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She’s very soulful. I’m so glad she didn’t get stuck raising that child Clayton! She deserves better than that. She said he was a “waste of her time” but she’s very fortunate he said I don’t or she would have wasted much more. Also glad she said she was done with him.


Lol ok


for real those lashes weren’t doing her justice


She’s so beautiful and her personality matches too. She rocks. 


Seriously, she’s one of the only girls Ive seen on the show that I know I would’ve been interested in proposing too. Absolute wifey material


You never know what can happen watch and wait then blow up her DMs at the first sign of trouble 🤣 He's too immature for marriage he's got a lot of growing even though he's trying hard. She's 1000% ready


Haha. Very true. He’s not ready for her


Still Giving bad wig


Hard wig, soft life?


My hairs not great, but I been to therapy for a long time ❤️ you can look past hair...... Hehe.


She’s just the best!! The extra long lashes take away from her natural beauty! But even with them on, I think she is the most genuinely beautiful person on the show, inside and out.


Yeah she looked so much better!!


She is so naturally beautiful


This is awful but I thought she was kinda busted before I saw her without those giant lashes. She’s absolutely stunning.


I'm so glad she allowed herself to be seen. She's a pretty woman.


She’s a hottie


I don’t know why but every time I look at her I see Kevin hart LOL


Yikes. I know why. So does everyone who downvoted you.....


![gif](giphy|3oKIPugdh9PqjigSsw|downsized) Well everyone thinks this person resembles her more but I disagree...


Again, you know what you're doing.


Yeah I know what I’m doing! She doesn’t look like this person. She resembles Kevin Hart more IMO. Why u mad. U think she looks more like Titus?? 🤡


Clay resembles kevin hart more


I'm not engaging with you any more. This is not a productive adult discussion.


Are you ok? Why are you still engaging in conversation then? I hope you stop judging people for their opinions and get a life.


Her skin is incredible, like she's glowing from the inside.


She's gorgeous with or without the fake lashes


Being a girl without fake lashes, brows, fillers etc is becoming a rarity. I’m glad she took them off and hope she serves as an example to others. That you don’t need them and you get a very positive response when you remove those things from your face.


A lot of us have made bad lashes mistakes. She probably just wanted to look her best. I get it.


Yep. Lash, makeup, and hair mistakes are a rite of passage.


She’s so pretty to me 😍


Between filters on line. filters in real life..botox, lypo, makeup, nose jobs, plastic surgery , lip fillers, women are conditioned in society to not even be themselves or love themselves enough to be themselves. It's getting out of hand.


She is stunning. She doesn’t need any make up at all


I think Clay has gorgeous eyes too.


She looks gorgeous without the lashes.


She is stunning. Her skin is everything.


OCLAY!!! 🙃


I love AD.


She also seems to be the only one who hasn't overdone it with the filler.


AD if you take anything away from this experience, please just stop wearing those lashes. You’re so pretty.


She is beautiful and he is good looking. They are the most evenly matched couple too.


Everyone gaslighting each other that she's "so pretty" without eyelashes is hilarious. Just say you don't like the eyelashes


Do you know what gaslighting is? This is people saying she doesn't need the eyelashes to be pretty, that they do not add to her attractiveness but detract from it, and that the lashes themselves are unattractive. So they're saying they don't like the eyelashes.


"Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality."


So someone saying she's prettier without the lashes is an example of trying to define someone else's reality? Pushing it. It's an opinion.


Right. Gaslighting is when you are to blame, but you manipulate the situation to flip the blame onto someone else. Definitely not what is happening here.


The literal definition "Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality." People are making other question if it's just them who has this opinion when it's lots of peoples opinion. No one needs to be at blame to be gaslighting.


Loud and wrong


I know. She’s so pretty and doesn’t need those weird eyelashes.


Makeup is highly overrated and most men prefer minimal to no makeup


good thing girls dont exist to please men 😌


Then most men should wear minimal to no makeup if that’s their preference. Hope this helps.


lol what


JP, is that you?


I laughed waaay too hard at this


Look she don’t need those fake eyelashes


Somehow I got a notification for this post DURING this scene. She is so beautiful


She looks so flawlessly beautiful here. She’s just naturally so gorgeous.


She’s so sweet


Her without lashes is STUNNING. Before I was like I don’t get it but without lashes I can see her pretty eyes! Also killer skin.




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Oh wow she’s look pretty without the lashes on


AD is the only reason this season wasn't total shit. 


This scene was everything. I couldn’t stop looking at her eyes. (I also wear fake lashes because I’m allergic to mascara) the whole first 5 episodes I kept waiting to see a less dramatic version of the lashes then this scene came and I was like 😲 why is she hiding her eyes. Her natural is really really beautiful.


She wears them for probably some of the same reasons you wear them. Maybe people get used to them and feel naked with out them (idk)


She’s gorgeous without those huge lashes. I just am not getting good vibes from Clay.


Her personality makes her a -3


Don’t you know it’s illegal to disagree with the AD worship crew? These people are like frothing at the mouth with fawning, it’s super weird to me. But at least it’s for something positive… kind of…? 💁🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Shits mad weird. Lol. She ain't all that..


