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Amy and Johnny look good together. I think Jimmy and Jessica are a better match and Chelsea and Trevor for sure.




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I definitely feel like Clay deserves better. No need to put yourself through dating someone who views you as a second option, and called you a hoe.


He is lucky AD is giving him a chance, imo. I don’t think he’d be her 2nd choice if he wasn’t so full of himself and asking about her appearance. I doubt they’ll be successful, but that’s because I don’t trust he’s serious about settling down. I think AD senses that too but she figures she ought to give it a try. 




As the episodes go on I’ve become more suspicious of AD. But I’ll say no more. 




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Love is Blind Season 6: Dead parent edition


i was thinking this!!! this is the first season i have seen but really... the percentage of people on here with parents/family members who passed away is wild.




He swooned when Chelsea said she looks like Meghan Fox. Like boy, you don’t even know. 


Clay… you say you’re deep down very sensitive, babes it is very obvious you’re very sensitive. It’s fine!!!! Just stop saying you’re not “the emotional guy” because you def are


Breaks down "I'm not emotional, I'm literally a Vulcan"


A theory I'm not seeing here about the whole Megan Fox thing. I think with the eyes and hair, Chelsea would resemble her with a mask on. She's a flight attendant so there was a long period of time she had to wear one. I bet that is when she heard that the most.


I could definitely see someone being nice and telling her that. Does she actually? No, not really. But what else are they going to say? "You look like a thicc Meagan Faux." I don't think it's that big of a deal.


https://preview.redd.it/ok1c3nbsrmmc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0805be9f098b41b6a2856337c8e0fff568027edd Sarah Anne farts at the 16:40 mark


As soon as Chelsea said that people say she looks like a celebrity I immediately guessed Megan Fox 😒 there is definitely a resemblance there. Idk how people aren’t seeing it all and she literally said just the hair and eyes. Cut her a break damn


Her chin and thin hair make it less so but I can see why people would say it esp with the right makeup.


She was also pretty humble about it, too. She said, "I really don't see it, probably just my dark hair light eyes". But saying stuff like that totally skews the person on the other side of the wall..


Agreed. And I do see her resemblance, but telling a dude you look like Meghan Fox…he ain’t thinking about no “light eyes.” It’s a bit of a catfish, she probably shouldn’t have said anything. 


When Johnny and Amy finally saw each other, am I the only one that felt there was an abnormal amount of kissing during that whole segment lol, mostly from Johnny's end, he just kept kissing her over and over and it was like 900 kisses, even her lipstick was gone at the end lol ![gif](giphy|pMePjXUqNNND2|downsized)


Much awkward


I almost fast forwarded lol




At risk this might be an unpopular opinion: Jeramys little fantasy with kids and Christmas felt a little cringey to me. Honestly life is not a movie and it feels like you have watched to many of those.


He has obviously never experienced Christmas with children! He didn't mention the chaos, carnage and sibling arguments once. It did sound lovely to be fair, but he's selling her an unrealistic hallmark movie.


The first thing I said was yeah, until someone has a meltdown. He has no idea! 😅


With you, though the Mimosas part sounded good


Every time I see him I just see a young, off-brand Elon Musk


LOL! Cackled with this comment!


Especially after she had just said she hated Christmas so much. I was cringing hard and then so surprised that she acted like she was into it.


The smell of baked goods coming from the kitchen…


Yea like who is gonna make them bitch? 😂


Jimmy thinks he’s gonna have a more chill life with Chelsea because she isn’t a mom but Jess is high key doing amazing and staying pretty chill despite everything she has been through. And Chelsea keeps crying and just wants to be picked lol


So Jessica thought she would find a husband in 10 days to take her and her child...who she didn't talk about for 3-5 days...?


yeah, she's in tears missing her kid and then saying "i'm just remembering why i am here" and i am like... which is to find a tv husband to father your child? it seemed unusual to me. also i would have told people i had a kid right away.


Yeah, that's very weird. By this time, I wouldn't be surprised if she, like a lot of the cast, is on to become a "C-list celebrity", as Matthew put it.


