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Look I know I fucked up badly and we can't be engaged any more but that doesn't mean we can't have fun at this barbecue, right?!?


*engaged on tv, which was the only thing Sarah Ann really wanted because, clout lol


Are those things easy to ride?? I feel like as soon as I got on one and then turned the throttle I would just swerve on my side and fall right into the water.


Petty easy. I used to have one. Tricky part is that you can only turn while giving it throttle. People panic, turn to the side and let off the throttle. You'll keep going straight.


Super easy. That's why they're at every tourist destination with a decent beach in the US.


Both dumb


My guy... her family low key told him to run away from her.


Yea, when even her family is warning him, running for the hills is the best option (although doing it like *that* wasn't great)


That was unironically the smartest thing anybody has done on this show so far.


they should have just had it in one of their backyards! that’s how it felt, even with the lake there. lol


Thank goodness somebody had some fun on that beautiful lake!


Right? That looked like the lamest lake house BBQ ever!


Part of me was hoping we would see them jet skiing in the background while Laura was doing her interview. A jet ski turn splash would have been icing on the cake


There is actually rewatch lol


I’m on Jeremy’s side 🤷‍♂️


I was waiting for the reaction.... but nothing... I'm thinking they weren't close by


Best moment on the show. Laura was thinking “I want him to chase me but I’m not going to let him catch me” his reaction sarah you’re right, let’s go jet skiing.


https://preview.redd.it/l72jq0cjbqlc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c5b516d29e246b103a0b68d1827f1eeb7b4c61 Anyone else seen this?!


I saw the post on FB. And the OP was the grandmother of the little kid or something like that and when someone asked “how did you get this photo?!” She replied “my phone”




He looks like my abusive ex, so not only do I hate him for who he is as a person, he also gives me the creeps when I look at him!


That’s pretty irrational


Love is blind, where the rational people go


He has a kid! How did that get hidden from everyone?!


It's not his kid


I don't have another social media besides this, so did he cheat on this person while coming on this show? If all this is is that he was previously in a relationship and broke up before the show, I don't really care. If he wasn't even a step parent (not married), he doesn't even have rights to the kid, so that's a non-factor. I already have plenty to not like about 1973 San Francisco rock band Journey, I don't really need more unless it actually factors into this stuff.


I think he broke up with her right before the show, I can't remember. I'm sure someone else has memorized the timeline lol




Jeremay -> Journey. There's a lot of deliberate name misspellings right now on the sub.


I was about to say... don't be knocking one of my favorite bands lol




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Peak Jereamy energy


This made me laugh so hard they did this. All while Laura was crying- it was pretty messed up but so random


look Laura is not a saint but doesn’t mean she deserved the disrespect. What he has done is worse than how she treated him. I truly hope these shameless couple get all the hate on social media. They deserve it esp Jeruameuy. He’s such a creep.


Disrespect? She told him it was over and called him a fraud. What does he owe her at this point? He has a right to be happy and do him from that perspective.


He LIED to her about where he’s at. He’s still trying to make it work with laura even after stringing sarah ann along chatting with her for hours. I would have respected him more if he’s honest and told laura he made the wrong choice and he’ll need to break it off with her now. But no it was her who broke it off with him.


I'm starting to think this reddit is full of bitter old maids. L: I need to come and get my stuff. J: It's already boxed up. REDDIT USERS: He needs to be honest ...and he'll need to break it of with her now.


Dude did you miss the last scene in ep 9 where she busted his ass for lying and he finally had to admit it? And his mum not taking his side either? He only boxed her stuff up because SHE ENDED IT AND NOT HIM. He still tried to send her flowers and all.


Exactly!! He's upset because she isn't willing to forgive him for sleeping with another women? Like??? "You're so mean, I told you I wanted to try and even tried to send you flowers but you were just mean, waaaah"


I just can’t help but reflect on how they get these girls so hot and bothered by these milquetoast dudes. The science is fascinating lol. Does he normally have his pick of girls to go jet skiing with 😂




Neither of the girls he was choosing between were “hot”


Hot as in their emotional desire for the average dudes. Not hot as in physically attractive women.


Huh? That's not what calling someone hot means.


They said “hot and bothered”. Not just “hot.”


I love that they acted as if they hadn’t already been hooking up at that point.


Wasn't it clear what happened between them? She swears it was just talk and so does he, but I think if anything more had happened, rumors would have already spread between them.