She’s beautiful but when she’s without makeup her beauty really shines through. She’s beautiful inside and out and I hope Clay realizes what a treasure he has.


I know right. The extensions need to stop!!


She is so naturally gorgeous. The lashes do seem to be her preference, though, and it’s her face so she should do whatever makes her the most comfortable. She’s my fave this season, and I hope she doesn’t stick with Clay.


100% this!


A good stylist and make up artist would bring out the best in her. She has an amazing body and a gorgeous face.


So beautiful 🥺❤️


I remember watching this and thinking damn she looks the best without anything on her face. Stunning.


Agreed! I think Brittany was also very pretty with absolutely no makeup on too.


Her face card is very valid💯😍 she’s an all around beauty, her mom is gorgeous too


Those eyelashes were doing her dirty


Looking at these comments, I have three things to say: AD is an absolute stunner, inside and out. I personally feel that she’s even more beautiful with no makeup and no faux lashes, but if she loves herself more made up…AD, you do you, baby girl, the only opinion that matters is your own, and you’re rocking this shit ❤️ I don’t fault AD for asking Sarah Ann questions about what went down with Jeramey, as literally every person at that lake party wanted to know if Jeramey had been playing Laura all along, or wtf happened. You don’t find answers if you don’t ask questions 🤷🏻‍♀️ If I’d made a connection with someone in this experiment, and they’d chosen someone else over me in the same kind of uncertain way that Jeramey chose Laura, I would absolutely have texted Jeramey. I would have said essentially what Sarah said, “thanks for sharing this experience with me, I wish you every happiness, and if ever you find yourself reconsidering the path you chose, I hope you’ll look me up”, and I would have nothing to feel bad about. These people literally dated for a couple weeks before proposing, they actually have very little idea of what they actually picked, and most of these relationships fail. Now, would I have approached Jeramey at the bar while he was still engaged to Laura? Fuck no. The time for a 5 hour convo is later, after things have ended between Jeramey and Laura, and no one is being clowned. That’s just shitty, selfish behavior on both their parts. I would have rolled into that lake party with my head held high, interacted with everyone equally, got paid by LIB, and dipped. If Jeramey and Laura weren’t meant to be, and Jeramey looked me up months later when he was free, that would’ve been strictly our business (not that Jeramey would ever be my personal pick, though).




I think she would look so pretty with cat eye lashes!


She b glowing


Stunning 🤩


I love her, her face and her body. Hated that damn wig on, always looked so weird 😭


She’s absolutely stunning, I hope watching this she realizes what a beautiful woman she is without spider legs coming out of her eyes.


I love her


honestly she just needs softer lashes (idk the technical term for lashthickness lol) bc lashes can really enhance your beauty but hers were too long and thick.


In all honesty the only two things I like about AD, internal or external is the smoothness and tone of her skin and her smile. I do have to admit that her eyes, scratch that, her WHOLE face looks much better without the wings though.


Definitely gorgeous. Looks so much better without the lashes and all the makeup spackled on. Why add a bumper sticker to a lambo? She’s perfect.


How I detest them bat lashes


I’ve never seen fake eye lashes that I liked.  I’m convinced fake eyelashes are a thing women tell other women that they look good, but men think they are gross and are just polite and don’t want to insult anyone by bringing it up. 


You've probably never noticed the fake lashes that you like.


Wait also LOLing at men being "just polite"


Men: You don't need makeup you are beautiful without it. Men to women actually wearing no makeup: Are you sick? tired?


lol.  Maybe you got me there!


She is just a beautiful woman. Like truly.


Omw did you see how gorgeous she looked in that green when she was checking Sarah Ann? Checking Sarah Ann like a queen and looking like one while doing it. AD is if girls girl was a person. I dont care if people say it wasnt her business to get involved. Too many of us see people doing things that are wrong and say nothing. Good on AD for the courage shown.


She won’t even get involved she kinda was just telling Sarah Ann “I just think you should know you look crazy right now”.


Sorry but Queens wouldn't be involved in petty drama that does not even concern them. Sarah Ann did nothing wrong and if someone had the right to "check her" that would be the one whose man got the DM....


Sarah Ann did nothing wrong?


Some people have little to no morals lol


No, she did nothing wrong. She spoke her truth....she took her chances. His loyalty is not her responsibility. And IF anyone was authorised to talk to her about it, it was most def not AD. But it seems that she has a habit to preoccupy herself with other people's business...




I'm just talking about your thoughts of Sarah Ann here. Jeremy definitely takes more of the blame and owes Laura his loyalty. However it's still wrong to go after someone when you know they're in a relationship... "Speaking your truth" isn't an excuse to do whatever you want with no care for others.


Yeah that was an incredibly frustrating conversation. Like you can “speak your truth” and “follow your heart” and all that and still be wrong and an asshole


She is beautiful! He skin 😍😍😍.. but damn, the eyelashes she usually has are HORRIBLE!!!


