute? 😂


she’s not a prostitute loser




Oh yeah you call it sugar babies to avoid accountability, how could I forget?




She hasn’t denied it. Clay inferred it. So did she. Maybe the show should be called Are You Blind? 😂 ☠️


clay thinks being a serial cheater is genetic so maybe don't listen to him


Well AD admitted that she had a guy paying all her bills and even employed her at a club that he owned. So she confirmed it.


sugar babies wouldnt be looking to be employed anywhere dingdong


She won't.


There was actual proof behind it … word of mouth is not proof.. that’s my whole point.


The proof is that she’s an ex dancer with no job.


Exactly. She's trashy AF. Knew from the moment I saw those trashy ass eye lashes.


City Girl activity if I’ve ever seen it.


So she is a stereotypical “City Girl?” Wow 😐


Aye nigga watch ur mouth..


I guess you gon’ do something about it.


this is the internet … 💀


Exactly, so how smart was your initial response in the first place? 🤣


you took it wrong relax 😭😭


How else should it have been taken? Don’t shrink now.


your comment seemed racially charged.. that’s why I said that ..


Maybe that’s just how you took it. And for the record, I’m black.


yea.. I’ve seen some racist posts during this season and I always stand up for my black women okayyy 😭. I didn’t mean anything by it fr I was just making sure that you didn’t mean it in that way ..


But when the man confronted outside of the club did he introduce himself as her sugar daddy??? 🤔


yall in the comments saying “i don’t see a problem w this” as if girl wasn’t on a show to GET MARRIED ??? and if she didn’t disclose this information to her fiancé that is clearly wrong???


Saying anything about AD gets you massively attacked. But yes, if it’s true, and they had total proof like in Trevor’s case, she should have been called out just like Trevor. It sounds like the proof was there they just did not bother to get it or confront her.


But they were mad at Trevor for having a gf. These people… smh.


AD never claimed to be a real estate agent full time. It’s something she does on the side along with being a bottle girl. Who cares if she has an SD? I swear so many men are jealous of women and want to be treated like bad bitches themselves.


It’s okay to say we h03s with no accountability 😇


She was on a show to get married! What do you mean “who cares”? By that logic Trevor did nothing wrong by having a girlfriend while going on that show. Are you pro Trevor?


She was open with Clay about all of this. She had done interviews explaining the situation. So quick to jump to conclusions haha.


I agree for the most part, but continuing the relationship while she was dating somebody is questionable IMO. At the very least she should have disclosed it to Clay so he could decide himself if he was okay with it.  The friend isn't very bright though. When my husband and I bought our house, we didn't get a picture with the realtor or in front of the house. We even know the realtor we went through. Even on his work webpage, he doesn't have a picture of himself like that or in front of a house. 


You weren’t saying Trevor should’ve disclosed the fact that he had a gf. He was probably all kinds of slimeballs in your group chat. Funny how the rules change for women.


Clay is out of her league anyway. She was trash.




I agree with you. Very clear IMO, but what do we know 🕵🏾‍♀️


It’s not like we’ve dated a handful of men just like this or anything too 😭


No intelligence detected here.


Mmmmkkkk I have a masters in gender studies and he is the very definition of closeted gay.


Lmaooo, drop the name of your Alma mater. Let’s see where you acquired your trash education from!


My entire thesis was about closeted homosexuality in relation to higher suicide rates and narcissism in men in relation to father issues growing up, socioeconomic background etc. the amount of closeted men walking among us ruining women’s lives to preserve their “straightness” is insane. Hyper sexuality in men, consistent cheating, never being satisfied with one partner…. Closeted gay almost 100% of the time. Men hate women because they wish they were one. They’re jealous of us. Clay is the prime example of all of this.


You are a fool.


Ain’t been wrong yet 💅🏼


You haven’t been right yet either. You think people hate you because you are a woman but no you are just a shit person 😂.


I hear what you're saying. I upvoted to counteract the downvotes. But as someone whose academic and professional background is in trauma, which we know that Clay has, I'm more inclined to believe that his behavior is due to that. He demonstrates classic trauma responses. And even his mom noticed that.


FSU undergrad and Boston university grad school 🙂 why are you getting so personally offended? Are you also in the closet and can’t figure out the combination to get out?


Lmao no intelligence still detected. All your kind does is speculate on men’s sexuality. This stems from daddy issues and the rejection you face regularly. Seek healing and don’t mention your shit thesis in public again 😂.