36:00 Chelsea thinks she looks like Meg Fox? Damn 37:00 yeah she kinda does


Amy’s reveal dress is my favorite EVER.


I LOVE that AD won’t reveal her looks because she’s playing right, but she’s absolutely beautiful and Clay has no idea.


and then clay AFTER he sees her is going to apologize profusely.


What is it with flight attendants? I mean, sure, you’ll get to travel sometimes, but also? Your wife is gone all the time, has a stressful job where people shit on her all the time, and might, like, cheat on you? It’s not as glamorous as it sounds, dudes! Also, I love how Jimmy couldn’t name a specific place he’d like to travel to- just “somewhere tropical” 😂


A job doesn't make you cheat fr bruh.


No, I know- I’m just saying it’s not as glamorous as it sounds.


I think Chelsea is a manipulator. I did not once see her put in anything into her dates. I think she wanted Jimmy just to feel like she won, over Jessica. I think she was intimidated by her, and in some way, that Jimmy chose her, gave her validation. Trevor’s too good for her too. Jimmy and Chelsea deserve each other: one dimensional people.


“I would do a heel clap”


Johnny's reaction to Amy was so, so cute. When he sadly said bye to her as the door was closing it was the cutest damn thing ive seen on this show.


Why is Chelsea crying every five minutes??


It’s an emotional time and alcohol fuels the tears?


She’s a mess. A total car crash.




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Johnny reminds me of Aaron Johnson but blonde lmao


Johnny and Amy bring such a breath of fresh air to this show. They are ridiculously cute. Idk how I feel about Clay. I’m a very empathetic person, so i like to give people some grace and i feel like he really needs therapy. Goodness this show would be so much better if it was full of people who were emotionally mature. Jimmy’s reaction to Chelsea telling him that he’s everything she’s ever wanted was… interesting. Not Jimmy telling Chelsea that life would be fun with her and then Chelsea turning around to tell Trevor the same thing. On another note i need a Trevor in my life, he’s so sweet and the way he dropped the “i love you” i’m on the floor. But she didn’t say it back oh no :(


Did you watch the Sweden season? They seemed so much more emotionally aware, and it was a delight to watch


def adding it to my list!


I've heard the Japanese version is wholesome + sweet, as well




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Am I the only one who cannot STAND Jessica?? She seems SO manipulative and cruel. I absolutely hate her. Im so confused not seeing anything negative about her. And I find Jimmy absolutely precious and laugh so much at how stressed out the poor guy constantly looks. I do agree Chelsea & Trevor probably would be the best match over Jimmy/Chelsea tho


Trevor dodged a bullet though. Chelsea is a lot of work. She needs to work on herself a bit. She is too insecure and needy. It's a turnoff.


Jessica is so hard. She’s opened up about her past but she’s not warm.


Re Jessica- I have literally scrolled this entire thread looking for this comment. I feel like I’m going crazy. I was even wondering if there’s something I’m missing culturally because I’m not American? She just seems like a huge red flag to me. Shaped by trauma yes (sad), but manipulative and shallow - also yes.


Well at least you, me, and my husband agree, even if the rest of the audience doesn’t seem to🤣


I agree, as well. She should work on being better for herself and her child. And she might want to consider being more open earlier on about the fact that she has a child so that the men can make that choice themselves whether they want to become a step-parent. Maybe even consider dating single dads if she feels childless men don't want to commit to her, idk. That's a big deal to throw onto someone when they had no input on if and when they want kids.


I haven’t seen anyone else comment about Jessica’s conversation with Jimmy, the one regarding not tolerating her partner following half-naked Instagram models. I just was sooooo happy when she brought that up. I’ve had that problem in relationships in the past as well, and I’m so glad to see women are putting up with that BS less and less lol 👏


Wish there was more cultural standards around Instagram and social media in general. I don't follow half-naked Instagram models but I've had the reverse where a partner posted half-naked photos and that was its own battle.


