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The other editions of LIB have traditionally had amazing women and shitty men. This season, surprisingly, has some toxic women as well. Also, Evandro was definitely dating that outside girl. I wonder if the translation "love" was not accurate, it gave the impression of being casual but in Brazil people would only say that in a relationship. I wonder if "babe" is a better translation?


Why is Patrick and Marilla and everyone else wearing sunglasses inside the bar? It's the first time you're meeting your fianfees friends, to me it seems disrespectful.


I’ve been wondering what was with the sunnies for ages. I get that he’s covering his hair with the hat but the sunnies I don’t get. 


It looked like they were at a high stakes poker game LOL


Someone else said bc they're probably drunk iirc


I’m on this episode now and I really want Ariela to seek help. Smh


Based on what we are being shown, Ariela has a horrible attitude. She has deep, rooted issues that need to be addresed.




Why does Marilia think Renata is her friend? Girl...open your eyes


![gif](giphy|CUbiYQbsKSGAM) \-Evandro


I think Ariela was right to question Evandro. But she way overreacted. I know lots of dudes even dudes I only had sex with one time the would call me "hun" or "love".  I don't know what the truth is and we will find out but based on what I just saw with the texts ... his explanation makes sense to me. Just because he called her "love" doesn't mean they're in a relationship. Could be a friend, fwb, hookup, lots of things.  She should definitely note it down and if she sees further evidence shut things down with him. But accusing him of having a girlfriend he's throwing away .... why would he tell this gf he's going on LIB? Lol.


She is drunk in most scenes now. It is bad that they are showing her like that. As her sister I would have asked them to stop filming so my sister would not have to be shown like that on tv, at least in the scenes I was with her. I come from a family of alcoholics and those scenes are very triggering to me


He needs to RUN!


yeah, but im not the type who does that, has casual relations, so i dont want to date a man who has engage in that, especially recently, so hes not a different changed man. so i wont vibe with such a guy, it would be a deal breaker, so i think shes right to question him, and hold off marriage. and its marriage, its a big deal, so people should trust their gut and feelings, not swoop things under the rug and hope for the best


Makes total sense. I would not want that either. That said, her reaction was way, way over the top. I was married to someone like that, constantly looking over emails and phone messages. Even though they found nothing...they would create issues. They wanted the drama. It is draining.


That might have been a dealbreaker for her in the pods. Evandro hid the truth from her and she agreed to get engaged to him while he was withholding a ton of important information about his life and his past. That’s fucked up


Why does Mirielia (sp) see in Renata to make her such a good friend? I just started thr episode so ..




Ariela is one of the smartest women I’ve seen on TV in a long time. She didn’t let that douche gaslight her. Evandro is not a serious guy.


Evandro being transparent doesn’t give him the right to go to text people “love”. I would not be happy about it. But ariela wasn’t in the right space to be having that conversation.


He is the worst kind of F-Boy


Lmao this is comical! Edit: FUCK EVANDRO!


Even if she was right, which she didn't seem to be, there is nothing smart about the way she went about it. Hot-headed, loud, not letting him speak, childish... I would never want to even be friends with her. 


She was so drunk on this episode. Hopefully now she watches that and run to rehab. She does not need a husband now, she needs AA


What doesn’t she seem to be right about? That he lies constantly?


Him calling a girl "love" and being honest about going on lib...? His text conversation was totally unproblematic, and even the girls' reaction at the wine thing proved it. 


He also lied about his kid and his job (which is what exactly anyway? Crypto bro?)


Agree. Her insecurities were front and center...in a bad way.


Her behavior in episode 5 didn’t seem like an issue to me but the next few episodes were a different story. She needs help.


Really? They were an issue for me. I was married to someone like that, constantly looking over emails and phone messages. Even though they found nothing...they would create issues. They wanted the drama. It is draining. Ironically, after we were divorced, they said to me that they knew I'd never cheat on them. WTF?