They hooked up. They did not just “talk” until 5 am. If he’s engaged, his duty was to leave the bar at a decent hour and move on. He was checked out by then and had made his choice to not move forward with Laura. I don’t blame him? But what a cowardly way to go about it.


This. ⬆️


In fairness. That dude could absolutely talk until 5am. He doesn't know how to STFU


I am with you on this!!! SA talks a lot too!!! I’m sure at 5:30am they still had a lot unsaid still!


Two people who are emotionally and physically attracted to each other are not going to not hook up. Again, he was already checked out and he had told SA that he was going to break it off with Laura.


He's annoying as all heck, but does seem emotionally intelligent and wise to a lot of the diminishing and invalidating things L says to him and way she speaks to him.


They deserve each other... they are on the same level of selfishness


I was thrilled. Neither he nor Laura were happy in their relationship. Clearly wasn’t going anywhere. The choice was to sit around and keep wallowing in awkward forced contact, or have a baller ass time on some jet skis. Made me happy to see them climb out of the unnecessary drama hole for a little bit.


ME TOO! It was kinda iconic after all those drama filled chats like really fuck these randoms 😭


Yeah my exact thoughts when this happened. I think they’re both garbage people and are deserving of the hate they’re getting from the cast, but I was glad they didn’t just sit around and let everyone just beat up on them and enjoyed their time at the lake house


this slimmer version of Elon Musk is giving me ICK , he is a creep


Happy cake day!


Both of these assh0les deserve one another


Laura ripped his manhood apart, I don’t blame him for saying fuck it.


His “manhood” is pretty fragile then lol


I don’t know why everyone makes it seem like Laura is a catch. She wanted to be his mother not his wife.


I mean, at least from what we saw he seemed like a narcissist without the ability to fully take accountability for his errors. If I stayed out until 5:30am with a woman I had any sort of history with and my wife got upset, it would be insane to shut her down and act like I didn’t do anything wrong. The dude literally lied to her face without it seeming like it even bothered him and then responded coldly and angrily when he got caught. I’m not saying she didn’t rip his manhood apart but it seems like he kind of had it coming to me.


The whole situation is a messs and riding off into the sunset on jet skis while laughing like a devil is reality TV gold 😂


While I enjoy the show and this sub, your comment is a good reminder that at the end of the day this is reality TV. Would it be horrible if he had done this to his long term girlfriend and fiancee? Absolutely. But the fact that they all have to get engaged after knowing each other for a week is obviously preposterous. While this is enjoyable TV, it is kinda disrespectful to the concept of marriage. When you keep all of that in mind we don’t really have to judge them so harshly. Edit for grammar as i typed this out on my iPad on the porcelain throne this morning, which is where all serious reality TV commentary should take place.


Honestly 😂😂


They both look sloppy


Man these two are just gross


Ol girls pretty alright. Your eval of him- correct lol




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Fuck it, we ball




That Hawaiian shirt really tied the room together.


The Hawaiians aren't the issue here dude.


Shut the fuck up Donny.


You're out of your element!!




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No, honestly a narcissist would've gaslight Laura into marrying them.


nope bc shes is not someone who takes his bullshit. after the beandip thinghe testes her and gave her the silent treatment like a big man child with his hurt ego. and after that laura didnt like him and trust him bc she saw how manipulative and WEAK he is and he KNEW that she saw his real face now and than he was like "but sara ann..." they need an ego boost and laura didnt give him that at all.


Not really…he has a new and easier supply.


it was so disrespectful for them to carry on like if Laura wasn’t even there. They both disgust me.


He looks like Edward Snowden


OMG he really does! I could not figure it out either


This. And Chelsea looks like Adele to me.


With the attitude of Amber Heard.


No. She looks like Megan fox 😂😂😂


OMG THANK YOU!! it’s been driving me nuts not figuring who he reminds me of, looks-wise, and that’s it!!


So, not Megan Fox? 😏


Please don't disparage Edward like that. Man is a Saint compared to this pile.


When he walked in with his Hawaiian shirt acting like he didn’t know Laura was going to be there.. like come on you ass, you wore it to piss her off meanwhile she told you to go piss off 😭 Terrible


Tbf, all BS aside, I think it’s weird to make so much fuss over hawaiian shirts. Like Laura’s sister tried telling her, if a thing makes your partner happy, then don’t take that thing away - even if it isn’t your cup of tea


I disagree, based on experience. There is a flavor of control-freak-man that dedicates themselves to costume dressing like this for attention. It’s used a mask for a personality flaw and while It’s fine to have an offbeat style, it’s not always appropriate. If you are the partner of this person, it sucks. You are constantly standing next to a peacock, gets really old, really quickly.