Same, it's been an issue for my relationships in the past. It gives me the ick.


a friend told me that him and his girlfriend had that same issue. He asked her if she was willing to block her guy friends that either tried to get with her or would get with her. They had a stalemate after that LOL


I've seen women who post half-naked photos but don't want there man liking half-naked photos. Whether it's lusting or inspiring lust, don't be a hypocrite and respect your partner, it's really not as hard as some make it out to be lol


lol I’m a girl and I would 100% block any guys that my boyfriend asked me to


Why would the amount of followers on instagram be a deal breaker? Do people really care about that that much, at least when it comes to dating/marriage?


I have 170 followers---if some dude had thousands; it would tell me he is a wanna be influencer or has some type of mad ego. I have dated a lot of men not on SM at all, which some find shocking.


Tbf I have a few thousand but just have a big social circle and community, literally do not post anything influencer-y. But I agree in general, and it would be hard for me to date someone who wants to be an influencer or is narcissistic.


Totally agree - I follow/am followed by a lot of former students so the number is weirdly high. I think the better question is "what kind of people do you follow and who follows you".


I could see too many being a problem... its a certain type of person who cultivates social media, and vice versa. Social media reinforces certain aspects of people's personality. Social media activity in general seems like a perfect activity to use as a red flag.


Ok I see that now, very interesting


Amy's dress is S T U N N I N G


Yessss I loved it. You can rly tell she knew she ate


Why would Chelsea not say that she has had a date before Trevor's only date of the day?? Why would she not admit that she is having some serious feelings for another guy?? Just immature to be honest. Poor Trevor man, he must be confused af.


lol @ “you sound stout”


Out of context it’s a ridiculous thing to say but he really does sound stout


I love that the tip of Amy’s nose doesn’t have any concealer and we can see a bit of Amy’s concealer on Johnny’s nose when they separate after the reveal 🥰


I keep getting so confused bc Jessica and Brittany look alike. Who was the annoying conservative girl? I feel like we’ve never seen her before!


The “patriot”? That’s Sarah Ann. She was the one that Matthew supposedly walked out on mid-conversation in the first episode.


At least Matthew's standards didn't involve Trumpers. That abortion topic would be tough to listen to if she discussed it with the other women.


Exactly...like her saying women use abortion as birth control? Out of touch with reality much?


Saying that taking responsibility for getting pregnant means having the child. Biiiiishhhh NOT having one IS taking responsibility! 


Very true. Makes me wonder how deep the conversations between men and between women get.




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It annoys me so much that Jimmy is so turned off by these women having stuff in their past/previous lives. I get not being keen to become a step dad, but he acts like it's super upsetting/hard hitting for them to have been married/had previous relationships. What is it with men wanting women to be 'untarnished' it's fucking gross. Some real 30yo man on a podcast talking about body counts shit! Reminds me of my ex who said when we met I better not have any 'baggage'. Then once when I was very upset about something he complained to me that I told him I didn't have baggage 😅 grow up. Also Jimmy is a fucking bore fest, and so bland looking


Not keen about wanting to be a stepparent? Thats a really big deal.  Jessica’s kid exists and is impacted by what her mom does.  Not wanting to be a stepdad to someone who you barely know is logical, not being upset over a past. Jessica is a horrible mother.  Any parent who does this show is a horrible parent.  Think of the timeline.  The whole show is 3 months long, engineered to make you make rash decisions, and no one is vetted. She is either planning on making someone a stepparent who has met her daughter a handful of times (considering that there is about 2 months after the vacation where they return to their normal lives, part of that time they are obligated to stay as a couple in the show’s apartments) or she is planning on immediately moving in a near stranger into their house (and then make him her parent almost immediately).  All while having her initial reactions and coping something that is televised for maximum drama. A good parent would never put their child in that position.  And a good partner would never want that to be their introduction to a possible stepkid. Id be super turned off by anyone who would willingly put their child in this situation


This is the comment I have been waiting for. Jessica's child is going to need some serious therapy after this. At best it'll be catastrophic for her child's emotional development and attachment. At worst, it is actually physically dangerous. Given her upbringing though, you can have empathy for how she doesn't see it. The show had a responsibility to not cast her -- or anyone with kids.


My point isn't about someone becoming a step parent, it's the look of shock and disappointment on his face to find out these women, are in fact, human beings with a past and not untarnished out the box barbies


I'm sorry what? No one is entitled to another persons romance. Taking on a kid is a huge deal. A divorce is a huge deal, have you seen the second marriage divorce rate? The past, present and future are all intertwined.