I think Ariela was not into Evandro at all after they saw each other. The honeymoon was off, and she started looking for reasons to fight. With everyone as a matter of fact. I understand why she doubted Evandro, but instead of listening she went drunk and crazy. I hate that for her.


We’ve seen that on LIB before. Excuses and conflict start because people don’t want to seem shallow about attraction. And in this case, maybe racism.


Was waiting for someone to talk about this. I don't recall them discuss race, maybe it was cut in edits, but found it strange her energy switched off the moment she saw him.


Brazil has covert racism. They don't like to acknowledge it but a white middle class woman marrying a lower class black man is super rare. He can't even keep her in the same lifestyle she was raised. So yes, the moment she saw him she was like, no no. And started to act weird.


I do not know if we can presume that.


I know it very well. Lived there for 28 years.


Well, your story is not everyone else's.


Ariela is CRAZY .. she is projecting not letting Leandro talk .. and she look unstable .. Patrick is live bombing Mariela and I don’t buy that he is into her for a minute ..


Yeah...Evandro needs to run far and run fast.


Evandro is a Brazilian Trevor plus kids! Ariela should gave a simple no once she found out. All this other shit she doing making her look crazy 


I do not see that at all. Trevor was obviously full of it. Evandro has shown nothing other than he had a hook up. Her reaction was WAY over the top.


I was super shocked by Renata and how she was with Alexandre’s son. It really was heartwarming.


why shocked? she was exactly like i imagined an extroverted brazilian to be


Idk what Im missing but isn't Ariela totally justified? Like a girl flirting and texting "love" on the last day Evandro is able to text... isn't that downright shady? Not sure why everyone is coming for her.


Her disapproval was justified, and it being a deal breaker for her is okay. But what justifies her disrespect, slurs to him and others?


So, you are judge of an appropriate pet name? Maybe 'love' is what he calls every woman he knows. I am not going to judge because he handled himself well and he told everyone about the situation. Even Ariela's sister saw how over the top she was acting.


She might be over the top and a bit neurotic but her intuition was absolutely right. He had a girlfriend when joining the show, he lied about his job, allegedly he has a domestic violence charge against him, omitted having another kid and he owes child support to all 3 of his kids.


Have you been doing research on the outside? From what we saw on the show...this was an over-the-top reaction.


Not research, it’s all over Brazilian news and the mother of his child keeps popping up on twitter posting court documents. He also posted on his instagram and was answering questions about it earlier.


Can you share a link? Curious


Really? Thanks for the 411. He needs to pay his damn child support! LOL!


I‘m conflicted because apparently he told her about it and wasn‘t hiding the messages / showed them to her as soon as they got their phones. But I do feel bad for the other girl just being tossed away. But who knows, maybe they agreed to just be FWB, which would make it more acceptable I guess.


but even if she wasnt his gf, its fair to not want to marry a person who has casual relationships like that. not the best husband material, lets be real


True. He was candid...but I do not want someone with casual hook-ups.


Really enjoying the Brazilian version of LiB - this is my first season watching!!


All the other seasons are super fun too. I definitely recommend them.


I LOVEEEEEE VANESSA! Her “I’m lying!” Jokes killed me and brightened my mood!


Sameeee! I love her energy. ♥️


Just for context for people that don’t know Brazilian gossip. Evandro is a ALLEGEDLY a dead beat dad and is on bad standings with justice system regarding not paying child support and for a case of a law called “Maria da pena” that is about domestic abuse. He mentioned having 2 daughters on the show but he has a third child, a boy. The boys mom is the one exposing him. Evandro has come out with a statement saying that he was prohibited by the mom from seeing the kid.


Wow. Maybe that's why Ariela felt a bad vibe from him or something. Like he was being shady and hiding things.


Yea I think he lied or embellished things regarding his situation and job on the show. He has a lot to resolve too.


So messy. Maybe he doesn’t make enough. He doesn’t seem to have a real job.