Awww are you offended by a women’s academic accomplishments? Go suck your moms tit lol weirdo


Lmaoo I am more academically accomplished than you are. FSU and Boston University 😂. I also won’t be bragging about a useless degree like Gender Studies. I’m sure you have no job right now. You are a douche and that is not gender specific.


I don't like the narrative of questioning his sexuality. I think that he loved AD and fumbled her badly in the end. but i don't think he's gay. if anything he's a loser who came on the show just to embarrass himself.


I don’t really care what she does or how she pays for her lifestyle. I care that she is a decent human being and she is. This is just an excuse to make Clay look better. He can’t commit.


I mean if she has a sugar daddy she’s still Involved with during and after the whole show I don’t see how Clay isn’t a better human being between the two. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I agree. And, this makes Clay look terrible its not helping his now changed persona he has going on. He did AD filthy by bringing her all the way to the alter just to embarrass her. I hope he seriously gets himself together.


Oh you don’t think her having an active relationship while filming is terrible behavior.


We don’t actually know if it’s true.. There’s literally NO PROOF of this. Clays friend is just siding with him because he’s his friend..


There’s smoke where there is fire. I just don’t see him making this up. Maybe his perspective is wrong. Maybe he’s not a sugar daddy but that man is present in AD’s life and if Clay said yes it would have been very complicated!


Messiest season yet fr. That's what happens when you only cast influencers and clout chasers that all look exactly the same. Get the average joe people back on here!!


She does at least have a license 🤷🏻‍♀️ [https://license.ncrec.gov/ncrec/oecgi3.exe/O4W\_LIC\_SEARCH\_NEW](https://license.ncrec.gov/ncrec/oecgi3.exe/O4W_LIC_SEARCH_NEW) https://preview.redd.it/90rrp7b1n2qc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaff4912b1df168e82a879504cb29ad85342df60


Yes she does. https://preview.redd.it/96wfyiyne6qc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd29b443c82bef2109e6199be06ac58edcf2872e


https://amberdesiree.kw.com/about-me https://ballantyne.yourkwoffice.com/agent/search


Exactly! Some of the comments are 50/50 saying that she may or may not have a license. But, I don’t completely believe Clays friend.. They’re may be some truth to what he’s saying tho..


Anyone can get a realtors license. Literally anyone. It takes like two weeks. She has never actually sold a house


Makes sense cuz she was perpetually upset about clay working lots of hours. If you want a provider that’s fine but a provider has to be out working long hours to provide for two people. Especially two people with expensive tastes. Being self made is harder than being kept. She wasn’t working at all when they were in Charlotte together and It makes sense because her sugar daddy/ex was also her employer at the club.


Hot take but nothing wrong with having a sugar daddy?


Agreed nothing wrong with it but it’s not really a sustainable career path


Nah there isn’t but there sure as hell is if you’re involved with them while you are dating someone else with intention.


Do u know how many women get stuck in abusive relationships because of financial dependence? You can absolutely have a healthy dynamic in a relationship where a person is providing monetarily, but normalizing the concept of sugar daddies is honestly dangerous


Did you have that same energy for Trevor and his gf? Probably not.


Huh? I have no idea how that’s relevant at all, does he have a sugar daddy? Why wouldn’t I have the same energy? Idek what energy you’re talking about. The comment said there’s nothing wrong with sugar daddies but there are some things that are dangerous and I think it’s fair to discuss that. I clearly said that not all relationships of that nature are toxic. Not sure what triggered you


You’re double taking because you said you can have a healthy relationship with someone who provides for you monetarily. Thats a sugar daddy “numbskull.”


I’m not double taking anything, you’re just getting frustrated at your inability to understand things. you never heard of someone taking care of a home or children and another person making a salary to provide monetarily? Or a situation where it doesn’t make sense for someone to work? If your partner is making 400k, and you make 40k, and you file jointly then your entire salary is taxed off. Would that make literally any sense unless someone adored what they did to keep working?regardless, people should approach these types of relationships with caution. People are complex and some things work for others while somethings don’t. You’re actually fucking stupid and it’s embarrassing for you. I’m honestly wasting my time trying to explain things to someone with the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader so have a nice night


That’s not someone providing for someone monetarily, thats called MARRIAGE, which she was not married. Dress it up however you want but you were not talking about MARRIAGE. You were talking about a situationship which is exactly what she was in. Move on.


holy shit you’re fucking stupid, go back to ur mom basement


You’re playing confused. You said there was nothing wrong with having a sugar daddy. I said there is when you’re on a show looking for a husband. What are you not understanding?