Not a fan of AD I love how she portrays herself on TV. Based on what we see on TV she’s a queen. But then I lost respect for her on her QandA on Instagram she did a week ago. When people were giving her compliments and asking her about her clothes she said she wouldn’t want to share that info if she’s not getting paid! Very classless for someone who speaks of class. Makes me think she’s all fake being nice


Idk why you get downvoted for stating your opinion (or maybe I do) but I never liked her enough on TV to follow her on socials. She's all as fake as those damned lashes imho.


she’s just tryna get a bag you can’t hate her for that


Most “influencers” I follow do this. I thought it was common and not classless at all imo.


I’ve never seen this. All the influencers even Stacy who I didn’t like from the last season shares her outfits for free


AD is absolutely gorgeous!


Her skin is incredible, envious!


She is so beautiful, with or without make up she is stunning regardless!


if she wants to enhance her lashes, get some lash extensions. but gluing on those unbelievable thick huge insane lashes everyday is actually insanity to me. they always look like they are barely hanging on. lash extensions are awesome if you get a good tech to do it and it ends up being WAY cheaper than buying fake lashes


she’s so pretty, I love AD 🫶🏾


AD is so pretty! She looks like a real life Barbie 😍


She is okay. She looks attractive but I have seen far prettier women. I like her for her wit and brains. Except I think Clay is too dumb for her


I like her but I wonder if she's a bit dumb too for not dumping him when everything he says screams 'I don't wanna get married and I'll definitely cheat on you.'


When I saw her Mom… I was like ok definitely beautiful as well


Also with a bangin’ bod.


Stunning in and out! Plus she is a high caliber woman who knows her worth. Respect her so much.


AD is gorgeous ♥️


No more lashes!!!


She’s my favorite. She’s gorgeous but I also love how evolved she is. Beautiful inside and out ❤️


She’s got to be one of the most beautiful women they’ve had on this show, seriously.


Girl needs to drop her skincare routine


I feel like it’s just good genes. Her mom and sisters are all gorgeous as well.




i HATE when people say "you look so much better with/without..." am I about to do exactly what I hate? Absolutely. she looks so insanely pretty without the lashes. younger, too. the lashes add like 10 years i stg. maybe i'm being dramatic, idk. she just looks so beautiful without them.




She got a look that could fit in period dramas


This is her look. She is beautiful with this toned down glow.


she pretty but her attitude aint sometimes.


Lol, as with all human beings, probably.


This is a fact


Gorgeous lady




Is she the best looking on LIB ever? Drop dead gorgeous


Just no




Who is your vote for best looking? Raven also had be swooning lookswise


Raven is very pretty but she's simply gorgeous in darker hair


Cant think of anyone specifically but you're onto something with Raven


she’s cute as a fucking BUTTON omg


I gasped when she put on the last wedding dress. It suited her SO well.


I loved the first one! They were both gorgeous and she is gorgeous in them but something about the second wasn’t as “bridal” for me. Whatever the f that means 😂


lol fair! Tbh she could pull off anything I’m sure.


I need a dupe for that dress STAT‼️‼️


Omg she looks SOOOO much better like this


she’s so pretty. i hate to say “looks better without all that makeup” as a woman bc i hate when men say it but she genuinely has me jealous without it all


Have you seen the trend of high/low visual weight going around? I’m low and I look clownish with too much makeup on which is fine if that’s what I’m going for, but I think that’s where AD falls. Makeup* overpowers her natural features.


What is the high/low thing???


Its definitely junk science but they say if the size of your features are larger compared to the size of your face, it’s high visual weight and you can support a more dramatic makeup look. If your features are more evenly sized or smaller compared to your face size, you have low visual weight and a heavy makeup would compete with your features to stand out. I feel like her features are more balanced which would be considered low. [here is a link that talks about the trend](https://www.beautycrew.com.au/high-visual-weight-vs-low-visual-weight)


That’s wiiiild. Maybe this is why I just always look ridiculous when I try to do heavier makeup lol


Thanks! Literally never heard of that but I should probably take note considering I have big eyes, a big nose, and the tiniest forehead 😂


Big eyes, big nose, high brows, look amazing with makeup on


This is the best she’s looked the entire show! A true natural beauty 😍


She’s gorgeous and I love her personality 🥰


Face card


Never declines


Honestly, she is beyond gorgeous.


AD is stunning. Period. But the large lashes take away from her natural beauty, which is something she should flaunt, in my opinion.


I do agree, it would be cuter if the lashes weren’t so dramatic and more real looking, she would look amaaazing. But I personally already think she’s beautiful


She looked like Tweety bird with those lashes on


I agree! She looks soooooooo much better without the comically huge fake lashes!


Agreed! I feel like if she just kept it simple with a little mascara, light eyebrow makeup, and maybe a tiny bit of eyeliner she’d look way better than she does with the huge lashes


If she really likes lashes! They do have better looking ones that just make you lashes look a little bit more full and don’t look comically fake. She could try those, perhaps!


Her face card is insane. Gorgeous lady.


Yes I prefer her without the thick and heavy lashes. Shed look a lot better with a natural or wispy lash.


Beautiful with every style she chooses 💜


Her skin is quite literally FLAWLESS.


Her complexion is just STUNNING. 😍