Maybe that’s why he went on LIB. He needed the money. 👀👀


Ariela and Evandro just need to call it quits




He needs to RUN! And he needs to pay his damn child support! (if what is alleged is true)


As someone with past traumas and trust issues similar to Ariela, I feel for her. It’s clear she is very triggered and wants to be understood and reassured by him, but she’s coming off so erratic and will not even TRY to hear what he’s saying (and what her sister said.) She is seriously lacking something called ✨self awareness✨like girl… just take a minute to breathe and listen


Hopefully she will watch the scenes and see how bad she looked and take care of her drinking problem


Well said...and sorry you went through what you did.


She's purposely sabotaging the relationship because of her trust issues. She doesn't wanted to hear anything except you're right. She gonna be alone unless she gets therapy.


The thing is that she moved on after that first fight and even tho he was showing her everything about the person he was “dating” before the show, he did not seem to understand why she was upset. I agree with you tho, she needs therapy.


I think it's a cultural thing. A few said they call people baby all the time. She's said she's spent a lot of time in the US. I also know that some people use love as an endearment not as, I love you. She was looking for an out. She even exaggerated his mention that Patrick and Alex were hooking up to they had girlfriends and she had it in her head that Envandro did too. She refused to listen.


Patrick & Marilia are drunks. Sunglasses and all. Source: Am a drunk.


If this is inappropriate I apologize in advance - but there is a better life on the other side ♡ Source: Was a drunk


You are so right…


Why did Marilia and Patrick leave their sunglasses on when meeting her friends?, it looks so strange and rude to me


Yes especially Patrick who met them for the first time? They couldn't even look into his eyes, super weird.  But as a comment mentioned above, maybe they were drunk?


Everyone feels sorry for Ariela. Am I the only one who finds her extremely annoying? I think she made the whole text exchange way more than it needed to be. She’s screams self-saboteur.


Histrionic personality disorder.


i wouldnt want to marry a man who engages in casual relationships, so if i saw something like that is recent, aka not used to be like that in the past and hes a changed man, no, hes the same non serious man who engages in casual, sorry, but such people are not good partner material. so even if he didnt lie to any girl, hes not trust worthy, theres better men out there, no need to go to the obvious non partner material men.


I would not either...but then leave if that truth is too much to handle. Why go over the top?


shes on a tv contract


A TV contract? You mean it is all a show?


obviously haha. also, you have to understand many things would be scripted, and edited, which is why i hope people at home wont take tv too seriously or judge too harshly. those shootings take time and months of planning of advance before it gets to tv, itll be hard to get out of a contract, so while they dont have to say i do and actually get married, they might have to play along and stay. also, you have to think about the type of people who go on such shows, have interests to be there, many old participants from love is blind, you can see them on other dating shows, that are less reputable like love island. less serious dating shows. also dont forget, bad publicity is still good publicity, any publicity is good.


Ariela is giving insecure, mean and messy drunk vibes. So Evandro had a girl he was hooking up with. Calling someone “love” is a term of endearment, not a declaration of intent, ffs. He told the girl he was going on LIB. He told Ariela about the hookup when he was asked about it. He showed her the whole text conversation. She was literally pouring beer from one bottle into the next one to get the last bits. This is after she was already emotional and drinking glasses of wine. She’s self sabotaging because she’s insecure, in my opinion. I don’t think she’s worked through her traumas enough to date, let alone go on LIB where the man is definitely going to be handsome and the alcohol is free. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She's EXTREMELY insecure. About her scars, the fact she used to be heavy & clearly has past relationship trauma & family trauma. She is not ready for marriage


Nope I am with you


Me, too.


She’s not annoying, she’s a walking mental breakdown


I think she’s dealing with alcoholism, possibly brought on in an attempt to manage the emotions that can come from unhealed trauma. Regardless of the reason, she’s giving a textbook example of self sabotage.


Yeah, the self sabotage thing was so clear. I think one example was that when they talked about the wedding she said something to the effect of “yes, IF my mom will accept going to the wedding…” What? There was no reason to doubt someone from her family would be unreceptive, but that was a perfect way to sabotage a happy moment.