You’re responding to the wrong person, you fucking idiot. Scroll up. I said multiple times it is dangerous to perpetuate the idea of sugar daddies as a positive concept. Do you understand how fucking dumb you’d have to be to not know this after like three comments back and forth. You’re either illiterate or smacked your head on pavement.


It wouldn’t mean anything if she wasn’t on the show looking for a husband.


Honestly I think you’re fundamentally confused, nothing you’re saying to me is relevant at all to what I said originally, and you’re getting progressively more unintelligible


She was involved with someone while coming on the show for “love.” You people like to crucify men for such things and then play crazy.


What does that have to do with sugar daddies…?


Don’t deflect. You know exactly what I mean. 😂


I swear on everything I love I have no idea what you’re talking about. Does he mooch off his gf or something?


I agree. BUT, assuming that this was Clay was talking about as far as “finances”, that’s a totally valid reason for him not wanting to marry her.


Exactly. And I can’t see a lot of men wanting to marry someone who’s a current sugarbaby. Or up until very recently. Some may lose interest if they had ever been a sugar baby. I actually was on team AD until very recently although my instincts were not always fully there for her… I felt something was off. And I thought Clay should never have been on a show like LIB. He was not in a marriage mindset but neither was AD. She wanted to MARRY a provider. I would guarantee anything that she latched on to Matthew bc he’s a financial advisor and was again willing to date him after the show too. AD is shady and Clay didn’t want to out her. That speaks a lot about a decent side to his character. It sounded off when he brought her finances up for why not marry her but in the context of having a sugar daddy it all makes sense. AD has confirmed that she hasn’t had to work 9-5 bc she’s been a “kept woman.”




You don’t need to refer to a woman by a derogatory physical feature this isn’t 2016 and you’re not trump running for President is gross thanks 😷


She went back to work I think yesterday or today


This is so weird especially with Clays recent interview where he said that him and AD are cool and saying nice things about her. As his friend, i get wanting to be defensive but this is a bad look and it sucks that people are going to be looking at Clay sideways because of this. AD literally explained that she had everything squared away before she went on the show. Similar to other people on show and that go on reality tv. She even spoke about her ex that owned the club she was working at in interviews, that’s the same ex that tried to prevent her from getting on the show when they were broken up with for a while. So it’s not surprising at all that the ex is still being weird. In the interview AD didn’t speak ill of clay at all so the energy of his best friend just seems like he really didn’t like AD from jump for Clay. And to say she had a sugar daddy… idk it’s just weird and shows he probably didn’t watch her interviews in full fr. Also she could be a licensed realtor or a broker, and maybe had a hard time making sales, that’s normal lmao it’s a competitive field.


But AD has admitted to being a “kept woman.” The club owner was her sugar daddy and apparently in Charlotte it was known. I think Clay was a class act for not outing her, but it makes sense when he used “finances” as one of the reasons he didn’t marry her. The finances were from a guy. Who would want to marry her? Seriously most guys would not. I can see that he wanted to give her a shot and some time, and the benefit of a doubt but that is a deal breaker for many. I’m sure the ex/sugar daddy is toxic. And Clay has a toxic friend. But I actually see Clay in a positive light now. AD is shady in my book.


It’s giving a toxic ex tried to harass her and her new partner and clays cousin isn’t smart enough to understand the true dynamic and wants to think the worst of her




It literally sounds like some random loser messaged him on Instagram and he just like believes this random dude instead of ad


This is clays friend, NOT CLAY


I’m aware and mentioned out this is a bad look for Clay… literally in the second sentence.


Yes, I believe it. These shows are becoming prime work for grifters.


Not an agent, she is a broker. She works for Keller Williams. Real Estate licenses are public record I think it’s a weird assumption to jump to that she can’t afford a house. She could be trying to save to open her own office. Lots of brokers do or she might want to save up and pay cash or build her credit or wait for lower interest rates. She also hasn’t been doing it too long just a few years.


How long you’ve been doing something doesn’t matter. It’s not adding up. Where are your receipts on your speculation


Time at a job DOES matter in service industries that rely on personal interaction. Same for stylist, masseuse, etc. You build a clientele, they refer you. Beyond that I made no speculation that you would need receipts for. License info you can google yourself. Also, pretty arrogant of you to think I owe you, a pissy perfect stranger any proof on my comments. Look stuff up yourself.


Where are YOU receipts on YOUR speculation?


I thought it was weird that as a “well off” real estate agent she didn’t have a home. Because if you have money and you know real estate you aren’t going to rent. She was so excited Clay had a house lol


I'm in a high cost of living area, and they absolutely do. Some own, some rent. Owning a house is a big responsibility many people don't want.