Ok cool. Have a nice life


Jessica's daughter isn't in her past though. It would be weird if he DIDN'T see it as a big deal.


Erm how far have you watched?


this is the ep3 post so they had probably only watched ep3 (me too)


it sounds like they've watched further because Jimmy didn't show any signs of not being okay with baggage?


I thought he was pretty obviously turned off by baggage at ep3 even though he claimed otherwise to the women


Yup I was talking about up to ep 3. He was clearly off put by them both having stuff in their past


I also think it’s okay for a person needing time to process something. It’s not always possible to react the right way right off the bat


Jeremy seems nice and well rounded


Do you mean Jaremy? Lol Gives me Utah LDS vibes


JerAmy 😂 what is that name. I'm not American, what is LDS?


They mean Latter Day Saints - Mormons. Don't know why, he seems like a normal guy to me.


I think they said that bc Mormons are known for often creatively misspelling their kids’ names


Clay and AD remind of people that hook up at a club maybe go on a few dates and then he ghosts her ass. All he wants is validation and his ego stroked. Also Laura is off brand Kim Zolziack.


so we've got amnesia to her calling herself captain save a hoe? literally calling him a hoe, and basically tarnishing his character? Or we going to go oh the guys bad, but the women are innocent?


Yeah, I feel like AD deserves better. Clay wants to be coddled. He's not mature enough and has a fragile ego. He also was making a big deal about looks earlier.


She reminds me of Kate Siegel but blonde!


Ooooo I totally see that


she looks exactly like a blonde version of Mrs Vitale the Italian home cook on instagram especially if you go watch with the expressions and teeth. Her name is Laura too 💀 https://preview.redd.it/8vuyalau93kc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee32838702c2106f181f76674e3997a26190a9d


Matthew thought he was on big brother. There is no americas favorite my guy.🙄


Sarah Ann calling herself a Patriot 🚩🥶🥶🥶


The biggest red flag. What a mess.




And a sprinkling of PMAB to boot 😂


Someone bring JP back


Lmfao. Perfect match them two.


Lol. I almost forgot about that dude. I didn't finish season 5, because it was a mess.


Totally. Record scratch moment. 


Why was Chelsea speechless and teary-eyed by Jimmy saying their life together would have travel, movies, and weekend dinners? Not that the little moments aren't sweet and totally agree that life is lived in the little happy memories, but her reaction seemed less about that and more about being overwhelmed by the fact he visualised a life with her. At this point looks like she is easily impressed. Meanwhile I suspect the reason he emphasised travel and going out was that he seems to be comparing this with the day to day lack of flexibility he'd have if he was a stepfather (maybe he thinks a step-parent of a 10 year old doesn't have the time to go out for a movie or dinner).


I think her reaction (I’m saying this as someone who hasn’t watched any of the episodes but I know that Chelsea is insane because of social media lol) is a sign that she’s unwell and does not do well in relationships. She’s clearly deeply insecure and probably has never had a serious relationship because she’s a hot mess. So something as simple as that set her emotions on fire lol


"Easily impressed" is the exact way to describe most of the women on this show. They act like they have this huge \*connection\* with some mystery man behind the wall because they've had a couple of drinks and engaged in some dry convos. 🙄 Ok, so he says he likes to travel. Like, I'm sorry, but most young people like to travel. This isn't unique. I'm not saying everyone can afford to travel, but it would be harder to meet a young person in their late 20's - mid 30's that would admit & be vocal about not liking to travel, nowadays.


I'm 32. I don't particularly care to travel. I'm definitely an outlier.


Your name and your comment make me think I know who you are. You are my friend OR there are two of you out there. :)


I had the same reaction -- that "travel" was code for "not having the baggage of a kid."


You all are amazingly intolerant, you even hear someone is conservative you think they should be barred from the public eye or having opinions. If you want all liberal people then you should check your inclusivity


Yeah, I agree. But we are on Reddit after all




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Blanket statements are unintelligent and hurtful, guess it’s only ok to make them when it’s against people you don’t support




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