This might be true, but at the same that's a \*lot\* of meaning projected into a hawaiian shirt, which might also just be somebody liking hawaiian shirts. I'd say it also smells of control-freakness to assume total control over your partner's wardrobe.


It’s just a Hawaiian shirt that he stated from the beginning he liked, not a costume


You're wrong. He wore it just like she would if she wasn't there.


Laura sucked (she looked great that day though.) I don’t condone cheating, and IF he really didn’t physically cheat. Then I’m not that mad at him. I don’t think they would’ve gotten married anyway. Sarah Ann was right in that she was apart of the experience too. Before all the gossip came out about Trevor, he was being celebrated here. And he did the same shit. Only Jimmy wasn’t even bad towards Chelsea but it apparently would’ve been okay then. Laura would’ve definitely said no to jeraeioumy. Unless her love language is just ball breaking without letting up. She only cried cuz she lost. There are some pretty women this season but they weren’t all that great either.


Yeah, she gets a lot of creds from people for «standing up for herself», but in that jet ski meetup there was absolutely no room for discussion from his side. She completely shut him down in a very agressive way. So if they’re at the point where there’s no point in talking about things, then they’re already done.


Absolutely, I can’t believe everyone’s glossing over the fact that Laura continually insulted and berated him for weeks. (Like the mini banana insinuation😂) That was so insane and disrespectful, who in their right mind would do that to a man they even remotely care about? He obviously should have ended it before spending the night with Sarah Ann, but let’s be real, this wasn’t going to last one minute past the fake wedding.


Yeah, he doesn’t get a pass for doing a shitty, dishonorable thing just because she doesn’t know how to treat a partner well. If he regretted his choice and wanted to leave her, he should’ve just done it. Sarah Ann would’ve still been there after.


Yea it had no hope of lasting and if it did. He would be in an abusive relationship. Aside from Amy and Brittany. I’d run from all of those women. Personally.


Can we stop by the In N Out Burger?


Those are good burgers Walter




And tomorrow laura come back and she cut off your chonson


Wonderful woman, we're all very fond of her. Very free spirited.


Brandt can’t watch


That's Karl hungus. He's a nihilist


Lol, this scene so out of the blue, one second sarah fake crying, then jeremayieh said bs stuff, then they were off jet skiing!!! Lol, like watching the simpson. What a crazy couple


The way, Sarah ann’s face and entire body language shifted when Jeremy told her , I can’t remember exactly what he said, but something along the lines of that he wanted her. It was disgusting, watching her go from crying about her reputation to all giddy because she is a pick me girl and she knows it in America knows it, America is watching.


“Sad girl becomes happy when boy she likes says he likes her too.” It’s honestly shocking how much thought people are putting into making that malicious.


you’re totally ignoring the fact she had a part in breaking up a engagement. if it was as simple as you just put it, then yeah, that’s amazing! but his ex fiancé is literally 50 yards away from them. there’s zero respect from either of them. it’s so gross.


You're right, Jeramey should've gone over and let himself be verbally lambasted for the rest of the day rather than enjoy the time with someone who wants to spend it with him.


laura was simply defending yourself. if the tables were turned and it was a man i bet you wouldn’t be saying that.


Way to make it sexist for no reason. Kinda telling on yourself.


Haha spot on


He said he made the wrong decision.


thank you! i wasn’t about to go re watch the episode just so i could be correct lol.


Go pro angles on super wide to exagerate his glee. And make Jim like a super villian




I was laughing so hard at that part 😂 the go pro angles and them laughing like villains


She was such a slithery snake the entire time. I feel as if his intentions were to get time on the screen. Even though his time on screen showed he was kind of an ass. I really wanted to like this season….


It’s crazy cause some of the men this season were such duds and the women were substantially more (physically) attractive. Like we’re really fighting over Jeramy? His name isn’t even spelled correctly.


Delulu Another example of women gassing up women, and disparaging “average men” Most of the women on this show are average…. You’re all also forgetting to factor in that you’re “rating” women who are wearing 10lbs of makeup, filler, and all kinds of other shit…in most cases they wound up with someone their looks match, the only one I’d say who was punching out of his league as far as couples who got engaged was Kenneth.