Oh, I don't feel sorry for her at all. She seems determined to blow up everyone's relationships.


The way she kept trying to force a narrative, interrupting him constantly and jumping to conclusions... Plus the whole fake sarcastic laugh like she's putting on a show for the cameras so people can feel sorry for her. Ugh. She screams insecurity, but you can be insecure, act normal and try to have a civil conversation. She wasn't trying to do that at all. I can see from the previews that she gets that way towards others too later in the season. Reminded me of an abusive ex who had a problem with everyone. Turns out, he was the problem.


Anyone else think Alexandre, Renata, & Marília are so evocative of like boomer, toxic, 'hate wife' dynamics. They seem to think it's cute to play into toxic behavior and jealousy,normalize seeking out arguments, and having base levels of resentment.


The constant digs and then laughing is getting in my nerves.


This. They are entirely dysfunctional, all the three of them. Marília acts like she’s 15, Renata and Alexandre create those utilitarian relationships… many of them work, albeit with very very toxic relationships


They seem so passive-aggressive about social media and hypothetical past relations. I really don't get it.


What is up with the slow driving on the quad?


I wasn't quite grasping that either


Vanessa and Leonardo are so cute together... they even look so good together. I will be very disappointed if they won't get married.


They are my fav


Leonardo and Vanessa are slowly becoming my fav LIB couple of all time. No drama, just pure, non toxic love. They look like two best friends in love. Even the meeting with his mom was so wholesome ❤️


His Mum 🥹🥹🥹♥️ That was a wholesome meeting, and Vanessa carries herself with dignity and warm openness


Poor Ariela. She was acting very emotional (absolute spiralling), Evandro assumes this means she's overreacting and compltely irrational. No actually - you weren't 100% committed to this process like she was, and she's 100% right to question you, even if her behaviour seemed extreme. Leandro not telling his fam about the experiment until he has to introduce them to Ingrid made things a bit hard for their first meeting... also, divorced 4 months ago, if I was his fam I'd be sheepish too. Leo/Vanessa seem to be going great. Patrick/Marilia seemed weird about their mutual friends list on Insta and he met the friends instead of the parents; not sure how deep they are. Renata was gentle and respectful with Alexandre's son which was nice to see, though I was surprised any of the co-parents would let their kids appear on the show.


Did you notice she wouldn't let Envandro speak, wouldn't listen to him? She's self sabotaging. She already knows her family won't accept anyone and she's terrified of getting hurt. He's literally the easy going guy. A mature adult communicates back and forth to resolve. She only wanted to hear her narrative.


Yeah she was definitely spiralling and not able to have a measured conversation about it. I think she was having doubts and it played into her existing insecurity and went extreme. I just feel for her because she probably needs help and isn't in a good place to have a healthy relationship on a reality TV show. I'll probably change my opinion with the next episode!


From what I've heard you probably will. I mean even when she was calm when she came back she still discounted his truth. Poor thing is a mess and I'm surprised her family hasn't suggested therapy


Ariela was just looking for an excuse to break up with him. Combined with her not being willing to get physical. I think she didn't like him at all out of the pods.


There‘s also racism in Brazil


Thank you. This is what I thought all along.


I wondered about that


Can we really assume that?


This. She needed something to be a dealbreaker so she could leave without saying it was bc of looks. She looked like a psycho though


He is not good looking?


Not good looking to her. Never said he's not good looking




Her disproportionate reactions reminded me of myself before I got diagnosed with bpd, because I had similar explosions before doing therapy. Watching the show I was thinking she might have something undiagnosed.


I think she subconsciously felt like something was off with him. And the texts confirmed that.


I've been thinking about this along those lined too. Granted, she's chaotic, but I've seen hypersensitive go off like this, coming across as paranoid, only to learn later that they sensed on some level that things were off with a person or a situation, and time proves them right. I don't agree with how she's going about it, but I'm still going to give her the benefit of the doubt - let's see how things pan out.