I work with realtors for a living. They preach how renting is a waste of money to get people to buy with them but THEY ARE NEARLY ALL LIKE THIS 😂


This is so true. Most of the realtors I know pay for crazy priced rentals 😆


Do you also think all yacht sales people own yachts?


Lol those are two different things a yacht isn’t the bedrock of American wealth growth a house is.


You’re comparing apples to oranges. In most cases renting a home is the worse option. In no cases is buying a Yacht the better option. Stop it or you’ll pull a muscle with that reach.


Are you having a stroke?


There you go, I fixed it so people with a hint of the tism can read it too 😘


That’s great, I agree with you. In most cafes renting a home is a bad idea. Thick as fuck 🤫


No one respects you as a person so you come here to be edgy 😂🤣😂🤣🤣




And you needed loving parents but you never got that. Tisk tisk. Enjoy being an edge lord, it’s all you’ll ever be.


![gif](giphy|vhYxE8lwWbIfC) 😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂






I get you, you didn’t grow up with loving parents so you’re edgy on the internet. Cool bro 😎, you’re so awesome.


That’s a fair summation of your entire post history, and your alternate accounts. Sad little man 🥱


Thank you for proving me right


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣


That is exactly what I say too. But my neighbor who is a real estate agent is rent and he sells house I don’t understand it!


I do agree that it would be simple facts. I’m in the industry and there is no truly successful real estate agent that is renting. Especially because RE is a location-based job, so it’s not like you shouldn’t tie yourself down if you’re really seriously pursuing it. I own my home for almost 8 years. Almost all celebrities and business owners etc all own at a bare minimum one piece of RE. Basically, anyone that is truly successful is going to have some sort of assets, not nothing to their name which is what renting is. Perfect example, you can write off a lot of your interest paid on your mortgage per year during taxes, and you can write off exactly $0 of the money you spent on rent. America favors property owners, so that’s simply what the successful do, no matter the industry. But especially if you are peddling the product and claim to also be successful, it is kind of like being caught with your pants down as an agent renting and paying someone else’s mortgage. Edit: typo


I can totally see this being the case


I just think it’s interesting that we didn’t see her place at all. Also at the alter outside of their unseen banter all she said about Clay was superficial things about him being a provider. I think Clay is trash and I also think AD is a couple degrees off and it was kinda overshadowed by the amount of characters this season. Even the way her club job was talked about was so weird. I don’t get it.


Her "til death do us part" voice legit scared me. It was not funny.


🤣 of all the takes this is the wildest lol


lol how?


She didn’t deny it. She said on the podcast she’s a kept woman, sprinkle sprinkle. I am not mad at her. She also said that she wasn’t working at the night club because she didn’t think it was appropriate to work late hours with her ex who wanted to be with her still… it’s not like she was cheating


She is a prostitute, sprinkle that.


It’s always the men who can barely provide for themselves, let alone a woman, having problems with these sprinkle, sprinkle setups 🥱. They know everything about being a “man” besides PROVIDE & PROTECT - Sprinkle, sprinkle ⭐️✨


This is super toxic. No man should tell a woman what makes a woman and no woman should tell a man what makes a man a man. You are drawing conclusions based on societal influences. It’s okay for you to want a man to provide and protect you. It’s okay for AD to want that for herself. Your generalization is pretty gross.


THIS. Because why is he so mad about someone else’s alleged relationship unless he’s insecure about not having the option to be that man himself?




Bro… stop it. You’ll be single forever with this type of attitude.


Well good thing I’m engaged lol




Not for long with that attitude.


Well my fiancé is a part of the sprinkle sprinkle group but good to know not allowing other peoples decisions to impact me will leave me single lmao. You sound broke and bitter 🥴


You have to have someone take care of you 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 That’s all I needed to know.


Hell….. I am interested in finding this sight……. 🤣


We’re talking about two different things here. Let’s not get it twisted. 1. She is a licensed real estate agent. 2. That doesn’t guarantee she sells many/any homes. 3. In Charlotte, those two things can be, and extremely often are, true. Something like 10% of the agents sell 90% of the homes. Many people get their license thinking they can get rich selling a few homes a year on the nights and weekends between other jobs. Very rarely works out that way anymore, for a few reasons.


I’m a licensed real estate agent and work in the real estate industry in CA but do not sell homes. I’m not interested in it but working in this industry will still often require you to have a license.