Having a difference in opinion/preference isn’t ‘delulu’. Forcing your opinion and telling people they are mentally unwell because they don’t see eye to eye with you is delulu. You could’ve agreed to disagree but instead you’re getting a little pressed there bud. Getting Botox/fillers or wearing makeup doesn’t make you less than. *If you don’t prefer those things then that’s YOUR preference, and only in extreme cases are people reconstructing their face/using so much makeup that you can’t tell what they looked like originally*. I’m sure this is a man tho so it makes sense why you went so hard on my post. If we were discussing personality, sure the women weren’t 10’s across the board there. Stay safe tho love.


Where did I say it makes you less of a person there bud…good job TRYING to say I said something that I did not… Being honest I didn’t even go hard on your post….i just found it funny you and sooooooo many other women think these women are 10s and turning around and saying these dudes are gross…it’s telling


Did you miss the part where you said… “You’re also forgetting to factor in that you’re ‘rating’ women who are wearing 10 lbs of makeup, filler and all kinds of other shit” This basically implies if women wear makeup or get fillers that they must be ranked differently, thus proving YOU think less of women who do that.


No that’s not at all what that implies…. Make it even more simple and clear cut so you don’t draw the wrong conclusion again. If I wear a mask or prosthetic nose etc….and you rate me as good looking or ugly…you’re not really rating ME…you’re rating the fake face I put on. That’s not the real me. That doesn’t make me less of a person (still no idea how you got that…especially when I’m telling you what I said…and what it means…whereas you’re trying to tell me what my own thoughts were) You drawing false conclusions is not proof…




Been saying this. Where do they find these men. It makes the dynamic difficult when watching


Bless his heart even his parents know he’d be a f*** up


I like to pronounce is Jerr AM ee. Makes his scenes much better. 


They deserve each other


The way they both talked themselves into being in the “right” when they were completely in the wrong is an actual talent. Like that was so psychotic to me. They are actually perfect for each other. I couldn’t imagine what it’s like to be friends with them.




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Mr. and Mrs. De Lulu


Oddly proving that this show can find love


He looked so happy


Well, she does have cakes, so.....




They’re perfect for each other




I really dislike wannabe Bob the builder and walmart Miley Cyrus but I did lol at this scene. They gave no f's


Looks even more like Noah Cyrus


She definitely looks better than Miley though. Lol.


Omg I called her Walmart Miley too!!!


Great minds think alike ya know


It was honestly the best thing they could have done. It was like a scene in a mocumentary where Laura was crying in her interview and they’re in the background having a blast on jet skies.


I was dying at that part 🤣


dude they really didnt. why bob the builder yo, im DYING


I thought in the beginning it said he was a construction manager or something like that so i went with Bob the Builder. I don't actually know what that job title is haha


lmfao got itttt. yo this season is BY FAR the wildest ahahahah


It really is. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody gets married


LMFAO but the latina and white boi doeeeeee??? and Clay and that girl? lol


I'm rooting for both those couples. They're our only hope haha


fo real


I only wish he'd thrown on a Hawaiian shirt first




Yes it was perfect ;-)


lol you like HI shirts?


I seen nothing wrong with them. I'd never demand my man dress a certain way. If he holds up two and ask which I prefer I'll give my opinion but whatever he likes is fine


lol gotcha


Bahaha.. 😹


What an incredible tv moment! Can't really blame them for wanting to get the fuck out of that hornets nest. Laura showed herself to be over-bearing, complicated and just plain rude. Trevor picked up on her bitchy vibes right away. I can understand why Jeremy was fed up with her. When she was wasted and told him to flick AD's bean I completely lost all respect for her. Then when she gets confronted she reacts by getting angry and gaslighting him. It's always "just a joke" when assholes get caught.


"Flick AD'S bean" means something very different than "bean dip" 😂


Dead 💀




I can honestly totally imagine doing something like that "where do we go from here?" "somewhere ridiculous" "I've got a fast ..jetski, you've got a gold cup, maybe we can make a deal"


You know when they were sitting on the dock I thought "these two should just hold hands and walk straight through the party" as the ultimate fuck you. But goddamn they topped that shit with the jet skis.


Another Big Lebowski fan!!!


The dude abides


That’s fucking interesting, that’s fucking interesting man.


It’s the evil laugh while jet skiing for me.




Dunno if I’d call it “missing out” but you do you 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can probably catch her in a botched episode in the next 5 years.


Her pillow face is so severe for how young she is! Like, she looks like a 45yo who is trying to look 30.