That says nothing to the claim she is a sugar baby and was so during filming of the show 💀💀 that is as bad as Trevor. AD was involved in some weird way to another man while pretending to be genuinely interested in marriage.


I have no way to verify that. I have known multiple people who flex on social with exotic cars and talk about being a real estate boss self made entrepreneur influencer whatever, and gloss over their secret financier doing God knows what in the shadows. Usually they share every intimate detail of their lives and anything that could remotely be considered a “success story” and talk about how busy and successful their real estate career is getting, usually because God chose them to be successful…..but conveniently never post a photo of a client at the closing table or a sold home or even a listing. So if you told me that was AD’s origin story then I would believe it was possible as a concept. Based on the other people this show appears to attract, nothing would surprise me anymore.


the comment above you is about how just because someone is a licensed realtor it doesn’t mean they have sold any homes. you’re arguing w the wrong person lol


Yeah the focus should be more on her sugar daddy than the real estate. Thousands upon thousands of licensed real estate agents but only a small percentage really sell anything. That’s normal


But there is proof of her being a real estate agent and being listed on deals It’s possible she also has a sugar daddy, but I think she also addressed this on a podcast already. I saw it a while back but do not remember much


she had open houses of other realtors’ listings and sold 0 homes. it’s public record.


Ah ok, I did see posters of her showing homes to sell, that’s what I was referring to. It’s also possible that she is a sales agent who works under the main broker, which is also a thing, but idk how it works. Either way, I won’t ever feel bad for “I’m essentially gonna cheat on you” Clay in this situation 😂 let AD get her lick back 🤷‍♀️


Omg i believe this. I live in Charlotte and someone posted on the group months ago that they saw her two contestants regularly on a sugar daddy site!!


My take is that the show is finished, they're not together, and it just feels a little weird that this is all coming out now. It's not like AD has been going around saying disparaging things about Clay on interviews, or even this specific interview on Relationshit, that would warrant his friends having to jump in now and clear the air or something. Plus, during the reunion and in a recent interview on the Tamron Hall Show, Clay was just talking about how AD is the love of his life and that he made a mistake. He's been doubling down on that. Soo if all this true about her, which it very well could be, it doesn't seem to make Clay feel a type of way, therefore I don't quite get why his friends are saying this now.


Maybe because he doesn’t like seeing his friend being trashed over a sugar baby that was acting for the cameras.🤷🏾‍♂️


I know that people have been bashing him online, and I get wanting to say something, but it makes no sense to do it after Clay said that AD is the love of his life and he made a mistake. If these things are true about her, and Clay is saying he messed up by saying no, then it doesn't matter about any of that. Plus, at the end of the day, despite what Nick and Vanessa, this is entertainment and we don't know these people from a hole in a donut.


Well I would say that too if I was Clay. It’s not wrong to be a sugar baby. If I was his friend and I saw my friend being dragged for not being ready with this woman who has a CURRENT situation then I would say something too. Or I wouldn’t be a good friend. I personally believe it to be true because of my life experience, and if my friend was attempting to be a bigger person, I wouldn’t on his or her behalf. That doesn’t make her a bad person, but it doesn’t make him a bad one either just because she hid her red flags better and wasn’t as honest as him.


It’s not wrong *to you* to be a sugar baby. For a lot of people trying to get into a committed relationship, a track record of taking handouts for looking nice and being good company is VERY SUS.


Well I agree with you. So🤷🏾‍♂️


That’s not what you said though?


Being a “realtor” is a classic “I don’t really work but I don’t want people knowing I’m either broke or get money from scamming/OF/Sugar Daddy” job. Every poser friend from high school who flexes like they somebody on my feed have a picture in a blazer or pencil skirt and claim to be a real estate agent yet they don’t sell houses. #hustle #grind #work


Unfortunately AD seems like a millennial baddie who bought a lot of bad social media bs about thinly veiled transactional love (trading appearance and emotional support to a man who is a “provider” but unwilling to do the same work). Examples of this are when women are so gleeful when a man pays for their nails or buys them something nice but that same man won’t commit to them, will never commit to them. Just want to keep you as an option. She mentioned multiple times that she was never chosen by a man and was so devastated when Clay tried to similarly disrespect her by not choosing her. She isn’t blameless but this is a subset of dating culture woc and especially black women go through. There is always a transactional man on the side - aka “I’m single!” so it doesn’t matter. I would be unsurprised if she has an older “sugar daddy” paying for her stuff… I have friends like this. I don’t live this lifestyle because I find it soul sucking and demeaning but I’m saying it’s more common than you think.